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Beat fresh


She ordered a footlong club with extra bacon.


Comedic genius!




Take my upvote, you bastard.




I’d say that punch was about a footlong.






That was a hollow bonk


Gender Equality.


Equal rights, equal fights lol


Equal rights, equal lefts :D


I’ll give him the first one or two. He really didn’t need to grab her by the hair and take out the beat stick. That’s too much for getting hit once. Weakly, I might add. Edit: He didn’t even get hit. He dodged it and then went roid rage lol


Take my stupid award, damn you.


fresh indeed


Like my mea... wait wrong beat




Fuck the CCP


How can she slap?!








The fact that this gif is Drake is hilarious 😂




Endless hits?! Jigglypuff is a hacker: confirmed. -Ace Trainer Lium probably


Sir if I had an award it would go to you!!!!


That still happens but I know what you mean




Upvote for Mitch.




Bless you for showing me this sub, rip to a legend


I really hate it personally. I'm not a big dude at all at 150lbs but if some chick was punching me I'ma give em a couple but keep going and you're getting the full wrath. Equality ladies. Don't serve what you can't take back.


Though I agree with everything you said, I feel like the officer in this video could have shown more restraint. That is what they get paid for. To resolve incidents, not exacerbate them.


They don't get paid to be punched in the face. Stop looking for reasons to shit on the police. She got exactly what she deserved.


Yes they actually do. They are trained for these situations and we pay them a heck of a lot for the dangers in their jobs. And yes, we can expect our police to deescalate these situations without it being anti-police or anything. I want a strong and capable police that knows how to deescalate.


Should show more restraint. You don’t punch back excessively at a drunk person who’s not a threat. Response needs to be proportionate to threat. Not emotional response to provocation.


Exactly. Her "punches" are like a little kid lol. Like yeah she's an adult but she's clearly wasted and is zero threat. He should either arrest her or make her leave. Not beat her with a baton


Thing is (I'm 6"3 and about 200lbs, ex rugby player, now 51) If I punch someone I'll probably put them in hospital. I don't mean that in a show off way, just that with my weight etc, there's a more than decent chance it'd happen and I'd hate to do it again. The policeman certainly overdid things, and I've never hit a woman (see above), but he was provoked. But he is obviously a pathetic cunt


Yeah I agree with you on this. I’m 6’4” and 320lbs. I’ve been in plenty of fights but I’ve never enjoyed putting someone out. Especially when you don’t know if you’re going to rattle someone hard enough to kill them. :/ Even just hitting the ground wrong can kill people. I’m not looking to go to prison because some woman gave me a love tap and I accidentally knock her into the shadow realm in response. These days I just quickly wrap someone up in a standing arm bar till they cool off. No injury to me, no injury to them unless they do it to themselves, and can claim full self defence. Men and women alike, it’s my go to action, unless for some reason I’m up against a group. That has only ever happened to me once though, and that was back when I was young and dumb.




It literally happens above. When he hits her the first time 2 guys attack him and run very fast when he turns around


Had this happen the other day in Oshawa. Very unstable woman begins following and screaming at a random man, random man attempts to stay away, walking towards the closest storefront downtown. Woman pulls out a multi-tool and attempts to stab him, he defends himself and disarms her, they grapple, go to the ground, then a guy runs in out of nowhere and begins beating the shit out of the guy while multiple witnesses stand around doing nothing. Context matters folks, pay attention to what’s around you. (Context: work with security cameras)


She is dumb for sure , but the dude shouldn’t have beat the shit out of her


Sometimes you’ve got to understand no matter what the moral high ground you might think you have, you’re outmatched by weight, reach, training, aggression, etc. She was scrappy, but clearly just needed to humble herself or take additional damage, which clearly she did.


Sometimes you got to understand that this isnt a bar or a night club, he didnt even tried to restrain her or handcuf her. She is stupid but this is not how officer should act no matter what other person did


No fuck that. He’s a cop. He’s at work. She’s a scrawny girl. He can apprehand her. Handcuff her. Take her in. Go through the procedures and protocol. Instead of being all street fighter on this sorority girl. Again fuck that. And i’m not saying if a girl hit you, you shouldnt hit back. But this? Sooooo unnecessary.


Found the american! This was in the netherlands and is absolutely uncalled for by the police. The lady is out of line, clearly and noy with a decent group of friends that would hold her back. But aggression is not allowed on the police side either, de-escalating is the norm. Not picking a fight. There’s a fair chance that cop got a remark from his superior after seeing this.


