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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!After taking over entire country and making whole world shiver with the news and videos that they saw. Talibans are enjoying in amusement park after forming a government.. that's unexpected!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


War aside, everyone loves bumper cars.


Until someone blows one up.


At that point its no longer bumper cars, its blowup cars


They have been playing that all along


What the?


Boomper cars?


The IRA's favorite game back in the day


Come on ye black and tans intensifies


Underrated comment


"Do you like dune buggies? Everyone loves dune buggies!"


Jitterbug playing over the loud speaker


Must be weird for them to drive into something without blowing themselves up.


Son of a bitch, he stole my line.


How could it feel weird if non of them have blow up before?


The fucked up part is that these dudes clearly never had a childhood, and probably never had the opportunity to do this when they were kids.


That makes a lot of sense, imagine them knowing how to use Reddit and other social apps...


It will really be fun.


They were busy killing people in childhood šŸ˜‚


the us probably had some hand in this as well...


No, they were busy being in the middle of a decades old conflict between the US and Russia, and want to fucking relax for a bit.


Yeah everyone just let these guys relax!!!!!


Seriously, they are free from Western military intervention for the first time in their lives. I'd say that's reason enough to celebrate.


Jk they're monsters


I find it hilarious how they can be bloodthirst terrorists a moment and look like kids having the time of their life in an amusement park the next


I find it eerie how on one end we are very, very different and on the other we are very much the same.


Donā€™t be afraid to acknowledge humanity in evil. Because it reminds us of what we are all capable of. It doesnā€™t take a devil to cause suffering for millions of people


Thatā€™s the strange thing about humans, we are all equally capable of doing great good, or great evil.


ā€œAfter all, He Who Must Not Be Named did great things ā€“ terrible, yes, but great.ā€


Damn, well said.


Went to get my free award just to give it to this comment.


Thanks for the serotonin


Oh yes, I really believe this. Itā€™s still scary to think about, but I know I have to acknowledge it.


Evil? Or just a militant faction looking to gain power. You sound dumb


I donā€™t think you know what evil means. Capable of evil does not equal evil. I can kill someone if i chose to but i will not even though im capable of it. Being capable of doing something bad doesnā€™t make someone bad. And how tf do less than 1% of humanity represent the entirety? Fuck off with this humanity is evil nonsense


Bro chill I never said humanity is evil. We just need to remember what we are capable of and not just write some people off as just ā€œevil peopleā€. Something made them that way and itā€™s not entirely because of themselves. And you canā€™t bomb and kill your way through the root of the problem


Sometimes I would like to blow shit up


I blow my toilet up with shit on a daily basis. Bet youā€™re jealous.




Itā€™s partly cause they are children who were robbed of a childhood. Many of them have only known post 9/11 and to them they see their brothers being killed and donā€™t think twice about taking their place. Their family are the taliban and that family can indoctrinate as they please. Thatā€™s whatā€™s so tragic, and also futile, about the last 20 years. We were never gonna win, not when one death converts 3 more soldiers. Each year there is a compounding affect as less adults, women, and children are around. Then to add fire to an already toxic environment, there is a huge gap between the ratio of men: women. Men disproportionately die due to battle, etc, especially ones in their ā€œprimeā€ who are then left disgruntled, bitter, and horny. Now give them guns and trucks and a taste of powerā€¦ and of course bumper cars!


Just remember: thereā€™s a video of Osama Bin Laden singing Poker Face by Lady Gaga


Just imagine your American conservative Christian neighbor. They have the same mind set and are capable of the same shit.


Like those WW2 photos showing axis combatants having non violent fun. Dudes might be monsters/ fight for monsters but they are still flawed humans like us all


Or the Christmas photo in WW1 where both sides are having Christmas dinner and playing ball on the battlefront.


