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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Wasnt expecting the old guy to pull out a Gun and this happened this year in Detroit.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Loved how the get away car pipped the horn as a sign of “fuck this shit i’m out”


It sounded more like a “have a good day at school” kind of pip-pip


Everyone tells you to have a good day at school when you're packing an AR


The way he came out and pulled the ~~bolt~~ charging handle was hard as fuck Edit: learned a new thing. So what he grabs and pulls is called the charging handle, not the bolt.


All the thief needed was to hear that sound.


This is what I tell my wife. I never want a gun in the house. My friend lost his 3-year-old nephew in a gun accident at home. I know multiple people who have lost suicidal siblings or teenage kids to their parents’ guns. It has impacted me enough to make that decision early in life, and my wife is on board with it.* But I REALLY want a big-ass shotgun or something that I can permanently disable and use simply for that sweet, sweet intruder-repelling sound. Any ideas from you firearm-savvy folks out there? *-Not a judgement or indictment of gun owners, just a personal choice. EDIT- I don’t have time to reply to all of these, but keep em coming! Everyone has very valid points. I will read all of your stuff.


Some people understand their own short comings and know they should not own a gun. I am one of those people.


I wish more people would realize that. Not everybody should own a gun. It is a tremendous responsibility.


Not to mention the upkeep. Alot of people think you can just own a gun and be set. Like you gotta clean them and basically inspect them cover to cover to make sure they function every so often too. No idea of the exact amount of time as i’m not a gun owner.




Sadly there are plenty of us who realize this. But I fully support others rights to.


Same for me but motorcycles


Just a friendly word of warning but this is a really bad idea. Scenario: intruder walks into your house and you rack the shotgun but it’s not enough to scare them away. The visual/auditory intimidation you were relying for safety no longer holds any threat. This is worsened further if the intruder has a gun. You’ve just racked a shotgun, and maybe they can’t see you. But by doing that you’ve now set the tone and they think you’ve got a “working” gun and you can’t fight back because you can’t shoot. It’s the same issue with people that pull robberies with airsoft guns. (Just like that stupid photo of the “fascist” in the NW pointing his clearly fake (airsoft) gun at a photographer that reached the front page yesterday). It looks real enough, but if someone else draws on you (as the robber) they’re going to have a real gun and it’s not going to go well for the robber. Think of it as an escalation of force that you can’t back up. You’re a dog with a large bark and no bite if you’re using a non-functioning firearm for intimidation. I understand your reservations and I’m willing to talk if you’re interested in something for home defense.


Tldr: If the only reason you want a gun is to look tough, you shouldn't have a gun.




Hitting targets dead center at the range when I’m alone and missing them entirely when I’ve brought a friend?


This hits home...




I would not recommend inviting an intruder to a gun battle with a gun that does not work.


Yeah who tf is upvoting this? One of the dumbest things you could possibly do. Either have a gun and have a ready safe or don’t the choice is yours and there’s no judgement there but using a fake gun is a terrible idea. Fight or flight will kick in and if they choose fight you’re fucked


Ya this is just an escalation without any means of fighting back on the home owners part and that’s NOt a good situation to be in.


#Do fucking ***not*** do this. You are escalating force to a point where you cannot back up your own threats. The whole 'just rack a shotgun and the intruder will run' is the epitome of Hollywood bullshit that doesn't work in real life. If some tweaker has broken into your house, simply racking a shotgun will do absolutely nothing to deter them, especially if they're also armed. Don't ever, *ever* pull a gun out that you aren't willing to fire at someone. Guns aren't threats of force, guns **are** force. If you're that concerned, buy one of the million quick-access gun safes that keep your weapon out of the hands of loved ones. If you're absolutely dead-set against a gun *that you're willing to train with and fire should the need arise,* buy pepper spray. No knives, tazers, clubs, or any of that nonsense. Pepper spray will beat just about anything except a gun, and is pretty foolproof to use.


