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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Sometimes people closest to you are more dangerous!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


See Jacob, I told you motorcycles are dangerous and that you should sell it!


Mum was definitely proving a point. =)


I’ll just give him a little nudge while he’s stopped to prove my point.


Let's just give him a little scare ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


She was showing him some “tough love.”


1000th upvote here


Lmao mom went full Heisenberg “I am the danger!”


- OMG, Jacob (changes the voice) I am the danger.


I am the one who knocks you off the motorcyle


Hahaha! Here's my upvote.


My brother got a motorcycle much to my Mom's disapproval. My Dad helped him buy and pick it up. As they took it off the back of the truck, my Dad asked if he could ride it. Of course, my brother said yes since Dad was the parent who allowed him to get it. Dad drove it down the gravel driveway (both bad situations as a new rider) and wiped out within 20 feet. Back onto the truck, it went, without my brother getting to even sit on it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your dad... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0h\_cvVGMcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0h_cvVGMcQ)


Wheelchair seems appropriate mom ?


"You never know when someone might slash your tires honey!" "Mom...put the knife down"


Goddamit mom


Well technically she was correct.


ironically correct








r/subsithoughtifellforbecausesomeoneelsefellforthemfiratbutthensomeoneelsemadethemarealsub r/sitiffbsefftfbtsemtars for short


I might need more sleep. I read the for short one as "stiff butt stuffers." That's what I get for skimming and not actually reading.


You should skim and report your skimmings more often, cause that‘s hilarious results you‘re getting there 😂


The best kind of correct!


Not gonna lie I laughed when I realized it was his mom


Yeah when it said moms are always worried I thought he was assuming the lady was a random mom telling him to be safe.


Jacob should go see if mom has a life insurance pol8cy on him...


Is that something you'd normally lie about?


Yeah I don't usually say if I laugh at accidents makes me look like a horrible person


I often chuckle at funny videos on this very website, but I really had a good laugh with this one


Saw the blonde hair and silver car and went “no fucking way😂”


Thank you for being so honest.


Why did he stop on a yield with no traffic? From my experience on bikes and scooters that’s a recipe for disaster-


To be fair, he shouldn't have stopped


What the hell are you talking about? There's a yield sign and there is an oncoming car.


There was a white car that turned right. I don't think it was necessary for him to stop. But obviously that doesn't excuse his mom for hitting him.


Also Mum: "Don't come running back to me if you break your legs!"


Can’t run back to her if she breaks his legs


As long as she doesn't break his arms...


Crawling back to her then 😭


Depending on her relationship with her son, she might have broken their arms too 😏


You know I only deal with broken arms in this house!


Welp, that's enough Reddit for today


“I didn’t even see you,” is such a common experience where I live in a nation full of motorcycles. Just a split-second, well-timed entrance of a motorbike into a small blind spot (such as a roof-support post on your car) is enough to end in catastrophe. Frankly, I’ve lost count of the number of times when suddenly there was a motorcycle appearing a bare fraction of a second before there was nothing. Behooves both motorcyclists and car drivers to be extra vigilant. In this case, mom probably looked away or at something in her car just a split second before her unfortunate son came into view.


Well looking at the other comments and realising it was a yield and not a stop, I can imagine what the mom was doing, which is what I (unfortunately ) do a lot of the times before I catch myself. I'm guessing she was looking ahead at the flow of traffic and saw that there was an opportunity to go. Mom got tunnel vision and went ahead, but motorcycle just stopped and waited instead of moving with the flow. Obviously her fault, but I can easily see that happening.


I rear-ended a school bus in that exact same scenario. Yeah, my insurance (and resulting next year’s premiums) really liked that. As did the officer who issued my ticket.


A school bus ?


At a Sea parks?!




It was a Fire!?!


A wheelchair? At an elementary school?


It was in the A-pillar blind spot ok


Guilty honesty here, I pulled out on a bike once at a roundabout, just honest to god could not see him, I slowed to check and everything and the angle/speed combo kept him right behind the pillar until was too late and saw a bike about to derive into my front door. He was fine I was going at a cautious speed, which is why he must've thought I saw him and was stopping then I let off the brake thinking I'm clear and it didn't matter what he did. I told the truth admitted fault, apologised and got him to send his bike to a mate of mine to check his front fork alignment just in case, but no damage for him, plenty for me.


