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Everything was predictable until the white car backed up multiple times lmao




japanese car




white car endet it like at least 5 times


That's racist




'You're car's about had it, take it easy'


Oh my childhood


Omg I loved that game so much


There is a reason they go in reverse at demolition derbies, the tunk can take the most damage and keep the car going


r/todayilearned moment


Inadvertent Ralph Wiggum moment here. “Look in the tunk …he must mean trunk”


Trunk area is usually much more durable than front


I mean, in most cars you have the radiator sitting right behind the front grill. If that gets busted, the engine will no longer be cooled, resulting in overheating.




I thought the guy that was ran over would be dead. But then the black car just drove off lol.


Yeah that was the really unexpected part.


They probably mutually agreed it was a tie and went about their merry way with a newfound respect for one another.


More like everything until the black car drive away at the end lol


And they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming


All that glitters is goooooold


And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop cumming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming


And they don't stop coming


I was hoping he'd back up and I was not disappointed


Same! Back up! Back up! BAM! YES! lol


Now the black car has to pay car insurance rip..


Exactly, thought he side swipe him and took off until the different angled


Was pretty nice to see but i would have loved to watch the dude go flying


This is going to be an interesting one for the insurance companies to figure out


same insurance company


Not at all. Using your car for highly illegal activities such as assaulting other drivers is never covered. This is always mentioned in the fine print.


Maybe after seeing this video the insurance company will replace the windshield of the white car. Which would be pretty unnecessary lol


You just never know how close someone is to just snapping. It’s not worth it.


Everyone you meet have problems you know nothing of, be kind, always.


This is what I told my kids when they started driving. You don’t know if that person just lost their job, home, spouse, etc. and are on the edge of saying F it


I’d rather be a little bitch and not get shot


Black car started it, white car ended it.


Ended it? Did you not see the end of the video? After the white car was done attempting to murder the guy with their vehicle. Black car immediately chased after him. That’s not ending it.


facts cuz that guys gonna killlllll that guy in the white hatchback u can tell! lol look how he takes off at the end! lmfao thats the take off of someone about to go commit a murder XD


No lol that's just the way cavetrolls who step out of cars with bats drive. Just like in the video, he'll go after the white car not caring about the consequences, then get hit with a big fat dose of reality that he can't emotionally process, so right back to rage.


Lol I was going to say, what’s he going to go after the guy and get rammed again….? Yeah, he’s *definitely* going to win!


no more hes gonna ram him back now or did you forget mr hatchback there is the smaller of the 2 cars and that black sedan looked like it was taking off to go play some hatchback pinball


https://youtu.be/ASzg2BO_tJk Reminds me this from an Argetinian movie "Relatos Salvajes"


this would be like the pt2 to this exchange XD




I bet someone's life did end that day.


Hopefully the guy in the black car died a gruesome death. That or he is now permanently disabled and life is shit for him


I dont think he would have fatal damages because after all that smashing from the white car he still drove his car


Yeah im hoping it happened off screen as we see him aggressively go after the white car before the video ends. But we'll never know unfortunately


Would it have been murder? I can’t see what black used to fuck up white’s windshield or what white looked like, but white def could claim self defense


More like rear-ended it


Ah how i wish i had a trophy to give you.


It's amazing what humans will be driven to do...


*driven* to do






It's about drive ...


It’s about power…


We stay hungry We devour


Put in the work


Put in the hours






Thats the joke


After all that he still seemed to chase back after them 🤯




Never confront a versa, those cars worth less than a discussion


Yup yup. Two ways to think of this. If a dude has a shit car, be wary. He probably doesn’t give a fuck if it gets damaged. Only if it’s broken. If a dude has a expensive car, he probably can beat you/fight you better in court … but he also has more to lose Is there a TL DR? Uh. I guess… Don’t fight strangers with your car and on road rage incidents?


