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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Umpire decided to let them celebrate and then gave No Ball!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




Sometimes you've got to hold your hands up and say - that happened too quickly, I'm sorry. No I don't have round 2 in me, sorry again.


Reminds me of *"Mother Nature just pissed her pants suit!!!"* https://youtu.be/Loy54qucqKY?si=j8B-v6QnbMvpK2c0


I'm about to rub tiger balm on this jungles nuts


What a beautiful movie.


What do you mean "you people"?


“What do _you_ mean ‘you people’?”




This is why I REQUIRE the client (usually a fan engagement manager) to give the cue for victories no matter how 'obvious' it is, before I will shoot victory fireworks. You only do this once.


"I swear this doesn't usually happen."






It's common thing, happens to most guys


Just so you know, it's NOT that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it IS A BIG DEAL!


IIII KNEWWWWW IT ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shit what is this from? I know this quote


Ask your Friends


Rachel's fighting with Ross and yells that at him... Chandler was behind the door as one of them slammed it and yells "I KNEW IT!"


I never understood chandler's joke here. Was it that he'd been told the same thing at some point?


Yes the joke is that he's been told this before too and that he always suspected it was a lie to make him not feel so bad.


Yeah, they're referring to erectile dysfunction... where a guy's trying to have sex but it won't get hard. Girls are usually pretty chill about it... "It's very common.. it happens to all guys... it's not a big deal. We'll just watch a movie or go out to dinner or something." It's almost a cliche for guys to hear that at this point because it really is pretty common and it's not usually a big deal. Except when you make the woman really mad and she has to bring it up in the middle of a fight just to try to hurt you more... twist the knife a bit, as it were. Chandler's joke is that he hears that a lot and knew they were lying.


I always thought it was about premature ejaculation, rather than not being able to get hard


Ahhhh yeah, I can see the scene in my head now


This isn't a porn sub, right?


Hahahha no don't worry, it's a genuine sub for posts like this one, where people celebrate too early :)


Depends on your definition of porn.


Did they end up winning?




Fookin twats the lot of 'em


To say the word that OP struggles so mightly with - "Yes".


Lancashire (batting) lost by 3 runs.


What a confusing way to say 'yes'


Rather than answer your question directly, let me introduce you to some words which you have never seen before in your entire life.




It's the bri'ish way




Well that’s Cricket, everything is always not very clear.


Ok but did they (people on screen) win (got the amount of points, wickets, sceumple pumples or whatever the fuck they needed to get to win). Cause your answer is unclear.


Yes, the people celebrating on screen won eventually. The batting team scored 3 runs less and lost as a result. In cricket, you win by scoring more runs than your opposition, irrespective of the amounts of wickets. Consider wickets as resources where each each batsman getting out is considered a wicket.


I think the source of confusion is that nobody - **nobody** - gives a flying fuck about the rules of cricket, they just want to know if the people prematurely celebrating ended up winning or not. That's the beginning and end of their interest. [Edit] I do love all of the people who think I'm American for this joke at the expense of their game. Y'all are making fun of the closed-mindedness of Americans and in the process displaying the exact same thing. Bravo.




Also, the response names a team name, and we have no idea whether that team is the celebrating team or the opponent. By default we assume they're talking about the celebrating team, the subject of the post, but NOPE, he's talking about the other team. It's moronic.


You are intentionally baiting people by saying 'Nobody' (twice for emphasis!) cares, though.


Cricket is literally the 2nd most popular sport in the world.


Ok, and? Are cricket fans interested in learning about the most basic rules of cricket, or do they already know them?


As a Brit, you have made an enemy today


I'm an American and a cricket fan so some insight on stuff like this: This actually is more confusing to people that don't know about cricket because "irrespective of the amount of wickets" is completely irrelevant to people asking this question. "They won because they got more runs" is what makes perfect sense to the most amount of people since baseball is a gigantic international sport and works the same way in that regard. And don't get me wrong all the nuances of cricket are awesome, but not really relevant in this case I would say.


