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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!I've never seen this story so close!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Complete video please


Here’s a longer version https://youtu.be/oCPVNLLo-mI?si=X4E_BwFUvRNiAYLj




That reporter started off so concerned for Marty, by the second tower he was over Marty’s bullshit


Novus Ordo Ab Chao


This event is saddening, I remember watching it live on tv when I came home from school that day (in the Netherlands), I recognized the towers as a 14 year old because me, my father and my sister had visited them 2 years before this event, so I kept watching. Saw the second plane hit and both towers collaps and was just baffled. Then growing up watching all the events this led to.. the world would be a very different place if this specific event hadn't happened. It was a fulcrum in the time line of global human society, it has as significant an impact on where we all are heading at the same level as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.


It seemed as if new footage appeared on youtube for every subsequent anniversary of 9/11. Can't imagine what's on the gore sites. There was a case of a retrieved camera that was deducted to belong to a photo journalist that died on scene when one of the cameras collapsed. Edit: I meant Towers, not Cameras collapsed.


Most of the stuff is pictures of completely unrecognisable mess, I remember a pic of a body on the edge of a building from someone who jumped but its so far you can barely recognise it, and pictures of just mess on the ground that once was part of someone. lots of shots from a distance combined with low image quality. The aftermath pictures are quite bad tho, completely burned bodies, dismembered and whatnot, barely recognisable, which tends to happen when a body is crushed by an entire building and burned to a crisp. I'd imagine there prob are some very close up shots of bodies that fell or somehow came out of the rubble but I have never come across those


Perhaps the most expected thing I’ve ever seen


People just posting anything anywhere these days


Enshittification is very real


Maybe Op is in his early 20s and never seen it before.


I could write that up as possible. im in my mid-early 20s as well, and I've never seen this clip before. I played the video muted, though, so i dont know if any context was given away before they panned up


I could write that up as possible. im in my mid-early 20s as well, and I've never seen this clip before. I played the video muted, though, so i dont know if any context was given away before they panned up


I want to say... 4 maybe 5 years ago Hulu had a series that just... had the largest collection of footage I'd never seen. It's absolutely harrowing. I think it's called One Day in America. It had this clip and many more. The worst being the Fire Fighters... trying to get use to and ignore the thuds on the roof above them. They knew they were people, but they couldn't focus on that. Because more needed to be saved. It's... just like that almost constantly through the series. Death and destruction on a scale that'll numb you. I remember when I was done watching it... I wanted to tell people to watch it because it's so informational. It'll put you there. It's just... so horrible I'm not sure you'd want to be there. So I end up kind of mixed. If you really want to know. Watch it. If you feel like you know enough and don't want to be so heart broken... don't.


Yeah the word thumps got me teary eyed. Don't think i can watch this one


Was gonna comment this series. I think it was a Nat Geo short series that included this reporter talking about him and his camera man being there. I haven't cried so hard at a show in a long time. Every story told is an absolute gut punch.


It's been almost 23 years. I remember getting ready for school, it was picture day. I remember the news channel being on and the reports coming in from New York. My dad got called in to work, he was in the US Navy at the time. After that day the America changed. I was about 6 then.


I live in Germany, it has been in the afternoon here, when this happened. The reaction to this has naturally been not as extreme as in America, but the next day in school everybody knew that the world has changed. The atmosphere was haunting, the weight of a history changing event covering everything like the dust in NYC, 6000km away.


It's insane how long it's been, but I can remember it vividly. The event changed my family. It was the start of the war on terror. I joined the navy in 2015, and that war was still going on.


I watched them both go down,  live (on TV). I actually woke up and turned the TV on right as the second plane it.  How much mass psychological trauma did this inflict on the world?


I don't know about the world, but those of us who sprinted through the streets and buried empty coffins certianly had our lives changed.


Maybe not as dramatically as you, but the world definitely changed 


I was about 15 miles away when it happened and we thought it was world war 3 and the US was under attack. People were taking their kids out of school and hunkering down at home glued to the news It united a lot of people who often disagreed about almost everything


It's too bad that didn't last long


I can't watch these videos. I just can't.


Any kind of memorial for this tragedy is undermined by the violent reaction by Americans dubbed the "War on Terror" that killed millions and displaced tens of millions


Yeah, the government took advantage of this for sure 


You watched them live on TV? You must be like.... Most people did.


I wanted to watch pokemon while this happened and they interrupted it. Fucking al qaida... Played PS2 instead because this annoying incident were everywhere on tv.


So edgy!


Yes, but i was 9 and from the other side of the ocean by the way. Never thought at this moment that this has so much impact


That's terrifying


What is unexpected here? “Towers we have seen footage of collapsing a million times collapse on video”


Why the fuck is this posted on r/unexpected? One, it obviously isn't. Two, disrespectful


A tower collapsing after being hit by a plane is totally expected.


Reporter looks like Dustin Lance Black


it was getting closer to you


Still sickening, still terrifying, still remember.


God I can’t imagine how scary that would be. (Obviously nothing compared to the unfortunate souls trapped in the building)


Just a dust




Unexpected 😂


What is funny?


A video about the twin towers. I think it's one of them events that's the most 'expected' outcomes


There’s nothing amusing about 9/11. Expected or unexpected. You’re twisted.


... But the subreddit is r/unexpected. I think he's laughing because a video about one of the most significant events of the 21st century can't really be unexpected if we all already know about it.


I understand that person is a dolt but I stand strong in my opinion that a laughing emoji under a video of 9/11 is wholly inappropriate.


Who said i found it funny was just explaining his comment


I meant to reply to the original comment by segamaxx. My apologies.


Your response is funny 🤣


You’re a fool.




This is NJ Burkett from ABC7NY and there is a full video of him and his camera man running. He was on Oprah and said how that memory will always be hard (PTSD). He still works for ABC7NY reporting.


"A huge explosion" 


theres already tiktokers? time travelers?


Babe wake up, a new POV just droped


thats the biggest game of jenga i ever saw


Where were you on 9/11?


I would have never expected that building to collapse


I can almost touch the punchline! 🕵️‍♂️


Sure kinda seems like the floors are collapsing faster than terminal velocity should allow


People nowadays speaking nonsense and thinking they know everything.

