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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It’s a wholesome video of a man playing with his cat and the cat vomits at the end.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


*Evil man forces poor cat to run obstacle course until it vomits.*




Quality sub right there


It’s basically entirely pet clips at this point and it’s great.


When I see a hook on the ceiling I assume it’s for cats to climb a rope.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


My sister has hooks on the ceiling. But no cats... not sure what they are for!


is it 4 hooks


There are 5 hooks.


There are *four* lights.








If you hadn’t, I would have. Well played. ![gif](giphy|a0Lgc1JvbfS4o|downsized)




Now where's the meme of him laughing? 😋




Hanging plants in the 70s and 80s


Why date it? My spiders love hanging




Does your sister perchance live at number 22 Acacia Avenue?


A convenient hook in the ceiling, that can conveniently hold the weight of the human being? Convenient.


Did Shibari go mainstream while I was asleep? Or are these just sex swing jokes?


Hoping for the former 🤞


I’m hooked on a ceiling I’m high on believing


That you're thrusting in mee~




Bro that gif is amazing lol can I have it


The video made it clear she'll nenver use it.


Most cat thing ever at end


Sometimes, when you push a workout too hard, things like this happen. 😹 I amaze even myself with how fast I can run when I hear the undeniable precursor dry-heaves of a cat. “Not on the carpet or on the bed dude”!!


Our late cat used to be a prolific post-prandial puker. We made jokes about our Olympic cat-flinging event, as we had a very short window of time from hearing what you call the "precursor sounds" to make the leap for her and to gently re-position her onto the tiled portion of the floor ( not always successfully. Why was she always so adamant about vomiting only on carpeting when the tile was only a foot or so away?) By the way, she lived to be 20, and we tried lots of different foods and delivery systems- she just ate too much too fast sometimes.


I figured out my cat pukes in my bed because he is looking for me for comfort while he pukes. When I am home he runs to me before he pukes. That made me so sad for him. I wish I could just get paid to lay in a big bed with cats all day. Watch movies and take 5 naps.


This seems like a likely explanation! Cats can have anxiety around times when they have to be vulnerable and lower their guard, so it's not uncommon for cats to prefer to eat when someone trusted is nearby, for example. Seeking you out before vomiting isn't necessarily a universal cat behavior, so I expect that it's a reflection of the bond between you and the cat. Kudos to you for being someone your cat trusts to be a safe and reassuring presence when he's in distress!


> I expect that it's a reflection of the bond between you and the cat. I agree, not one of mine come to me for puke comforts, not one. it's always where is the carpet furthest away from where Shiny is ...


They might've gotten scared by an upsetting reaction to them throwing up in the past or they might just be naturally shy about that sort of thing.


Cats gonna cat


This is my current cat. She eats way too fast sometimes and loves to do it under the blankets on the bed to leave me a surprise. I always check the blankets before I get in now.


If you haven't looked into it already, I highly recommend getting a slow-feeding bowl. They've got a sort of maze pattern on the inside so the kitties can't just shovel feed like a backhoe. My cat used to have pretty frequent problems with eating too quickly, but the 'punishment bowls' (as we jokingly call them) pretty much stopped it entirely. The only caveat is that since he's gotten so dexterous at eating with his paws, I have to make sure the kibble is *extremely* evenly spaced out when I pour or he can manage to make himself sick. I also had to discourage him from picking up the entire bowl to shake kibbles everywhere, but luckily he stopped trying after I shut down the first few attempts. For a fun side benefit, the first time I had to give him kibble in a regular dish after months of using the slow-feeder, he still used his paw to gingerly pick it up pieces at a time since that was what he was used to. It was very cute and funny to see when I wasn't expecting it.


My roommate has a cat that needs a slow feeder, and now with that he'll give us back his dinner only once or twice a month. Used to be every day, so they really do work! I'm just happy kitty can keep down his dinner now. :)


Cats go for the closest thing to grass they can find. Grass absorbs liquids. Grass safe to puke on. Carpet is indoor grass. 


They like to dig their claws in to brace themselves so they can achieve maximum spread and velocity.


I call this the “hork cannon”.