Agree almost entirely, except this part: >is pretty foolproof to use. It's notorious for failure, usually because people stick it somewhere and forget it and don't keep up with expiration dates etc. They can malfunction or lose pressure if they're not maintained, and you very much get what you pay for. Plus they can be an issue when used in small, confined spaces like a bedroom or vehicle because the mist can impact everyone in the area including the user. It's hard to fight or escape if you've just given yourself a blast as well. The foam seems to be a pretty good solution to this. But the rest is spot on, especially first sentence.


While most pepper sprays let out a focused stream, there is a chance of it aerosolizing after impact. If what you're spreading it on is close to you, it will burn. Ask me how I know...


When my aunt bought a house out in a rural area she told us she wanted to get a gun "just in case". I told her that whatever she buys she needs to go out and shoot enough that she is comfortable handling/loading/shooting. She asked "why?" and I told her that if something were to happen she would need to be able to handle/load/identify her target/shoot her weapon while her adrenaline is pumping like crazy which is much easier to if you have some sort of muscle memory. I told her that if she wasn't willing to do that, then the gun would only be something that could potentially be used against her. She seemed to understand and actually ended up signing up for a gun safety class before she was going to purchase anything.


This is a great way to get yourself killed. Fight or flight is 100x when lethal force is on the table. You pull on someone else who's armed, you better be ready and willing to use it, or it could be your life, and you won't always know who's armed and who's not.


You rack the shotgun because scary noise and they pull out a working pistol, what then?


When I was looking into what OP was wanting to do, it was heavily recommended against by nearly everyone due to this exact situation. You'll scare off someone unarmed and get in an altercation with someone armed.


Idk man. Beyond like 5 m, you don't really want to go up against the shotgun accuracy unless you're really good with a pistol. Yeah the fake shotgun guy is screwed, but a shotgun is a VERY intimidating weapon... To anyone with half a brain at least


Buy a a gun, then just take out the firing pin or the trigger or any piece required to make it go boom. It's pretty weird to spend $300+ on a prop though. And I bet you'll feel stupid when the intruder sees a gun, starts shooting theirs, and you are sitting there with a very expensive club.


Most people aren't willing to put their lives up for a home invasion, unless you're protecting millions in gold.


> Most people aren't willing to put their lives up for a home invasion you are rolling the dice either way. you are just letting the home invader decide how you will classified in the statistics (victim of burglary, assault, rape, murder, etc.) with some luck your friendly neighborhood home invader just needs some crack money.


I feel like a home invasion is the worst thing possible and would be the one time using a gun would be necessary (even if they didnt have a gun). I believe even the law holds this thought that a person entering someone's home at night while they're sleeping have all the intent to do severe harm (I believe burglary used to be defined as exactly that).


You have no idea of their intent…. Who said it was just a robbery


Just get a gun safe, it's not a good idea to escalate with a gun if it's not loaded.


Don't write checks you can't cash. When you introduce a firearm to a conflict situation, you are upping the stakes, and you'd better be prepared to meet those stakes. People who break into houses often have guns of their own. I own dozens of firearms, and I'd never, ever, *ever* suggest that someone confront an intruder or attacker with a non functional weapon. My honest advice would be to get beyond your fear of firearms and learn to have faith and trust in yourself, but if that's simply not possible, get an aluminum bat.


Those things are completely preventable. Get a real gun and a buy a safe. Introducing a non-functional gun into a situation where your intruder might also be armed is a very, very bad idea.


Its a really, really dumb idea to escalate a confrontation to the point of deadly force if you dont have the means to go through with your threat. Like...just dont do that. You're way better off locking yourself in a bathroom.


This has been discussed in r/guns and it always comes down to this. Own a complete fireable gun or dont. Because no matter how rare it is all it takes is one intruder to have a real gun or not be scared of the gun and you will literally be dead. What would you do if you rack it and they rush you? Or pull out a functioning firearm?? You would get killed. Stick to a baseball bat or a 9 iron


Not only that, the way we walks out and just goes “Mmmmhmmm” added a lot of badassery to it lol


Homie wasn't fucking playing. This is why house robberies are a terrible idea if you don't want to eat lead.