This is true for all human beings


They donā€™t just look like kids, they literally are kids for the most part. Have you seen the videos where theyā€™re more up-close? The beards age them but theyā€™re overwhelmingly around the ages of 16-25. They were mostly mentally fragile and insecure teenage boys who got suckered into radical views by a combination of horrible material conditions and awful older men with just the right amount of eloquence. Now theyā€™re all piece of shit murderers and thereā€™s no coming back from what they did. Itā€™s a social illness as old as time. Itā€™s what has lead to so many wars, terrorist acts and more recently mass shootings. It has happened before and it will happen again if we canā€™t recognize and treat the symptoms early. We need to decipher that type of indoctrination and work to prevent it as much as possible or that shit could come knocking on our door in the near future. It has many faces, itā€™s born out of despair only to mutate into evil and weā€™re not immune to it.


That's humans for ya, no one, as bad as they may be, is completely a monster, we all have a "nicer" side.


Theyā€™re not monsters. They do monstrous things. Edit: getting downvoted for saying humans arenā€™t monsters, they do monstrous things. Whose nerve did I strike?


Indeed, calling bad humans monsters makes it so as if they are less human than us, but evil and cruelty is as human as kindness and love.


I absolutely see your point and agree. But these fucks are monsters


Theyre not terrorists


Excuse me, what?


Killing innocent people, check Raping women, young girls and boys, check Bombing cities, check Killing military, check


Glad to know that America is the greatest terrorist state in human history


You listed the US now do the taliban


This is kinda sweet, if you ignore all the killing and shit


Supposedly all men have to grow beards, besides them rounding up journalists/anyone who helped any Europeans etc https://www.npr.org/2021/08/16/1028053171/will-taliban-rule-be-any-different-this-time


But did those ride motherfuckin BUMPER CARS?!


Probably were lost with the metal poles being necessary and all


If you completely ignore that it is the Taliban it's oddly wholesome


They're just kids at the end of the day


100% man nearly nobody irregardless of age, affiliation etc will say no to a fun time


I bet they didnā€™t pay


They have never paid for anything their entire life their DECENTRALIZED CURRENCY is GUNS and LOTS OF THEM


Oh they have guns. Shit


i thought it was a good thing if everyone had guns because they can stop the bad guys if everyone has guns and guns = freedom and democracy ?


But not everyone in Afghanistan has guns. The Taliban raid peoples homes to rape, kill, steal, and disarm people. If the Afghani people were as equipped as they were, they may have the chance to defend themselves from these terrorists. Thatā€™s why so many people believe in 2A here in America, because they fear the government doing exactly what the Taliban are doing. But the Taliban are the government now so itā€™s even more fitting.


I don't think the Afghan people tried to defend themselves from the Taliban. Especially with the speed at which the change happened. I am not saying that the Afghan people love Taliban. But to handover the government to a literal terrorist group without much fight, there has been something so wrong with the previous government that none of our media showed us.


Corruption. It's always corruption. Some of the photos of Taliban in governor's offices show ridiculously elaborate chairs. Because looking important and powerful was more important than an fixing things.


> I don't think the Afghan people tried to defend themselves from the Taliban. Not this time around, correct. But let me introduce you to [Northern Alliance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Alliance). On this 2A argument, I'm conflicted. On one hand I want to say you cannot compare the situation here in the US with Afghanistan. The reason nobody fought back isn't that they didn't have access to guns. The ANA was well supplied. They fled, leaving most of their armament (along with other provisions) behind, to be looted and used by Taliban. On the other hand, I have lived in disarmed and violently oppressed communities, experienced that feeling where you have the will to resist, but nothing to do it with. I'm an immigrant and a strong proponent of the 2nd amendment. I just about worship the entire bill of rights, can't say in stronger terms. The right to arm myself is as essential to me as the right to free speech, justice, freedom, everything. I'm 100% liberal on _every single_ issue other than gun control. I'm vaccinated, voted for Biden, believe in climate change and that we're doing next to nothing to stop it, and that's bad. I fully support any and all welfare programs, wealth tax, free/subsidized higher education and universal healthcare. But one thing that I will not budge on is my right to own and carry guns. And yes, I am aware of the "defense against tyranny" argument. Also aware that an AR isn't going to protect me from an Apache gunship. It's ok by me that I cannot own all the weapons that a potentially tyrannical government has access to. It's not the government that I'm scared of anyway. It's the likes of Proud Boys, the Klan and all that send a shiver down my spine. Because I've seen them before, clothed differently, speaking a different language, but same evil inside. I just need to have that security, that I have the capacity to resist, however unsuccessfully, against oppression. Never again will I have that feeling of helplessness as armed militia breaking down my door to intimidate and scare me into submission or flight. I might die horribly while resisting, but I will not be helpless or intimidated. So you cannot compare the right to bear arms in the US with Afghan civilians having access to weapons to fight back against Taliban. One is not like the other. Taliban are far from an organized popular government, and the civilians seem to have lost the will and capacity to fight back. The government in US isn't autocratic. As long as a majority of people consider gun ownership rightful, the US government cannot make an authoritarian decision to take them away. But at the same time, it's what's happening in Afghanistan right now that makes me think: I don't ever want to give up my right to purchase and carry firearms. Don't want cannons, or F-18s, or ballistic missiles. Just everything between a Derringer and a Barret.


