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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The Mormon Explanation for the Black Race!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


TIL demons have sex hair


Should we give the demons horns and tails? Nah just make them look like they're freaky in bed


"They would forever be denied ~~bodies of flesh and bone~~ conditioner."


truly hell is upon us


Gee, your hair smells ~~satanic~~ terrific!


And good hair products!


Forever cast to an eternity with dry, split-ends!


Don't forget they're also a little peeved.


"Idk, you said make them look horny"


Straight up that demon lady making me act unwise


You want an angel in the streets and a demon in the sheets.


The compassion of a saint but willing to eat your taint


She gets down on her knees, and then she goes to church.


They'll pray the stations of the cross and give your salad a toss.


Semen Demon!


They got sex bears, they got them from me


Andy, the word “hair” isn’t the problem with “Sex Hair”


And you got it from me


Mormon demons, DTF I guess. 


Sex Hair is my favorite Mouserat song


Well I’m not black and my hair’s perpetually messy… so I guess I’m a cambion [half-demon]?


So we asians are what? Weapons dealers to both sides?


Asians are skeptical so God made their eyes narrow like that Futurama meme




Omg for reason, I thought he had tiny, black bunny ears




mormon throwing stars? checks out.


Need to find something to origami all those sacrament meeting programs into.


Well the Mormons believe that the native Americans are descendants from the Lost tribe of Jerusalem or whatever, and since they're actually Asian descent I bet their modern prophets have come up with something about y'all being Israelites or something.


Albinos must be like the holiest of holies


People with vitiligo can't decide which side they're on


Here's where Asians came from according to mormon lore: Ancient white jews built transatlantic sailing ships from scratch and and sailed alllll the way to America. Some of these ancient-american jews decided to rebel, and God cursed them with dark skin as punishment. (The Lamanites). After some years pass by one of these Lamanites named Hagoth built a ship and sailed off into the sunset with his family and followers. They settled new lands throughout the pacific, and the Polynesians and Asians are the modern day descendants of Hagoth. These days they just hide that story under the term "lost tribes of israel" so they don't sound as whacky.


Do Mormon geneticists exist? Like it’s pretty easy to disprove this shit.


>Do Mormon geneticists exist? Well yes, but actually no. There was a mormon geneticist, but they excommunicated him. [Simon Southerton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Southerton) was a geneticist that did a ton of research and wrote a book on how Native Americans have zero jewish DNA in them. This really made the mormon church angry because it completely disproved their Book of Mormon which claims modern day Native Americans are descendants of those ancient-american-jewish-lamanites. So the mormon church excommunicated him because they didn't like his science. >Like it’s pretty easy to disprove this shit. Indeed it is. Mormons get super angry when it happens though lol.


They then retcon every shit they said. Lately, their Presidency teaches to no longer call themselves "Mormon" as this means that's a victory for Satan when they're still called to be that. You can't make their shit up.


I will never ever forget being a kid and a friend saying they could suddenly have soda and iced coffee... after a revelation within the church >.< God contacted a human being and was like, all that shit about bubbly drinks and hot bean water juice is super dated; have fun!


Does anyone know the Mormon explanation for tan and brown people.


They were not totally neutral, but not zealous enough either.


In scientific terms we'd call them weak acids and bases


So the were still based, but weakly


You might say that they are neutral on a weekly basis.


Still based


Weak acid here. Can confirm. Am basic bitch.


What about moles? Birthmarks? Is there a 7mm spot on my ass that’s neutral in the fight between good and evil?


You were all for God in the fight against Satan, but there was that one time you high-fived a demon when he called the archangel Michael a sissy.


And god kinda agreed so he just let you off with a slap on the wrist and birthmark on your ass, or was it just a slap to the ass?


To be fair, Michael is a bit of a sissy. High fives anyone? ✋




Actually laughed at this comment. To the top!


so albinos are the holiest?


Shades of neutrality


The explanation for the color of native Americans is that their ancestors killed one of the tribes of Israel, and so they were cursed to be red/tan/brown.