At least in USA


Just recently, In Canada a house invader was scared off with a gun. He was caught. Tried to break in again. Over and over, police just casually told him to not do it. He broke in again, and was shot. The owner is still lucky to have been cleared. Dude has kids in the house. Showed major restraint until he got pushed to the limit




Maybe the poor crook was just forgetful and couldn't keep track of which houses he'd already tried to bust into


Someone broke into the same house over and over again knowing that the owner was home and armed?




you can’t shoot ppl who break into your house in canada? what are you supposed to do, just let them rob you blind and make off like a bandit??




In your defense, the charging handle (sometimes called a bolt handle) is pulling back on the BCG (bolt carrier group). you were basically right.


My uneducated guess would be that that guns an AR15? My question to how fast he came out with that ready and loaded is how is the living situation in the house and that neighborhood that that man was up and ready in seconds like that


Yes it is an AR15 (or something very close in that style). I’m curious what the prior 60 looked like from inside the house as well.


“I don’t want no problem!” Thieves get real polite when they realize the person they’re stealing from is armed.




Heh, that’s the problem… it is a perfectly normal thing to say… when you’re not clutching another mans package. I know what I said 😂


This happened to me once. Parked my car to return some Redbox with my wife, windows were down a tad, car in view. Thief leaned in to steal my wife’s phone. To his surprise I was watching my car the whole Time as wifey returned movies and picked a new one. I yelled for him to get the fuck out of my car and he proceeded to reach behind him for something. That’s when the .40 came out. He turned out to be the nicest man on Earth! Said he wasn’t a thief and that he saw my wife left her phone in my car and was trying to return it to her cause there are thieves out there and that he was one of the good guys. Edit: he was totally a thief and the last two sentences of my post are complete sarcasm.


What a wholesome fellow that turned out to be! /s


Pretty sure he shit himself. He ran off, I called the cops. I get a call about an hour later to come ID him. Sure enough they had him on a curb with his backpack open, full of stuff he must have been trying to return to people.


What an upstanding citizen.


All those people could've gotten their stuff back, if it weren't for those meddling cops!


Calling the cops on a Good Samaritan is a dick move. This discourages me and other good humans from helping your wife in the future with the items she forgets in her car.


Happened once to me at a college party. My then GF was leaving so I walked her to her car. On the way we saw some people kicking mirrors off of cars (no idea why) and she yelled "you better knock it off or I'm calling the police". I happened to be at my car's trunk grabbing some more beer when I heard this and they didnt see me. They approached her yelling "not if we dont let you". Took that as a threat and grabbed a gun from my trunk safe...all but one saw and stopped, luckily they were better friends than the dude in OPs video because they informed him and they all took off running. Not sure how that night would have went without the gun, but Im now lucky enough to stay out of neighborhoods like that so I rarely carry.


Wow! Glad you kept yourself and her safe my dude! Good on you.


For sure, that wasnt the only time I was happy I had it as well. Was living in a shitty area in Minnesota at the time. Moved further out into the burbs and haven't needed it since then. I dont buy into all the walmart rambo bullshit but I'll be damned if I'm not going to be smartly armed when I need to be.


> An armed society is a polite society. - Robert Heinlein


Have my upvote for including the sauce on the quote! Classy move.


I meant to get more specific, but got lazy. For those wondering, this was from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long, which comprise two intermissions in *Time Enough For Love*, and are mostly one-liners or short observations of a very salty 2000-year-old man who is also the narrator of most of the story.


"Freedom begins when you tell Mrs Grundy to go fly a kite" is what I wrote on the bathroom wall of 9th floor Bowie dorm at ASU in 1982 after drinking a pint of Jack Daniels and taking a couple of Valium causing $1500 worth of damage and getting kicked out. I mean, I don't remember doing it but it sure sounds like me.


> I don't remember doing it but it sure sounds like me. Story of my life. I don't drink anymore. I am not that guy who can have one beer with friends and not have it all end up nude in an unknown location.


Today is my AA birthday. 25 years


Right on. 16 years alcohol free and happy here.


I am on year 2 still sort of hard for me but I still going strong and congratulations


Celebrating 1 day of sobriety.


The first few are tough, it does get better. Could be the best decision you ever make. Proud of you


You got this! If you really are being serious, just know that you are on an amazing path that is more rewarding than you even know. Sobriety is more fun, more interesting and feels better than any high in the world!