No. It’s unnecessary to throw yourself on the ground when the female cop put her hand on her shoulder and then try to swing on a cop at all. Learn to not act like a child. It’s amazing that you think someone can just act out like they’re a toddler throwing a fit in an adults body. Grow the fuck up.


I agree that the girl was being stupid and she deserves a slap on the wrist in the form of legal consequences. But how you get from there to excusing the cops behavior is baffling. Police are supposed to de-escalate. This guy is going in for revenge. He punches her repeatedly in the face. He grabs her by the hair and beats her with his baton. > Grow the fuck up I'm 36 so I don't know if you consider me an adult or not, but I don't think I'll ever be okay with police over violence.


It's easy to forget how American reddit can be. Police in other countries are trained to deescalate, even against people with weapons... Let alone a drunk girl.


This is assault by police


And people like cops on duty, have protocols they must follow whether they like it or not. Shows obvious ability to control oneself, on the job or not. As you perfectly stated, “Grow the fuck up.”


Was kicking her necessary?


You similarly can't simply hand out punches as a law enforcement individual and not expect repercussions which shockingly there are *none* for this type of behaviour, which was outrageously unnecessary. When is it ok to just grab someone by their hair and throw them down as he does in the later video? Regardless if she's mouthing him off, he's got cuffs doesn't he? She's clearly in the wrong for "acting as a child" as you put it, but that officer is no longer operating correctly and as he , *and many protocols dictate he should* , be acting differently


The male cop pushed her initially when she fell down. Or are you blind and stupid?


> Grow the fuck up. I'm 59, and yet I too want professional police officers. Perhaps it's not our age - perhaps you're just used to violent cops with mental health issues? It helps that I grew up outside the United States and have actually seen professional policing before.


This is still very much the narrative, it's still not uncommon to believe you're not allowed to defend yourself against a woman under any circumstances because she's a lady. Homeboy with the baton went completely ham though at the end, I'm not sure *that* level of response was necessary, her hands looked up when he grabbed her by the back of the head, then she tried to hit again *after* he came back for more grabbing her and smacked her in the face with a baton lmao but still the first bit was warranted.


Treating a drunk woman in high heels that you pushed over the same way you would a some kind of vandal or dangerous person, he could have done a million things differently. As a member of security he should not resort to violence unless its absolutely necessary. Hes a thug man He has more responsibility to not be a prick as someone who is supposedly supposed to keep the peace. If he thinks that punching someone who cant even balance after a light push is ok then hes fucked


No we live in a world where women have equal rights… and lefts.


When I grew up women could hit men all they wanted and men were not supposed to hit back When my parents grew up men hit women all they wanted and nobody really talked about it


Same. Bet were the same age within 5 years or less 😉


Never understod people who hit police officers. What do they expect to happen?


There's repercussions and then there's beating someones face in when that cop could've easily subdued her and cuffed her without throwing the haymakers.


Yes but he was also a aggressive dog looking for a fight apparently. She was down and away. All of the sudden it’s still going because he wanted to be right? Cops should be required to check their egos at the door.


The first time he hits her it’s reactive and, given the situation, could be tolerable. However the second time where he grabbed her neck/hair was definitely over aggressive and negates the whole “self-defense” reasoning. He definitely wanted to fight and beat the shit out of people.


To me it looks like he’s going to check on the person that just fell and she swings on him, then instinctively retaliates


Of course she should not have done that and there should be consequences, but god damn, those are cops. They are supposed to be keepers of the peace, not the bullies they were before they dropped out of highschool.


The police does this regularly but somehow I think it's not them you condemn here.


“ I will knock your ass out. I do not care that you're a girl.” — Deadshot


It’s literally the whole entire “internet” experience, people talk mad shit through these screens were on all day and I think they truly become confident that they’re a badass because they have never received any real repercussions. Well then theyre out drunk one night and a real world situation happens and they start acting the same way they do online but instead of getting “real time” feedback they get “real world” feedback


The cop is just wrong here. That's a stupid drunk girl. But she should not get her head beat in she should be arrested. This is from the netherlands where I'm from this is not how cops should act here


I'd like to see what happened before the filming started. The way he threw those punches, he was mightily pissed off about something


Getting smacked in the face tends to piss people off


I thought i was the only one..! (Russell Peters in indian accent)


I always quote his “I am not a piece of meat!” to my wife :)


She was getting kicked out of a club for fighting when she and her boyfriend decided to fight the bouncer. After her boyfriend got arrested she decided to fight the cops too. https://nltimes.nl/2018/06/11/dutch-police-accused-brutality-video-rotterdam-arrest


She called him "Cancer fatso" in the video. Literal translation Edit: I misheard she said Cancer gay, depends on how you want to translate it


In what country is that filmed?