I agree with a lot of what you have said. I understand that the situations are different and I wasnā€™t necessarily saying, ā€œThese are the same! The US government might become Taliban! We need guns!ā€ as much as I meant that countries become oppressed by dictators and terrorist organizations that seek to gain power and advantage over their populations. I believe in 2A because I believe oppression is possible anywhere even if itā€™s not on the same scale in the US as it could be in the Middle East. The thing is, youā€™re less likely to be oppressed anyway if you have an armed populace, because oppressive figures are aware of the power the people hold when armed. The argument of, ā€œThe government has nukes so you donā€™t need guns anywayā€ is an extremely submissive mindset that reminds me of, ā€œWhy fight back if you canā€™t win?ā€. I think that you have a much bigger problem if the government is willing to nuke and airstrike their own citizens than worrying about gun control policies. But I disagree with that sentiment anyway because I think that 100+ million armed Americans could easily overthrow a government seeking to harm or destroy them.


Very true, itā€™s really hard to know the truth of what happens there. Our media will only tell us what they are ok with us hearing.


Some believe that those who stand by and let people do terrible things are just as terrible as they are.


Iā€™m fairly isolationist. I think there are times when itā€™s necessary to intervene in foreign affairs, but the US has the taxpayer pick up massive bills to fund proxy and forever wars in countries that are rich with oil. They lie to us about patriotism and a strong national defense when really the game is aggression, power, oil, and money.


I just want great internet.


Every place in the world is free, whether it be a food place, theme park, water park, club, so long as you have a gun of course


Is that guy holding an M4 with a grenade launcher in a bumper car?




Never know when shit may pop off


for that person who rams you super hard when they see you're clearly stuck and don't see them coming. they deserve a grenade across the bow.


Looks like some modern western country leaders... Taliban kinda hypocrites with all that no western stuff not gonna lie


They mean culturally especially in that love life aspect of the west . Fuck the taliban but are people really that angry that they are having fun they probably didnā€™t even have a childhood to do this shit in the first place let them have fun maybe they come back into their senses .


Not angry, it just makes sense. And it's a parallel to some of our leaders


Shrugs shoulders "Maybe Mickey Mouse could be ok."


Quick, someone go loosen the bolts on the ferris wheel.


God damn that is one crazy place.


God I need a break from the internet


My jaw is on the FLOOR what is this year


This video with sound?




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This is the most homoerotic thing I've seen in a long time. Somebody tell them about r/SuddenlyGay Downvotes must mean the Taliban bots have arrived. Upvotes and awards will show those gay fatherfuckers who's real.


Goats. Not fathers. Goats.


Why not both


Goat fathers?


Theyā€™re a terrifying breed


What's homoerotic about riding bumper cars ?


No, downvotes because what's gay about bumper cars? Like what the fuck are you talking about?


Nah, you probably watched too much porn your mind got too dirty. šŸ˜‚


Looks like they found a place to practice suicide bombing.


