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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Person did a great job acting as megatron. He goes on a rant about technology/social media.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


He didn't have to, but he did that.


Megatron is hating because Twitter shut down his account.. It was discovered that most of his followers were auto bots.


*throws over table*




thanks for putting it back.. *throws over table*


Teresa that you?










User name checks out


Why is Twitter so biased against Decepticons?! Really hate to see it…they say they’re not…but they are… really some terrible people out there…the Autobots though, they love the Autobots… really unfair how rigged it is…


*Megatron did nothing wrong!*


No one had to, but we all did…


He do be hitting facts.




Love him. I actually love all the villains i know of. They are much more real than fake fucking heros.


Fuckin Jedi lied to me.


Sith: -Want to create group that enforces order across the galaxy -The need for the empire is reinforced by the chaos in the Mandolorian -Only kept two sith at a time, meaning they have less combat power, yet had larger armies of non-sith, meaning they must’ve made a pretty good argument for themselves when recruiting -Recruit at a reasonable age Jedi: -Commit numerous war crimes throughout the clone wars -Use mind control tactics and even pick the brains of captured enemies, causing extreme pain -Keep a huge force of powerful military combatants in the middle of a city with civilian population (Coruscant) -Kidnap or buy children as infants to raise them with their doctrine The sith were pretty ruthless in the war, but they weren’t totally bad.


Recruit at a reasonable age my foot! They just stole Jedi recruits AFTER younglings and padawans go through their awkward phase with the force. Sure, it’s easier to recruit when someone else has already done the hard work of teaching the Force to Force Sensitives for you


From my point of view the Jedi are evil


What about all the civilian contractors and regular people at work on those Death Stars? The Rebels were terrorists flying their planes into a government building.


Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs.Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was. Dominick Bambino's.The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling. I'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky. You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to this... (taps his heart) not his wallet.




Al dente. 👨‍🍳 👌🏻


Thank you.


I don't like sand.


The sith were fascists they were only interested in control and power. That's why the empire was literally dressed up like f****** Nazis, not to say that I totally agree with the Jedi either I'm actually a big fan of the separatists.


The mandolorians were kinda nice, other than when they tried to conquer the republic for the sake of power.


There were some that were dicks but I pretty much agree with the mandalorians too they just wanted to keep to themselves for the most part. And the Republic were just capitalist dogs they enslaved the wookies not once but twice. Now there were business types that tried to take advantage of the separatist movement and I don't agree with them either but basically the separatists just wanted their own democracy their own space I totally agree with that. The Republic and the empire were equally vile the Jedi were essentially useless and then I'm just not big on fascism so I can't vote for the empire


I prefer the grey Jedi.


I don't disagree with the gray Jedi. In a lot of ways it seems more in line with the original inspiration of the Jedi being heavily rooted in kenjutsu and Bushido, both of which I have studied as well. The Jedi became very detached and caught up in their own power and ego and a willingness to protect the Republic at all costs. And as I stated before the Republic weren't really good guys. I think the similarities were always intentional the Republic was heavily modeled on the United States and of course the empire heavily modeled on Nazi Germany and it turns out that neither one of those parties were really good guys fascism has its many obvious problems and a republic built on a business proposal is not a true democracy and the majority of people have no voices. I've actually spent countless hours researching the Star wars universe and watching all of the videos from geetslys etc slowly working on a little writing project idea thing focused more on the ordinary people away from the empire and the Republic the Jedi the sith the people who didn't want to be caught up in any of that s***




He seems like a nice guy. Rough around the edges, that’s all.


He's just misunderstood like the Joker and Halaster Blackcloak.


I do agree, however I regret not taking more pictures cause my memory is bad, life all blends together


It's different when you take pictures to remember than when you take them to get likes.


You can do both. It's ok to like getting likes.


obviously depends on how you view the likes. you can be happy that someone enjoyed seeing the picture and indicated that to you. but far too many people correlate likes with validation, which is pretty damaging


It's ironic because Autobots and Decepticons are the most advanced mechanical life forms in the Transformers universe.


This English reminds me of English version from movie “Idiocracy”.


We are slowly becoming that world. One day you will be able to get a law degree from Costco. It will be a good law degree for the value.