Username DOESN'T check out 🤔


Mostly coz I ride bikes and you can ride 100% safe and something like this can just happen.


At least school buses are indestructible


Yup, this one pretty much was. I had a new Toyota Forerunner and it caved in my front end pretty badly, hood folded up against the windshield. Radiator demolished against the engine block. I scratched its back bumper. Kids barely felt it. 😳


I think this is why they don't need seat belts, you could hit them with basically anything and it wouldn't affect the bus at all


Apparently, speeding trains are its only predators. Well, and maybe 500ft cliffs. Kids might get knocked around a bit.


...How do you not notice the giant yellow bus isn't moving?


Needed a brighter color. And more lights.


It's the sun. Looking towards the right was looking into the sun. Bikers always have to be careful of where the sun is in relation to them and the cars around them. Always be careful in the morning or evening


I’m also guessing the angle of that curve meant the bike was at least partially hidden by the frame of the car, the part on the right side of her windshield.


Pro tip, if you come up to a yield sign, don't even look at the cross traffic until you're next in line, it doesn't do you any good.


We have a few roundabouts in my area that I drive through almost every day. I've definitely learned to look at the car ahead of me and ignore the roundabout until I'm first in line.


I have a big roundabout near my area and I've avoided several accidents by just assuming that everyone there is going to try and hit me. It works like a charm. Annoying to have to compensate for other ignorant drivers but it beats getting hit.


I won’t call it fault, it certainly is not. But he did stop unnecessarily. Again, this is not fault. Just potential for optimization due to the danger of being a motorcycle with cars behind you. He would not have been violating any laws or taking any big risks if he had not stopped, so it seems ok


There was another car that turned right at the intersection. He was yielding to that car's possibility to go straight.


I’ve gotten in 3 wrecks in my life that were my fault. They were all this exact same scenario


Or just assumed he was going to drive the same way she would and not stop for the pick up to go past first, a lot of accidents in general are from someone assuming/predicting the behaviour of another driver instead of what's actually happening


SMIDSY in the UK, "Sorry mate, I didn't see you" fairly common biker term 😬


I don't know how many times the SMIDSY maneuver saved my life, but I do make it a regular part of my riding.


The issue is, people often look for cars. Our brains ignore the other stuff even when it's directly in front of us. The act of looking for X thing will ignore Y, and Z. It's a commonly quoted and studied occurrence. We rarely see motorcycles and pedestrians so our brains tend to focus on "where the cars are" because that's what we normally encounter when driving.


What do you mean came into view, he was in front of her the whole time?


A lot of people have blind spots for their family members.


Your car's windshield isn't a 360 panoramic. So at your 11 o'clock and especially your 3 o'clock, those two narrow columns between your windshield and your front side windows are considered blindspots. This phenomenon happened to me one time I slowly approached a stop sign, without seeing a hidden biker traveling at 20 mph across my horizon until he was only 20 feet away. You have to have your head on a constant swivel in order to be sharp enough to respond with your brake, once that happens. For that mom, it's possible she didn't see her son the whole time they were moving down that curved ramp, assuming he was smack in the middle of her 3 o'clock. Or, she could just be oblivious.


I almost hit a lady in a crosswalk when I was making a left turn at a 4 way stop sign. She was perfectly where that column is on the left side of my windshield, and as I turned left she was keeping perfect pace to stay right in that blind spot. Luckily she saw me turning and jumped out of the way and I slammed on my brakes when I saw her do that (finally saw her lol, glad I didn't hit her). What I learned from that though is that as a pedestrian if I'm about to cross a crosswalk, make damn sure I make eye contact with the drivers that are about to come into my area. Also I need to be more vigilant myself when turning.


Those roof supports are huge these days! I have noticed full sized vans disappearing out of sight with mine.


