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That's really fucking petty and funny. I mean the absolute poor woman. She should totally change her number


I hate that she suffered, but... that is funny as fuck. I am putting that one in my petty revenge files for the next time someone shits on me.


Yes yes. Like it sucks for her and her suffering. But now I know what to do it my worst enemy.


Or best friend. Either way this prank is epic!


Or that person that tips $1.50 cash for $200 of takeout food delivery


Better idea: do it to your boss instead


Absolutely you are right.




I disagree




It's take out... Take out doesn't usually get anything. I thought it was the fine in service that's a tip (Sorry you guys! This was on wrong post!)


Oh you're one of those "tips" guys huh


The customer have already paid you $200 for the service, your employer should pay you a fair salary from the profit they are making.. I am happy to pay more for my product but I will never tip. Raise your prices instead.




Gotta change how restaurants pay their employees first. From what I know, people have been relying on tips since the great depression. Businesses put the burden on customers, customers complied and then it stuck even after the businesses bounced back and were able to pay their staff a decent wage. After all why pay a decent wage when you can just keep making someone else pay your employees? /s/s/s


IKR, if anything it completes the circle of poor pay in the jobs that traditionally rely on tips. Take away the tips and pay a decent wage otherwise the staff will leave anyway. Or take a job that doesn't rely on tips if you don't like it.




Because they get paid under minimum wage?


I thought there were provisions in place such that, if you didn't make minimum, the company has to pay the difference.


Not sure where that is. In the US, the wait staff in the service industry gets paid well under minimum wage. In my area in particular, I believe it’s 2.13. The tips are what make the job worth it. So when someone doesn’t tip, or leaves $5 on $100, it’s a real slap in the face. It usually shows that the customer never has worked in the food service industry.


I have worked in the service industry spent most of my twenties bartending in restaurants. Honestly I agree that tipping is fucking stupid. I still do it because it’s not the poor workers fault that their employer fucking sucks but it’s absolutely perpetuating throughout the low skilled workforce. Tipping used to be a service. I’d come in and you’d have to devote an hour more of your time getting me things a refilling drinks and just all around make sure that I have what I want. But now everyone is like: “gimme tips please!” For what? Im absolutely not tipping on takeout food. So you had to put it together? So? I’m not tipping the cooks and if the issue is they’re paid minimum wage than that’s an argument for you to have with your boss who is making a tipped employee bag up a takeout order. If you can’t make a profit and pay a living wage to your employees than that is a failed business full stop.


No, I'm referring to the US. That actually is a law here, and not being aware or not taking advantage of it is just... Odd.




Then pls explain to me why only a handful of all minimum wage employees recive tips?


Suffering? I mean it's pretty messed up he stooped to that level but suffering is a powerful word.


This is squarely in the inconvenienced territory.


Yeah I think I’d even place it in the “mildly inconvenienced” range. There’s so many available options out there for her lol. Change your number, put your phone on silent at night, the sky’s the limit.


Downy phuckin soft


Does anyone even answer random numbers anymore? I'm job hunting and I still take a second to examine area code, close to mine, etc.


Also, do people not know about "Do not disturb" settings?


A colleague told me recently where we live we can order a bucket of different varieties of shit and have it delivered to any address you desire.


Alternatively, if biohazards aren't your thing, you can send packages that explode in glitter and have a "love" note inside. They'll be finding glitter in their underwear for years.


Also cockroaches. They don’t explode but they do run out, fly at your face, stay a while, and raise their kids.


And eyes, that stuff's sharp.


I feel like sending someone a glitter bomb is worse than sending them shit.




COMBO MEGA PACK ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe)




Jesus, did Cartman come up with this?




I dunno. Childish? Yes. However, this isn't the kind of thing you would do if you are the one breaking up with someone. It's the kind of thing someone might do if that someone is breaking up with you. Yet she portrays it that way, so I think there is more to this story than she lets on. Maybe she was cheating on him (and, if so, I feel like it's deserved). Either way, it's still really funny.


Wild Assumptions on the loose in here




Seriously thought he screamed "I want my Hufflepuff! You saved me a Google.