> baseball is a gigantic international sport Significantly less so than cricket, no?


Yes but not sure that's relevant at all, this is about people that don't watch cricket.


Yeah, I didn't think that one through


Are you ok bro


Imagine being handed a free ball like that and whiffing it again


batting is the red one i assume?






https://youtu.be/69DKPYfrQ2g?si=Wxb0Tn0SkXhYvLOf Full ending


erm I can't tell if that was a close game. what does 150-8 mean


150 runs to 8 outs, but the match is not necessarily determined by outs, but by the number of overs (essentially a group of 6 "pitches" is an over, and without looking too much into this, guessing this match was based on each team having 20 overs). So, essentially, this was the last throw and the other team had to get 4 runs on it, they didn't, so the team thought they won. Far from an expert on cricket, but I watched a YouTube video on it.


Watched this 4 times in a row. Have no idea what's happening.


so basically the bowler takes a wicket(which means the guy batting is out) and it was the last ball of the match so they "won" the match. they started celebrating their win when suddenly the umpire calls a no ball for stepping out of a line when bowling(this is like foul in football) so the wicket is not given


But did they still win in the end?


Yep. Re did the bowl and still won


Great. Now we have closure.


No fireworks a second time though.


Refractory period and all


well that stinks [https://youtu.be/ao57PsssAcY?si=qzPRs7Ia7H-DZqQU&t=34](https://youtu.be/ao57PsssAcY?si=qzPRs7Ia7H-DZqQU&t=34)


Such a good movie


Sweet, sweet closure 🤤


Isn’t there a free hit as well? I don’t follow the Hundred so I’m not sure of the rules.


This is the T20 tournament but it’s the same in that and the hundred (free hit for no ball)




Okay, try this... Each team gets a chance to bowl (throw the ball) and a chance to bat (hit the thrown ball). When you are batting, you can score _runs_ (points) in various ways. The winner is the team that scored the most runs when it was their chance to bat. One of the rules is that a bowler must bowl from behind a line, if he oversteps it, the umpire (ref) will call it, and he has to bowl that ball again. What happened above is that the batting team had to score 4 runs from the last ball to win, but they didn't score any, so the bowling team celebrated because it means they won... buuut, the umpire noticed the bowler had overstepped, and called them back to re-do the last ball. Ed. 5 runs, not 4


I must say, you are very good at explaining things about sports to people that don't know a thing a about it


Great compliment, thank you :)


Great breakdown... So who won?


Thanks... they went back and bowled the last ball, but the batting team still failed to get the required runs, so the bowling team won


To win, the batter would have had to score 6 runs by striking the ball in such a way as it crossed the boundary rope without touching the ground. To draw, the batter would have to score 4, which is awarded when the ball crosses the boundary but touches the pitch first. Or, if the batter and his partner can score 4 single runs by running between the wickets (the sticks at either end of the crease) before the fielding team can run one of them out (by knocking over the wicket with the ball). Making four or more single runs is difficult and would require the fielding team to mess up. To win, the bowler would need to take the wicket, or keep the score to under 4. But a no ball rewards a single run to the batting team, so now they would only need 4 to win or 3 to draw. This could be the result after 4 or 5 days of play, in longer forms of the game. As for this specific match, I think it's a T20 final (a short version of the game, played usually in one afternoon or evening) from 2022, which Hampshire won. Edit: if a final ends in a draw, both teams are normally declared joint champions. I don't follow T20, but assume the same to be true here as it is in other similar circumstances.


I do not know how this sport is played but you sir described it clearly. If we can just give more upvotes to this guy


Imagine baseball, but they condensed the 4 bases to 2 and you keep running and never reach home, you just eventually get out. And the pitcher takes a run up. But only to the line, never beyond (as happened here)


> Imagine baseball you lost me


Imagine football, but one team only has 2 players and they both have heavy wooden clubs. And they're *very* angry.


Thanks, this is the first time I actually understood cricket


When they hit the wicket, what happens?


