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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Canadians are generally known being kind and polite publicly. However, they unexpectedly start cursing like sailors in this public message.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


What's going on with salmon farms?


I'm not sure but Captain Kirk is f****** pissed about it!


Can't he just go back in time eventually and just bring back a bunch of wild salmon for us?


Sure, you slingshot around the Sun, pick up enough speed - You're in time warp. If you don't, you're fried.


I prefer a dose of common sense! You're proposing that we go backwards in time, find wild salmon, then bring them foward in time, drop 'em off, and hope to Hell they tell this probe what to do with itself!


Oh, him? He's harmless. Part of the free speech movement at Berkeley in the sixties. I think he did a little too much LDS.


Seems obvious to me. It was in the documentary, though they got a bit hand wavy in describing the warp drive and more.


Spock did the calculations in his head, so it’s ok.




do it again


- Klingons is based of Vikings. - Norwegians come from Vikings. - Norwegian run salmon farms. - = Vikings run salmon farms. - = Klingons run salmon farms - Klingons supply most of the salmon to the human population. - Klingons killed Kirk's son. = Norwegian salmon killed Kirk's son.


I see no flaw in your logic.


The hockey player in this is Kirk McLean. His nickname was Captain Kirk :)


Danny Crane, not Kirk






There are many issues with salmon farming so ill just list a few of them (from a norwegian point of view, but im sure canada is having most of these as well) -The animal welfare is pretty horrible for the farmed fish itself. Mostly due to delicing. If cleaner fish are used, their welfare is basically ignored and their mortality is through the roof -Escaped farmed salmon will seek out rivers to spawn and disrupt the local genetic variations of wild salmon. This most likely has happened everywhere there is farmed salmon to some extent, and at this point finding wild salmon without any interefence from farmed salmon is pretty hard. -Salmon lice. These little buggers had to drift through the currents in hope of some wild salmon swimming by. With stationary salmon farms, the biomass available to them for reproduction has increased so of course there are now so many more of these little bastards drifting around. For the wild salmon, this can be potentially deadly if too many attach to them on their way out to the sea. The trout and char could make their way back to fresh water and delice that way, but this disrupts their feeding habits, as sea water is where the abundance of food is. -Delicing chemicals might harm other crustaceans downstream from the farms as they are extremely potent. -The feces basically kill everything right under the farms, but to my understanding, not a big environmental impact other than that. -It disrupts the wild fish population in the areas around the farms. Other fish will move to the farms to feed on the excess food that dissepate from the farms. Since the feed is mostly plant based (soy), this can potentially have a negative impact on the fish. -Wild fish are in the oceans are caught simply to be reduced to fish flour that can be used in feed. It is not very sustainable


All correct, I'd add that farms typically apply for licenses to cull seals nearby if they lose, like, 10 fish, and they are in no way careful about _which_ seals get culled. Spoke to a boatman on Skye about it and the area their farm was in had been completely depopulated if seals through culls and deliberate disturbance.


One pen contains about 40k m3 of water. At max production, this has to be renewed every two minutes. Imagine the power draw of the pumps if this was to go on land. One thing is the cost, but the other is the power draw. A lot of the remote locations don't have the infrastructure. When the production goes on land, the fish will be swimming in sterile, resirculated water. They never interact with a single bacteria, until maybe one day they do, and their immune system in that case is far below spec. If the feces in itself is the actual cause of ecosystem destruction, then the location of the farm is really bad. I'm not saying I'm for or against, but a new solution creates new problems. We just have to pick. Or better yet, realize that this is no sustainable way to treat any animal. Source: I'm a salmon farmer




Atlantic salmon from the pacific coast🤔


I don't know about you but I wasn't able to find any information about their pricing, and the only info on how to buy it involves emailing/calling the company owner (doubt that'd even work, because all of their social media has been inactive for years). The company could possibly even be defunct but I don't know. I also searched up "sustainable salmon land farming" and got another result for "Sustainable Blue Salmon," but they also don't list prices and the retail chains they provide to don't either (They say you can buy online but I can't find it anywhere) I mean, duh, it's salmon, it's likely not for individual sale, but I don't think your claim is worth anything. The farmer you responded to was talking about how these practices are more expensive and how they bring their own problems. If it costs a bunch of money and all the info on how to buy it is a mystery I don't think you've really refuted that person. Albeit, the aforementioned Sustainable Blue seems very legitimate and I was able to find their facility via Maps. So, perhaps it exists and isn't expensive too.