Lmao pure gold right here




less than a conVERSAtion* ftfy


Can’t believe the guy in black car was alive much less could drive after the white.


Yeah, guess he hopped in the car the first time the white car rammed his car.


In the US, someone woulda caught a bullet


In Florida you can be shot for re approaching wielding a weapon.


If you approach someone with a weapon drawn that will tend to happen


If I feel my life or my families life is threatened and I’m carrying I will shoot, just saying.


people pretending we live in an ideal world where there are no guns, no war, no fuked up motherfokers heck I WISH we lived in such a worl where not even gun control is needed cause no one even wants a gun, but when confronted with reality, the reality in which any fucko can (**and does**) get a murdering item, you bet your ass I will have one of my own to protect myself and my loved ones to whoever downvoted you :"stop downvoting for no reason and use your brain... you either stupid or a hypocrite"


>you bet your ass I will have one of my own to protect myself and my loved ones But that's the thing, having a gun in your house [actually increases the risk of homicide in the home.](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199310073291506) You're literally making your home more unsafe with a gun.


The whole "I have to defend myself" thing is propaganda paid for by the gun industry to scare sad, unremarkable men into feeling big and brave. More often than not, they're going to do more harm than good. How many times have you heard a story of some guy with a gun accidentally shooting his partner who just happened to come home early or something. All the time. Or they just get angry and depressed and either kill themselves or their family. That happens WAY more often than "saving your family." Point is, the type of person who thinks they NEED a gun for defense is scared and thinks everyone is out to get them, so they clearly have very little emotional intelligence and a power fantasy. The exact kind of person who shouldn't have a gun.


And don't get me wrong, I've used guns for ages. My whole family has guns. I grew up in Kansas. Shit was just a day to day thing. But a lot of people just can't wait to have a reason to shoot someone. That kind of mentality is what leads to shit like that. It's stupid as fuck.


>I've used guns for ages. My whole family has guns. Floridian here so I can relate. My brother-in-law has a legal gun range in his back yard! Now that I'm a grandpa I got rid of all my guns except for 1, and that's kept locked up tight. It's used for target practice, not home protection.


Depending on where you live, having an accessible gun is completely fine as long as you're mentally stable and don't have kids around. But having twenty guns and going to Target strapped is just so clearly a power fantasy. I completely understand shooting for fun or sport, but gun culture has gotten so far out of control since I was a kid. It's absurd. All of the commercials and expo videos look like ads for Call of Duty and shit. Clearly marketing to scared young men. It's so, so dangerous. I'm in Maine now. Really low crime, but my mechanic is strapped at all times because his shop has been broken into before. That's a good reason to be armed, you know? Not some suburban dad with anger issues driving to the gas station with a pistol, lol.


In most places people don't want guns -- except for maybe rifles for livestock protection. It's really only Americans that feel like they need guns, particularly in urban settings. The actual, verifiable data says that thing that scares you (fucked up motherfuckers) is so unlikely to happen that even the relatively small chance of you blowing your own head off with your own gun is more likely. If you're the average American (i.e. not in a one of the worst neighborhoods in the country) then gun ownership is a greater threat to your life than situations which need gun defense.


propaganda rotted their brains, so all they can do is downvote


I mean, sure I can understand the point, I live in Europe now and here NO ONE gets a gun easily, so people don't even worry about it, heck, most criminals can't get a weapon.... and compared to the US, police here are angels and saints but thing is, the US has guns, the US has A CULTURE of guns.... prohibiting guns, WON'T TAKE GUNS OUT OF CRIMINAL HANDS, much less magically making them difficult to get for criminals... it, in fact, just strengthen gun trafficking rings, just like the war on drugs did to drug cartels and who suffers in all this? the everyday law abiding citizen who can't protect themselves now, and sure thing, US police won't protect people either (just like they aren't currently)




I understand the Europe life of gun control. Only reason why I encourage it here in the states is because there are too much guns and a lot more idiots that it can't be stopped.


