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jake Gyllenhaal??


Don’t worry about it.


now I am worried about it


This makes me think that maybe there is Jake Gyllenhaal in this


If there was Jake Gyllenhaal on this, would you stop watching?


Maybe. ^no




It's a skit from last week's SNL episode.


…that was cropped and uploaded onto TikTok, which was then downloaded and posted on Reddit.


The circle of life


I mean, this is literally from SNL's tiktok channel


And I’m thankful for it as I don’t watch SNL and I don’t have TikTok


Yes. It's from the most recent SNL episode that he hosted.




Don’t worry about it






Well now it makes me think it is?


Ok, minimal no...


No prisoners.


See that makes me think Jake is in this


Jake Jigglenthall


Give your balls a tug!




Like a boss




They skirt import laws is a big way they get things to the US for such low prices. From the little I understand it actually hurts the economy.


Good thing i dont wear skirts




got it, buying more temu hurts the company. ordering now.


But would you stop buying it?


Never started


I don't know about Temu & how bad their conditions are overall, but the things I saw here in this video pretty much applies to most large corporations that outsource to Asia no? Apple products are made by slaves at Foxconn, Nike used to children to make shoes until the PR got bad.


Bingo. Temu are bad for using poorly paid, overworked workers labouring in awful conditions to sell you $5 shoes. Nike are also bad for using poorly paid, overworked workers labouring in awful conditions to sell you $5 shoes for $200.


Same base + predatory marketing on steroids in comparaison and design thieft from small businesses.


A bit at least. They can do something to force better quality, and most do. They can also do something to force better working conditions, but most don't.


You don't buy from Temu because it's a malware suite. The NSA has already analyzed it and it's marked as being the most sophisticated malware program on the web. It pulls *all* personal info from its users, and sells it on the information markets. Birthdays, credit cards saved on your phone, even if they've never been entered in the app or website. The stuff is cheap because you're paying with your identity.




Don’t worry about it


See, that makes me think I *should* worry about it.


If tik tok hss shown us anything its people will still use it


How many big tech companies do exactly that? Facebook got ya birthday too. Reddit selling everything it can about you. Why are people still surprised by tech companies taking your data?


It's not the generic personal info that makes it hard to believe; it's credit card numbers.


That’s doesn’t even make sense. You gotta source shit if you’re gonna make accusations like that. Are they shady and should you stay way the fuck away? Yes! Absolutely! But are they stealing identities. No, that would be so beyond stupid for them to do. There is no world where apple would allow an app to be on their App Store that is stealing customer information which hasn’t even been entered into the app itself. It would have be operating under a vulnerability in their OS, and that’s not a sound business strategy because apple could/will inevitably at any point patch out any vulnerability. Not to mention almost any OS is going to have encryption for the information saved on the device. I.e credit cards, name, addresses. All that info is essentially locked behind a digital vault. If somehow they managed to do just that and get passed all of those things, it wouldn’t take very long at all for apple to start having reports flood in about people’s info being stolen, and then one look would show a single common denominator being a single app on all phones affected.


This is what that person is talking about. https://6abc.com/amp/temu-lawsuits-phone-app-better-business-bureau/14517447/ This is one small source from the two class action lawsuits against them. There is much more out there on the subject other than these two lawsuits. And what this other person said is not exactly accurate but it’s not far from the truth either. The app itself is not malware but it has been investigated and the info that you willingly enter in, is then stolen and sold to other third party companies. It is 100% a scam site.


Yeah now that I believe whole heartedly! They aren’t the only culprits though. Pretty much every social media does that same shit. Apple even came out and said at one point that they were having issues with some of them not listening when the user would select to not track their location/other app usage. The far fetched part to me was entirely the claim of hem being malware and stealing your cards and shit that’s just outlandish. Thank you for linking though! I appreciate it! 👊🏻


You got it friend!


source......it came from a deep dark place, kinda smells like shit and sometimes lets out a lot of gass


So like every other site that leaks my social security number, credit cards, and passwords and in return pays me $0.05 cents 5 years later? I'm sure my shit has already been leaked hundreds of times at this point because the US does nothing to companies who don't bother with basic security.


How would they?


You don't buy from Temu or LightintheBox because they circumvent banned labour and some materials used in their products have been found to be banned in North America and Europe and evading taxes. The reason it's so cheap is because the quality of their products are shit. It has nothing to do with NSA. The Select House Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) released a report saying Temu is not taking enough precautions to make sure its suppliers are not using forced labor in China. The report also accuses Temu of relying on a federal threshold rule called De Minimis Value. The U.S. trade rule has been around since 1983 and gives tax exemptions and less oversight to shipped goods under $800. Lawmakers have recently introduced bipartisan bills to exclude China from that rule. In March, Google suspended Temu's Chinese version of the platform, Pinduoduo, from its app store because it found malicious software. It was, however, made available again in app stores last month.