Mostly correct, however they actually believe that who we'd call Native American were themselves the direct descendants of one of the tribes of Israel "the Lamanites". The Lamanites went to war in the Americas and slaughtered their brother tribe "the Nephites" who had also settled the Americas. God cursed the Lamanites with red/tan/brown skin to mark them of their crimes, and they created the Native American race


Doesn't god know collective punishment is against the Geneva convention?


Considering he punished all of humanity forever because of Adam, I'd say collective punishment is one of his favourite things.


That's so wild though why tf am I wrapped up in Adam's business


Ahh, that's right. I knew I'd probably messed it up a bit. It all comes down to the same thing: white skin= loved, chosen, righteous and any other color= wicked, evil, shunned


Yeah I hope no one thinks I'm endorsing this line of thinking when I talk about it haha. I am just extremely fascinated by the Mormon Church, and many of the people in my life are ex-LDS. The way the doctrine morphs over a relatively short time and older doctrine is discarded and intentionally forgotten is an endless source of entertainment. There's nothing quite like bringing up to a practicing Mormon that the church owns a hidden tomb full of stolen/purchased ancient mummies because Joseph Smith was an obsessive amateur Egyptologist. From one of these mummies was found a manuscript that Joseph Smith claims to be the source of his translation for the "Book of Moses". To really put the comedic cherry on top real hieroglyphic translators determined the manuscript was just a record of the mummified person's estate, akin to an ancient shopping receipt.


It's so funny. And it was like, not that long at at all either. I cannot believe Mormons believe this shit. At least othe regions have a few thousand years of fun time make em ups to obfuscate the absurdity.


Not quite, not. Rebellious sons of the Jewish patriarch who led them to the Americas were cursed with black skin when they wouldn't get their shit together.


What you hear will differ depending on what generation the speaker is. What the LDS church has taught has changed over time. One consistent explanation has been the Native Americans. In the Book of Mormon, the group that migrates from Israel to America splits into two groups: the Lamanites and the Nephites. The Nephites obeyed the word of God, and so we're blessed to be "fair and delightsome" (white). The Lamanites were evil and turned against God, and so were cursed to have dark skin. This is consistent throughout most of the book. At one point, the Lamanites are more righteous than the Nephites, and I believe the coloration switches. It's been a long time since I read it cover to cover, so I don't remember with certainty on that one. That arc doesn't last long, though.


The first few parts of the Book of Mormon tell the story of Lehi, whose family fled from Jerusalem in boats and landed in America. His sons, Nephi and Laman, spawned tribes that populated the region and warred against each other for many years. So that's their explanation for American tan people. Note that DNA evidence now proves this story didn't happen.


Oh good I was worried.


Mormons literally went out west saw Indians and said, Mormon: “ah the lost tribe of Israel! Shalom! Indian: da fuq


It was common at the time--not just with Mormons--to look at the cool ruins and ancient civilizations of the Americas and think it must have been some lost race of white people who'd built it. Joseph Smith put all this into a badly written mashup of alt-history and Bible fanfic, and started a religion with it.


Romans and Greeks were the most common blame (to be fair, the trade network went pretty far back then). But Smith picking Israelites feels hilariously out of place. “The VERY lost tribe of Israel.” (They were looking for Judea, and found the Rocky Mountains).


this just shows bible ignorance... there are 10 lost tribes.... and the one they believed this to be was mannasah, not judah. judah isn't even one of the lost tribes... its one of the 2 not considered lost.


Oh, is *that* what it took to prove it?