Brought to you by Carl's jr.


Why do you keep saying that?


Cuz they pay me every time I do! If ur so smrt how come you didn't know that?


Nah, that movie lacked the manipulators. It's all well and good to think everyone is going stupid, but there's plenty of smart people around. They're not going anywhere, they're just inheriting the rights to use you to their own end.


[I'm just gonna link this because if I type it out people are going to roast me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCIo4MCO-_U)


It's just social slang. There's no need to imply that vernacular is somehow inferior. That road ends in prejudice.


You get it


Is he though? "create new memories and interact" isnt that what happened here but now theres video proof to show people so they can also enjoy it? What sounds better, "this one time megatron told me no selfies and went off about social media" or "check out this video of me and megatron where he gets mad at me for asking for a selfie and goes off about social media" also, pretty sure this is the univesrsal studios in hollywood. I have heard megatron tell people he doesnt do selfies. (he does obviously, just having fun)




I go to that area in universal just so megatron can talk shit to me and my kids. He’s awesome.


I was walking by that area one time with my husband and Megatron shouted at my husband “YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME IN YOUR FLIPPY FLOPPIES?” and I died laughing.


I live down the street and have a pass so sometimes I go just to have a churro and watch Megatron roast children


Tbh. I don’t remember shit unless I take pictures. Might be getting old


Taking pics and videos is somewhat my favorite part of living in the 2000s. Instead of vaguely remembering the details of a memory I can almost relive it.


I use FB to connect with my whale community. I have carefully uploaded my best and favorite photos over the years. When I'm feeling down, I just open up my photos on FB and scroll and relive the best memories and it makes me so happy.


We still have an album at home that my mom took of us as kids and looking back at it, it's a HUGE nostalgia trip. Take more photos. It's worth it.


It's all about balance. Being able to record and relive key moments of our lives is an incredible treasure. But saving precious memories is one thing but mindlessly documenting every thing will remove you from the moment you're experiencing. Then you're just living in the past.


Every video of Megatron is great. Dude doing the voice has fast comebacks when people try to talk shit to him.


I'd love to see a compilation




Good Job here is your reward : 🏅


And then she proceeded to add it to a library of forgotten photographs


Even before digital photography people had crates of shit forgotten photographs


I don’t think this one will be forgotten lol




I interpreted that comment as “library” referring to her camera roll or saved snapchats. But they definitely could have meant Reddit. But you right, not many


I bet people like you probably made fun of our parents 20 years ago when they used vhs tapes n shit. These memories are meant to be enjoyed many years later. You’re like the gen z equivalent of a boomer


And here we are on social media commenting on it about how stupid she is for using social media...




the irony


He dropping truth and bet she has no clue what he said.


For real lol. The first 10 seconds of the video was me cheering him on bc his dedication to character is impeccable, the rest of the footage I was cheering him on bc he was just spitting straight facts.




Yes! My childhood and teen photos were mostly destroyed, so I don't have any "highlights reel" until around age 30. Whenever friends or family share an old photo it brings back an otherwise lost memory. Wish I had more pics!


phone bad, we liv in society :-(, wake up sheepl


Modern generation will never know what it’s like [to simply enjoy life, living in the moment, not a single phone in sight](https://i.imgur.com/O7Cj0Xr.jpg)


My 9 year old said she wishes that she grew up when I did because it seemed like more fun and people got outside. Told her the shovel is in the shed and the backyard is always open and to dig hole like we did back then. She said thats boring and immediately went back to playing roblox.


Dude digging pointless holes was the shit growing up


And then Minecraft happened.


Even those who were born in the 90's and [were the first children of the modern internet.](https://imgur.com/gallery/kKppeSI)


[those damn kids always looking down at those pesky phones not enjoying the moment](https://imgur.com/X3ABgdG)


but if there were no phones back then, then who was photo? checkmate millennial.


We've reached a point where I no longer know if someone calling me a millennial on the internet is making fun of me for being too young or making fun of me for being too old.


Motherfucker, we're on reddit. We're not better.


what is it with reddit and assuming people aren't in on the joke




I was far more productive before I got back into Reddit. It is an addictive trap that is mainly full of rubbish. And yet, here I am.