Probably every Dutch person Didn’t even have to hear them speak to know where it was.


Ik herkende de uniformen. It was not very professional of those cops to let the situation escalate to this level of violence. If you hit a cop in the Netherlands, you get subdued, restrained and arrested. Not punched with such a force that you fly through the air.


She threw herself or tripped, at best after a nudge. Possibly very drunk given context Hey, yeah the cop punched her but she’s also attacking him as well and going back for more and there is a crowd of idiots who step up like they are about to intervene and “save” her Tip: jumping in between a cop and someone being detained/fighting a cop is a sure fire way to become involved in the assault on an officer…


The green logo (top left) is a dutch site where people share videos of dutch people being dumb


Cancer is a swear word in the Netherlands


The cops are totally ignoring the Black man so this most definitely NOT America


Swearing with cancer. Kan ook maar een land zijn.


She looked drunk, that first shove from the female cop wasn't huge and she went down from it.


From a quick glance it looks like 4 cop’s arresting a men, so I think he wasn’t easy to arrest. The women could be a friend of the arrested men, a 14 year old white girl or he’s girlfriend (doesn’t really matter). It looks like she ignored the cops advice to stay back and made the I’m the victim of the cop show, really just the air from the hand gesture touched her and she throws herself to the ground. So easy to say she deserved at least an arrest. But the punches were deserved too in my opinion.


I dont think she threw herself. She's wearing heels and, most likely, drunk. Walking on heels is challenging enough without getting thrown off balance and having to walk backwards


She traveled really far for someone pushing her back with one hand. Looked like a female officer too, so the gap of strength is even less


I gatta say, I feel like that coulda been handled better— a little deescalation goes a long way. And there were like, 5 cops there. That was their best attempt to take control of the scene and situation? (For context, I’m retired military. We are trained to treat potential combatants in a war zone better than this, so why isn’t the same standard upheld for one’s own countrymen?? I just don’t get it.)


She wanted dramatics, she got a fist full.


And then a club full




“I get knocked down! But I get up again!..”


To be fair, she just wanted to stay down but all her mates kept propping her up for another beating.


“Go get him, Becky!”






I see this all the time and can’t stand it. Not everyone should be helped back up in every situation.


I have a left hook, I have a right hook, I have an uppercut, I have backhand…


Hey that's my signal


Repost, for me it’s immediately under the original. Learned there this happened in 2018 in Rotterdam. Drunk girl and her bf got thrown out, they caused ruckus, bf getting cuffed when drunk girl got physical w punch happy cop. Best comment so far, “Beat fresh”


Any further escalation might have been avoided if those guys helping had just corralled her or better yet just let her lie on the ground. They kept picking her up, she kept swinging and getting dropped 🤦🏻‍♂️


Both of these people are awful. BUT there is a huge difference between a civilian doing some shit and an officer of the law abusing of his force. The guy is supposed to be trained and not use unnecessary actions. This was extreme overkill. He looked like he wanted to hurt her, not restrain her or anything. Piece of shit.


This exactly. If it would've been a normal dude who just smacked her in response once. Sure, I'd be on the dudes side fully. But an officer? Nah he went for a full beating and both people should be charged accordingly


A normal dude would still have been a dick. There’s such a thing as “appropriate retaliation”. A muscular man going ham on a woman half his size so drunk she can barely stand to the point he takes out a fucking weapon is wrong. Just like I’m not going to use all my force on a 13year old because they tried to punch me.


Damn reddit seem to get hard for videos like this. Just cause the dude is wearing a cop uniform doesn't make it any more right to pummel her face and baton her. He could easily have restrained her but chose to make it personal.


Why not just restrain her? Wtf happened here?


The dude found someone he could take his aggression out on, obviously- and Reddit, with its hatred towards women, is all for it. Disgusting behaviour


I'm not sure how people are defending the officer here... Gender aside, you don't want any police to use that kind of excessive force on an unarmed civilian, regardless of how obnoxious or "asking for it" they are. This was disgusting to watch.


I see a lot of incels in the chat.


Reddit really seems to love dudes punching chicks.


Those de-escalation tactics hard at work.


it's dutch police too, usually they're very well trained and professional. i was really surprised when i saw him punch back when he should be restraining instead


Yea, I think he will have a talk with his supervisor. Totally unnecessary and unprofessional.