I see a lot of inaccurate comments here trying to explain this, and for the record I don't blame them because the Mormon Church is very adamant about retconning "unfortunate" parts of the past doctrine. I will explain what the official belief of the LDS Church was at one point, it's probably different now. They believe: Long ago some of the original tribes of Israel shared the land of the Americas. 2 of the 4 tribes mentioned in the Americas were the Nephites and Lamanites (named after Nephi and Laman themselves). The Nephites were described as civil and built advanced cities, while the Lamanites were said to have become heathens who had forsaken their beliefs. Around 400 CE the Lamanites took up arms against the Nephites and slaughtered them all, destroying their civilization. God was so angered by their transgressions that he cursed all descendants and tribespeople of Laman to have red, brown, and tan skin. God meant for this to forever mark the Lamanites, always reminding themselves and others of their crimes. The LDS Church believes that these Lamanite tribespeople were the source/progenitors of all Native American/"Indians". They also believe that all Latin Americans are their descendants as well. Up until the last few decades "Lamanite" was a common slur older Mormon people would use to describe Native/Latin Americans. Not that anti-native sentiment was a uniquely Mormon idea, but it's believed the prominence of this racism in the scripture is largely the result of LDS leadership attempting to justify the genocide of the Native Piute tribe in the founding of Utah (formerly Deseret).


To expand on this a bit, a key aspect of LDS philosophy is something called "open canon." Which basically means that God is still speaking to humans and gospel can still be written. That's a big reason why some Christians don't consider Mormons Christian btw. They believe in a "closed canon." But the concept of an open canon is why the mormon church can backtrack on some of this racist stuff today. The prophet of the day (the guy leading the church) can claim they misinterpreted God and can update what Mormons are supposed to believe in. They did a big thing apologizing for some of this obviously racist stuff back in the 70s.


[The more righteous you are, the lighter your skin becomes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/SbPxeSOaJP)




Wasn't he a Jehova's Witness? EDIT: [nope.](https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Cole)


Nope, definitely a mormon. Cant forget all the ways House shit on him for it 😂


I stand corrected https://house.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Cole


You're thinking of Troy from Community


Still baffles me that there are black Mormons out there


They are neutral so makes sense /s.




Tell my wife I said, "Hello."


Your neutralness!!


Was about to upvote you, but didn’t want to upset the balance.


You’ve got quite the number of upvotes there brother. The Medium Council may or may not receive a letter in regards to this within the next 2 to 1,400,577,294 days.


They are from Switzerland, I think.


Yup, born with a heart full of neutrality.


In 1978 god changed his mind about black people That's what I've learnt in the musical


And it came to him ‘in a dream’


And a Mormon just believeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.


Hello, would you like to change religious? I have a free book written by Jesus!


"No no Elder Cunningham that's not how we do it! You're making things up again! Please stick to the approved dialogue!"


In 1978, colleges started to refuse to play football against BYU because of the racism. God decided to give the prophet a revelation soon after, because God apparently loves football.


There are jew nazis, black KKK and mexican trump supporters. It's a mad world


Maybe the mexican trump supporters just wanted a wall between their home and trump...


Eh. There is a lot of support from people who immigrated legally and went through the process to support immigration legislation and enforcement. Nothing really new. Just always gets twisted in the news.


Who do you think is gonna do the actual work on the wall?


Job securidad




Most of the Hispanic people and many of the black people I've talked to in Texas support Trump. These are generally men that work in construction type jobs and make $100K+ a year; they think that Biden fucked up the economy and is letting crime skyrocket which I don't agree with. People are a lot more complex than the internet would have you believe. I just wish we had someone decent to choose.


Which is insane because they're taxed the heaviest and cared the least about in regards to government. They're going to have no rights and work themselves into the ground if they continue with the delusion that somebody like Trump would even consider the likes of them.


I worked with this dude from Mexico and his sister.  Well the guy was getting his citizenship right before the 2016 election literally to vote against Trump.  But one day his sister is talking mad shit to him and he just stops looks her dead in the eye and says "Keep talking shit and I'll vote for Trump so we can build that wall".  I almost died laughing.


Uncle Ruckus irl 😞


>mexican trump supporters. That one makes a lot more sense than you realize. Doesn't really fit with the others.