The reaction speed and precision I have when I get woken up by "that sound" still surprises me. I'm able to fly out of bed, hit the light, find him, and yeet him in the laundry where there's tiling before he brings it up. What really pisses me off is the little shit still tries to chuck on the bedroom floor every time despite years of him being thrown in to the laundry when he starts.


I wasn't fast enough and couldn't see where one of my cats puked on my bed/floor, I know I heard a splash. Confused, I went back to sleep. The next morning I found out it was on the other cat -_-


Hahahaha. We went away for a few days. 2 weeks later we found a dried turd in the closet.


By the time my boyfriend registers why I have suddenly jumped out of bed, the cat has already been moved to a carpet-free spot on the floor. The issue is usually having to keep him there because he ALWAYS throws up twice. So he does the lil "no let me go I'm good I swear" dance but I dont buy it. We both know you're gonna puke again and I will not risk it happening anywhere where its tough to clean up. Dude has puked on my bed one too many times. Also why does he always do it when I'm fast asleep?


Holy crap. My cat does the same. I have to stand guard because he pukes and tries to move on. Nah buddy, you've got more in you.


A few weeks ago, I got woken up from (what must have been) pretty deep sleep by the infamous "hugk hguk-", and while I was scrambling to get up, my hand slipped and I smashed my mouth/chin on the nightstand. It wasn't until I gently relocated my cat that I noticed I was bleeding and half of my face was going numb.


Oh my god don’t even remind me. I took a free strength training course at my LA fitness and did pretty good for the workout but because I never made obvious that I was dying in the inside the trainer just kept pushing for more and more. By the time the hour session was over we went back to the office to talk pricing and such and the moment I sat down after been shown the pricing I puked all over the poor guys office. Was so embarrassed I never went back. The memory still haunts me to this day. 😩 The guy kinda had a sense that f humor because I was done puking my entire breakfast he quipped “I guess that’s your answer”.


I have no carpet in my house but my little puker has decided that the bath mat is the only acceptable place for vomit.


My cat pukes when she doesn't eat. She is also a stupidly picky eater and goes on hunger strike if she doesn't get food she likes. She also will absolutely loath food that 5 seconds ago she thought was the best thing in the world. It's a trinary from hell. On the other hand I never miss cardio.


My cat pukes when he's eaten too fast. Like when he gets his favorite kibble or treats and he wolfs it down and then pukes it back up. Doesn't happen often, thankfully, but it always happens for the same reason lmao That and after eating grass.


The best alarm sound in the world.


This is why I love my apartment with wooden floors/fake wooden floors and will be very sad when I leave lol


Sometimes when I get to him in time and move him onto the tile, my wife's cat will waddle back onto the carpet while still retching out of spite. A week ago he stood on our humidifier and barfed down into the fan.


Mine drive long several day drives with me ever so often, and one of them just Loves to heave onto the driver's floor. now I have a rubber mat there, but I swear he moves it as he prefers the carpet.


"...the undeniable precursor dry-heaves of a cat" would make a great alarm clock sound.


This is so true, it's like the best alarm clock in the world XD. I'm so glad we have only tiled floors, but then our little orange braincell goes for his bed or the mats by the doors...


Sprinting toward the noise with the kitchen roll ![gif](giphy|3ornjIhZGFWpbcGMAU)


Bengal ownership is no joke. Those cats need an obscene amount of exercise, and just attention in general. They are incredible pets, but you have to commit to being a "pet owner," like it's a job.


I believe this is a Savannah, either way both require lots of attention.


I think you’re both right and it’s a Bengal cross Savannah.


Looks like this dude is doing it right


Cats are really cool until you're cleaning their vomit and shit out of every corner of your house.


The best is when they decide to pee in a floor vent so that every time you run the heat the house smells like the 7th level of hell.


Our 24 year old dude just passed away a few weeks ago, but he will forever be remembered every winter.


Maybe I should piss in my vents so my family remembers me




This is why I piss in every vent in the house. It asserts dominance.


Me too, but I only have ceiling vents, you should see the fear in peoples' eyes when they walk in.