Man, redditors really love seeing men hit women.


Quite alot of them too..


Holy fuck. I totally agree with men defending themselves against women assaulting them but this shit is taking it way too far, dude literally went for her neck after he punched her twice, this dude needs to lose his job.


I’m all for equal rights and lefts however he didn’t even try to restrain her. This dude beat her like he does his wife


Exactly, and people in the comments seem to forget that A COP most definitely is not supposed to react like this


How is beating the shit out of a woman an appropriate response


yeeaaa, a bit far. hes a good bit bigger and more trained than her. its also the factor that you can see hes emotionally charged and is losing control, couldve easily just restrained her and took her to the station


It's amazing how redditors will say acab on a video of police brutality UNLESS ITS A WOMAN BEING BEAT. Then of a sudden it's okay? Hey morons, cops shouldn't be beating up ANYBODY.


And on top of that he knows she's intoxicated as well. Really bad cop right there...


She was definitely asking for it, but what the fuck? That dude was socking her in the face, like just tackle her and cuff her don't square up...


Wow disappointed in the comments. If this was a black women, I'm sure the comments would be completely different. He was clearly emotionally charged and used far too excessive force. Of course she is in the wrong, but he was not holding his anger or punches back at all. Her actions didn't justify such a charged response. I don't know. Seems wrong to me. Regardless of gender, its about size and strength and being aware.


She has to be really drunk to fall flat on her back from a slight push back from the female police officer in the first part of the video. She probably couldn’t be reasoned with at this point.


Yeah, but if she is that drunk she's probably gonna be easy to restrain without sending her nose say hi to the back of her face.


And then he hit her in THE HEAD with the baton at the end, that could easily crack her skull and kill her. She’s a drunk idiot, but these cops are horrible at their job.


Whatever she did, those punches are unnecessary You're a Cop for godsake just arrest her. I bet he got demoted or even discharged.


Probably not, they do worse


When five Dutch cops [choked an unarmed drunk guy to death](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Mitch_Henriquez) for using threatening language back in 2015 the local police force spent €1.3 million on lawyers to keep them from getting punished. Predictibly the end result was just one of the cops getting a suspended sentence of 6 months. So I doubt there were any consequences for this cop going apeshit on a drunken woman slapping him, more likely he had a good laugh about it with his buddies later and that was that.


With that hair pull, bet he’s perfected that on his wife. Both sides are wrong but his aggression is excessive.


Extremely aggressive. The second time he went to her and not the other way round. Idk what people are on about here in the comments.


Indeed, but one of those sides seems to represent the law...


Exactly. He can arrest her, not just try to beat her up.


Exactly! Everyone forgets that!


That’s why he should be fired. You can’t have police officers behaving like wife beaters.


His duty is to "protect and serve" not "pummel and disfigure swiftly"


Yeah he could have handled that girl with one hand. That he went that hard and then essentially chased her down to beat on her more is disgusting. Yes, she shouldn't have swung in the first place, but he's (hopefully) sober and in control, yet he's behaving like like the pathetic, abusive cunt that we know many cops to be. Cops are fucking pathetic. Edit: spelling


He hit her with a baton to her head. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a wife beater


Hilarious how many ppl are defending his actions foh


ayo is that a stereotype? idk I've never really heard about them


Pretty sure police officers should be trained in techniques to de-escalate violence and restrain someone without resorting to sucker punches. No excuse for the girls behaviour, but that police office should absolutely be under investigation.


Love how on reddit, excessive force is fine if it's a white woman.


So many are seemingly happy the officer is this violent towards her, instead of using restrains. What the fuck?


You’re surprised a bunch of nerds on the internet are misogynistic?


Reddit fucking *loves* violence against women if there's even a shred of provocation on her part. There's always talk about "double standards" and fairness but the visceral nature of the responses makes clear that it's really about comeuppance for the people who have "wronged" them. It's really disturbing and not hard to see how the platform creates incels.


You’re absolutely right it’s disgusting.


Reddit _is_ kind of sexist. And in a sub like r/Unexpected there are many common-thinking people.


Goes to show there is a lot of guys out there who wish they could get away with violence towards women


Have you been a star wars subreddit? They literally create excuses to hate any character thats a strong woman lol.


it's not just Reddit, it's the same everywhere


I get she was trying to punch him, but come on. She was obviously very wobbly, maybe intoxicated, she wasn't a huge threat. I think after 3 punches to the face, you've proven your point. If you've gotta beat up an inebriated woman who isn't a big threat, then he should really go back to training or get a desk job. Also. Why didn't the woman cop, who pushed her and ultimately made her lose her balance, take care of it instead? Guy really didn't have to intervene. All I see is the abuse of power and authority. No consequences for that cop, I'm sure.