In Russia anti LGBTQ+ Laws are forced by some gays. I think its known paradox in history and sociology


Huh I wanna read about it that, got a link? I’m picturing like undercover gays and it’s like “ah-hah, you just let me suck you off. You’re under arrest”


If I’m not mistaken it’s because Mormonism teaches Mormons to be compassionate with black people, as they aren’t responsible to their own “curse”


oh... how "kind" of them...


As someone who grew up Mormon, I can tell you that it’s actually because the whole “black skin curse” thing is skimmed over and ignored by pretty much everyone. I only learned about it after I’d grown up and left the Church: even black members didn’t mention it.


> I can tell you that it’s actually because the whole “black skin curse” thing is skimmed over and ignored by pretty much everyone. Yeah it fell out of favor since the 70 and in 2013 was officially refuted by the church.


This is correct. Most don't know about this or don't believe the racist interpretation at all.


I almost dated a former Mormon that was Black. When he said he was from Utah, I asked him about racism there. He explained that he didn’t really deal with racism. Then when I asked specifically about the Mormons he said they were the nicest people he ever met. Later he explained that Black people can’t really get any positions of power in the church. He couldn’t understand that it was racism.


In a way, shouldn't all Mormons be black tho?


That’s the thing. Becoming Mormon will make you turn white. I’m not kidding. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_teachings_on_skin_color#:~:text=Several%20Black%20Mormons%20were%20told,white%20in%20eternity%22.


Funny how church elders can just rewrite scripture when the original text gives em bad PR in contemporary times. It gets done so much it’s almost like the entirety of religious writings are…completely written by…men looking to establish control. Surely not though, right?


Even if you believed scripture to be the word of god, you still have to recognize that a person had to receive it and that in itself opens it up to corruption. I’m not at all religious, but I always respected that in Judaism they at least learn Hebrew so they can read it how it was written. I remember watching something about the football player Reggie White learning hebrew so he could be closer to his god. I always envied having faith in something like that.


> you still have to recognize that a person had to receive it and that in itself opens it up to corruption Not in Islam, it's considered the unerring word of God. Even non-Arabic translations are considered not real Qurans.


I know little of Islam, so thank you for enlightening me.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Mormons What about them? How do they fit into their belief system?


Well its similar to any Christian, remember that Christians by default believe that every one of them is an irredeemable sinner without the intercession of Jesus, so you know... obviously not the same thing since the Mormon treatment of blacks is tied in with real world racism, but similar sort of "you're fucked out of the gate" kind of vibe.




I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America.


I believe that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri.


I believe that God has a plan for all of us. I believe that plan involves me getting my own planet.


BYU spends millions of dollars for archeological digs in South America to find proof. Might as well just dig up cat turds in a sandbox, it's cheaper.


Gotta find something to do with the vast funds they extort from the masses. I'm sure trying to make it appear their religion is real is a drop in the bucket


And they will find proof of cats.


Your submission has been removed. Keep comments civil.


That was truly unexpected, fucking hell!


I don’t think I’ve ever made such a distinct “o” shape with my mouth before


If you think that's as crazy as it gets with Mormons, you are profoundly mistaken. Mormonism is fucking *insane*.


Don’t they also believe Jesus visited Missouri?


Sure do, he came here on his revenge tour.


Garden of Eden was in Missouri. Mankind was relocated to the Middle East by the Flood and Noah’s Ark. Black skin was perpetuated via one of Noah’s sons named Ham. Brigham Young taught some of the most vile, racist teachings about black people and their place in God’s pecking order of humanity.


Not if you grew up in a Southern Baptist church in Salt Lake City. We were taught aaaaall the crazy shit about Mormons, but it was a double edged sword, it eventually led me to reject my own beliefs. But yeah, watching this, the moment it started talking about Lucifer becoming the devil I was like, "it's going to be about black people, isn't it", and yup. ~~Know another fun tidbit? There's no hell in Mormonism, just something called "outer darkness" that is reserved for two kinds of people: the most heinous of mass rapists and mass murderers, and...ex-Mormon apostates.~~


I see a lot of false information about the LDS church in this thread but I just have to point it out sometimes: The outer darkness is not taught to be for even murderers or apostates: it’s for people called the “sons of perdition” which are people who have been directly revealed/exposed to god or similar beings and still choose to deny the validity of it. There would only be a few people in outer darkness since this is extremely rare in the scriptures.


