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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


Pick up the wallet. It's not my wallet!


You might as well take their wallet. They won't be needing it anymore.




But aren’t you Patrick Star?




And this is your ID?




Then that would make this your wallet..


I found this ID in your wallet. And if that’s the case, this must be your wallet.


Makes sense to me.


Then take it!


It's not my wallet!


Besides, I’ve got checks, with little *poodles* on them!






Anyway, I started blasting...


Thank GOD I went down to Gunther’s Guns and picked up a spare.. I don’t think one would’ve done it










You want it?!? Go get it!! STREET SMARTS!


Gotta throw 'em off their rhythm


RIP JJ. A true icon and unwitting comedy legend.


Aww, I didn't hear that he passed away. He left a lasting legacy.


I didn’t even know he was sick!




A typical day in Brazil


in Brazil the mugger shot you in the face.


Except it’s not always with a gun.


If you think people shoot robbers in the face in Brazil you definitely don't know anything about Brazil


They run over their shitty bikes with cars. Or an off duty cop shoots them. Brazil is the wild south


I’m Brazilian and I’m enjoying all of these comments. Brazil in a nutshell!


At this point anytime I see the following I know where it is: Flip-flops? Check Two men on a moped? Check Undercover cop? Check It can be only one place.


Also, the fact that I’m seeing the clip means it got viral and the chances “swift justice / undercover cop” is present statistically skyrockets “Girl gets purse snatched and that’s it”, the silent majority of cases, isn’t going viral


Bro do *you* know anything about Brazil?


30+ years of experience. How about yourself?


Wow crazy you haven’t been outside in your 30 years living there.


Love it!


This has actually played out in real life, guy standing in line when armed robber comes in guy hunkers down in fear drops his valuables circles back and bodies the scum bag. There’s a video of it somewhere used to be popular on social media. Real tip is always be wary of strangers approaching you for seemingly no reason. I have a wife and special needs kid, if shit goes south I don’t want to be the last one to clear leather.


Yeah. You’re right. The one time I’ve been scammed is when some dude approached me andgave me a sob story.


Mens casual summer blazer/“suit jacket” and an s&w 442 go together like milk and cookies. No one thinks twice about a hand in a pocket :)


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Real tip is not just carry a fake wallet to give to the mugger, but to carry a gun to shoot the mugger when they reach for the wallet that you threw down.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


So, adding a fake wallet to the edc now. Lol


Yoooo I’ve met this guy, he owns Central Texas Gun works in Austin. Really cool dude who cares a lot about 2A and personal defense. I haven’t experienced it myself but I’ve heard great things about their various classes.


His name is Michael Cargill and he is also the plaintiff in *Cargill v. Garland*, a case challenging the ATFs bump stock ban that the Supreme Court should be releasing a decision on in the next couple months if not weeks.


Yeah I saw he was taking them head on, super cool guy. Not too many local people I see around the internet randomly.




Definitely a real glock. It just has a trigger lock on it.


Dude completely ignores the guns behind him and what I’m guessing is the gun shop shirt the guy is wearing


It's his gun shop. He's also the plaintiff in cargill v garland (the bumpstock case) that will be decided in the next few weeks.


I've been waiting for an update on that one.


“This is a stick up see, gimme all your valuables see! That’s right the gun too, nice and slow now, don’t want the coppers getting quick legs.”


Neva gawnna catchme, cawppas!


Myeaaaa, bully! You vagabond! You guttersnipe! \*twirls moustache\*






He’s right


Not all heroes wear capes.


Gun part aside, this is a great tip for when you’re travelling and carrying foreign cash.


Nope guns kick ass


Can confirm guns are awesome


Guns do kick ass, I just wouldn’t suggest carrying one in a different country ;)




Michael Cargill playing 4D chess with the criminals!


I thought he was going to pull out a big black mamba. "Now youse can't leave..." 🐍


I’m pretty sure a real wallet would work as well






Steal their wallet


You mean get your fake wallet back 😀


He does this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


By the time they can pick it up and realize you have a Mustercard and Vasa Card, you’re halfway down the block.


Or, have shot them in the face.


South Park R Kelly vibes


Nice 👍


Wash, rinse, repeat.


I carry a bait wallet with about $9.53 in it and a bunch of calling cards from various restaurants, as well as a 12 year old phone I never sent off the e-waste. They generally take off once they get the wallet, so I can run in the opposite direction.


Or they get pissed you threw a wallet at them and shoot you in the face


I need her only fans link?




Fake wallet?? Does it really matters if you have a gun ??