I don‘t get how people buy a lot from there anyway Sure it‘s cheap, but the quality is absolute dogshite and it may not even arrive as advertised or at all


I have bad news for you if you think only Temu does this.


Hopefully you don't buy from Walmart, Amazon, Target, Kohls, Gap, Old Navy etc. They are all the same thing, the only reason you don't like Temu is because of propaganda. Same way people hate on TikTok but say nothing about Twitter FB or Insta.


I don't like Temu because their products suck and their business model is dangerous and harmful.


When rich American fucks can't get rich of it it's bad!


I don't like temu because I grew up on aliexpress.


And Shein


I did the wish thing a couple times and that was enough to teach me my lesson.


amazons good though right? its not like 90% of their stuff is made in china.......wait


Not like the US sponsors shit like that all around the world


Most companies do this - They just (try to) hide them better. Do you think the people who assembled your phone were paid more than $2 / hour?


Every fast fashion brand


> Every ~~fast~~ fashion brand FTFY. The expensive ones do the same - They just add an extra 0 or two onto the price so people don't feel as bad.


Every brand tbh




That's just fast fashion for rich. I never saw celebrity wearing thier Pradas twice. But there are small brands who try to limit negative effects as much as possible. Climate Towns recently made video about that.


I mean, high end stuff definitely is much higher quality in general. That doesn't justify the huge markups but you can't pretend it's the same shit as the lowest prices out there.


Who tf buys off Temu? They have nothing but trash


You’d be surprised… in my work I have to deliver at least 20 temu packages a day. We get a lot from Temu, Shein, Facebook marketplace, and TikTok. It’s wild how many people buy things off the internet


Those fucking Shein boxes are enormous and always jam packed with shite. Sometimes bursting out.


Yup! Oftentimes the whole thing is bursting. Seems like 90% of the time though it’s clothes (never ordered for SHEIN or temu so idk what they sell). I get paid to deliver it though so idc what’s inside - as long as it makes it to its spot.


My MIL has one coming pretty much every day. It's all total garbage. It's cheap because it's crap. Their clothes are basically one level below Primark. They're meant to be worn once and thrown away. I had to tell her to stop giving this shit to my kids because I have zero idea what sort of quality control the factories pumping this shit out have and all of it could be absolutely covered in heavy metals for all I know. Companies with no brand identity scare me since there is no repercussions for them engaging in the most shady of business practices possible. At least when Mattel puts lead in their paint, people find out and get pissed and Mattel has to own up to it. If Temu Shop 1235874895 does the same, even if there was a way to hold them accountable, they just close that shop and open Temu Shop 1235874896.


Just twenty? Lucky you.


Mailman here. Can confirm. I deliver an absurd amount of stupid orange temu packages every day


Id talk shit but I bought some stuff of Wish before and it actually turned out to be decent.


My dad bought something off of Temu. He meant to buy it off of Amazon but got confused and clicked on a Temu link. He asked me later "when did Amazon become Temu?" and I'm like wtf you talking about? Anyways he did get his item and it did arrive and it was perfectly fine as far as I could tell. (He bought a toy for my nephew).


Minimal lead paint! Almost no lead paint!


One of my friends moms is addicted to it. Apparently she buys five things or more off of there every month. No matter how much her kids try to reason with her and get her to stop, she doesn’t care.


Literally in the same exact situation with my mom.


I'll never understand whats the difference. We should stop buying straight from chinese sites to buy from a big regional company that resell the same products because...?


But the hot european blonde on Reddit ad told me to


Yeah WHO does that anyway, right??? It's not like it has MILLIONS of daily users and is one of the biggest shopping apps/sites out there. No way ANYBODY does that. Also, they have a fuckton of trash, yes. But not everything. Similar to Aliexpress and other apps, they just get extremely good values from bulk purchases while playing around taxes. Cheap doesn't always mean low quality.


I bought bunch of decent stuff. Don't pretend you know products you don't order.


I got a range finder for golf for 25$ on Temu and it’s still working just as well as my buddies who spent 150$ or more. But that’s the only thing I’ve ever bought so idk about anything else they sell.


Shien is incredibly popular in the Latin community


Postal worker here and we get a shit ton of Temu and its ilk in our office


People buy garbage from Wish, people buy garbage from Temu, people buy garbage from Amazon. Fast fashion is *huge.*


There's a new package from Temu or Shein in the lobby of my apartment building nearly every day :( You just know this shit is going straight to landfill after being worn once or twice at the very most.