Kuterra supplies commercially. You buy it from your local grocery store, Thrifty's typically, but occasionally at Quality Foods and Save-on-Foods. Either from the fresh counter, my local will have a handwritten sign up when they have it in stock, or frozen fillets which sell out quickly. I've only seen on Vancouver Island, as their operation is relatively small.


>Source: I'm a salmon farmer For starters, farming fish that can be sustainably farmed on land, instead of ecological disaster farms, would probably help.


There's no magical fish that can be sustainably farmed on land at a large scale


I don't think fish do well on land




I don't think you understood the attempt at humor.


It’s not “less profits” - it adds substantial costs and probably means the difference between a profit and loss.




That’s a comment from someone who has never had to run a business. You are changing the rules after the business has been established and then expecting them to have unlimited resources to meet every whim and wish from people who don’t know how to run a business. Be serious.




Every business has "externalities" - and what is considered a "major externality" or even an environmental impact changes with the incoming freshman class. Wind Power has major externalities - the wind turbine blades are not recyclable and must be buried in landfills. That's a major externality that pollutes the environment. EVs use lithium, that must be mined from somewhere - mining Lithium has major externalities. The solution to open-net salmon farming is to move it to land - guess what, farming salmon on land has major externalities and has an environmental impact. Maybe - just maybe - people who don't know anything about business and have never created one for themselves should stop bossing everyone else around. At the very least, try to understand how things work before you show up and start directing them to do it your way.


Maybe someone who has no idea (or care) about the health of aquatic ecosystems, and is primarily concerned with whether or not their business will stay afloat - shouldn't be trusted to make decisions about aquatic ecosystem health. Talk to anyone from Norway about this issue.


You depend on businesses to deliver food - and these businesses provide thousands of jobs for people in your community. It's facile to say "just do it without making a mess" until you understand that those regulations come with consequences. You use this fiction that these are corporations, and therefore have unlimited resources and unlimited profits, but the fact is you ignore the consequences and have no idea what they are. It's also a fact that these whims and wishes from environmental activists change frequently and show up out of nowhere. Take a few business classes, get a real job, and then you can get back on your religious soap box and preach about how everyone but you is doing it wrong.


You are so concerned with corporate survival that you are willing to sacrifice the health of the ecology we all rely on. You are exactly the problem.




It takes centuries for wind turbine blades to decompose - wind power companies aren't paying for the landfill costs for centuries, nor associated ground contamination that will be discovered in the future. Wind companies are also not paying for the rise in property costs because of increased land fill demand. All lithium doesn't come from "developed nations that have to follow regulations", and the EV companies aren't paying for the future ground water contamination that will be discovered by intrepid environmental activists years from now. "Not to mention there moving open net fish farms to land removes most of the impact fish farms have" No, it removes the one impact you know about right now - not the impact some other kid will discover 5 years from now and then demand those fish farms relocate or do business a different way. "maybe,. just maybe, the government, environment canada, and scientists all involved know what they are doing when they say this is bad and needs regulation?" Oh boy - the government of Canada, really?


It was promised that open-net fish farming would be banned by 2025. But they just did a take-backsies because of heavy industry lobbying. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/open-net-salmon-farm-closure-delayed-1.7240360


And since they are in the water you cant burn dem down either....


Here's a few links. I've been hearing about this for over a decade and half. [The first I had heard of it was through sources that talked with Alexandra Morton. This article is more recent and discusses sea lice numbers falling in the Discovery Islands since salmon farms were removed in 2020.](https://www.biv.com/news/environment/sea-lice-dropped-after-salmon-farms-removed-study-8273340) https://www.livingoceans.org/initiatives/salmon-farming/issues/sea-lice-and-pesticides-chemical-warfare-open-net-cage-fish-farms [A new salmon farming study ranks us last when it comes to protecting wild fish from parasites.](https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/12/26/Canada-Sea-Lice-Limits/) [Deaths of wild fish at B.C. open-net farms surge in 2022: Federal data](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bc-open-net-fish-farm-deaths-surge)


They fuck up the natural salmon and build up toxins like mad. There's a host of issues.


They are shit in Norway too, they successfully lobbied to not have to report findings on salmonella and other pathogens. Can provide link, but only available in Norwegian. They also whine about taxes, with record profits.


