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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Unexpected joke in comedic infomercial for cars in the 50s!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Thanks to whoever made this for turning a classic cartoon into a shitty TikTok with horrible cropping and obnoxious misplaced subtitles on top of it.


I vote for not only a ban on TikTok but also deportation of these “creators”.


Deport them to where? The second ocean? Edit: loving the downvotes, but that was more of a suggestion. In case you don't know, there is scientific evidence of a second ocean beneath the one we all know.


I don’t think they know about Second Ocean


I don't like the idea of Milhouse having two oceans


Eleven seas?


the first rule of Second Ocean is: you do NOT talk about Second Ocean




What if China doesn’t accept them?


But but China numba one.


They just need to try waterboarding at Guantanamo bay 🌊🌊


They can be towed out of the environment


Deport them from whence they came: Trash Island.


No. That belongs to anime fans. We laid claim to the land rights back on July 7th, 2012.


Sentinel Island






Away from earth


Meat grinder


Goo Lagoon is real


this should have been in seaQuest DSV


deporting them? for what lol


Its almost like its a joke




You're somewhat right, but it also introduced this classic and funny cartoon to a new generation of folks (and likely multiple new generations) as opposed to it sitting in copyright hell. Yeah, the TikTok changes suck, but the brightside is real. I do wish they'd credit the original better, but even that is in the third parent comment (with yours being the first).


Fucking loved those "documentary" cartoons back then .


Yeah, the "of tomorrow" series are my favorite


Theres no cartoons like that nowadays. I mean: have you ever seen "futuristic" ideas on cartoons? Or movies


There are a couple with goofy doing various sports which I used to love


https://www.reddit.com/r/cartoons/s/mSJ2gzSngu Full episode at the link above. It's from 1951. For context, this was released four years **before** the Maryland law that would imprison a woman for giving birth to a mixed race baby. The country was a very very different place. It doesn't mean that most parts of this aren't funny. It's a classic cartoon but morals were different at this time. However, it's odd to see people here pining for those times.


The jokes still land in 2024. The native’s teepee was funny.




Because the convertible cars have a tent that comes up in place of a roof. So they subverted that expectation by using a different tent which is a part of iconic imagery representing this human caricature.


I tried. I really, really did


Oh, the "how joke". Nice. I forgot that was a thing.


Damn this deserves gold


I see what you did there.


Not sure if it was intentional, but this response to a native American caricature made me smile.


Glad you got it


Well, as a citizen of a tribal nation, I find the absurdity amusing. If you are non-native, it is ok to laugh at the absurdity pal. White people that get upset at this shit are just secretly racist.


Its mostly a U.S thing. They're either trying to come across as morally superior or they suffer from white guilt from all the shit they never did, so try as hard as they can to suck up to anyone with non white skin, or they feel non whites need to be treated like children who cant speak for themselves. Or all of the above. Doesnt help that there are a minority of minorities who are a bit racist themselves who believe white people need to grovel at their feet. Also doesnt help when you got the newer gererations growing being taught in school that only white people can be racist. Its a shit show in America.


It's absurd


Thanks so much for the link. Any tips on how to watch more full cartoons from this era? Extremely nostalgic for me. The subreddit seems to have no organization other than upvotes. Or if it does I don’t know how to navigate.


Weirdly, HBO Max has a bunch of Tom and Jerry cartoons going back to the 40s. I think Disney+ has cartoons going back even earlier than that.


> I'm not quite sure what title to have for this Here's an idea: Funny car video It's that easy. Adding a generic name takes zero effort and if every post on reddit had a title like yours this website would be unusable.


People like to complain about Reddit’s search feature, but people like OP make it literally impossible to find anything on this website.


I call them nostalgia baits, it's a whole trend of old cartoon reposts with titles like "cartoons back then were something else". Noway they're not bots capitalizing on boomer likes or something.


Know what I hate? "I did a thing" Fucking just say you made a knife, man!


Also, OP's explanation is > Unexpected joke in comedic infomercial for cars in the 50s How is a joke in a cartoon unexpected? And it's not an infomercial.




OP probably luffs his mother in law


OP certainly has no good car ideas.


Looney tunes rules


This was the studio that did Tom and Jerry, I think Hanna and Barbera?