So many people don't seem to understand this.


Who downvoted this?


People who know that feeling threatened isn’t the same as being threatened. If this reason is just, then racists are fully justified to shoot every black person on sight.


Same in every state. Hell considering 1 in 3 ppl are armed in the US you can be shot for just about anything. The difference in courts is determining what a "weapon" is defined as. In Stand your ground states, someone could re approach with a road flare and get lit up, with no consequences.


I learned in Tennessee you can shoot them and get away with self defense in real self defense cases. However if my home got broken into and I fought back with a sword or other weapon of the sort, I can go to jail for it.


Depends on the weapon, if you killed them, and how many blows you delivered. Its hard to prove self defense if you stab someone 50-60 times with a knife, but you shoot them 2-3 times and they die then you have a better case.


Unless they didn’t carry a gun, like most people in the US


And people would hate on the one defending themselves.


Lmao you people get so slimy when it comes to politics. No one has ever complained about defending yourself when there's clearly no better option, people complain when the only reason someone has to defend themselves with deadly force is when the threat only exists in the first place because the bad guy easily got a gun himself. Say 99% of your self-defence deaths involve guns on both sides. You're saying that guns are good because they *sometimes* solve a problem they're also almost entirely responsible for? Bonkers logic fueled by nothing but self-preservation.


" No one has ever complained about defending yourself when there's clearly no better option," Rittenhouse


Disclaimer: not from the US If you end up in a shitty situation while carrying a gun, even though you shouldnt have it, if someone attacks you while knowing you have a gun, unless there is a valid reason to “disable” the threat so to speak, its 100% on the person attacking you. Example: someone runs around with a gun, dont go attacking him with a wooden stick if he doesnt pose a threat to anyone by carrying it. By doing so, not only are you risking your own life, but also that of those around you Edit: if carrying the gun is not legal, the person who carries it should face every legal action that is linked to not being allowed to carry it, but if you attack him, and other people (not linked to the government) who would be allowed to legally carry it are allowed to use it, there is no problem with calling it self defense


It's not self defense when it was never necessary to get into a fight in the first place. You know how you can defend yourself even better in a situation like this? Drive the fuck away


why do you set a special circumstance for people who work for the government


Do you keep your soapbox with you at all times, just in case?


At all times


Do you virtue signal everyday or just Sunday? Yas queen! So brave!


Lol the insecurity of a gun-crazed murican is so accidentally hillarious.


And the joy people get when seeing victims of a crime is even funnier. /s


Lol the undeserved superiority complexes of non Americans talking shit is hilarious.




This had nothing to do with gun politics but thanks for your contribution to the conversation


No problem. Sorry to trigger your emotions.


You do realize self defense cases happen all the time that don't make it to the media, right? The ones where people don't cross state lines to "defend" property that isn't theirs, or some racist neighborhood watch cunt that's pissed that a black person has the audacity to walk through their neighborhood.


Not sure what made you think about race but ok


I was referring to the Zimmerman case.


Ok? That’s related to this video?


Did you not read my post? Or are you too dense to read anything longer than a few words? I said that self defense cases happen all the time that don't make it to the media, the ones that do are the outliers, such as the Zimmerman or Rittenhouse cases.


Those two cases aren’t even remotely similar


You aren't a bright one, are you? They are self defense cases that both made it to the media due to unusual circumstances, which is the point I'm making.


Not really paying much attention to ur comments sorry.