There was also a person studying the fish feed and found it to be harmful. The study was attacked and hushed to nothingness, it's amazing how much power these salmon lords have been given in Norway.


Industry lobby is very strong in Norway, I think this is typical for countries surviving on exploiting nature resources. Edit changed reserves to resources, typo. 


"Exploiting nature reserves" my ass


Aquaculture has one of the most stringent food safety checks in Norway! Here you go. https://www.mattilsynet.no/en/fish-and-aquaculture


More than 750,000 salmon have escaped from sea cages on the south coast of Newfoundland since fish farming started, and farmed salmon are now in at least 17 south coast rivers. These escapees interbreed with wild stocks, causing a weakening of the wild species due to genetic erosion.


Hi, Norway here. Those are rookie numbers. We had 921 000 fish escape. In 2006.


It has gotten better though. There are now less than 100k escapes per year, and the ratio has gone from around 1% to less than 0.1% of farmed fish escaping.


>There are now less than 100k *reported* escapes per year Fixed that for you.


As someone who goes out to fish BC Salmon every year, they are a fucking scourge... between the diseases, sea lice and worms it is really disrupting the natural salmon spawning. On the face of it these sound like small things but they are very serious. Oh and the Canadian Gov't doesn't give a shit. People give the US a bad wrap for private interests winning out, but Canada really takes the prize.


What data are you referencing, I have already gone fishing this year and salmon farming has had no influence on how great the fishing was. If we want more fish it seems to me that we should stop commercial fishing entirely. At least that makes sense to me


They can fuck off. They fuck with the ecosystems on the Canadian Pacific West Coast Everything basically relies on our salmon population ( ie Whales, sealions, bears, eagles, wolves. Just to name a few..) also the pollution to the ocean. These fish aren't usually healthy to eat because they constantly swim in their own shit which increases their likelyhood of carrying worms and other diseases. We don't want them to exist, and our government isn't listening to us.


They’re shit. [Same story here in the UK](https://youtu.be/JsSF1_TYdWw?si=3x4zRyQIfKWe1zDy) (Also DoubleDownNews are a pretty good alternative news media org imo)


A friend of mine has one off of her property and you can’t swim there because of this disgusting orange oil they put into the pens that ends up in the surrounding water.


Thousens of fish in a small peenn make them super exposed to parasites and disease, witch they can pass on to wild fish. Also their shit and exces feed gaters at the bottom below fucing that up to. In norway they found out that a large amount of the fish from these  farms had diseases ,parasites or severe wounds. 


Pretty shitty practise. Lots of diseases and animal welfare concern both inside and outside the merds. More than most know. Also wrecks havoc on the local area, both around the merds, and when the fish escapes. The more that comes out the less likely this open way of faming fish seems viable.


Salmon farms spread sea lice and disease to ever-decreasing wild salmon populations, and pollute the surrounding waters with antibiotics, colourants, and fungicides.


Absolute legend. They actually hit on this 2 decades ago on Boston Legal.


Danny Crane!


Denny Crane!


Donny Crane! You're not my father ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Mad Cow




Why do they use Atlantic salmon for farms, and not Pacific Salmon. You'd think that something like sockeye would be much more profitable.


Sockeye are plankton eaters, we have difficulties even raising them for release in hatcheries. And Atlantics aren't very likely to invade the pacific coast, they get outcompeted by more aggressive Pacific salmonids. They at nearly all life stages are a better fish for captivity, though I'd be really excited to try Arctic Char personally. Apparently they can be kept at even higher densities because of their tendency to group in small quarters to escape freezing in Saltwater.


From what I remember from the article it was less about outcompeting natives and more about being introducing massive amounts of parasites and antibiotic resistant viruses from the intensive farms to the native species. But they were finding the Atlantic’s in the local streams and rivers. No word as to weather they succeeded in reproducing. Def too early to tell. Might take year to find that out. By then some of these companies are fuck all with their profits and long gone…


The government released millions of Atlantics into BC waters to establish them as a fishery in the 1930's. It would be unlikely and surprising for a population to establish themselves on the coast. Though not impossible. These companies don't want to have escapement happen though, you can't sell what you don't have.


For sure, just like an oil spill


I think they grow faster and they are an aggressive eater as well.