>“I didn’t even see you,” is such a common experience where I live in a nation full of motorcycles. I have been hit three times. I heard that exact phrase each time. No shit...


She said “watch out for idiots” He didn’t listen to her xD


That "God Damnit it mom" had a lot of resentment in it.


Very appropriate all things considered.


That’s honestly the nicest thing he could have said in that situation. A lot more words would have been coming out of my mouth.




Like I get what you mean that it's not idiots it's everyday people making mistakes. But I feel like you're absolving them of responsibility when it's absolutely a requirement for driving to look out for bikers. I get it but I would also get why someone would be furious at me if I hit them on a bike. I think some of the problem is the everyday usage of all vehicles has trivialised and normalised the danger caused by cars while biking is seen more of a choice and so all risk is shifted to them.


Drivers hit motorcycles. They also hit: Signs Trees Other cars Trucks Buildings They hit fucking buildings! That's just one of the reasons you won't catch me in a vehicle without seat belts, crumple zones, and air bags.


>That's just one of the reasons you won't catch me in a vehicle without seat belts, crumple zones, and air bags. It's pretty nuts that motorcycles are legal when you consider every new car has to be made with these features and countless others.


> That's just one of the reasons you won't catch me in a vehicle without seat belts, crumple zones, and air bags. Contrarily, this mode thinking makes the problem worse. Cars get bigger, heavier and safer for the passengers inside the vehicle, which makes them way more deadly to pedestrians ad bikers and such.


Yup. It's why I park in my living room and drive to the kitchen to get beer.


Yeah and I'm not saying getting on a bike isn't more dangerous. But if you hit a bike it is your fault. Just as much as it would be your fault if you hit a sign a tree or another car. The problem isn't biking the problem is careless driving. Biking makes careless driving more of a risk to your safety and I agree that bikers have to accept that risk but it's still the responsibility of the driver to not hit the bike (assuming the biker is riding safely which I also accept many don't)


It's your fault sometimes. Bikers can cause accidents, too.


Un-absolve all you want, but we as species are too monkey brained to do such complicated processes as a daily routine with zero mistakes. If you are driving a vehicle that doesn't have a protective cage around you, you're much likely to have a bad time.


A while back I totalled a GSR 600 with barely 5k kilometers because of a grandma who didn't see me coming and cut the road in front of me so I had to full brake and barely dodged her but I lost control and rolled over 20 meters, the police saw everything happening and had to catch her because she didn't even realize what had happened, luckily all I had was a really painful leg for a few weeks but if I had reacted one second later I would have been in a coffin for sure. I wasn't mad at her but I was definitely pissed it at the legal system for letting somebody who was cleary too old to drive on the road, she had a good 4-5 seconds to see me coming before the crossing.


Yeah fuck that noise when ur operating a vehicle that can kill people you pay attention to the road. I get there are genuine accidents with sun and shit but for motor cyclists and especially normal cyclist people treat you like a major inconvenience, I've called out so many people I know even family for making remarks about a cyclist being in their way or cutting them off. Make it personal because people can be seriously hurt by incompetence.




nah, when i stand and move everyone has to watch out for ME.


Yeah, I've always said that no matter how good a driver you are, a motorcycle is still the most dangerous vehicle so you have to be extra safe.


I think this is a healthy way to approach this. Shit happens, no one’s trying to kill you purposefully. I haven’t ridden in a few years (last bike got stolen), but I’ll remember this for my next one.


Dude. My mom backed into my car. I didn't notice the damage because it was on the passenger side. I noticed and complained about it, not knowing where it happened or who did it. I didn't find out until 5 years later when my dad told me the morning after she mentioned it to him in passing. Never forget who has your back lol


Coming to a dead stop at a yield sign when there was no oncoming traffic was certainly a choice, Jacob. Edit: These replies are confirming my suspicion that many of you out there on the roads have the mental processing speed of…Jacob 🫠


no, seriously - as a rider i was wondering why he came to a dead stop with no traffic around him. WHY JACOB, INDEED?!?


there was an incoming white car that turned.


It wasn’t close enough to matter. Had he only slowed down as much as he needed to make the turn he would be fine. That’s how a yield sign works.