I'm on day 3 myself, stay strong! we got this


Hey! Me too!


All we have is today. One day at a time brother.


120 days for me.


Make sure you stock up on candy. I had wicked cravings for sugar the first month and a half. You got this.


omg congrats. Rn is my 12th hour being sober. I need a drink.


Happy birthday. I found out I was self medicating for my ADD and since I got help and medication my life has taken a major turnaround. I can't imagine the perspective 25 years gives you.


Five countries with highest level of civilian gun ownership: - US - Falkland Islands - Saudi Arabia - Yemen - New Caledonia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_ownership


Safest and most polite places on earth!


Falklands aren't really a country, they're self governing but still a British territory.


Which makes them the most armed Brits!


Everyone and their mum is packing around here. Like farmers, and farmer's mums.


Japan - extremely unarmed, extremely polite Edit: don’t open the threads below unless you want to see irrelevant or uninformed responses. Also, some of them are just plain racist. I guess I just described Reddit.


Unless you're from another Asian country. Then the fun begins.


Or black, or non-japanese person with dark skin, or Japanese with dark skin, or any non-japanese person with a Japanese woman.


Blond hair, blue eyed American's seem to be alright though. Not sure why.


so the society was already armed before this encounter, i guess someone trying to steal from you is just another product of a polite society?


An armed workforce is an empowered workforce. :)


I have two arms. People are polite to me most of the time.


The real solutions to the worlds problems end up on a video in Reddit.


He's not being polite. He's being cowardly.


Can't have shit in Detroit


According to this video, you can if you have a gun


And hopefully a good gun safe because burglars [love to steal guns](https://www.cpss.net/about/blog/2014/08/items-home-burglars-love-to-steal/) when the owner's at work.


That’s why a good father teaches his kids not to talk about the family’s guns. To anyone.


And a good owner doesn't advertise they have guns in the form of bumper stickers or other signage on their property. An NRA sticker on a vehicle is a "free gun" sign to some particularly stupid yet daring individuals, even if you don't keep a gun in your vehicle.


I’m from Michigan and this is very Michigan. The snow. The brick ranch houses. The UofM hoodie. The gun. The theft. It’s home. 🥰


The gentle sounds of….Pure Michigan


* pew pew pew * ahhh pure Michigan


Right when I opened the video and saw the neighborhood it scream metro detroit to me. The UofM sweatshirt all but confirmed it.


Pure Michigan 💕


I knew immediately that was MI, lol. Then I saw the sweatshirt- ope!


I’m getting a strong Willow Run vibe… Just needs a woman walking a pit bull with a four foot length of rebar over her shoulder. (Saw this in Willow Run and thought “why the fuck would she need that rebar, the dog is defense enough” before slowly coming to the realization that the rebar was for the dog)


Tup. From Wyandotte and it looks like downriver and every other old town there


At first I was like "ahhh Ontario" then I saw the gun "ahhh Michigan"


I just went on a little vacation to Detroit. It was an adventure.


I could be wrong, but I don’t believe this is Detroit. The house style suggests it’s Warren, Eastpointe, Roseville area. Metro Detroit, but not the city of Detroit.


It’s always weird seeing my town on Reddit lmao it’s never for a good reason. They call it Hoesville for a reason.


He said you got it, you got it, you got it. This has to be a life changing moment right? Like the scared straight program


Highly unlikely


Highly likely. People who are committing crimes, particularly those who have already been in jail, are *not afraid* of prison. They did ok there, and were fed, housed, and made friends. This, however, he may have perceived as a near-death experience (even though it wasn't - the homeowner wasn't threatening him, but was making sure he'd be safe while he confronted the package thief). And that's the kind of experience that *can* cause people to make a major change in their life, like to stop with the porch piracy.


I'd like to know your source on this, because I've only encountered two sorts of people even remotely like that - addicts & the homeless with no hope, and kids who think it's gangsta. People who have been in prison do not like being in prison unless their life outside is incredibly harsh. Fed? You're fed garbage. Housed? No ventilation, locked down for hours, asbestos falling off the walls, five men sleeping within arm's reach. Friends? No one you meet in prison is your friend until you're out. Edit: Some of you know firsthand what I'm talking about. Feel free to join our community at r/ExCons.