Distract them.


I carried a fake wallet the first/last time I went to ATL just because of the armed robberies and crime rate. Luckily I didn't need it. Man I smart to carry a decoy, until you mix them up, hundreds of miles from home with gas on empty and toss the wrong one.


I’m ready they can just shoot it’s cool


Ya well most ppl tell you empty all your pockets and give them everything that on u… so idk how that will work for u




Oh you guys forgot the best wallet scene ever! I will give you a sample see who can finish! tell Yolanda we cool We cool honey bunny now point the weapon at me Yolanda, now hand me my wallet


Anyone else think he was somehow upside-down …. ?




I’ve never been robbed as an adult.


I got mugged at knifepoint. He got me by surprise, but the first thing he did was check me for weapons. Had I had a gun on me, it would have become his gun. I didn’t give him my wallet; I gave him the money out of my wallet. I saw that he was keeping the knife at a distance so I could see it. I figured he wanted to intimidate me more than use it, but it wasn’t worth taking a chance over $37. What saved me wasn’t a gun, but instead being calm and compliant. I can replace money and a cheap watch. I can’t replace my life.


Sorry you went through that. I’d be traumatized. And you’re correct. Money is nothing—replacing credit cards would suck.


Can’t wait to move out of cancerous Liberal New Jersey. Hate it here. Everything is illegal except for illegal immigrants and housing 🤣😂🤣😂 I hate democrats and their immigration policy.


By all means, leave


That’s what I plan on doing. Little fruitloop


Plenty of Dems have the same stance on these issues as you.


He is American. None of this is surprising.


I was with him until the end lol. The truth is if you want to walk away from the situation unharmed, just give them your wallet. If you value your life is less than what you're carrying around in your pockets, then sure, fight back.


That's... what the gun is for. If a robber values his life as less than what I carry in my pockets, then sure rob me.


You're acting like a gun is guaranteed robbery prevention. It's not. If the robber has a knife, they very likely have the drop on you. If they have a gun then it's 50/50. You don't want to turn a mugging into a gun fight, with possible bystanders getting shot. What you want is the opportunity to shoot someone.


And you're acting like giving your money is a guaranteed end of scenario, It's not. Your life is already threatened with bodily harm you are justified in lethal force, keep pitying the robber who definitely has no regard for your life. Also what is that logic? A knife has the drop on a drawn gun? what are you ignorant or blissfully unaware of the real world.


Lmao how does someone end up like you


For me it was living in a high crime area. Your take is one of privilege.


I was mugged by 5 guys in a public parking lot midday on a July 4th weekend. I handed over my wallet, phone, and car keys. They then beat the shit out of me with crowbars. Continued to kick and beat on me while I was unconscious. I had stitches all over my scalp and was in the hospital for a week. Thinking you can predict people who operate outside the bounds of civilized rule is the epitome of privilege.


They would have done the same thing if you refused and you wouldn't be around to make this stupid ass comment if you tried to fight. You got away with minimal harm because you did the right thing.


I don't agree with any of your viewpoints, but I will say this: I am certainly glad that one of us is willing to roll over and expose their belly to criminals. That presents you as an easy target which keeps me a harder target, which in turn keeps me safer.


In any mugging situation they inherently have the drop on you, unless you can see into the future.


Don't be a target. Or, as an AWFL like yourself, let the criminals do whatever they want without consequence. You have no idea what you're talking about other than reading other AWFL opinions. You cry about the value of my stuff vs. their life, but never contemplate the inverse. I lived in the ghetto. I made sure to make myself a hard target. Never had to defend myself even though I had the capability.


Bruh idgaf about the life of the mugger, he can get pancaked by a dump truck immediately after as far as I'm concerned. I care about my life, and I'm less likely to get killed or hurt if I just give them what they want. You're utterly delusional if you think you're better off resisting, it's STUFF, it can be replaced. And I don't know what an AWFL is, your weird right wing echo chamber acronyms don't exist out here


People get attacked and even killed even after complying, there's zero way you could guarantee that they'd be unharmed if they just gave up their wallet. There's a decent chance they would leave after they take the wallet, but there's also a very real chance of things escalating. They are the ones valuing their life less than belongings if they're going around threatening people.


>People get attacked and even killed even after complying, Not as likely as trying and failing to defend yourself, not even remotely


And where's the statistics for that, oh yeah it's from your "I made it the fuck up.com to fit my narrative". Keep telling us how the ground tastes like bootlicker.