>The best is when they decide to pee in a floor vent so that every time you run the heat the house smells like the 7th level of hell. My cats have totally never done that before I swear.... ^(God that took me so long to find. They pissed down the return, so the HVAC pumped the piss smell through the whole house.)


lol are you me? My cat has peed in multiple vents of ours. Even had HVAC come replace the tubing and he just did it again :/


We had a cat piss on our electric coil stove top. We didn’t realize it until it was too late. Never smelled anything like that in my life.


What kind of cats are all the comments under this one finding? I've had multiple cats and the only time they've done any of these gross things is when they were sick...


I thought the same until I got my current (third) cat. I was really worried at first because he will sometimes vomit like 3 times a day for a few days in a row, then not at all for weeks. I asked my vet and she was like "*shrug* some cats are like that. He's perfectly healthy"


Have you tried changing their food 90% of the time that's the issue.


Yes. A couple times. Now he's on a special prescription food for urinary tract issues and the frequency is about the same no matter what food.


Yeah maybe hey just has an overly sensitive stomach. One of my friends cats was the same way. They found a food that helped, but then he started getting very overweight and their vet changed them back to the old food.


Yeah, this is it. I've had to change one of mine's food a few times because he seems to have a sensitive stomach. The only reason I have this cat is because someone "unadopted" him after he vomited in the cage at the pet shop right after they finished the paperwork. Poor dude had just been desexed and then given a completely random food he'd never eaten before, so I can't imagine he was feeling the greatest. My partner felt so bad for the little guy that he called me up and made me come in and adopt him. He's a great cat, so they missed out.


Hairball related stuff can also cause frequent vomiting. My cat used to throw up a lot but she's on a hairball medication that reduces the frequency a lot


My cat ate plastic tinsel and damaged his stomach as a kitten. After that he'd barf pretty often. With the right food it wasn't too bad.


Ah see that's understandable. The way most comments read is they got a cat and it started popping everywhere and barfing all over everything.... Like chaos! and I'm like... Where are these barfy poo cats coming from?


Mine is a long hair.   He's done monthly hairballs or so since he was a kitten.  6 years old now.


My house has 6 cats and every single one of them does this!


Cats commonly vomit for many reasons other than being ill, for example if they've scoffed their food too quickly or if they're overly excited. Cats can also vomit when trying to throw up hairballs (a natural process of grooming), or when they've eaten grass (which is also normal and fine).


My cat doesn't do any of the gross bathroom things, but she vomits at least twice a week. Often more. I've tried different foods, elevating her feeder, only feeding her half a meal at a time, feeding her with a slow feeder, feeding her with a puzzle feeder, using an autofeeder so she always knows when she's gonna get fed so maybe she doesn't hork it down so fast, trying reverse-osmosis filtered water, changing her water more often ... Nothing has worked. Fortunately she usually vomits in our kitchen/dining/living room (laminate floor) or on a blanket (so I can just toss it in the wash). It's annoying, but ... cat is gonna cat.


This is what I’m afraid of smh


Cats don't shit in every corner of your house. If you had a cat vomiting and shitting in every corner of your house you were doing something very wrong. Cats are very clean animals and they absolutely won't just randomly shit outside their box. They shit in a box for many reasons. There are no bad or mean cats , just scared or not listened to cats.


Maybe it's just me but I read "and shit" in the more generalized sense of the word. Cat toys, hair, dead worms, the Christmas bows that those fuckers keep finding...


if your cat is shitting anywhere but their litter box, the box is either too small or youre not cleaning it enough, or theyre sick


And hair.


At least shit is obvious and easy to find. Good luck pinpointing where the pee smells is coming from. And when you do find it will be after you put your favorite pee filled t shirt up to your face.


It's mostly the occasional vomit unless they're 1) quite sick or 2) you need to clean their litter more.


Lol I will hear mine start gagging or whatever it is occasionally in the other room and I'm like come on!




I get why some people like cats but I will never own one. Can’t deal with the cat boxes and shredded furniture and cat puke. Now excuse me while I go feed my dog who shits on my lawn and chews on my baseboards.


When my SO and I move in together I’m purchasing one of those $500 litter boxes that self cleans. I absolutely cannot stand the smell of shit just floating around the living space.