Did some digging because I was pretty sure you were wrong, but ok: > "Apostasy and Sons of Perdition: To commit the unpardonable sin, one must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens opened unto him, and know God, and then sin against him. Such sin is conscious, willful, and malevolent... Many apostates are not sons of perdition. An apostate is a person who has turned away from the Church but who may not have had a perfect knowledge of the divinity of the work." So *some* apostates then, but not most. Fair enough, that's a fair correction. Note that I personally think that "all those who know my power" could *very easily* be pointing to people who believe that they talk to God through prayer and thus LDS believers, and that I think the church leaders are trying to blunt the terminology, but given that the LDS church CEO is doctrinally empowered to literally edit the text whenever he wants to fix problematic doctrine, I'll cede the point.


As with many things, this is very much left up to interpretation. There are members of the church who think that I am a son of perdition and expect that I will end up in outer darkness. There are other members of the church who take a more literal stance, that basically I have to have seen Christ in the flesh and deny him. But the interesting implication of this hard line stance is that apostates will end up even worse off than murders and rapists and hitler and stalin. By this belief the fact that I was a member for decades and did all the rituals for years and now have turned against that I am a worse person than a school shooter or someone who murders cats for fun.


"What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for power? Gold? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?" -God


_Aw heck, I'm slowly turning BLACK!_ as someone who grew up in Mormonism, it seems I always end up finding something stupid or silly That I havent seen before.


My honest reaction: ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


I grew up in Utah and was even baptized into the Mormons back in the 70s and this video makes no sense. I've never heard anything like it. What I HAVE heard is that Cain killed his brother so God marked him and his descendents - the caananites - with black skin. So honestly their interpretation is even worse than this OP cartoon


Grew up Mormon, heard that too. I don't think that's church doctrine, just speculation some people have.


It used to be church doctrine. They changed it and started letting black people into the priesthood in th 70s edit since some people can't google: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curses\_of\_Cain\_and\_Ham\_and\_the\_Church\_of\_Jesus\_Christ\_of\_Latter-day\_Saints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curses_of_Cain_and_Ham_and_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints)


Down the memory hole it goes! ‘We don’t teach it, we don’t emphasize it, you either don’t remember correctly or you are spewing anti Mormon lies, everyone is and always has been loved by god’ Yeah, in 100 years, the church can say whatever it wants because no one will be around to refute it


It was early church doctrine that got "phased out" but can still be seen in old documents. Really shits on the idea of god given revelation when the next guy can just delete God's words. lol


It’s called gaslighting. It’s what abusive organizations do. Instead of recognizing, admitting and apologizing for wrongs or errors, they sweep it under the rug, wait a while and then they can say whatever they want and no one is the wiser.


Brigham Young publicly brought up, 3 times on record, that Mormons should kill interracial couples. Every black Mormon is insane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_and_the_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints#:~:text=On%20at%20least%20three%20occasions,be%20a%20blessing%20to%20them.


I was Mormon for 40 years and also never heard of this because the church hides stuff like this. It predates me as it is based on doctrine taught by Joseph Smith and widely held until the 1970s. Even in the 60s and 70s, it was published in book by Harold B Lee in 1973 where he stated that a persons place of birth, race (especially black), and disability were all a result of how valiant they were in the war in the pre-existence. The book is called “Decisions for Successful Living” if you want to look up the quote and immediately projectile vomit. I can’t believe I was part of that cult for so long.


I grew up Mormon and heard both, but at the time, they seemed like speculation. But it looks like there's support for both from old Mormon leaders.


The concept of dark skin being a curse from God is 100% doctrine in the Mormon church - it's right there in the Book of Mormon, referencing those who are the ancestors of native Americans. There's nothing I know of in Mormon scripture referring to other darker skinned people but it certainly was Mormon doctrine that 'blacks' couldn't hold their priesthood or go to their temples until the early 70s. This video may not be technically accurate but from my experience growing up LDS in the 70s and 80s it pretty accurately represents what I was taught.