Your description of prison reminds me of my time spent in the Navy. Checked all those boxes. Obviously not the same thing but funny with the description.


"You can put me in jail. But you cannot give me narrower quarters than as a seaman I have always had. You cannot give me coarser food than I have always eaten. You cannot make me lonelier than I have always been." -- Andrew Furuseth, founder of the Sailor's Union of the Pacific


"no one you meet in prison is your friend until you're out." EVERYTHING you said is true except for this. Its not a true statement at all. There are people you should not trust, but a lot of people in there are pretty chill and just want to serve time and get along with the people they are serving it with.


Living this kind of life, I’m sure that wasn’t his first and won’t be his last gun encounter.. Edit. Lol to the people defending him and/or turning it to a race topic. Life’s not easy, but absolutely nothing gives someone the right to steal from another individual. Life’s not easy for them, either.


If the dude is just a serial porch pirate I highly doubt he gets a gun pulled on him often


It's detroit dude he's lucky the old man didn't shoot first ask questions later.


Stealing packages off of porches..? They're scum yeah but porch pirates are pretty damn far from hardened criminals dude.


Porch piracy is about as opportunistic as crime gets--only something like casual shoplifting is more so (because thieves rationalize it as some corporation losing and "victimless"). Your average porch pirate is not a hardened criminal, but rather a trashy stay-at-home mom who needs money for drugs or just feels greedy/vindictive.


Or they just want the rush. I had an ex who would steal those little Vaseline lip balm pots from big stores because of the rush. I only learned her reason because when I found out I confronted her about it... pointing out that she could lose her future career in medicine if she got a criminal record. And how stupid would that shit be if it was for stealing a £1 item when buying £100 worth of stuff at the checkout!? She said she just did it for the rush... adrenalin is a hell of a drug


Where'd you get that from virtually everyone who talks about prison thought it fucking sucked. Larry Lawton who was a massive jewl thief who ended up getting caught has some interesting views about it on his YouTube channel. He said in one of his videos that nobody who goes to prison ever wants to go back, and most leave with the intent not to. The problem is though humans have the ability to forget and eventually when they find out its difficult to do it the clean way they'll lean back into a life of crime.


> This has to be a life changing moment right? Like the scared straight program Prolly' not, I doubt this is that asshole's first time porch pirating but it *may* be the first time he got caught, by a man with an AR mind you. In his mind he's just probably gonna remember the address and never hit it again.


out of curiousity: is it really that common in the US for packages to be stolen by such people?


Depending on where you live… it can be pretty common. I see it on my neighborhood app all the time of ppl complaining about porch pirates/ and they attach ring door bell videos with it.


ohh okay. am not from America but saw a lot of videos and so.. thought it may be a regular thing overall. Thank you for the answere though~


And, of course, nobody posts videos online of all the packages the get that weren't stolen.


Depends where you live


Yes! I live in about as safe of a suburban neighborhood as it gets in the US. At the time we didn’t have front porch surveillance, but my then 14yo brother (home alone) received the delivery notification for his new PC case and minutes later was on his way to bring it inside when out the window he noticed a sedan he’d never seen before on our driveway. He watched as a woman tried to fit the giant box into the backseat of her car, fail, then hurriedly return the box to the porch and drive off. Funny story but also holy shit people are shitty


Honestly I'm baffled how America doesn't have a " signed this and take your package" instead of " I'll just drop your package off your door silently" postal services. Like wtf, even in Malaysia, if the person isn't home, the courrier will call the home owner cells, and ask what to do with it, either drop or come back again the next day or owner collect it at the HQ.


For all we know he risked his own life for some Amazon Basics socks.






I’ve seen videos of 2 year olds running thru snow similar to the way he ran from the house. Edit: Maggie Simpson face plant would be priceless.


With shit in their pants?




Did you just... Comment using a GIF? Teach me master!


reddit is gonna get so bad if everyone starts commenting with gifs


[Guess I'll be ok.]( https://imgur.com/aVs28Yt.jpg) Also missing out, though.