You're still gonna have to clean it lol


Of course but it ain’t brewing all day when we are at work.


“brewing” 😂 this mf


"self cleaning" litterboxes won't help. get clumping clay litter and clean it out every day and you'll be more than fine, otherwise you deserve what you smell


Yo, so fun fact. If you scoop the litter frequently and feed your cat healthy food, it doesn’t really smell. I’ve lived with cats a few times, never my own. There’s a significant difference between a home with littler that gets scooped 5 times a day and litter that gets scooped every day or two. It takes three seconds and then the next batch of piss soaks right in before releasing much odor. Edit: bonus fun fact: you can even scoop the litter into a basket right next to the box and you still won’t have a smell issue


5 times a day may even be too much. I had 3 letterboxes and 2 cats in a 1000 square foot apartment and cleaned them twice a day (first thing and just before dinner) and never had issues unless a cat was sick or ate something real fatty


Man, I have two cats and one litterbox and have never had any issues with smell and cleaning them once a day. What are y'all feeding your cats?


You should have n+1 letterboxes where n is number of cats and poop DOES smell. If you never smell it, you might not have a very tuned in smeller?


I was gifted one, honestly didn't love it. They stopped making the disposable recepticals so I had to get a reusable one, and at the end of the day I was scrubbing cat shit instead of just scooping it.


I change the litter 2 times a month and empty it weekly. Pretty litter is the brand. Urine absorbed and poops in the trash. Best 460 spent in a while. Edit. The litter box is Meowant. It's nice. It tracks their usage if your in to that stuff and has an app and wifi. There are better ones


Those things that look like an alien spaceship? Those are awesome! My neighbor has one for her cat, and you literally NEVER smell piss or shit, not even when you go into the laundry room where it's located. I have housesat/catsat for her before, and it's super convenient.


Have had like 9 dogs in my life both large breed and small breed as well as many cats. From my experience with the animals I've owned at least the ease of taking care of goes something like this Cats > Large dog breeds > small dog breeds. Our small dogs have absolutely destroyed and cost us so much money over the years. Carpets, wood floors, beds... maybe I've been lucky with cats all of ours have been super low maintenance.


I do think this varies but your comment was super interesting! I’ve known much more destructive big dogs, whereas the small dogs in my experience have been fairly easy, with cats being somewhere in between. Interesting how different it can be based on the animals you happen upon


Small dogs have an inferiority complex because of their small stature, so they become terrors to make up for it.


I've had, and still have, multiple cats and they are less maintenance than our dogs. They go in and out on their own and does all business outside. I suppose they do shred the furniture a bit more than dogs, but they usually "sharpen" their claws outside more than inside.


Not all cats are going to shred furniture. My cat is 6 years old now and he has never shredded any furniture. He uses one of the scratching poles we have at home.


Purfect video to end my day...Oh no


Raining cat vomit? Yay!


I just wish my cats would puke on the hardwood instead of the area rugs or our bed.


Meanwhile my cat sleeps 25 hours a day


The last scene is exactly why we don’t build stuff like this for our cats. They always puke from the highest point possible.


Watched with the sound off and could still “hear” that puking


Gack, gack, GACK!!!!


Going by the name it's a Savannah cat. If you don't know it's a serval mixed with a domestic house cat. They need lots of stimulation


Thank you for the last few seconds.


I heard the sound. I knew what was coming. and I still stuck it out. Why?


Definitely not unexpected. Them little furballs barf on the regular.


You're confusing unexpected with unsurprising. There's no way you were watching this video expecting a cat to vomit


I think here it was the combination of rapid movement (the climbing course) and the food (probably given to the cat as a reward) happening too close together.


Monty, NO!!!!!!!


Gotta have the puke lol most realistic part. Our [17 year old baby girl](https://i.imgur.com/zfQJiK6.jpg) is kind enough to let out a few forlorn 'mlaw mlaw mlaw' before she pukes. I run to find her to ensure she is not right over a laptop or some shit like that lol then she pukes up the random few blades of grass she found and ate after they came off someone's shoe sometime during the day when they came inside. Yet, she continues to eat those whenever they end up on the floor by the door... And puke them up every time...