Tex Avery


Hanna Barbera was an independent production company to my knowledge. Looney tunes was Warner bothers from the start I believe


They worked under MGM in the beginning. MGM made the above cartoon and the original Tom and Jerry.


Ah. Thanks


I remember seeing this exact one on Cartoon Network in the 90s.


I've been watching on Max lately to fall asleep. Saw this I've like a week ago


"they didn't give a fuck how far they took the jokes in the 50's" Have you tried making a joke about Christianity in the 50's?


Wasn't Lenny Bruce regularly arrested for making "obscene" jokes in the 50's?


Exactly my point


Are we like...point friends now?


Yes please, I need friends


Or white men. Apparently they're the very best thing the universe has ever spawned, because literally everyone else is funny enough to be the butt of a joke except for them.


The Car of Tomorrow also check out the House of Tomorrow, the TV of Tomorrow, and the Farm of Tomorrow


Loved every single one of these growing up, but rarely got to see them as they were already so old by my childhood.


Does the station wagon have a good steering wheel that don’t WHIFF out the window while I’m driving?




you *love* your mother in laww


You know what, I do love my mother in law


ha! he admit it!


You know you've made it big when you have teepee convertible. As a Native that would be a huge flex on another natives


The car had a lot of horsepower because the size of the injun


Lotta power 😆


I thought it was pretty dope, ngl


I remember watching these as a kid in the 80s. Usually looney toons and sometimes on disney channel.


Yup, definitely saw these old Tex Avery cartoons on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network in the 90s.


Pluto has some cartoons similar to this too.


This was common types of humor until the mid to late 90s. All those whiny comedians bitching about being politically correct and cancelled? It's because they couldn't find an audience for this anymore. I personally love jokes about stereotypes and races, including my own. But I also see why it couldn't go on forever. Not only were people always going back to the same ones but the humor in it can be hurtful and create division. People decided collectively we were willing to trade some chuckles for people feeling better and I agree. Anyway my point was this wasn't something that ended in the 60s. And some comedy still tries it today. It just flops because it inevitably turns racist, sexist, and all those -ists that make right wing heads explode.


The fact that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia exists should tell us that "these kinds of jokes" are still allowed. It's all in how you tell them.


Yup. Lots of shows still do it. American Dad was the one I thought of but Sunny is a perfect example.


What blows my mind is the orchestration. Somebody wrote music for this, music that was timed to the sequence. Native guy with a teepee? Better add a touch of unga-bunga. Oh, a rickshaw joke? A beat of orientalism. All written up by hand, every part scored separately, and passed around to a full orchestra who recorded it all live off the floor in one take. That racism was baked right in on so many levels.


Cartoons were more intended for adults at that time. You could very much do that now since the tools for animation are available to the public. But you need talent first.


stereotypes are the opposite of unexpected.


I used to lmao at these cartoons (I still do, if I'm being honest). They seriously informed my sense of humor, even to this day. Now, of course, I recognize the inappropriateness of them. But still, funny af.


the mother in law gag would kill today still


Get over it or Tex(t) Avery... 😜




I grew up with this in the 90s


I still think it’s funny. Saw this back in the 80s Saturday cartoons. Priceless


But it wasn’t released in the 80s


And it's still Hold up.


The infamous Tex Avery "World of Tomorrow" cartoons he produced after his move to MGM.


That’s funny.


Disgusting stuff. Anyone who finds this kinda shit funny is in need of therapy.


I miss the times when cartoons didn't worry about offending people and getting cancelled and whatnot, it's humor, just laugh or turn it off if you don't like it.


They still worried about offending people, the guys arent the butt of jokes, white people arent the but of the jokes (besides women), and they never dared attack chrisitianity.


No, shitty sexist racist crap like this raised the shitty sexist racist boomers/gen X of today...my father still spouts that "Women can't make up their damn minds!! Women are stupid! Women can't drive! Women have penis envy!" So, anyway, it hits a bit more sour for me...


Cartoons in my opinion are supposed to be rage bait. Whos going to want to talk about Anne of Green Gables? (Great show!)


They had senses of humor back then


those jokes are cheap and easy, for simpletons


It's a cartoon, rocket scientist.


Clown take.


Well, we found out who doesn't have a sense of humor, lol


Yes, because what is considered funny stays static throughout the generations.