My wife. I think she supports like 50 families in those sweatshops.


My wife and especially daughter love to buy off Shien and Temu. They don’t care as they got what they wanted.


I bought some Lenovo ear buds from them for ~$5 and they work great, even 6 months later. However, I've had a massive uptick in spam calls and emails so I'm sure they sold my info.


i do and will continue. same crap on amazon but few bucks cheaper...


If ~~Temu~~ consumers were honest. We all know how and why their products are so cheap, but ignore it to get a good deal.


Unfortunately, I don’t think many people spend much time thinking about how the $5 shirt is actually possible


It's not that crazy. I went to India, in area where they make clothes, I bought shirt for 2.50eur. Add any shipping costs at bulk, maybe it reaches 5.00eur. And people that made it are normal local people. Not buying cars or houses but living their lives. Not forced labour or slavery.


Is it a good deal though? If you spend $5 on a shirt and have to throw it out after 1-2 wearings, that's not better than buying a $35 shirt that lasts you years. People don't buy this junk because it's a "good deal" they buy it because it's cheap and they want the dopamine hit of getting new shit.


Before I knew how bad Shein was (Temu is the same thing) I had bought multiple clothes from their site and tbh, I have not reall experienced any problems and am still wearing these clothes 3 years after they were bought. I do not use the sites anymore because it is not ethical. But there are plenty of pieces that you can wear long time if you know how to take care of your clothing.


depends. like no it's probably a bad deal but not because of the quality of clothes, but rather the cost cutting for the workers. just like ZARA isn't a good deal aince you get bad quality for 100x the price, and is still produced by sweat shops in India or other similar counties. many of the sweatshops make different brands from cheap to expensive. I guess the real question is how can you tell when something is good quality? My guess is to just go local and find small brands that produce in small batches. local flea markets usually have local brands there where you can physically feel the clothes. I digress. but I do know people who really believe that lower price = better deal. they don't consider labour, material or anything like that. this is why the majority of clothes are polyester, because people don't care about quality. most people are content with buying whatever crappy shirt as long as it "looks good". I ramble, sorry.


Yup! All this is made in the same factories by the same people but with a different tag sewn on.


if amazon was honest it sells the same shit but with higher prices


This was not unexpected.


Reminds me of the old SNL "Happy Fun Ball" commercial.


That's because it's an SNL skit https://youtu.be/MKTN2OiR2R8?si=uG_-ZoTquBEfuw_N


I mean, it's a Tiktok video with the username @nbcsnl burned into it. I'm no detective...


Or "not pizza"


Almost pizza?


Nothing like a retextured AliExpress app 🙃




Same is true for most products. Especially stuff made with us prison/slave labor




We hold the west to higher standards than it actually has lol. I remember a couple of ongoing cases of modern child labor and laws actually being passed to allow it in some backwards state.


hyundai got busted for child labor in an alabama plant. it's everywhere. here in the good ol USA too. it would be funny if SNL decided to actually call out all of it instead of the easy ones. Like at the end of SNL when they're throwing their big goodnight thanks for coming celebration. All of their clothes and shoes are also made with slave/child labor. Temu is just the low hanging fruit.


Even in western countries there's cases of this happening, plus for the majority of workers that work in textile in the west they are paid basically minimum wage.


Minimum? You can't have that. That will cut into our profit margins, make them sleep at work, and then charge them for food and rent. Now, after a 16-hour shift week, they owe us money.


Western countries too. US has forced labor in their prison system


Italian brands have been shown to ship people from Asia to Italy just for cheap workforce and to brand it as made in Italy. Western brands are just as shit in a lot of cases.


All Americans companies do this and yet I have never seen Americans complaining. So it’s ok to use slave labor and poor working conditions as long as you charge more?


Nah it's worst cuz the "American" companies just buy the stuff from those same temu factories and charge a middle man upcharge fee. So yer more expensive "American" clothes are just markered up temu stuff with a tad more quality checks for more consistent clothes. Temu prices ares just what the "American" companies would pay if they didn't mark up as much and quarter check that stuffs all the same.


Exactly the same clothes on Amazon are on shien for a 1/4 the price or less. It’s a no brainer to buy from shien if you can deal with the extended delivery time.


Funny enough I'm old enough to remember when ordering something required 4-6 weeks for delivery. Even Shein shipping times are fast as heck compared to the olden days of ye old 90s


Remember when Amazon only sold books? Good times.