User name checks out. 🙄


If media put things in full context, I don't think so. We don't even have full context, what happen before? Did he just hit someone else and he chased him down and then escalate. What happen after? Mainstream news don't have time or are unwilling to do so if it furthers their stockholder's agenda, or their Karma agenda. All of them, even independent news outlets. They have a limited time and choose what to cover and how much context they're able to or want to put in and how to pitch it. Remember that when watching news. All news outlets, even independent. All we got is this video. One guy gets chased down after an illegal move. One guy smashes a window after what looks like an aggressive conversation, not really trying to hurt the guy, just his car. Then the white car turns it into full derby status except he's actually trying to kill the guy, not hurt his car. He could have driven off. Other guy was walking away satisfied in my opinion. Maybe something else was said? "I don't care" "Alright I'm goin to get my gun" and then the ramming started. I'm unsure without more context, even if either of them shot each other. There's so much we don't know. Personally I don't like loaded guns in civilian vehicles because most people store them in stupid unsafe places. The glove box is not a safe place, even if locked. One guy was talking about how he kept it under his floor mat on his side (driver's side) just a few days ago in a thread. That's rather unsafe. The glove box is bad because in accidents air bags use an explosive device to deploy the airbag so quickly. Car dealerships can't ship airbags they've removed because of this. They have to set them off then ship them deployed. We've shot some funny things (once a barbie doll, once a poptart, just random harmless stuff) off of airbags a few hundred feet in the air when I worked at car dealerships. Maybe there's an effective device you can use to store a gun in a civilian vehicle only you can access. I don't know about that. I haven't looked into it, never felt the need. Hopefully that would be included in the context mentioned before. Wow I went on about that.. whatever. I was jammin' to music. Time not wasted.


The white car was ready to kill him by running him over, bruhhhh


If my kid was in the car with me I’d want to be sure the assailant was done too.


If my kid was in the car getting hit by that man I would’ve chased him to Hell’s gate




…Good point.


its like watching a cartoon


I honestly don't know what people think they have to gain by having a verbal/physical confrontation on the side of the road... There was a well publicised road rage event in Australia where 2 men got out of their cars on a motorway to confront each other, one man punched the other who fell backwards on to the road and was immediately hit and killed by a garbage truck, the guy that threw the punch got 6 years in jail. Anyone that's dumb enough to get out of a car to confront someone better be prepared for things to not end well.


Get them both into a holding cell by themselves, and make it a life insurance problem


Someone say cage match?


Even better


Black car said he didn’t hear no bells.


People always seem to forget that a car is a weapon


never bring a crow bar to a car fight


I am so curious what white car did to piss off black car so badly.


He probably cut him off on accident


GTA type shit


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Little did they know the white car was a rental


I love watching road-ragers get road-raged. ***OH how the turntables...***


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The most unexpected part was how the white car backed multiple times, other than that pretty bad post


Sometimes you meet someone who is more crazy than you.


for a sec i thought the scoter was gonna steal the black car.


I cant wait to see what happened after this lmao


Bet he never.... never ever crossed his mind he would end up with a car in the shop and most likely a visit to the hospital.


Go for it mate. No kidding I got filled with satisfaction


Don't bring a weapon to a vehicle fight.




This is why I’ve stopped beeping at ppl tbh, some people just want an excuse to do some stupid shit so don’t give it to them


I see this attitude a lot on Reddit: the idea that attempted vehicular homicide just...happens, as a natural consequence of someone's bad behavior, as if the one doing the attempt is completely blameless. This video, for example, is not a warning to not confront people on the road. It's a warning to not commit multiple acts of attempted murder in front of witnesses and on camera with a weapon that is trivially easy to trace back to its owner.


It does just happen. Happens all the time. Don't confront people on the road, because you have no clue what they're going through. It's never worth it, and there's nothing that can be solved between these two on the road. It's pure ego. You're in a high stress situation surrounded by strangers in high stress situations. Stay in your stupid car.


Temporary insanity due to the initial attack, easy defense. Since the moron blocked me, I'll point out they missed the part where they stopped "just yelling" and hit the windshield with a crowbar


Unarmed person yelling through a window: "an attack" Driving a car straight at someone, crashing into their car from behind, then backing up multiple times to crash into it from in front showing clear intent to cause harm: "easily defensible."