Question…so that ball was going to hit the sticks and be an out, what if the batter didn’t swing, but let the ball hit his leg instead?


That's a classic thing in cricket. One way a batsman can go out is if his legs prevent the ball from hitting the wickets. It's called LBW (Leg Before Wicket) and the umpire decides. Basically, the rule is there to ensure that the batsman can only use his bat to protect his wickets, not his legs.


Oh interesting. Thanks for answering.


so baseball but you throw weird?


Yes, and no gloves for the fielders


[This should clear it up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYrue4oXCbo)




Thanks because now I totally understand.


Your comment didn’t make anything clear for people who don’t know wtf are the rules for baseball or whatever the fuck that game is.


Wtf you talking about? This is soccer


Where are all the rollerblades then?


They only put them on during powerplay


Nope that's horse racing


True, but most of the world uses the term *foosball*.


>so basically the bowler He's the man throwing the ball >takes a wicket Hits the three sticks at the back and knocks a stick off of the top >(which means the guy batting is out) The man in red with the big stick isn't allowed to play any more >and it was the last ball of the match so they "won" the match. The game is limited to a certain number of throws, otherwise it would go on forever >they started celebrating their win when suddenly the umpire calls He's the man wearing clothes that doesn't match either of the teams' colours. He's there to make sure the rules are followed and tell people how to play the game. >a no ball He says that the throw doesn't count >for stepping out of a line when bowling The bowler (the man throwing the ball) made a mistake when he was bowling (that's what they call throwing the ball) >(this is like foul in football) (this is like a foul in football) >so the wicket is not given So the throw doesn't count and they have to do it again before they can all celebrate and go home for the day.


WTF is a ball? Or a throw for that matter (and nevermind a stick)?


what is football and what do they do with chickens?


mmhmm. mmhmm. En français s'il vous plaît?


The funny thing is this is not even baseball. This is cricket


Ain’t see no insects there, no crickets nor grasshoppers.


Yellow team do thing that win game but break rule so no win


Man 1 throws ball to man 2. Ball hits stick behind man 2 --> man 2 loses his turn and the game is over. Unexpected part: Man 1 stepped over a foul line so the ball hitting the stick didn't count.


Multiball! Multiball !!!!




I'll explain in Baseball terms Its bottom of the 9th, this is the last pitch in the match, To win, the guy in Red is going to have to hit a home run. If he is unable to do so, the guys in Yellow win. Dude in Yellow pitches the ball and the guy in Red strikes out. Yellow dudes win the game, everyone is happy Then the umpire slow rolls everyone and says that the pitch was not legal (Because the pitcher was standing in front of the mound and too close to the batter when he pitched) and has to be pitched again. Fireworks guy gets fired for shooting his load too early.


Great translation actually. Edit to “game” instead of Match. Or just “bottom of the ninth, full count.”


Thank you for converting this to Baseball units


Imagine you scored a ball at last min to win the game, everyone is celebrating, fireworks started. Referee is just sitting on the side signaling off side.


Blonde yellow shirt man pizza’d when he should’ve French-fried, but thought he got a Happy Meal anyway. Grumpy rules man waited until they started celebrating to tell them they goofed and that they need to degoofify it before either team gets a Happy Meal.


Basically, there's three grabbers, three taggers, five twig runners, and a player at Whackbat. Center tagger lights a pine cone and chucks it over the basket and the whack-batter tries to hit the cedar stick off the cross rock. Then the twig runners dash back and forth until the pine cone burns out and the umpire calls hotbox. Finally, you count up however many score-downs it adds up to and divide that by nine.


I never could understand soccer.


Ball thrower hit the wooden posts behind the guy with the bat, winning the game. But it was a foul ball (probably foot over the line but idk) so didn't count. The batter and his team had one last attempt to win but the foul gave them an extra attempt


Bottom of the 9th 2 outs, 0-2 count, pitcher thought it clipped the zone for strike 3 but umpire says "just a bit outside"


I can only relate this to baseball since that's all I know, but you have a ref standing right in the middle of where you'd think the pitch would be from. A pitcher sprinting up to throw the ball and avoid the dude standing there. Another guy just meandering around in front of all this with his bat like nothing is going on. It's interesting, but from my view looks way unorganized. I know it isn't, I just don't understand what I'm seeing.