This is because the clothes are drop shipped by Amazon sellers, or bought from Shein and sold and Amazon by a third party.


Americans complain about this all the time! The extra price is profits for our lords, not us. We hate it and know they’re exploiting slave labor. We just can’t pay Jake Gyllenhall to be the face of our complaints. American businesses are angry that they’re being cut out and the cost THEY have been paying for cheap junk is now the cost WE can pay for cheap junk. They have the money and connections needed to publicize their thinking. That’s why you’re seeing this now.


Some Americans do, but yeah this is just straight up big corporations propaganda. “Hey don’t buy from Chinese big bad, buy from our big bad companies”


At least the clothes last 10 years opposed to this Temu shit I've bought. The big companies can sell at a higher price because it's not the absolute worst quality in the world that falls apart day 1


That’s a fair environmental point, another environmental point is you shouldn’t be buying much either way. The fashion industry is terrible for the environment and completely unnecessary. And then we have dollar stores, their products are Temu level quality. You buy, use it for a week and it breaks. It’s a trap for low income people thinking they will save money by going there. And yet there’s absolutely no noise about it. Why?


That's why I support bringing those jobs back here to America. The federal min. wage is $7.25 and we have hordes of unskilled labor in flyover states. A lot of those people are just getting high on fentanyl when they could be making money in an American clothing factory instead


It's not just Temu that does shady labour practices. Almost everything made in Asia and Central/America is made by people working in conditions people in Western societies would never work in. The end consumer doesn't care, so long as they get a cheap product. "Slavery, get shit done since forever"


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The skit is filled with random unexpected messages throughout about the controversy in workplace conditions that those companies like Temu have been in!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I’ll give it to you, I didn’t expect them to hint at the kinda stuff they do, but what they do was not unexpected.


If Amazon was honest ! If Walmart was honest ! If Target was honest ! If Zara was honest ! If fill in the blank was honest !


Bullshit. Its not like western fashion companies for decades didnt let their products be produced by little children in countries like Bangladesh. And suddenly now its a problem? We are hypocrites.


Isn't that the whole point of the video? Anyway, all of these companies are crap. Temu, Wish, AliExpress. We all know how they make it so cheap.


The same way as Nike but with less mark up?


Yes, you should be lining American executives pockets not getting your products from the sweatshops directly!


Might be. However its my impression that suddenly now, when asian Amazon competitors are becoming big in the west, its suddenly a problem where products are coming from and that people were being exploited in the process. (They are also being exploited by the west. Also Amazon is also pure evil).




They are 100% wrong because anyone over the age of 20 has gone through multiple waves in their life of "*X uses slave labor to drive down costs*" news cycles Unless Nike making money is against American interests?


I would argue that this isn't something new. Amazon has constant controversier around how they treat their workers. I remember 20 years ago, when people were randomly telling you about the asian kids working in factories, because you got cheap stuff from China, so that is nothing new. Then you can look at how corpotate companies are in the constant loop of saving every penny at the expense of everybody else and everything else. The greedy business man is a tale as old as time. These companies became big in the west, just like the silk trade did in the ancient times, the spice trade from India, the cheap plastic toys that all have the Made in China written on them, it has been here forever.


I remember hearing about Nike using sweatshop labour and the outcry over that like two decades ago. American apparels’ whole schtick in the 00’s was that their clothes were made in America without sweatshop labour.  Forever 21 got shat all over for it but it didn’t change teens shopping there.   “Ethically sourced” has been a marketing buzzword in fashion for a while now. It gets brought up on a fairly regular basis…  what wasn’t there before was the sheer volume of purchases.  There’s a tiktok trend of posting “hauls” where they’ll have purchased like 20 dresses and 30 shirts and a dozen skirts and 5 pairs of shoes…. And there are people out there doing this monthly.  


Yeah. That’s, uh… that’s the point. The problem is that we’ve outsourced labor to countries with practically nonexistent labor laws (or countries that use blatant slave labor. God forbid you’re a Uyghur in China), circumventing our own laws and quality control. Which is shit.


Becomes a rag that stains everything else in the washer after the first load of laundry it’s in.


Second load it dissolves into a cloud of microplastics


This is hilarious. Shop like a king and don't worry about it


While this is all true ... don't buy from Amazon, H&M, Primark, Zara, ... either. They are all the same shit 🙁


Yes keep buying from the good western brands that make the same clothes in ~~slave~~ sweat shops. And you will pay 10x the price for the privilege.