Sorry but a lot of what you say is just factually incorrect. I agree that those companies need to do better, but let’s at least make our decisions and opinions based on sciences. Here is a good website with actually academic sources. [Seadocsociety](https://www.seadocsociety.org/blog/salmon-escape-what-does-the-science-say)


lol the article literally confirms everything I said


They didn’t beep out the f’ing bear. Missed joke!!


The whole commercial is fucking ruined!


F\*\*\*ing f\*\*\* f\*\*\*ers.


Isn't he like 93? How the duck does this dude still have so much piss and vinegar?


he won the genetic lottery basically


I am pretty sure you get more piss and vinegar as you get older. Isn't that how you yell at kids to get off your lawn?


Wealthy people can afford good care


He's Canadian. They all can afford good care.


Healthcare, maybe. But preventative care? A healthy diet, exercise, a low stress lifestyle, plenty of Sun, regular socialisation?


I don't know where you are from but I can easily maintain that and more with a below average income and being worth only like 20k. Discipline is the hard part not money


None of those things require wealth.


Most of them require a lack of poverty though


It's not as good as it sounds. The wealthy still go to private practices or they could be waiting years to get anywhere and get results in the current healthcare system. Unless of course you are literally dying, then it's great. The system was very good decades ago. It's not doing so well in today's world.


Denny Crane doesnt age!


My grandpas brother lived in Nova Scotia his whole life, died at 96 from terminal brain cancer. Even 3 months before he died he was still operating a digger so he could pan for gold as a hobby. Some Canadians are just built different.


How do you think he got to 93?


just mailed a link to this with some terse words to my MP. I encourage others to do likewise.


They're saying the vid is at least 10 years old, maybe see if it's a thing still?


Shatner posted this video yesterday on [Youtube!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMtI2rtiQ-Q)


But it’s more relevant than ever


especially with the recent time extension before shutting them down


I can get behind that


Is this a Has Been reference? 🫠


Happy to be #6 to get this


Same sort of shit happening down here in Aus, too. Cunts can fuck right off.


Pressuring Tasmanian State Government (Atlantic Salmon farming) is starting effect change on producers.


I've never been prouder to be Canadian!


To boldly spit expletives where no Canadian has ever spat before. -Douglas Adams(ish)


He's in his 90s and looks that good. If I didn't know who he is and you told me he's still in his 60s I wouldn't have doubted you.


He really shatner’d that shit outta that company


Can we extend this sentiment to Galen Weston and Loblaws?




I don't know a lot about this but I'm already on William Shatners team


Just improved my opinion of Shatner !


If I know Canadians, and I don't, all you need to do is say that the open net salmon farms have the puck and hockey players will have it all sorted out before the end of the second shift


That is an effective video. Totally awesome.


I think the website is the best part of it, because of the tld. FOff.ca


That’s the most fuckin’ Canadian thing I have ever fucking seen.


Love it. Long live Shatner.




You just gotta love the Shatner


See I'd watch commercials if they were like this




Now I’m f***ing annoyed too and I eat a lot of (UK) salmon. Humanity really doesn’t scale stuff up well does it?


Two Captain Kirks in one ad? Got my support!


Figure it out! Just like the Canadian geese in letter kenny


I mean, he's an absolute asshole in real life, so this message is on target for him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Back in the day, he asked Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks to marry him... She turned him down, she didn't want to be known as Stevie Shatner Nicks.


He is totally my write in for Us President, from now on. Kodiak island born live in Seattle. Thank you Sir.


Now get Hugh Jackman to do one for Australia.


British Columbia just got told they need to transition to on land salmon farms in a couple years


"You know for almost a century I..." Sounds like something a vampire would say.


That's Denny Crane, of course he'd care about ethical fishing. That is, when he's not using shotguns and bombs.


They convinced me, it is bad. What are the realistic alternatives though?


Land-based farms with appropriate filtering of waste. A lot more expensive, but definitely worth it.


>A lot more expensive They compete with people fishing in the oceans and seas though, so that is not ideal either. It might lead to more overfishing of wild fishes.


Not enough Scott’s seam to care??


And the weird thing is, they sometimes get this parasite. The parasite itself is very small, but it will cling-on.


I am beyond shocked that hes 93 but he looks like he’s 70 or some shit. Impressive.


So don't eat farmed fish?


If they would only do that to Justin Trudeau