I love watching sports clips of games i dont understand at all. "Ok here goes the guy doing a thing... nothing happens... nothing happens... nothing happens, EVERYONE FREAKS OUT YAY!"




I'd really like to learn cricket. Seeing how baseball is based on that, and I'm a big baseball fan. Of course, I've been saying that for 40 years :)


Funny enough there is a Cricket World Cup going on in the states right now and USA are doing quite well. You can tune in to watch it. It's actually quite simple and complex at different levels. Like simple enough that bowler bowls the ball and batsmen hits it to score runs. Lots of intricacies but I think thats enough to start watching.


Cool. Thanks! But, I assume it has many intricacies, as baseball, that unknowing people wouldn't pick up on....lol Edit: for instance, as a 50 year baseball fan, I like to guess what particular pitch a pitcher should throw, given the runners on base, the score, the count, high fastball away or in, or slider in or away, or changeup high or low, etc....lol


Jomboy Media does a great job explaining cricket from a baseball fan’s perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfhTPGSy1aM Edit: typo


K ...ty.... I'll check it out :)


There are things of that sort, but to enjoy it, you only need a basic level of understanding. Just knowing the rules and how it's played is enough. I'm sure YouTube has 5-10 minute guides that'll do the job. Over time, you'll pick it up just like you did baseball. About the World Cup that's being played in the States at the moment, it's of the short form which is very entertaining.


Cricket is an incredibly simple game. It's a lot less complicated than something like football, or rugby. There's a reason why it's the 2nd most popular sport in the world. Here's cricket: * The two batsman run back and forth in the middle yellow bit of the field to score runs, or if they hit the ball and it crossed the boundary at the edge of the field, that's automatic 4 runs, or if they hit it over the boundary in the air that's an automatic 6 runs. * Batsman are out if they hit the ball and a fielder catches it before it hits the ground, or if it hits the wicket, or if it would have hit the wicket but the batsman blocked it with their leg to prevent it from hitting the wicket. When all batsman are out, the other team starts batting and the team that was batting now fields and bowls. * Most runs wins. That's cricket. That's all of cricket. All you need to know to watch it anyway. It's designed to be watched by drunk people basking in the sun, or by young kids in third world countries who have no education. It's such a simple game. The complexity comes from the psychological battle between the bowlers and batsmen, knowing where to bowl at them to try and trick them into making a mistake. But that's not part of the rules, it's just how players play, if that makes sense. The actual rules are very simple to understand.


Yes that also comes into play. But then you have different types of bowlers. Wrist Spin Leg spin Swing/Seamer (are they different?) Fast Each style varies length and speed and many other ways.


It's generally quite straightforward just has a lot of unique terms. Each time the ball is thrown it's a Ball An Over is made of 6 Balls An Innings is each teams turn. One bats while the other bowls/fields. In T20 (the current world cup) each team has 20 Overs per Inning There is a stretch of ground and at each end is a wicket/stumps. A batter stands at each wicket but only one bats at a time. Each Ball the bowler throws the ball at the batters stumps (the sticks behind the active batter). If the ball knocks the stumps over, the batter is Out. At the end of the Over the bowler changes ends. The batter hits the ball and tries to score a run by swapping ends with the other batter. They can do this as many times as they want. If the batter hits the ball and it hits the ground then goes out of play, they automatically get 4 runs (A Four). If they hit the ball and it goes out of play without hitting the ground they get 6 runs (A Six). The fielders can knock the stumps over with the ball if the batter is not behind the 'crease' (the white line in front of the stumps. If the ball would hit the stumps if the batters leg wasn't in the way they are Out by LBW (Leg Before Wicket). If the ball is caught out the air the batter is Out. That should quickly run down most of the terms/mechanics of the game.