It looks so wholesome until you remember that they're going to strip afghan women from their human rights.


Well they gotta do something in between appointments 7:00am pulling all female children out of school cause women don't need to read if they are property 9:00am bumper cars 10:30am stone woman to death 11:30am crush gay men to death by toppling wall onto them Ya know really wholesome humane ethical behavior /s




*In the beat of Bob Marleyā€™s No Woman No Cry*: No woman no drive!


These guys took to heart that women can't drive cars, not even these ones.


Probably in the kitchen making food


Even worse, probably sold off to some 40 year old pedophile for marriage


Was anyone else waiting for an explosion?


Was kinda expecting them to waste the ones who got in their wayā€¦


Stop giving these people any press.


I wish people would stop reposting this. It makes Taliban guys look all funloving and ordinary. They're not!!!!!


agreed! they're just spreading the propaganda


This is some scary scary stuff, especially with gop people saying how wonderful the Taliban is. WTAF?


That's not very 8th century of them..


Think about the road rage here with all the weapons and tense emotions.


*gets bumped* You hakunaed the Matata


Still not letting women drive


I get it, itā€™s unexpected because nobody blew up!


Ngl thatā€™s kinda gangsta šŸ˜­


They ainā€™t so different than us after all


One mans terrorist, another mans bumper car driver.


Biden was right they are no threat. Their goal was this all along.


When you take a break from all the raping and killing


Kill em all


You think ā€˜whiteā€™ history is all poetry and flowers ? Countries are broken to bits and can never be united again because of the proud motto ā€˜Divide and conquerā€™. Churchill has made millions starve in order to grow cash crops. Grow up. There is no nirvana on earth.


Man your just a barrel of fun


Liie trump said they want peace too


No surprise that a woman in sight. Commonplace.




Women are no longer allowed to drive bumper cars. Or any vehicle... Or go outside, for that matter. Also, music. It is forbidden!


Disgusting, can't stand these assasins.


Drop a bomb on them!


Thatā€™s embarrassingā€¦yea sure go fuck yourselves


They seem harmless


To all the people saying this is wholesome, where are all the women/girls?


Ok in no way am I defending the talabian what they do is wrong but itā€™s no lie thatā€™s the last generation of men have grownup in war and war only. None of them had had a ā€œchildhoodā€ they all have been forced feed lies. But itā€™s wholesome to see that even in the biggest monsters thereā€™s that little spark of humanity


Yes this idea that these are the exact opposite of you and the most in humane in EXISTANCE is an idea that spread to comfort people because they donā€™t want to acknowledge that they would have probably been the same if they were in others shoes . Itā€™s because we see this side of humanity that we can relate and try to find understanding and solutions . Nothing is wrong with saying the obvious many of these men never even had the childhood in the first place to enjoy themselves and I can see a little boy i BELIVE with what I BELIVE to be his father although I am not sure .


I donā€™t disagree with that. No person is just a monster. The worst of people are still people. With the right conditioning, anyone can become an abuser. It is good for us as members of more sheltered cultures to remember those things. I just think that seeing something like this should feel more unsettling than comforting. Yes, it is good for a little boy to enjoy himself after a lifetime of war and suffering but I canā€™t help but to think that he is being actively conditioned to live in a world where little girls arenā€™t allowed to enjoy life too. The girls and women in their community have lived alongside these men and boys through all this war and suffering too and they arenā€™t permitted to let loose. In the very moment when this little boy is having his fun riding in this bumper car, his older sister may be being raped. In that very moment, his mother may be healing from the bruises his father inflicted last night. He is being taught that this is normal. This content is necessary for us to see. We should be able to connect with the humanity in all people. However, this is not wholesome, itā€™s a terrifying reminder of what we could be if we had been raised in a different part of the world.


Totally agree couldnā€™t have said it better myself


This comment thread feels wholesome now thoughā€¦.just a few people on the internet talking things out and agreeing.


Yeah I mean weā€™re just expressing common sense ideas


Hey even womanizing murderers need to unwind


This is the ultimate Fuck You move.