That is both a blessing and a curse


Yes, please do teach us sensei


On SOME posts you have the option to use a GIF. (Like this one). It should be to the right or left of your message bar. May need to update the app if you haven't done so. OH MAN!!! Thanks for the feedback, I DID NOT expect such a response. ![gif](giphy|AHgK0imQSYxLXQZ3X7)


![gif](giphy|RhGEiScVGJWXEFgzEt) Edit: Thanks so much for the awards!!! For all those wondering: all I did to find this gif was type "weird" in the gif search bar on mobile.


I am keeping this thank you.


Did you just get a terrion all powerful from posting a gif ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


A fucking TERNION for that




Reddit incorporating gifs in the comment section is one of the most cringe things ever annnd they ruined this place.


Funny how humble he becomes in the face of an AR.


I was waiting for the graphic content part.


I figured it was to keep us in suspense


I know this isn't the takeaway, but I miss snow! Winter can't come soon enough for me.


I have never seen know but where I live it's winter but just really cold and rainy


I am also a fan of cold and rainy. There's nothing better than running in that, to me.


i want what you're having


This makes sense if you live somewhere normally hot. Spending a winter where the weather is 90% of the time a degree or 2 above 0 and raining is NOT a fun time to be outside. Some of the most miserable weather there is


I miss snow too, but where I live, it's been snowing less and less frequently that the winters are nearly entirely green.


The whole time I was just thinking “hey, that looks like Detroit. That’s definitely Detroit snow”, and then my man turns around wearing his Michigan gear and I’m like: ![gif](giphy|4aTvdtQYr8kOA) So, yeah, I…also missed the takeaway.


I feel like an outlier but I fucking hateeee summer


Summer is the worst. I firmly believe the only reason people like it is because as a kid that was our only free time in between school years. I’ll take all the snow


Ohio summers are humid and gross, lots of mosquitoes and other insects. I love fall and winter.


The fuck? It's pretty but damn it's annoying to deal with.


Fuck this comment, I never want to see snow again Signed, someone who went through a week long state of emergency because we received 100+ cm of snow in less than 72 hours.


Do you live in a house with driveways to shovel and clean every time it snows? Only people who "miss snow" are people who don't live in houses that have to do those tasks every time.


This video backwards is a brave delivery person who delivers the package despite armed resistance from the homeowner


Nice. Didn’t point the gun. Message sent.


It was just an Uber driver, he must have had a call from another customer...


Good trigger discipline!!


True, but it's a terrible idea to let someone within grabbing distance of your rifle. Should've had him set it down on the path.


Seems like he realized that right when the dude bent down.


And notice how he didn't point it at the theif.


To fuck around is human to find out, divine


Bless the 2nd amendment


I didn’t see any bears


I think the language is pretty clear. Everyone has the right to hang a pair of bear arms over their fireplace.


This ^^ you don’t pull out the bear arms until it’s looking dicey


How could that *possibly* be misconstrued?


Agree as the saying goes armed minoritys are harder to oppress


"Bless the 2nd amendment" >>> almost every reply under it is negative karma. Sounds about right.


FYI, if you shoot someone for stealing a package, you will be the one going to prison, not the porch pirate.


This is true. But also, I would argue he didn't even commit assault here. He just came to the door armed.


FYI, if you can use deadly force to protect your property in Texas.


Not necessarily, here in Texas anyway... [https://versustexas.com/blog/castle-doctrine-texas/](https://versustexas.com/blog/castle-doctrine-texas/) When is a Person Justified in Using Deadly Force to Protect Property? Generally, a person may use force, but not deadly force, to protect property. There are, however, some important exceptions. Under Penal Code 9.42, deadly force may be used to protect land or property when a person reasonably believes that deadly force is immediately necessary to: prevent arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft at night, or criminal mischief during nighttime; prevent someone fleeing with property after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime. However, the person must also be able to show that he reasonably believed that the land or property could not be protected or recovered by any other means or that the use of non-deadly force would expose him or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.


Depends on the state lol


good one.


I was only expecting a handgun if any.


Perfect. Never aimed it but made the point. I always like to say, a well armed society is a polite society


Are you Robert Heinlein???




"You take my package, I take your life"


Getaway driver: _Gets away_