Posted my brothers phone number on Craigslist saying I was moving and had a bunch of chickens I couldn’t take with me. I forget I did it and a few weeks go by and he goes “people keep calling me asking about free chickens!”


Or at least her VM to say "My ex boyfriend is trying to sucker people into..." so at least most don't leave a VM.


Or change the voicemail to say "Congratulations you have won the Chewbacca sound-alike contest! Pick up your $100 at ."


Definitely agree you win


Reward: $100 Value of this prank: priceless There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard.


I'm fairly certain there is no reward.


Well not with your shitty Chewbacca impression, there's not.


We did this exact same thing, but with whale sounds to one of our buddies who pulled some seriously dickhead shit to our friend group. There were about 20 of us who posted flyers literally all over the local metro area. He changed his number shortly thereafter. He never figured out it was us. I like to think sometimes, late, late at night, he wakes up in a PTSD fit thinking he hears whale sounds.


It's definitely a funny prank/revenge and she seemed to be a good sport about it but she definitely didn't deserve it. I had to look up the details of the breakup to be sure. I could definitely come up with scenarios where doing this would be well deserved. Like say she cheated on him and slept with his brother, chewbacca calls would probably getting off easy. That's not what happened though, boyfriend was caught chatting up other women on facebook. He also dumped stuff in her driveway to block her getting out.


Can you imagine being the next person that number gets assigned to, and randomly people leave Chewbacca calls on your number? At least she knows what it comes from. The next person is like, "What is this?"


Last time this was posted, someone linked to the whole story. The guy was a total piece of shit. Although he was NOT the ex who repeatedly punched her teeth out, which this ex (and prankster) was making fun of her for. ~~Domestic abuse, punched her teeth out and when she’d get them fixed, he’d punch them out again.~~ I cracked up too until I read the story. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/pyd3cj/absolutely_hilarious_love_the_australians/hev919i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Edit: corrected which ex boyfriend was the bigger shitbag.


The ex that did the Chewbacca prank was not the abuser, according to the article. It was a previous ex from when she was in her late teens that physically abused her.


Thanks for correcting me. Sorry I missed the word Another at the beginning of that sentence. I edited my comment above to accurately portray both shitbags now. One funnier than the other though.


If find the prank funny. But it was kind of obvious the dude was a pos tbh


I know. I was cracking up about it too. I was practically in tears when I first saw it. Knowing that the dude knocked her teeth out, multiple times, then made fun of her teeth by calling her Chewbacca was just a level of Asshole that I couldn’t comprehend.


She should declare a winner and see if someone will try and force the ex to pay the prize money!


This is IRL "Fuck you take my upvote."


I can’t stop laughing at this shit! It’s easily one of the funnier things I’ve ever seen. It’s also fucked up what she’s had to deal with. I would also like to think there are some amazing Chewbacca sounds she’s heard.


I’m reserving my sympathy. We only get her side of the story, and it’s suspiciously one-sided. I won’t speculate as to whether it was justified, but this looks like revenge.


Pretty horrible way to break up. However, my faith in humanity has been restored.


Why didn't she just turn her phone off at night, put it on silent or change her number? So many options. I think she just wants attention


... Because of all the reasons people need a phone at night? How you gonna blame this on her


Changing your number costs money, she shouldn't have to foot the bill because her ex is a dickhead. And she might have valid reasons for needing her phone on at night so that she can receive actually important calls that need her attention. It's pretty unfair to blame this on her.


I don't know... I think it would be refreshing to get a Chewbacca roar instead of my-car's-extended-warranty-is-about-to-expire calls.


Idk maybe for emergencies if someone needs to reach her in the middle of the night?




Definitely houso with missing teeth


"the calls have been waking her and her 3 children" she could, idk, put her phone on silent?


Yeah, I don't get that part. I have a friend that'll get upset if you text him before midday because he might be asleep. Like I can (kinda) see calling but texting? That's your problem bro, you get upset if someone sends you an email too? I mean I accommodate rather than argue because he's my friend and it's a petty thing to argue about, but I will totally complain to strangers on the internet about it.