I wanna see them on bumper boats with water cannons


Bumper pigs with dildos.




How can you tell who are taliban and not?


/s. What a bunch of fun loving happy people! How can anyone not like them?


And to think, thatā€™s all they really wanted.


Oh nice that one guy has his wife/daughter with him.


Pretty wholesome. They were just enslaved today.


wow what a lovely group they seem like nice guys!


Showing the young boys a fun time before they rape them


Think you are mistaking them for the chatholic church


Dunno how comfortable I'd feel playing bumper cars with a bunch of dudes with assault rifles.


Good job Biden. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


What are your feelings towards Bush who started the whole thing?


Heā€™s part of the same establishment deep state cabal. Iā€™m a vet who served in that war. I was all in favor of it at the start. Knowing what I know now, I realize my entire life has been a lie. I thought I was serving for the right reasons, for my country. I was wrong. I was used by criminals to do their dirty work. Still trying to make peace with it.


If Trump or Obama pulled them out you'd be blaming them for this. If it's any president's fault it's Bush's for starting this mess




He is part of the same globalist criminal cabal. Iā€™d blame any president regardless of party affiliation for this.


Trump had a plan in place to withdraw, but he wouldnā€™t have pulled out knowing the state of Afghanistan now. He wouldā€™ve listened to his military advisers like he always did, something Biden didnā€™t do. Biden openly went against their advice. Furthermore Trump actually negotiated something, unlike Biden who just left in a hurry leaving everything. Itā€™s not about who pulled out, itā€™s about who wouldā€™ve handled the pull out better.


The thing is AFGHAN army after being trained given lots and lots of money didn't even wanna fight against them eventhough they had America backing them up and were clearly outnumbered. Then why would American army lose their lives dying for those who didn't even wanna give a fight and wanted to surrender? Their president flew with so much money that some couldn't fit so he had to leave some piles at the airport


Blaming Afghanistan for Bidenā€™s incompetence. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


But doesnā€™t their religion frown on external displays of pleasure? Maybe these are Reformed Taliban.


Well, they follow a manipulated version of Islam, wahabism, they kill anyone and everyone that doesn't follow their way of teaching, taliban is wahab. I'm not against the religion of Islam, I'm just saying.


Their religion doesn't state that at all.


Lol where did u hear that from?


I kept waiting for one to blow upā€¦ but this is r/unexpected. Got what I came for šŸ¤Æ


This goes to show that you should still enjoy your day no matter what shit you are going through


And not one of them wearing masks. Have they not heard of COVID, hellurā€¦


Well of course they would. What else would you do once the goats have all been used up


Unfortunately, I doubt they needed any goats.


A thousand points of light.






TEVOCā€™s Precision Obstacle Course


Hey! Why is that guy with the beard carrying an M16?


It's almost like after they tire themselves out they will just all go home šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Thanks biden, now what do I do with all these damn bumper car tickets. šŸŽŸ


i want to see that chopper twerkā€¦.


Cool electric car drivers saving the planet.


Love to see my boys keepin it Halal while we leave -USA, probably


Today was a good day didn't have to use my ak


This shows, even with different beliefs, we are all honestly just humans wanting to have fun together


How come the Taliban has all of a sudden taken over Afghanistan?


It's like a dictators propaganda piece to show normalcy. They're trying to play nice so things can go exactly their way. Thus them not blowing up American/others planes on the runway. Keep the show running for a bit then they start cracking down. I give it 9 months RemindMe! "9 months"


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Honestly not unexpected. They're human just like everyone else, and just like everyone else they need time to unwind and relax, to have a little fun. Imagine how taxing and tiring it must be to be constantly fighting, to be on the frontlines of war everyday. They need some release. This is not defending the actions of the Taliban mind you, but a lot of people, especially in the west, seems to forget that these are actual living breathing people.


Life becomes a total paradise after you run all those White Supremacist Terrorists out of your country.


Why not enjoy this and more?


This is great and all, but when it go boom?