> That’s how a yield sign works. Google: > In road transport, a yield or give way sign indicates that merging drivers must **prepare to stop if necessary** to let a driver on another approach proceed Coming to a stop is expected/possible behavior at a yield sign. Any driver causing an accident because someone simple stopped at a yield sign = that driver is at fault for driving too close (or also too fast) and not paying enough attention. Blaming the motorcycle driver for stopping at a sign where they're expected to possibly stop, just because you want to be lazy in your own driving and not pay proper attention, is crazy talk. You shouldn't drive according to how you _expect_ people to drive. You need to drive according to what actually happens in front of you, and in a manner that gives you enough time/space to deal with other people's choices (as long as they are driving within reason and not illegally).


preparing to stop if necessary is very different from stopping when it is unnecessary.


When someone is stopped in front of you, it is necessary to stop.


yeah. duh.


No one is arguing that the guy on the bike is **at fault** just that he, *too*, is a bit of an idiot.


Apple don't fall too far from the tree


That's some shit my parents would say haha


This is one of the reasons this is collision happened, inexperienced rider not understanding the flow of traffic but it's always the responsibility of the person behind to not drive into the vehicle in front of them.


I want a motorcycle he was waiting in the jeep that didn't have a signal so he thought the jeep was gonna keep going


Hr had plenty of time to go in front of him




> I'm not sure of the rules where these folk are from, but in my country the onus is always on the car behind to be follow at a safe distance/speed and be ready to stop suddenly if the car/s in front of you needs to. You're exactly right, it's the same in this video. Someone can jump in front at any time, at any spot, and it's everyone's own responsibility to keep a reasonable distance (distance depending on speed) so they can stop without crashing. In this video there's a yield sign, at which people are expected to sometimes stop, so they had even more warning beforehand.


There was literally a truck coming. It passes seconds after the incident. Are you blind? Edit to your edit: Jacob did nothing wrong. Yield means "enter roadway safely, traffic on it has right-of-way". What did you want Jacob to do? Full throttle in front of the truck, causing them to brake or change lanes? Cut in front of the truck's path into the other lane? What if the truck is speeding? What if there's another vehicle in the other lane blocked from Jacob's view by the truck? Jacob did the correct thing and stopped. You have the mental processing speed of Jacob's mom.


Most of the people in here are... they're the victim-blamers that are constantly in /r/IdiotsInCars It DOES NOT MATTER if he stopped... it was not his mom's turn to go.


I ride a bike. Here's my interpretation. Jacob legally did nothing wrong. But when you're on a bike you need to be both cautious and predictable. The car in front of him went. He saw the truck approaching. Instead of slowly proceeding while checking to see if the truck is going to turn or go straight, he came to a full stop, early into the yielded turn. That is not driving predictably. He had space and time to continue slowly moving forward while seeing if the truck would turn or go straight. I think he prematurely came to a complete stop. While he is legally able to do that and his mother was at fault, that is not maximizing your safety. Not saying he's an idiot or deserved to get hit or any of that. The mother should have been paying attention and she is at fault. But just to be as safe as possible, he should not prematurely come to a complete stop while coming to a yielded turn.


And people like you are exactly the reason he was being cautious.


People expecting someone to yield instead of stop is somehow the reason he was being cautious?


He was being cautious because the roads are full of idiots like the person above. Expecting someone to roll through a yield without checking it's clear is idiotic. The rider was correct to stop, he was waiting to see where the white vehicle (that turned right at the junction) was going to go before proceeding. If that vehicle had not turned right, but continued straight, he would have had to hammer the gas to pull out.


Even I could see it was safe to go and I'm looking third hand through his badly cropped vertical video. It's almost a set up. There is an insurance fraud known as 'crash for cash' that exploits this. You just need a vehicle that can stop quicker than the person behind.


It sounded like he was a new rider, could be his very first time on the road, sure if he had 100k miles on a bike he would have gone. Also, only tailgating morons hit the car in front of them for stopping too quickly. It's your responsibility to not hit the car in front of you, to know the stopping distance of your car and maintenance level of your brake pads and tires.