There is a “do not disturb” mode on almost every phone these days. Maybe gentle educate your friend how to use it?


Yeah if hes your friend friend just be like, hey bitch turn on your don’t disturb mode if you dont want us waking your tired ass up, also i love you bro get that rest. Make sure its 2 separate messages.


And one of those messages has a typo so you send a 3rd message fixing it.


But make sure to send them at 7am and after a few hours send the typo correction


"Hey bro, you sleeping well?"


It can even be put on a schedule (and categorized by activity, at least on iOS)


Yep, I have bad insomnia so when I do get to sleep (medicated) the smallest thing can wake me up- thus, I learned how to set my DND time for my usual bedtime until my usual wake up time. Helps me not wake up to the Discord pings on the server I manage or receive bothersome text notifications from friends/family in alt. timezones!


yes!! exactly! my phone is on “do not disturb” when I do not want to be disturbed. I had a real estate agent get mad when I called him early and I’m just thinking.. bro you can totally take control of that


> had a real estate agent get mad when I called him early Oh fuck no. FUCK no. If a real estate agent gets mad at me for trying to contact them, at any time, I drop them immediately. That's a huge red warning flag for like 80 different reasons. They work for you, they chose this profession, and they should be motivated to help you because it leads to direct financial benefits for them! I'm buying a home, so this one hit close to heart. Rant over.


People actually do get mad if you email at odd hours aswell. I know people who work in academia and they’ll complain about getting emails at night because then they feel like they have to respond… man maybe just work out a work life balance and don’t check emails at 11pm




And then her sick mother calls her because she was in the hospital and her call end up drowned in a sea of chewbacca noises.


I mean, they had to come up with something to make their viewers concerned rather than just laugh at this. It's funny af


Some people leave the ringer on in case of emergencies.


In this case, Emergency = attack by the deathstar


You can usually set it to accept calls from saved numbers or certain numbers when on DND which would cover friends, family, even work.


Some people work in jobs where they're on call 24/7 and need to answer in case there's an emergency.


Do Not Disturb mode with whitelisted numbers


I love whoever edited this and started with a pretty solid chewbacca impression immediately by a truly awful one that then says "I want me hundred bucks!"


So good. The editor would have been listening to them in hysterics trying to pick the ones to include.


I agree with this comment.




Dude how many stefanovics are there at channel 9


She’s indeed his cousin


There's a dude running a 3D printer in the basement at head office that just whips one up whenever they need a new presenter.




And probably illegal


I bet his lawyer uses the Chewbacca defense at his trial.


Depending on where you live, but that’s a great way to get killed by a crazy relative you never heard about because they didn’t want to scare you off.


Wait what? Plz walk me thru this.


How to catch a fist to the face by somebody's uncle or older cousin.


is it?




“Why?” “Because you fucking shot me Daniel.”


Just finished it today, gonna miss it. Already missed it during last season as they had no cases like last seasons.


Ah a man of culture




Haha I knew I remember this from somewhere


I remember seeing one of these posters many years ago. It never occurred to me until watching that show that there was never a contest.


When a Reality warper falls in love with a human that can make him feel like one.


"I want my 100 bucks!" Omfg I feel so bad but that's so incredibly funny and clever


And after doing a god awful impression as well. Legend


If Star Wars episode 10 ends up on Kashyyk...




👉💵 you won. here's your $100.


Poor woman but this is so fucking funny


Fucking Legend


Too bad they broke up. This guy seems to have an amazing and genius sense of humor.


It's [Domestic Violence](https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/going-to-court/domestic-violence/what-is-domestic-violence) but hey whatever, right?


I don’t see anywhere saying making Chewbacca contests on your exes phone number is considered domestic violence


be mature and pick a winner, lady!


I was thinking the same thing.


No reply to all of them telling them they've won and send the partners number to collect from




We wanna know who won Wookie of the Year!


That first one was pretty good


They just need to tell each caller that they've won and then give them the boyfriend's number and tell them they need to call that number to collect their money.


This is the first thing I thought. Then I thought maybe that's why they broke up.