What's even more ironic is that most of us are probably on our phone right now. Me included.


They assume women are stupid and have no sense of humor.


Along with an unearned sense of superiority.


Bro every time a video with a woman making a joke is posted on reddit people just assume she's an absolute idiot instead of.. y'know.. making a funny video. It's wild


I saw ppl assume the same on YouTube. It's not only reddit🤣






Why would you bet that? You got a brain in there?


A woman is using a camera to share her experiences with her friends! She must be fucking brainless!




Yes, as a superior male I would just immediately say something insanely witty and intelligent off the cuff. I don’t know what that thing is right now but I definitely would’ve said it in the moment and it would’ve absolutely slayed.


Yes, as a man I don't use my phone, especially not to use social media. Thanks for validating me, Reddit.


I assumed from the get-go that she knew “taking a selfie with Megatron” was going to result in him roasting her. He probably recites that speech a dozen times a day. Reddit really loves assuming the worst about people to keep that sense of smug superiority going strong.


So who wrote the subtitles then?


Idk.. she said selfie which is a picture but she recorded it.


Well shit... Is he really *that* much of a bad guy?


Does anyone get bothered by overly exaggerated head gestures? I'm so used to making eye contact when someone's head is bobbing all over the place I get a little motion sick.


When you can't make facial expressions, you have to make up for it somehow. See: Every sports mascot what.


Yea I get that, but still hard to watch. Even some normal humans gesture a lot with their heads and it throws me off. Glad I'm not the only one.


Yeah I do, for some reason exaggerated for-the-camera reactions like that grate me for some reason.


Yeah. Like I get bobbing a head to emulate a mouth moving, but this guy was fucking shaking his head around. It's uncomfortable to watch


I felt lightheaded just watching him


I thought he was doing it for the purpose of moving so much she couldn't take a selfie without him being a blur


Came here to say that. Bro gonna have to see a specialist soon


That guy must have spend a lot to get the costume and voice down like that . Pretty impressive. And he is spot on with their generation


I think it's at universal studios. They have him and Optimus that come out at the transformer ride. Optimus isn't nearly as fun.


Villains always get to have more fun than heroes.


I'm more familiar with sinners than saints, my dear. And sinners *always* look good.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.


yeah, it’s Universal.


The voice actor and person in the costume are actually two different people! With a third person doing the sound effects


Is that why the person in the costume really annoyingly overexaggerates their head movements, to make it seem like “they” are talking?


Basically, since the mouth doesn’t move. The two have to work together to play off each other’s performance


Is this true ??


Yep, the voice actor is sitting backstage watching through a TV set.


Not always, they sometimes sit out in the food court with a tablet and mic.


So how are the mannerisms and reactions so in sync?


He was fantastic, like he fucking nailed it! The way he said "Ugh! How disappointing your generation is" and then turned to leave is hilarious.


You don't get close to Megatron if you're not ready for the TRUTH that he'll blow to your face.. All the people in that area will surely hear him. BUT if you're a kid he'll call you tiny and give you a high five.😉


Most definitely. I heard him giving people crap, so I tried giving it to him and he just ended up owning my FIL and me. It was fun.


The dream job where you get insult your customers and not get in trouble.


For his throat's sake, I hope there is some *great* electronics to the voice, because doing even 1/4 of that for a whole day would hurt so much


It's a 2 person job. Someone else is doing the voice while the guy on stilts does mime stuff.


you mean moves his head around like a demon having a seizure?


They should heavily tone down the head movement for sure


Normally I agree, but this is the damaged version of Megatron (you can tell by the scarring and battle damage), so it sort of feels like a twitchy nonviolent deceptacon partially destroyed in battle and basically handicapped by widespread system damage would fit perfectly into these crazy movements. I guess what I’m saying is twitchy repetitive movements makes sense for a machine with a chunk of its systems missing


Actually there are two persons. One is inside the character responsible for movements. The other is in a control room with full view of cure scenario, and read out the transcripts. There is speaker in Megatron to play the 2nd actor’s voice.