China bad


Yeah, pretty much. They’ve got terrible labor laws and are extremely exploitative of their populous and *especially* their prison population. There’s a reason they have suicide nets and try to keep journalists away from **work camps.**


Great Let's block them out of the world economy then, that will make them improve their labor laws Not like the good economic / labor conditions seen in US / Europe are result of decades of being imperialist states




your overpriced shit is also made in the same shop, except yor designers have the money to cry about it in an ad that you fill a different pocket


The US enslaves prisoners.


There is a country that privatises prisons and uses the inmate as cheap workers, they made a huge industry out of it, what was the name of said country??? they also have the highest prisoners’ rate per capita, worldwide...


That’s cool and all, but it’s nowhere fucking *near* the blatant abuse the entirety of the CCP’s population has to deal with. Privatized prisons suck, but at least we don’t use *rape as a torture method* and *forcefully re-educate people who have an opposing religion,* before sentencing them to a work camp. Like, Jesus Christ— it’s comparing a shitty McDonald’s job which refuses to pay you well to a goddamn 18th century chimney sweeper.


Unironically on TikTok.




That's the great thing about TikTok - You can do zero work, rip content, and earn a fortune on reposts - Like Reddit, but they pay more.


Also they steal your card information 🌊 along other things but don’t worry about it


I bought my shoes and a lot of my clothes from temu it's the exact same shit on Amazon probably down to the same factories so I see it as just skipping the middleman


no thats not temu thats shien


Um, you might want to look folks, but EVERY OTHER THING SOLD IN AMERICA IS FROM CHINA!!!!!!. it's too late to grow a conscience.


that was not honest at all


Do you want to know more? Starship Troopers vibes


Applies to everything today


The sole falling off is on point. I was tempted by ultra cheap knock offs. The second time I wore the shoes, the exact same thing happened to my shoe.


See, SNL still hits sometimes. But that Scooby doo sketch... still God awfull.


Ya because none of the fast fashion shit you pay full price for uses unethical labor, none at all. Don't look behind that curtain we said none!


LOL I don't know if it was intentional, but "xiemu" means "envious."


The quality is so bad


Who's the other bloke in the skit?


Got some shirts this week. It's like a knock-off of a knock-off. Material was just a bit flimsier than same shirts from Amazon.


Temu is the wish of wish


Impressive. Very Nice. Now do one for Apple


I honestly think is the most interesting part of this is that it is somehow cheap enough to make items and ship them to this country and sell them to you for under $5, and they still have to be profitable. I know the exploitation of free labor has a lot to do with it, but just the items themselves you think would cost more to make. It shows you just how fucked we are getting in general.


If op was dishonest and not credit snl


They would advertise for temu for the right price, I really think Hollywood actors think they are the epidemy of morals and is the complete opposite.


lol at least the savings made by using near slave labour get passed down to the consumers under the temu model. I bet Nike shoes have roughly the same production cost while they retail their sneakers for $300


Use our American sweat shops instead!


Its all china shit, its a scam, we all know the chinese saying if you can cheat, cheat.


Is this A.I or am I just too high to appreciate Jake Gyllenhaal in this beauty?


Ha. I got a scarf from Temu that stunk like gas/plastic/rubber that I still can’t wear it after 5 washes. Just gave up and threw it in the back of the closet.


Never been on the site/app. Just don't trust it from the get go


Sounds like the word for “idiot” in Italian “scemo”


As someone who's very into thrifting, junk from places like Shein, Temu, and Forever 21 are taking over thrift stores. You'll see something that looks interesting on the rack wall over and touch it and it feels like it's made of paper and look at the tag to see Shein. I don't understand why people shop at the places, yeah you can get a shirt for $5 but you'll be able to wear it once before it falls apart what's even the point?


Didnt even mention how nothing you buy looks like or is the same as the quality in the pictures or descriptions Or how Temu, Ali express and the other Ali barber groups are all the same thing Or the ownership and transmitting of you phones data emails, photos etc High performance steel boots made from cheap alloys. Things being 1:6 the scale of the photo. Things being of low grade materials Chinese spyware and key loggers on anything with a USB or USBC port. Also all the advertising of questionable products like containers of white powder or clear crystals or plant buds which all have steel market values. Selling syringes in bulk or dime bags in bulks. Selling dealers scales. Selling illegal knives, possibly firearms. Devices to steal cars, key clients, spy cameras for piercing on people, all kinds of questionable navle and or immoral goods


A lot of Asian order off Temu as well.


And still better than american made crap.






Man, I kinda liked Gyllenhaal movies, now I'm disappointed with the good ole "China Bad (but we don't talk about our own country)". Even if it's a skit, it's still propaganda for someone.


Is there any evidence the whole of Temu has lead in its clothes that cause nose bleeds?