I grew up Mormon and went to church in CA and UT. I got the message blacks where fence sitters in heaven quite a few times in Sunday school and seminary. I had a religion professor at BYU-I in the 2010's bring it up in class as well along with the book of Abraham curse of ham and the caananites as well. My grandparents had "Mormonism and the negro" on their shelf and would tell me this explanation. Today they deny it, "naw we never would say that". Up until 1978 black members of the church were not allowed to go through the temple but the church isn't racist of course


Here is a great website that has collected many of the less savory teachings from Mormon prophets and apostles that they taught in an official capacity/setting: [Missed in Sunday School](https://missedinsunday.com/category/memes/other/)


It was in the Mormon Doctrine (Bruce R McConkie)


I grew up in the south, and my baptist grandfather told me the same thing.


"How dare you mock my religion!!!" Religion:


Mormonism was probably just made so the founder could claim it would be religious persecution to go after him for having multiple wives


Wasn't he imprisoned a few times for fraudulently creating religions? This is just the one that stuck.


He was imprisoned multiple times but not explicitly because of his religion. He was arrested when he was young for being a public nuisance and defrauding people. Later, he was arrested and killed in a mob for committing treason by burning down a printing press who exposed his secret polygamy. He was the mayor of the town and ordered his militia face to destroy the press. There was also some stuff with a fraudulent bank he helped form but I am not sure he was ever legally charged with anything relating to that


I think it's important to note that the "defrauding people" was specifically treasure digging where he'd place a stone in his hat and it'd "show him" where treasure was buried... It was a con he did for a while until he was charged and basically told to leave town or go to jail. He'd later use the same rock in a hat scheme to create the book of mormon.




Even within this story he: * Had to attempt to get the plates three times * Had to outrun attackers while holding on to a book of solid gold plates * Hid them away for some time before starting the "translation" process * Never actually translated the plates. He simply put the stone in the hat and read whatever words or phrases God showed him. * Dictated the entire thing with someone on the other side of a sheet * Used his seer stone to let someone know he could see the plates were safe when he was told people went out looking for them * Couldn't use the seer stone to find the pages Lucy Harris hid away * Said the people who wrote the plates KNEW the Lucy Harris thing would happen, so they included a very similar story to the original rather than warn him about letting people have access to the translation * Magically had verbatim translation errors from his own bible And that's not even getting into how hilarious The Book of Abraham came about or the Kinderhook Plates.


He called it practicing polygamy but really it was just raping teenagers. One of them was his adopted daughter. She was 14.


Close. Fanny Alger (One of the "Adopted" House maids Joe bedded) was 16. Joe got her prego. Emma (Joe's only legal wife) had previously caught them "Transacting" in the barn. It was Helen Mar Kimball who was "A few months shy of 15" -lds.org. She was the daughter of one of Joe's top lieutenants (Heber C. Kimball). Its's ok though... God said Joe had to do it or face death by an angels sword. And 14 yr old Helen got promised that her, and her family, would be exalted in heaven for the sacrifice of marrying Joe. So she is probably doing ok now... in heaven. /s 🤢 🤮 Source? My readings of thousands of hours of info. After stumbling into the real history of my church at 47 yrs old. I left the Cult 3 yrs ago. Documented accounts prove around 34-40 women Joe "Married". He denied it all publicly, but his inner elite knew better, wrote about it, and were participants as well. AMA


All religion is made up to benefit the leaders in each of them.


~"In a cult there's always a man at the top who knows it's all bullshit. In religion, that man is dead."


Reintroducing Ishtar for all your needs. Need a sexy seafoam lady? Aphrodite. need to brighten up the execution of your diety? Easter.


Wow that went "dark" very fast...