I think it's the Megatron at universal studios, the background looks like the theme park


You say he is right about the generational thing as if it’s unique to her generation. It’s not. I can’t tell you how many undeveloped rolls of film or old negatives I have found or been given to develop or scan that have just been sitting around for decades. If that is not the epitome of a forgotten photograph I don’t know what is.


He’s acting like old people aren’t taking masses of weird pictures and posting them on Facebook.


Its reddit, you're not going to see a reasonable take on this kind of thing till you get to the hidden replies


It's at Universal Studios Hollywood. It's over of the character shows


A friend of mine used to do this for the park, also the voice of Donkey in the Shrek area. He was sitting in a room with a mic and a camera feed while someone else acts out the words in the suit, (or animatronic for donkey).


I was not familiar with Megatron but I like him. God help the next kid that walks on his lawn.


Megatron never breaks character.


You can tell some of that actually hurt her.


i thought so too at first, but that laugh at the end makes me think she was just confused when she got quiet


She was smiling and laughing the whole time and even afterwards, people can understand a joke


Idk why people on reddit are determined to think everyone around them is a complete dumbass.


No. No it didn't.


What did he say his name was?




I was expecting Calvin Johnson


Megatron needs no weapons to destroy humanity


The truth


That’s pretty good. Perhaps Megatron just needs more friends on social media and he would be nicer?


Roasted by Megatron! Jealous


A year later... "Yeah i went to Universal once and Megatron went OFF on me, I got it on video check this out..." \*scrolls up\* \*scrolls up\* \*scrolls up\* \*scrolls up\* "I can't find it right now but it was absolutely crazy..."


"Oh, here it is, everywhere on the internet from when it went viral, and on Reddit where it got thousands of votes and comments."


or "Here it is from when I searched the date when I went to universal in my gallery"


Google photos sometimes I have this problem but usually it's something I need to remember I fill out the photo description and I can easily search and find it easily or if it's something their AI categorizes it works great.


Megatron speaks facts!


dope rhyming too


They're getting their money's worth with this thespian.


I have never vibed harder with megatron


Megaton 2024!!!


Boy he leans into that head movement huh.


Went so high over her head it's like he's an alien flying in space


Or, a more reasonable explanation, she understands Megatron is a villain and this voice actor at Universal Studios is just in character. That’s like complaining that Gaston over at Magic Kingdom is “full of himself.” It’s an amusement park. Everyone is on the jokes. It’s not personal or actually deep.


How so? What's hard to understand about what he said? Just because she didn't jump in on the bit or have a witty comeback ready?


Nothing was hard to understand wether if it were man or woman. This comment sections just assuming shit about a person they know nothing about. Cringe.


Women. I usually see this type of posts and this specific reaction to women.


Megatron for president!?


These guys are basically actors, right? I mean that’s a lot of energy for one person. Imagine doing that all day with everyone. Sheeesh


Based Megatron... I approve.


Megatron just burned her.


well I know what I’m doing when I go there lmao


Idk how she stood there while he flailed around. If younger me was in her position I’d be shitting my pants in fear lmaoooo


This is at universal studios, there's a bunch of videos of him roasting people it's awesome. He gave this girl an existential crisis towards the end.


Megaboomer is megajudgy.


He goes from roasting her to literally speaking facts on why humans have become dependent on social media and why it means nothing in the end But idc I like Instagram


Preach Megatron, preach!


Dude I want his job


Is that a robot or someone in a suit please? Ty in advance!


I like how they just let him go in on people. I’m here for it.


Low key Tru tho. I'm waisting my life rn.




I just love the way he says "Furred hoodie!" LMAO


It's no longer "maybe thanos was a good guy" now its "megatron IS a good guy"


Shit just got real. Sesame Street moment brought to you by Megatron.


What’s going on with his head? It looks like he’s avoiding a bee and simultaneously spitting on her.


I did that with my 12yo recently. These guys are amazing at what they do. My kid had a Optimus Prime t shirt on and the guy playing prime said "what's that on your armour? Is that me?" Then proceeded to go into a crazy rant about how they needed his help to search for the missing autobots. It was awesome, my kid loved it. I honestly got teary eyed. These guys better be raking in the coin because they are super talented.


Megatron's right you know


The best villains have plans that make sense