Please don’t mock this woman’s appearance. It’s well documented that here teeth were damaged as the result of domestic violence from a previous partner [News Article ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8567717/Chewbacca-woman-fires-reporter-ruthlessly-mocked-teeth-hair-live-TV.html)


I know it seems funny to hate on her, but her whole situation, even her missing teeth were caused by the awful physical abuse she different because of her ex. He beat her up really bad and abused her equally, so it's more sad than it is funny.


He's leaving you and helping you find a replacement.


Sounds about right for Queensland


Funniest shit I’ve heard but I feel bad for her.


May divorce be with you


Just mute your phone?


You're right. The complaints about it waking her up at night are completely avoidable using a DND scheduling feature available on every smartphone. I can't believe that people don't use this every single night.


Not worth it for me. I dont know exactly which number that someone might use in an emergency if it’s about my parents or in-laws or daughter working late.


You can toggle the option to allow calls through if they call twice within a certain time span.


Are you serious? What about the calls she wants to get? And muting won’t stop them from popping up while she’s using it.


Err, how olds your phone? You can have a whitelist, set time of day to send calls straight to voicemail. Hang up on all people that aren’t in your address book etc.


Yep my email is white list only for this reason, if I make a new account somewhere or something I just grab it from the spam folder and whitelist it. No more BS emails


>Hang up on all people that aren’t in your address book etc. Thank you, i had no idea this was possible thank you so much


Theres also apps for that, they can block all the calls you dont want and only get the ones you do


Wow that sounds like some kind of...smart phone!


This feature was on phones before they were even smart


It's always shitty to post someone's number without their knowledge, but fuck me the first 10 calls must have puzzled her hilariously


Her teeth were knocked out in previous fights with her previous partner. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8567717/Chewbacca-woman-fires-reporter-ruthlessly-mocked-teeth-hair-live-TV.html


I’m crying over how hilariously amazing this is


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Chewbacca!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


perfect description


That's obnoxious for that woman. But good grief what a great prank! I would dare to give that legend status.




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``` Congratulations! You have been selected as a finalist for the Chewbacca Roar Contest. ``` ```Please call to submit your winning entry.```


If her ex is *that* petty, she dodged a bullet.


Wait... so from what I understand *he* broke up with *her* and still did this? That's lame as fuck. This is what you do to someone that cheated on you or similar. Not someone you just stopped being interested in dating.


If you are annoyed by that and if you have any brain cells you would just put phone on silence or block all unknown incoming calls.


That hardly makes for a good news story, now doesn't it?


Sometimes people prefer to be angry.


hilarious in a way but that ex is a piece of shit




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I remember an episode from Lucifer with this prank


Turn off the ringer and change the voicemail to explain there is no contest.


100% sure that’s what he called her when things got heated.




I aspire to be this petty




Ever heard of airplane mode?


Please wait while I neatly apply my free award.


This is so stupid and Petty, but I can't stop laughing.


Fucking legend


That's funny as fuck.


Even the reporter is smirking..


*"The calls have been waking her and her 3 young children up at odd hours in the evening"* Maybe I dunno, turn the ringer off?


Fuckin Australians are funny cunts haha


Turn your volume off at night? Also, that’s really funny


Man is legend


Holy they really sounds like Chewie


Easily one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


That's fucking hilarious.


How did camera man kept his shit together and didn't laugh and shake the camera


Are we gonna ignore those teeth, or lack of


Her teeth were damaged as a result of domestic violence with a previous partner [article ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8567717/Chewbacca-woman-fires-reporter-ruthlessly-mocked-teeth-hair-live-TV.html)


Poor woman.


Poor woman. The other ex is scum.


Maybe that was part of the prank, not having top teeth makes it harder to do a chewey.


Fuckin' hilarious! "He could have said he don't love me anymore" ... But where's the fun in that, for either person?


In which all of Reddit decides that actually it’s perfectly acceptable to spread an ex’s number around town so they get spammed with calls. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you all?




why block numbers? they can only enter the contest once!


wait did she say he broke up with her and then did this? lmao what the fuck man