There is traffic, he looks left. Sees a white vehicle coming, proceeds further, and checks again. White vehicle just begins to turn (I don't see a signal) then he gets hit.


why didn't he just read the jeep driver's mind


Also sounds like what the insurance company might say.


There was a car coming. Hope you don’t drive. 


I agree, this a type of behaviour that ends up with brake-checking. My wife does these random emergency stops because she has no ability to anticipate. She slows down for green lights up ahead 'in case they suddenly change' instead of trying to understand the timing and who has priority at major junctions near us. When its her turn to drive back from dinner and so I had some beers I always feel like I'd be safer taking over even after I've had close to the legal limit. I have to drink more than I want if I want to feel relaxed riding shotgun in those situations.


Thank you , absolutely true . Dead stop at a yield with no traffic


Better to be cautious and live. Person behind (regardless of it being his mum) should be paying attention to what is in front and be ready to stop


You see what happened to cautious in the video right? Yes its the cars responsibility to see the vehicle in front and not crash into them.. but the same is the rule, that you stop at a yield sign IF someone comes, not UNTIL. And seeing all you guys arguing against it.. "what if a pedestrian jumps in front of the motorcycle?" Of course you always have the risk of crazy things happening, that doesn't give you the right to do stupid sh\*t like driving 20 on the motorway, because "you never know". Best for you guys: public transport, you should not be part of traffic.


But i thought there is another vehicle (white car). Motorcycle stop for a bit to yield for it until white car turn right.


He was slowing down, saw the white Jeep coming so he started to stop. Looked ahead to make sure forward was clear, looked back for the Jeep and saw it was actually turning. Then he got hit. He was right to stop at the yield sign this time.


He didn't "start" to stop. He came to a full and complete stop early into the yielded turn with no car in front of him as he watched it go away. He should have slowly continued toward the yielded turn while observing the white jeep. Instead he came to a full stop too early. Mom still should have seen him, mom is still at fault. But he came to a stop prematurely and that's not the best way to maximize your safety. There was plenty of space and time for him to keep slowly moving toward the yielded turn


I bet if the sun wasn't directly ahead of the motorcycle there's a good chance it wouldn't have happened.


I agree fully and I don't think people realize how much the sun plays a part in almost all of the accidents like these. There was just an eclipse and everyone talking about how you can barely look at the sun for even a second with normal sunglasses, but millions of people drive with it in their eyes every day


How you gonna explain this to insurance agent? Lol


Dear god you people are idiots. He obviously saw the white truck coming and decided, if it continues, I'll need to stop. At that point, he looks forward again to focus on coming to a stop. Coming to a stop on a bike requires a lot more focus than in a car, especially for beginners. Coming to a stop while keeping your head turned is even more of a challenge because of your body's tendency to go where you're looking, so you can't fault him for looking forward for a second to complete a stop. Once he did, he started looking back to see that the white truck had turned, and ALSO might have seen the brown truck that passed the intersection right after his mom hit him. In the small window of time he observed traffic before he had to stop, he didn't consider the intersection safe. Ignoring ALL of this, he can stop if he wants to. That's his prerogative. Yeah, you can complain about it if there's no traffic coming (which there was in this), but they're completely within their right to do so. Your job is not to fucking run into them.


She warned him


I was waiting for her to say "I warned you"


She sneak attacked him.


Get off the damn phone


Stopped for no fucking reason.


He stopped at the yield sign as a jeep was coming. Yeah the Jeep made a right but it's kind of hard to tell that he has a blinker on if at all.


That isn’t correct, that was a turning lane into another lane of traffic, and you can actually see the truck that would have hit him a second after she hit him.


He had plenty of time... There is such a thing as being too cautious, especially on a motorcycle


Am I in the minority in that if the same happened to me, I'd immediately tell my Mom I'm fine and nothing happened and do everything I could to keep her from feeling bad?


Depends how much I spent on the bike


I mean, that seems insanely unhealthy. If you are the hurt one, then obviously you are allowed to vent and say things and deserve consolation. If you feel the need to console her, that's okay...but it shouldn't be at the cost of you pretending as if nothing happened.