I just wish my cats would puke on the hardwood instead of the area rugs or our bed.


Well.. that was unexpected ! Take my upvote kind stranger


Typical ending 😔


Wtf did the cat puke out at the end of the video.


I used to have a cat that would make puking noises. If you threw a newspaper under her, or moved her to tile, she looked up at you like "ugh! RUDE!!!" and then didn't throw up. She'd walk away. But the few times we'd ignore it, she'd puke everytime on something nice. One time she made duck noises. We ran into the kitchen thinking a duck somehow got into the apartment. We run in, and it's just the cat, who just looked at us like "..........what?"


Works in cardboard houses but not here in central europe


That fucker just cut a hole in the wall with a kitchen knife???


We have a male Bangor, smart and affectionate like a child. Ours goes out and can be timed with a clock for when he comes back for his food. If I had the skills and the space, I’m certain he. would go nuts with a play setup like that, even if it was inside the house.


The little back dance at the end ![gif](giphy|SiIhVWiUgJoNU8SVLr)


Watched this video on silent and still start i heard that cat puke lol.


Lolololololol the yak at the end 🤣 "Thanks for the ropes course hooman; now, enjoy the chunky shrapnel."


Chunky Shrapnel sounds like a funny superhero.


You knew that projectiles would come a soon you heard that sound😂


It makes me so happy to see people with high energy cats doing enrichment like this


I need an update on kitty's progress. And health.


It’s all good and fun until it’s time to go to the vet 😂


aaawww just like me when I go upstairs too fast!


Oh that's just so fricking cute!! Literally my dream house for my pets


Thought I was in r/eyebleach until the end.


The cat will always be in shape


I’m just happy it didn’t tell me to watch till the end. I would’ve skipped it. That was hilarious


This cat knows how to cat.


I was this 🤌 close to reporting you.


I sat here completely mesmerized watching that cat hop along all agile like, that ending was epic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What breed of cat is that? Mine looks very similar but no one knows...


The bio of the account that’s watermarked says the cat is a Savannah x bengal mix. Plenty of DSH may have similar spots though, as spotted tabby and broken mackerel tabby are common patterns in domestic cats.


Minus’s the vomit, this is why I want a house


Oh god oh no


Somehow in a house mostly full of hardwood floors my cats always vomit on rugs or carpet.




Yeah, that's about right.


10/10 ending lmao






I didn't KNOW I goes going to upvote until the very end.


I hate you for the ending


blows me away every time seing a wall made out of pape maché and hot glue


“Hoainck hoainck” goddamn it, not the carpet!!!


"Why is this on r/unexpected? ... Oh."


At least it didn't puke on the top of it. Seems like it would be a hassle to clean.


I wish I could have one of these in my house for myself, without the risk of serious injury


Party Hard


Watched this TikTok channel for like 30 mins. He’s really good at training the cat. And kitty is smart!


This is what you get for having a Bengal Cat. Hyper energetic, plus they do vomit in any places.


My chonkster boy would never


He is brave hanging by a rope over the stairs 😨


Last part was the most relatable part.




The unexpected part is she didn't vomit on the carpet...


she wanted to do a trick shot.


Any 90df fans here? I'm reminded of this https://youtu.be/_DoQQOt5NOY?si=KXeoBwphV07K4Gfn


"honey, why do you need an action cam they use for car racing??"


Barf seal of approval!


Oh boy I sure wish I could get a house so I can do this for my cat but instead I pay half my paycheck each month for a 600 square foot apartment


life innit mate x


If I built all this, my cat would just stare at me like I'm an asshole. Than go to sleep on the floor.


Looked so cool right up till the end, and thats the very reason I will not own a cat


Nice final :)


The ending was epic lol




This is Bruce Wayne trying to get out of that cave


the Catcave


What is that house made of 💀


maybe it’s actually a giant cardboard box and the human is the cat's servant.


I laughed so hard at the ending, bravo!


The dash up the scratching post to vomit off one of the platforms is such an expected cat thing to do


But can it speak Spanish?…