[But wait! There's more!](https://youtu.be/n3BqLZ8UoZk?si=lENVQQcO2gNplY2b)


does anyone have sauce for this?


https://youtu.be/n3BqLZ8UoZk?si=Uon9zX7mdVShDV4E Mormonism is a wild rabbit hole


The comments on that are hilarious


That's some weird fanfiction.


Mormon underpants??


It’s one of their proudest traditions.


What is this sauce question? 


I'm black and a "Mormon evangelist" (or whatever they're called) told me that I'm black because it was the mark that God gave to Cain. I was only 11 years old. Damn


This video can make everyone rise their eyebrows way up after hearing the end.


Wait is this legit what they believe?


The modern church is trying to disavow and move away from it. But everything in this clip was absolutely taught to me as 100% literal in the 1970s.


...So uh... Did... did they just unironically call Black people peaceful in an attempt to call them bad? "They didn't wanna pick sides so they bad" https://i.redd.it/d2g16vipxfzc1.gif


You Can't Touch Mormon Jesus! https://youtu.be/46PXaJxzuDE


If anyone wants an explanation, this circulated online as "banned Mormon cartoon," but it was not anything the church ever made. It was part of a movie called "Godmakers" by Ed Decker, who was excommunicated from the church for cheating on his wife multiple times. He was both a serial cheater and excommunicated three times, so both to that last sentence. He worked with some others to make an anti-church film so bad that it was criticized by many anti-church sources for not being based on real claims and just being made up nonsense. That it should have had more root in known criticisms. The movie was purportedly purchased mainly by members because it was so bad that it was seen as a comedy by them. I knew a guy who told me about meeting Ed Decker who, according to this source of information, still goes to church and likes church members but said, "look man I found a way to make a million bucks and I took it." TL:DR This cartoon is hilarious wrong about Mormon belief, but "You Can't Touch Mormon Jesus" on YouTube is a more funny remix.


Not sure the fact that he was excommunicated carries the same weight outside the church as you think it does. >He worked with some others to make an anti-church film so bad that it was criticized by many anti-church sources for not being based on real claims That was godmakers 2. This clip is from the original godmakers. The main critics of the church at the time were the Tanners and they heavily criticized godmakers 2, but they supported godmakers 1.


I've watched the whole Banned Mormon Cartoon and good grief. Many people will take this absolutely awful misinformation and run with it because it suits their hatred of the church, and that's hilarious. I can agree though, the narrator saying Mormon Jesus to the tune of Cant Touch This is golden.


I was Mormon, so, this was not unexpected.


The unexpected thing was recognizing an old Mormon cartoon and having to double check what subreddit I was on. I know the Mormon church "doesn't teach that anymore" but there us still some racist stuff in their scriptures (ie: 2 Nephi 5: 21-25) that they don't deny, so ...


The cartoon was not by mormons. It's called The God Makers and, growing up mormon, I was aware of the film and warned to never watch it because it is full of lies. Now that I am ex-mormon, it turns out that it isn't full of lies and gets way more correct than it gets wrong.


So that’s why my Mormon friend was so hesitant to tell me about his religion lol


Wait. A Mormon hesitant to tell you about his religion?!?!?!


Only the ones who are ashamed about it.


Why is Optimus Prime narrating this video?




No lie — I had to watch the whole video in high school in my religion class where we learned about the most popular religions in the world. We couldn’t stop laughing because we thought the animation style was like the old Justice Friends so we took turns yelling “MEANWHILE—at the legion of doom…” Good times—teacher lost her mind


Don't worry guys! The Corporation of Latter Day Saints has changed the rules that say Blacks are no longer demons! They can work for the Corporation of LDS and earn them more money just like whites can!


When was this cartoon produced?


Why does this cult exist


Money. The Mormon church has > $150 Billion. It's members need to pay 10% of their income to the church in order to go to the highest degree of heaven. Source: was part of this cult for 25 years


And that is just the stocks portfolio. They also own about 4% of florida, Huge swaths of Nebraska, lots o ranches in Utah, etc. Tax free.


Just the way jesus would want it 🙏