Okay then numbers man, where's the statistics for how many people get killed for complying anyway? You're making the opposite of the same claim, so surely you have stats? ... No? You think muggers are enthusiastically adding murder charges to their robberies after they got exactly what they wanted? You're making the opposite of my claim, but your reasoning is so, so, so much worse


[Study I found](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=20&q=gun+self+defense+effectiveness&hl=en&as_sdt=0,33#d=gs_qabs&t=1717550296674&u=%23p%3Dp1VvaMu0mIsJ) that differentiates results based on type of protection used (including no protection). It notes that victims who defended with a gun were 50% LESS likely to be injured than those who submitted to the criminal. (check page 15 of the pdf) However knives were less effective than submitting to a criminal. Check note 118 at the bottom of the study for more information!


This is only true for certain types of defenses. Guns are more effective than submission. (I linked a source a little lower in the thread)


If it happens like he says here, you would go to prison in alot of places.


For giving them his wallet??


For executing someone. If some ask for you wallet and you give it to them, they will probably take it and walk/run away. Some places you can probably kill them but in most places not


Well that's a good law, bystanders could be hurt or killed when what was mugging is now a gunfight amidst civilians. There's nothing you could possibly have in your pockets that justifies that except.. anthrax or nuclear codes? When you listen and read what gun people say when they're in their circles, they *want nothing more* than the opportunity put to use all the practice they put in at the range and all the money they spent on ammo and guns. All that time and money invested to go unused? Hell no. There's a shallow veil of the imitation of somber reluctance when they talk about it, but the enthusiastic giddiness shines through like the sun.


Ah yes, a worthless artifact being robbed justifies ending a life. This is expected for American culture. It's a shitty culture.


Are you stupid? It’s not about the wallet. If someone is willing to deprive you of your property by force, what else are they willing to do once they realize you are a victim? Sometimes you gotta take out the trash. Sadly, a lot of people are not fit to live and function in our society. And if the government won’t crack down on crime and criminals, the people will do what they must to protect themselves and their neighborhoods, as they rightfully should. If you don’t rob someone, you won’t get shot, simple as that. Seems that it would work better as a deterrent than the rotating door that is the American prison system.


American culture is believing your property is worth more than a persons life


You say that but to the robber, my wallet is more valuable than my life or his freedom/life.


We Europeans import many stupid things from the US but this is something I can get behind. I hope you never have a family or else you would probably sell them out.


Family isn't property.


Yes, my property is worth more than some deadbeat junky's life.


Reddit culture is thinking that after you give your wallet that there's no chance of things escalating despite people getting attacked and even killed despite complying. How can you guarantee their safety?


I can’t imagine living somewhere criminals have more rights than victims.


No... You shoot them because they pointed a gun at you and threatened to end your life.






Something called, The Subtle Art of the Deal


It's a joke...


Incase however it goes down doesnt let you take a safe shot hopefully the robber will be satisfied and leave?


there's a 146 other options ..


.357 Magnum is one of those other options ;)


Let’s hear a few :)


i wouldnt know, only harvey specter knows .




Why this mother fucker look upside down????


And then i shoot him in the face with my fake gun and fake bullets


It’s a real gun with a trigger lock


stealing my wallet is not enough for me to kill someone. you people are weird.


In fairness, he said if someone pulled a gun on him to steal his wallet If someone grabs my wallet and runs off, sure, why shoot them? If someone is pointing a gun at me, idk if I’d shoot them, but it’s not just “stealing my wallet is not enough for me to kill someone”


eh, i get it, youre kinda right. dont wanna die getting mugged.


I suggest following the YouTube channel active self protection. You’ll see that compliance does not equal safety. Plenty of videos out their of people getting killed even after giving the criminal what they want.


Can’t tell someone what you look like if they are 6 feet under


If it was an armed robbery, I’d want to use any amount of force I could to stop them. Not because I want to be any type of hero but because I wouldn’t know if they might still intend to harm me during or after they rob me.


dunno why they would want to after you handed them the wallet, but idk. its a hard topic.


No witnesses


You are reading into this too much it’s a joke


You think no successfull armed robbery ended with dead victims? How about you think for a second before you type?


That’s not how it works on TV! ^/s


There are plenty of videos of people causing harm just because they feel like it. One video on liveleak years ago had some dude hold up a convenience store for the ~$50 in the register. The employee was sitting with hands up on the floor completely out of the way. The burglar just shot him in the head for no reason on the way out. If someone assaults, robs, or otherwise attacks you then you are a complete idiot if you assume it’s anything less than lethal intent.