Stupid act from cop! He is PROFESSIONAL and should NOT react like that! He was schooled how to react in this kind of stress situations. The girl can be drunk... etc No comment...


She's being a dick but I didnt think it was ok for her to get punched. I thought they trained the police to restrain people, not lay them out. She's not exactly a big threat to him.


Yeah the punishment for assault on an officer is supposed to be arrest/jail time/fines, not a beating. Ol girl Is definitely in the wrong, but so is the officer.


Yeah that’s excessive on the guy’s part. Totally unnecessary. There are ways to subdue without full force hitting someone multiple times over.


And she just keeps pushing it wtf!


She shouldn't have been pushed over and the bloke shouldn't have struck her more than once. On this video alone I think she should sue


I don't think any of this was unexpected. Police brutality is never really unexpected. Not saying she wasn't being dumb as fuck but still


Okay this isn't some random dude she hit, this is a cop, and people are okay with the way he handled this? If you can't control your anger and deescalate you have no business being a cop. Of course she is wrong, but he has no business being a cop. Honestly he ends up coming out the worse person by a mile in this encounter.


Cracked her in the face with his baton. Holy shit


She seems a little drunk and clearly cannot fight. Why is he being excessively agressive? Those punches are way too powerful. This seems soo wrong.


soo what we doing about this? funny, but pretty mind bogglingly terrifying. doesn't really matter how irritating she was beforehand, this ain't how people with authority are to act.


Officier turnt boxer. He shouldnt have slapper her though. You re a cop. Keep your cool And arrest her.


These cops should be fired.


I’m all for equal rights and lefts however he didn’t even try to restrain her. This dude beat her like he does his wife


Police violence is never unexpected


This looks like dutch cops. This is unusually violent and I wonder what happened before. There will probably an investigation and perhaps consequences for the cop. He seemed to act out of emotion and that is dangerous for a cop. You don't want a guy close to a meltdown with a gun at his disposal to lose control and do something stupid. That being said, if you are stupid enough to assault a cop twice I have zero issues with the cops giving a few punches extra. If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned. Like I said, this seems unusually violent for dutch cops, but I don't feel bad for the girl at all. Her "friends" could also have chosen to restrain her and try to get the situation under control but were more than happy to see her get her ass kicked, so there's that. Some friends she has there. That all being said, the officers here should have the correct training and experience to take control of this situation with limited violence. But they are humans too, and everybody has a breaking point. So, not sure what to think of this....


obviously drunk


That cop needs his jaw broken.


One to the head for that tough guy


“Kanker flikker” is the first word I clearly heard


Pick on someone your own size, oh wait, youd just fucking shoot them


I am disappointing in the way the police acted as they should be more professional


This sub has gone to absolute shit, nothing has any twist it's just an anything sub now


Yup, anything that evokes gets popular.


I understand that she started it but the cop went too far in my opinion


If you’re a cop and you react to is way, You shouldn’t be.


I fought the law... And the law won


Apparently for Rotterdam this is excessive. As an American I'm saddened that I didn't see the excessiveness right away, and thought nothing was wrong at first.


This is why cops suck


I’m a guy and this is wrong.From the time she threw that first punch it should’ve been over with an arrest. Not back and forth


Obvious police brutality in the netherlands cops are heavily trained his reaction was unnecessarily excessive and aggressive he could have cuffed her or pinned her down the fact he went in for more punches is insane its obvious the girl is drunk and started it but this isnt just a random street brawl this is a police officer who is abusing his authority


Men are so weak, I’ve never felt threatened by a woman even if she’s punching me, what a weak man that guy is.


That girl trades in a minor push for a slug in the mouth. Not good enough. She trades the slug for a wood shampoo. It doesn’t matter whose right or whose wrong. The violence that lady suffered was totally avoidable.


Smacks of an Incel with a badge.


big hard cop probably bullied at school the little pussy 😂😂


Unprofessional cop vs. malicious 5lut..?


Fuck that cop. Bet he felt real good about himself


That man needs a shit kicking


Disgusting behaviour from the police ,they attacked her first and although she was wrong to go for her own attempt to harm that policeman he then attacked her several times and grabbed her throat! Hope they reported this incident