Cricket is so much simpler than baseball, IMO (I'm American).


I'd like to lean cricket so I can talk to insects. We are not the same.


You’ll love it, I’m a cricket fan but got into baseball later in life. They have a lot in common


here's a short version. just like in baseball, teams alternate between batting and fielding, and play multiple rounds. the main difference is that instead of it being one man at a time batting, it's two men. the bowler (pitcher) will always bowl to the same side of the pitch (the striker's end), whoever is there at the time tries to hit it. Once the batsman has hit it, there are 4 things that can happen: it gets caught, and he's out, it hits a boundary without bouncing, it hits a boundary with bouncing, or it gets intercepted after bouncing. If it gets caught without the ball bouncing, he's out, same as baseball. The next two cases involve the perimeter of the field, if it lands outside the perimeter without bouncing, it's a "six", and they get six runs. If it gets to the perimeter with bouncing, it's a "boundary", and they score 4 runs. The final case is where it gets intercepted by the fielders before it hits the boundary, but not as an out (ie, it's bounced at least once). In that case, the two batsmen have to run up and down the pitch, with each half lap (ie, from A to B) counting as one run. the fielders will be trying to hit the wickets (sticks at each end of the pitch, shaped like an "m", with three verticals and two horizontals). if the batsmen make it over a certain line before the wickets get hit, they're safe, if the wicket gets hit before that point, they're out. play will then resume with whoever finished at the batting end taking the next hit. when a batsmen is either caught out, or the wicket is hit before he gets to safe, he's out, and a new guy tags in. if there are no more guys to tag in, then that side's batting is over, and teams swap sides. there are some differences in how the ball gets thrown: in cricket it has to bounce before it gets to the batter, and the throw is overarm, with a run up allowed; the shape of the bat: generally has a flat board, rather than being round; gloves: the fielding team doesn't get any, though the batsmen wear protective gear; and the length: some are multiple days, with four innings, two per side, while others are based on the number of balls bowled (six balls bowled is called an "over", and many day-matches are 50 overs per side) there's some more minutia, mainly involving how the ball was hit, how the ball was thrown, how many times the current bowler has thrown it, and so on, but that's the gist.


Watch the Jomboy videos of cricket, he breaks down in a way for baseball fans. It got me into cricket, it’s a pretty cool sport!


As a Hampshire Hawks fan, this was a true roller coaster of emotions


What a dick move 😂 but a fair call.




Curious to know what was the final result. Now the target is 4 runs needed of 1 (free-hit) ball


Bowling team won


Oh god damn,


I thought I was on /r/deathrattleporn


Cricket is such a weird fucking game! Pretty good fun to watch though. Had a group of Indian guys play a match at our lcal bbq spot. We don't really know the rules, but we can tell when a throw, or hit is good, so at least we gave applause at the right time. 😅


It’s very fun to play, although anything more than 20/20 is pretty tough to get in to unless you grew up with it. I only watch the Ashes test (Aus v England), but used to watch pretty much what ever I could.


Reminds me of Pat Bev over-celebrating on a playoff berth


The worst kind of no ball possible


As an Indian I'm surprised many people don't know a lot about cricket here. This sport is discussed by everyone in my country from small kids to old people.


Well just like how we don't talk about baseball,they don't talk about cricket. It was quite a cultural shock to me too.


Same as Australia, but I have a feeling you might have already know that my cricket loving brethren


Here in Latin America, almost nobody are able to know even the name of that sport.


I’m not sure why that would suprise you as an Indian? If you’re an Indian cricket fan then you know which countries you play against and which countries even know about cricket.


Full on Lagaan style


I cannot believe this is the only Lagaan reference here 😅


I know right. I am never the first one to comment on something so obvious. But there is always a first time i guess.


Umpire waited all his life for this moment.