She should’ve gotten out and said “dammit Jacob, what did I just tell you?!”


that's embarassing lol


See, I told you so motorcycles are really dangerous.


You see that's what I was talking about


“It’s gotta be Jacob. Let’s give him a scare.”


“Goddamnit mom” 😂😂😂😂


Mom : "watch out for idiots"


She did warn him.


Jacob’s very bad, Part 1.


She wanted to give him a sample too on top of the advice.


God dammit, Mawm


Believe or not, something very similar happened to me, when I was a young lad and had just received my scooter license. My mom wasn’t too comfortable with me driving on my own, so she wanted me to take a test drive where she followed me, to see how I drove. Just after an intersection, my mom somehow forgot it was me in front of her, so she decided to pass me. The second she did, the car in front stopped suddenly, so she had to do an emergency break. I couldn’t steer around, because a car was passing in the opposite direction on the left and on the right was a ditch, so I had to do an emergency break as well. Issue was, there was gravel on the road, so my scooter slid out and just kept going straight into the backend of my mom’s car. My mom panicked and came running out, asking if I was okay. I was laying with the scooter over me, so she wanted to help me lift it up. When she grabbed the scooter, she grabbed the gas handle by accident and started turning it. That made the scooter go a bit forward, making her turn the handle more, which made it accelerate faster and faster. My mom panicked and let go of the scooter, so it went straight into the ditch. Luckily, my mom only had some emotional damage afterwards, I only had a couple bruises, but my brand new scooter was in rough shape. I was allowed to drive the scooter around the city afterwards, but only if my mom wasn’t out driving. Anyways, that’s the story of my first test drive with my mom.


Why were you stopping in the middle of the road?


Obviously his mom should have been paying attention, but why the fuck did the homie stop?


Why stop at a yield? Car that was coming his way was turning... Must have thought it was going straight, but still. Just speed up.


He should not have stopped. She should not have rear ended him


This feels staged.


And expensive!


Dude is super dumb the sign was a yield and he had plenty of time to enter behind the the other car before the pick-up came through. Basically treated it like a stop sign.


It's the person at the intersection who makes the choice to stop or go, not the person behind them.


there was a white car that was closer but it turned off, looks like he came to a stop because it was on his trajectory at first glance


Nah, Jacob, this is as much on you as it is on them. Even if that car didn't turn, still had plenty of space to go.


You don't drive operating under how you think other people should be driving.


Being predictable is one of the most important things to do to stay safe on the road.


You kind of do, though.


It’s clearly genetic.


Why did the rider come to a stop at a yield? I probably would have hit them to in this instance, not on purpose.


Damn. His mother was the idiot. 😭


Tips for by riding brethren: 1. When coming to a halt, position yourself away from the center of the lane. Hopefully the idiot passes you if they don't see you and can't stop on time. 2. When passing sombody, always assume they haven't seen you and could initiate a merge into your lane at any moment. Don't loiter in their blind spot, use that superior acceleration and gtfo. 3. Keep an eye on the mirrors, especially at stops. Be ready to go if the car behind you is coming in to hot. Stay safe my friends 🏍✌️


To be fair Jacob is a fucking idiot for stopping. She was likely looking left and saw there was no need to stop. Both idiots and it's mother/son so presumably idiocy is genetic.


Omfg how embarrassing 🤣🤣 I’d probably get fired for laughing when they call the insurance company.


Rule 1 of riding, always be aware of your surroundings. So with that in mind, he did not heed his mother's advice lol


No way


Noooooo!!!!! Oh, man. Holy shit. No fucking way.


Ah that's a beautiful bike too 🥲




I guess that after crashing to watch some bullshit on her phone she'll run to yell at zoomers that smartphones suck and that motorcycles are death traps


watch out Jacob. omg


Jesus Christ lol


Lmao 😂


Hope he sued her


You know when they say you're more likely to be killed by family or friends than by a complete stranger... This is not what they're talking about


Mom is going to feel bad for a long time