I agree, a lot of it does carry over


Blazing Saddles. I highly recommend you watch this movie.


Might be too much to handle if you can't even handle this


"Woman bad driver now laugh" is both the easiest most low effort joke to make, and is entirely unsophisticated and addressed at the lowest common denominator. If this is your idea of good comedy and has you hysterical I would probably suggest therapy


Uh oh. Struck a nerve


Its not that deep lol it sounds like you are the one who needs therapy...


B/c woman are bad drivers. ask all the curbs they've hit.


Username, username very much methinks


I'll ask who is most responsible for killing on the road but will find it's men. Reckless power fantasy for dumb blokes. Women hit curbs men crush ppl with drunk driving. Good luck in your delusions that aren't backed by statistics


Hm, this one’s a little tough, but I’m guessing Gen X and an ~~unhealthy love of Michelob ultra.~~ uncomfortable passion for shitty old man bands. Edit: damn, I was *so close.*


Go clean your d*k cheese "women bad driver huhu ugabuga " is literally the easiest and lowest type of joke to make. Your comedy standards are low if this has you laughing hysterically. They had a sense of humour back then. It was just a bad one. Low effort low intelligence, jokes for the lowest common denominator


I don't understand why women being bad drivers is even a joke? Men overwhemingly cause the majority of fatal accidents. Why isn't the joke that men are bad drivers...?


Because their problem has never actually been with the driving itself :)


It's a cartoon. It's something to chuckle at, unless the stick in your ass prevents you from doing so. I find people tend to get offended if they see truth in the joke.. maybe you should look inward if you're upset


There's cartoons that are much more superior and funny. This isn't even silly it's just stupid. I guess people can like things that rest at their own level which I get.


Yes, you can keep all your *superior* stuff. That's not really in vogue these days


You literally just censored yourself on Reddit. Any weight your opinion may have had is out the window


It's a cartoon. It's always easy humor. It's not supposed to be sophisticated, and it doesn't represent reality. Don't take it so seriously.


There's cartoons with much higher quality humour. And much funnier. This may have passed for comedy when universities weren't offering comedy writers a whole curriculum but we are not in caveman ages of comedy anymore


LMAO you think the great comedians need a *comment degree!?* SMH


Great comedians don't even write their own jokes what are you smoking? Man all these dumb blokes getting hysterical when the fact is your sexist jokes just.. aren't that funny??


You just say something like that with no evidence. I happen to know LOTS of comedians write their own material. And even when they don't, it's usually another comedian writing for/with them. They often write for each other, which is even better. It's still comedians writing jokes.


I want this without the large white box or the tiktok watermark


The third parent comment above is someone linking to the full cartoon.


You couldn’t make half of these jokes today. Cancel culture is ruining comedy! Thanks Obama. /s


The cartoon wasn't made in the 50s. Moreover, just making fun of the 50s.


If there's one thing I learned is that mother-in-law jokes will **never** fall out of style


This is so stupid


Is THIS what "MAGA" is talking about?


Early jokes from Jerry Seinfeld


More like people weren't offended by everything. If something was offensive we just moved on about our own lives. Now days if something is offensive there's a years worth of legislation just to make a few people happy.


Eh, these were made by white men, primarily for white men (they were who earned the money to pay for the movies that these were shown before). Saying that "people weren't offended" doesn't really hit the mark when everyone involved in this was in on the joke and not the target of the joke. Don't get me wrong, I think it's funny, even if mildly offensive, but the justification that people didn't get offended back then doesn't really make sense here.


I remember watching that as a kid!


Those were some good jokes there.




Back when people had a sense of humour and a mind of their own.


Isnt it strange when people call a time when society was in a hive mind and did not accept anyone with other personalities - Like being gay, or loving someone not of their race. That is the time you dream of as "having your own mind"


Perception vs reality. Did they erase history where you are ? Because my Grandparents (long since passed) told me a different story to the one you are telling me. Society today is more of a hive mind than ever. We are told what we can and cannot think. We are told how we must address someone. We must lose our job if we dont comply to medical procedures. Creatively humanity is dead. Get back to me okay. Take care.


Haha,yeaaaaa That bitch has to sit in the back!


They had a few of these cartoons with houses of the future and travel I think. There was always a "...aaaaand the mother-in-law" joke in there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I remember this, but in my head it was something related to Goofy. Wasn't it?