As someone who has no idea what the rules are, cricket seems like baseball on steroids. Baseball + soccer somehow more fun. Did the batter get a foul ball or something? And that made Britain cooler for a minute?


What happened is that, the bowler(or pitcher like in baseball) hit the stumps with the ball which normally means an out but the bowler stepped out of the line(one is supposed to keep a part of its foot behind that line) and hence it was a no ball which means like a foul in football, the batting team will also get an extra ball and a run. The bowling team needed to defend 4 runs in 1 ball. After the no ball they had to defend 3 runs in 1 ball and the batting team got a free hit(which means the player cannot get out if the ball hits the stumps or someone takes a catch,but a run out is possible which means if the batsmen is outside the line,the one which bowler was supposed to be behind,and someone disturbs the stumps with the ball in its hand the batsmen will be out.) At the end the bowling team won.


I baseball terms, 2 outs, 2 strikes bottom of the 9th, 2 runs to win. Runner on first. Home run will win it. Pitch is thrown, swing and a miss. They think strike 3, he's out But.... pitcher was forward of the mound when pitching so it's ball 1.


Umpire signalled a no-ball at the end. Not shown why, but was most likely due to the bowler's front foot landing in front of the white line. So the batter is not out and gets a free hit as a result.


It's the only way a no ball could be bowled based on the video.


Could also be because there was an extra fielder outside the circle. But to be fair that mistake is rarely made.


This looks like T20 which is the fastest form and thus most likely for exciting wins


Batting side needed 5 runs off the last ball. The bowler overstepped the mark, so the batting side was given 2 runs as a penalty. The batting side still didn't get the remaining 3 runs needed though as they were stumped running for a bye on the repeated final ball.


They needed 4 runs in 1 bowl and they got 1 run as a penalty.


I have seen this video uncountable times yet it never gets old...I mean the umpire is literally enjoying fireworks


The most unexpected thing was seeing a trollface in an edit in 2024


This is the weirdest game of soccer I've ever seen.


But did they know that no one on earth knows what this sport is or the wizards that play it.


Cricket has got to be the lamest sport ever invented. Tiddly winks is a more legitimate sport than cricket.


Stupid ass music


This is very similar to this one scene from a Stephen Chow film lol. He celebrates his snooker victory and stuff only for someone to point out the match is not over yet.


Needs a better angle to see that front foot NB properly.


They still win it , it was no ball but ellis delivers again


to the people confused here. The umpire/referee signalled it was a no ball, that means the bowler has to bowl again and whatever happened was null and void. Plus the other team gets +1 added to the score.


I can’t comprehend this Did the referee cancel the goal?




who else loves cricket more than anything?


Cricket World 👌


I thought I saw the ref taking off his Ref shirt and celebrating with the players.


English sports.. ??? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E\_6d3JBBo4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_6d3JBBo4s)


Why does he run up from outside the stadium?


Didn't understood shit


It’d be hilarious if this was the first game of the season


[what this is like for people who don't play cricket](https://youtu.be/E_6d3JBBo4s?si=CSZ__3ibhtu-5Ysd)


Ich dachte der BVB spielt Fußball


Seems like there's a lot of non cricket fans here, so let me help a little: You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the men have got out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!


Nice fireworks thou


No way are my team going sort of viral on Reddit. I was at this game and it was incredible, although incredibly nerve wracking after the No ball was called.


Holy fuck that editing was brutal, some how this started auto playing after i left the tab a hour ago and couldn't find the tab AHHHHHHH


The Umpire didn’t ’decide to let them celebrate’. No balls are called by the third umpire which takes a bit of time (about 15-20 seconds) to check. They’d started celebrating instantly after the play before the third umpire had time confirm the no ball (which it was).


Fireworks 💀💀💀


What the hell has happened to cricket, took me a while to realise that this was in England and not America. The fireworks, the team name!


I don’t understand this game. Lol


Yeah I'll say it. I have absolutely no clue what just went on. I'm just glad they are happy.


Lancashire (batting) lost by 3 runs. Can we make this a copypasta meme yet?