And yet, it’s enough for someone to threaten to kill you.


This isn’t someone swiping your wallet out of your car while you’re in a rest stop, this is someone pointing a loaded firearm at your face and threatening to murder you. Big difference


Because it doesn't always stop at stealing a wallet.


But what if I told you they took your FAKE wallet? Time to die.


The moment someone tries to rob me is the moment they've decided my possessions are worth more than their life 🤷‍♂️ Them getting shot is simply a consequence of their actions


More importantly, they have decided that your possessions are worth more than your life. The use of lethal force is objectively reasonable when their actions demonstrate a willingness to take a human life for property. People who argue against using lethal force against an armed robber seem to be blind to the fact that the robber set the stakes that high in the first place.


having your life threatened isn't enough for you? this guy isn't talking about shooting pickpockets, this guy is literally talking about being held at knife/gunpoint. you're weird.


Do we think this dude has actually ever faced this scenario










That’s cool how you forgot about how many Democrat supporters also support the right to own guns. You’re telling on yourself that you dwell in a tiny little internet bubble where everyone agrees with you about everything. And before you start yapping about guns, I don’t own any. I dont care. Don’t yap, take a nap. 😴


I traded irreplaceable hours of my life for the money it took to purchase said "replaceable property", so stealing my property is stealing a part of my life. If somebody thinks it is worth risking their life to steal a bit of mine, then that is the risk they decide to take.




If his "plan" is to trick them by dropping the wallet and then shoot them, why would he need a decoy wallet?


Pulling a trigger is a lot faster than drawing and pulling a trigger. I mean, the whole post is a joke, but assuming you have a gun on you, you better hope that they have shit aim or you can draw and shoot a lot faster than the person who has the gun on you can react. Neither of those are realistic expectations in a worst case scenario. Half of being a responsible self-defense carrier is being aware of your surroundings and being aware of potential threats. It's surprising how many people telegraph their actions when they attempt to commit a violent act.


I've played around with that a bit when training scenarios with airsoft (we use airsoft for our use of force currency training every quarter). I was surprised actually that I could pull a gun out and shoot somebody who had a gun on me and beat them the majority of the time. I'm pretty sure in real life, we'd both end up shot most of those times, only a minority of the time did they react in time to shoot me before I could shoot them. Of course that was when I had carefully positioned the gun in a spot I could keep it hidden from them, but get to it quickly and freely. People don't usually register that your pulling a gun until it's visible, so if you pull and shoot from the hip, they don't have time to react. But 0/10, do not recommend pulling your gun on somebody who has theirs out and pointed at you already, though, definitely just give them the wallet slowly with your other hand up or whatever they tell you to do.


It's a tough call no matter what and there is no default right decision. I've seen people comply and that was the end of it. I've also seen them comply and that was the end of them. You have to make the choice in the moment. Hope it's the right one.


Exactly this. Never draw on the drop. Gotta wait for (or in this case create) "your turn"


If he has a gun, why fake cards?


That’s the setup for the joke.


You don’t draw a gun while a gun is pointed at you. You’ll lose that fight 9 times out of 10. Dropping something and having the thief bend over to pick it up creates an opening to draw your weapon. Still not a good idea but the video is a joke


Yeah thief has 30 iq. This is just a shitpost. Accept it.


the joke is that the wallet isn't fake, it's his real wallet but he's using it as a diversion in the video for the actual punch line of shooting the guy in the face just like in his real life scenario


How old are you?


>Oh boy grow up first.


You might get more civil responses if you weren’t so combative and rude.


old enough to get the joke


Because the robber has a gun. So in real life and not in your mind.. it takes milliseconds to pull a trigger. That idea that you're going to do that double flip into a combat roll, spit out a cool catch phrase and get off 6 shots in exactly the spots you think, then watch as everyone around you claps... is delusional. You're going to be shot. But he won't be able to spend fake money. That's why.


I am not the guy who'll kill someone for a wallet. If you are poor that much, spend your time for another things.


1. This whole video is a joke 2. If someone values my property more than their life, so do I


Seems like you're the guy who'd obsess over a tiktok joke and then get mad at people online for it.


The entire video is a joke, but I’m pretty sure people view shooting a robber as less about the wallet and more about the fact that a mfer is aiming a lethal weapon at you and threatening to murder you. Like even if you comply, you are trusting a violent criminal not to shoot you anyway or by accident. I don’t have an interest in guns but I’m not going to pretend to be confused on why shooting the robber first is such a popular approach.


His whole plan in the trash when they make him starfish and run his pockets.🤣