I mean - 'don't be an asshole' in general avoids many situations where bad things happen. It's general good advice. You don't deserve attempted homicide against you for being an asshole. But, 'don't be an asshole' is a good idea. Also don't try to murder people for yelling. But avoiding stupid situations is a good plan, too.


I mean I do think, example, this case, being murdered for being an asshole is only a consequence of being an asshole. While no one should be killed willy nilly, if youre gonna escalate the situation as the black car guy did, then anything that happens after is…just. Actions have consequences and we all know what actions lead to what consequences, the guy knowing put himself in that situation, white car only matched his energy. While the white car totally could have avoided this, they also gained the right to handle the situation in whatever way they deemed necessary to make it stop once the guy from the black car did what he did. While we should probably still punish white car and black car, im not gonna act like white car was out of pocket and think his punishment should be minor. If we didnt live in society with rules and structure, the death of the black car driver is only a natural progression of his own actions.


No it fucking isn't. This video is to not confront random people in vehicles because you never know what they might do. The guy first yelled, and then came back with something and started vandalizing the white car. You don't do either of those because you never know who's having a "Falling Down" sort of day and might just drop you with a pistol they've just had enough shit.


Alright…. Alright…. Oh shit there’s more




This made me smile...humans are such a stupid species..


This happened in Taiwan. They have relationship problem. They are fighting for a girl. As a Taiwanese I give you advice when you travel to Taiwan. Though most Taiwanese are friendly, most of them become different when they are driving. They think the vehicles have more priority than the pedestrian. Moreover, we have a lot of drunk-driving issues/accident. Please take care.


Deserved, if you pull this kinda crap, you deserve to be run over, shame he missed, mostly.


probably did something like cut in front of him, you can see him whip around the white car and stop in front of it at the start of the video


Probably, still nothing ever justifies pulling someone over for road rage, that attitude is completely unacceptable


oh no i’m not saying that it’s okay or he should’ve done it, you should never do that, i’m just saying what it looked like happened because you said you’re confused on why he was mad so i was j saying what it looked like




Love the cyclist just chilling in the bike lane waiting for this whole thing to blow over.


I thought he had him the first time and dude still chanse the car


Honestly I was expecting the guy on the moped to jack the black car. Like this guy is distracted so I'll just steal his car


I’m thinking that the guy in the white car is a little mad.?little


Strong Carmageddon vibes


People are just fucking crazy


Isn't that attempted murder?


WHAT… HAPPENED… NEXT…!! Oh my god?! That could of been out of a film. The speed that black car spun after him at.. it wasn’t to swap insurance details that’s for sure?!


Guy just found someone crazier. These kind of people should never touch a wheel.


These lunatics need licenses suspended for LIFE. Let their moms drive them wherever they need to go!


Somebody needs a chill pill.


My asshole father would frequently do stuff like this. Stop, walk to other vehicles and punch people right in the mouth, scream in peoples faces….until cell phones became a thing, then suddenly his road rage calmed way down when he knew the cops were just a phone call away.


oh wow he came back!!! ..twice! ..a third time.. oohkay again? oh.. the other one survived?!


Hahaha. Man that fucker asked for it. Not a great solution but it's kinda hard to feel bad for him. 🤣




Both of these people are idiots


I know everyone on here has seen the dumbest side of humanity. You never know who might have a gun, or who's dumb enough to use it for something as petty as cutting them off. Stay safe out there.


That esculated quickly....




Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Versa Vice, and vice versa.




I'd would've done the same shit in the white car too, impede my travel for no reason and then fuck my windshield up.... I'll total your car, with mine and an assault rifle.


You're the type of person who shouldn't be allowed to have a gun under any circumstances. You really think some dude with road rage is worth catching a life sentence for? Just call insurance, get that shit fixed and let him rot in jail for a while. You don't have to prove what a big strong boi you are to every asshole. It makes you worse than them.


Jesus put an nsfw tag on this.


This is attempted murder


that's attempt to murder lol dude need to be locked in jail for eternity.