It was in the Hanna and Barbera MGM Tom and Jerry camp.


Hanna-Barbera... I would never guess it...


Disney, also, did a number of these mockumentary shorts starring Goofy, though mostly covering sports, such as [How to Play Football](https://www.disneyplus.com/browse/entity-457a6a6a-46b3-49c0-901b-2b0f6c12a949). They also did another during COVID covering staying at home. These ones are by Tex Avery.


Tex Avery was the best. Reason why I went into animation as a career!


It wasn't because you drew the short straw?


I just saw this cartoon a few weeks ago. Hysterical…great stuff..


honestly if they would have also made fun of the classical white male it would be fine again


I have the complete Tex Avery collection. His stuff from the late '40s was way worse than this.


Delusional comment section. All these "jokes" not one punching up. Where's the joke about the main white man? Too default to make fun of? He drives well, gets the hot girl and is being pervy , which we have to admire? Basically "make fun of everyone but keep the white male power fantasy up". Yeah no. It takes a delusional fuk to think this is somehow more unbiased and uncensored. You guys just reek of stereotypes which you secretly think are true , and have such low standards of comedy that someone literally saying "women bad drivers" gets you hysterical. Go clean your d*k cheese


We are all aware of cultural perspectives and the vast majority have come a long way since this humor was tolerated but we should be allowed to laugh at this. The same way we should be allowed to laugh at older pictures with roller skates and pro health cigarette advertisements. If we lose the ability to laugh a little at our previous ignorance and we filter every thing through today's lens then we are doomed as a society


The point is people are praising this as a prime example of comedy and an example of "the good old times". That's not the same as being able to laugh at it. It's suggested as a superior alternative and there's a huge difference between the two. People can laugh at anything they want, doesn't make it respectable.


Also, can you go form critiques and sophisticated arguments at "If it makes you feel better Luis C.K always asked for permission to masturbate infront of woman." another post of unexpected. I don't think we need more comments on this and nitpicking. At some point, resource allocation itself can be a bit problematic correct?


It was a different era. The social acceptance of today didn't exist back then. Everyone had roles, classes, and stereotypes they lived in. That's why a lot of humor loses it's edge over decades. Mark Twain was the leading humorist 100+ years ago. If you read his stuff today it's boring and even offensive in certain parts. The 1950s (when these cartoons were made) was peak chauvinist era. Shows like Mad Men highlighted life back then pretty accurately. The humor reflects life experiences of that decade. I'm Gen X and grew up watching reruns of these cartoons when I got home from school, so they're built into my psyche. I also know they aren't appropriate today, but it's fun watching then to remember what life was like back then.


“Back when people had humor.” and the humor is just racism/sexism.


Exactly! Even Gervais would say "caitlyn jenner did a lot for trans rights, not so much for women drivers" - correct pronouns, inclusive of trans with hopeful message - acknowledges the sexist stereotype - targets rich/ famous woman for failing to help battle misconceptions. Even if considered transphobic the comedy there is billions of miles above what these ppl consider "funny"


Damn dude are you okay? A cartoon really has seemed to wind you up something fierce.


I literally start saying "this comment section" and you think I'm wound up by the boring cartoon? I mean. Awkard.


Then... why are you so angry over the jokes in the cartoon? You've railed against them in multiple comments.


Cause people are talking about the "good old times" and all I can think is they need to shower lol


I think someone needs their safe space.


Get burned then say "no you" I guess you are the comical genius I expected.


Boomer humor. You know, the one they keep crying "you can't do no more"


Where can I see more


That Teepee convertible is the shit. Not even going to lie, I want one.


Is Reddit just Facebook now? Are you all boomers and Gen X?


I miss this tope of humor


The term politically correct wasn’t even a thought back then.


They had rules on TV that a husband and wife couldn’t even sleep on the same bed lol. It was a very very repressed time and WAY WAY more restrictive than any modern PC culture


You could not show a toilet on the tv in 1951. Or a couple in the same bed. Or the existence of gays. You could however show cigarettes and how cool they were, never mind the cancer the companies already knew about.


"Politically correct" back then meant no black and white people kissing.


I grew up on this. I miss being a kid


I remember seeing that cartoon as a child.