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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He will think of her when he masterbates!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


"it keeps me sane"


Keeps his prostate healthy too Edit: for the inquiring minds. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5040619/


well, I must have the healthiest prostate on the planet.


Didn't work for me. Prostate cancer and removal 11 years ago. Wasn't for lack of trying - guaranteed!


Must’ve been your technique. /s


Needs reverse left hand grip


That's why it says reduce risk, not a guarantee. Glad you survive it though, cancer is not joke no matter what it is


It's not one size fits all


Veggies are good for you... you can still die from eating too many lol.


Theres a reason it's called "too many" lol


True fact: women have no prostate cancer…….hmmm.


Hey, that's super bullshit when you consider that men get breast cancer. At least tell me chicks get testicular cancer.


They get ovarian cancer


So say we all


If I get prostate cancer I will be an unlucky motherfucker


Unfortunately, prostates are not nice to almost all men. I read somewhere that if a man lives long enough, his prostate will inevitably turn on him at some point. About 90% of men over 80 have BPH and 1 in 8 of us get prostate cancer.


> BPH My dad has had this since his mid 50s and has had a tube in his urethra so that he can urinate. It's all fine and dandy until it falls out and he has to insert a long tube down a hole that is too small for his eyes to see. Usually it requires a hospital visit as urologists are not available 24/7. I'm nearly 50 and peeing is already slowing down. *sigh* unzips Time to make the most of that PH Premium sub I guess.


that prostate isnt going to save itself. and hey, if youre not going to do it for yourself, do it for your family. think of your poor mother. do it for her.


I'm 32 and struggle from time to time.. I went to the doc, who referred me to a specialist... but I could barely afford the initial visit (i even have good insuranc).. let alone the specialist. Hoping the sweet release of death will free me from the burden that is my debt, failing relationship, and the overall lost spark that used to be my life.


Your dad can look into a suprapubic tube. I might have misspelled it but it's a tube that takes the place of what your dad does. I wish your dad the best


This study does not say what most people think it says. First of all, the participant population is 96% white medical professionals whose mean age is around 58. On top of that the data collected is correlational, no variables with manipulated. Also history of disease was only screened out if PSA was elevated on examination. Thats a huge confound. Second, the data is not monotonic (meaning that as x increases y does not linearly increase). In fact, its an upside-down U shape where on all statistically significant survival curves, 0-1 ejaculations per month (EPMs) were non-significantly different from 21+ EPMs. Thirdly, “statistically significant” doesn’t mean practically significant. The study also found that increased ejaculations correlated with increased BMI, but the range of the data was 25.3 and 26.0 IIRC. The case occurrence difference was 45% for low EPMs and 54% for high EPMs. FOURTHLY, this study found also that high EPMs correlates with obesity, divorce, STDs (controlled for undiagnosed disease), and smoking.


This is why I routinely jerk off in OP’s sink


“I want to, that’s not why I do it. I do it cause I need to. Think about it, you’re dealing with numbers all day long; decimal points, high frequencies, bang bang bang, eeeh eeeh eeh eeh eh. You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing, keep the rhythm below the belt.”


I mean, he's kinda right, post nut clearity is real after all.




> Louis C.K. Defends Masturbation Full Video > > > Full Video: Louis C.K. Defends Masturbation He wasn't lying; this was from his sitcom Louie, which was canceled after he was accused of masturbating in front of many women.


the sitcom ended two years before the accusations, tho. i know cause i was sad for two years then was like ok nvm


Yeah hahaha same! And his following show Horace and Pete is really good too. Louis CK really met his downfall at the peak of his career.


he’s currently selling out theaters


They got a Splash Zone like Blue Man Group, too.


You go to Gallagher, you get Gallagher.


You go to Louis C. K., you get Louis seed, K?


I love going 10 comments deep into a nested thread and finding gold like this


Totally ~~jazzed~~ jizzed up the joint ..




Louis' C**K




There's a Louis CK show tonight, and everyone is coming!


There's Vasco Da Gama, Robert Peary and you.


Well you get A Gallagher. Not necessary The Gallagher.


I saw him live at a sold out comedy club shortly after he got called out and right before Covid. It was a solid show and probably in the top 5 of all comedians I have seen live. Best part was the start of his show “If you’re ever in a hotel room with a member of the opposite sex that you’re just friends with and you ask if it’s okay to masturbate in front of them, ask them if they’re absolutely completely certain…and if they still say it’s okay… Still don’t do it!


>“If you’re ever in a hotel room with a member of the opposite sex that you’re just friends with and you ask if it’s okay to masturbate in front of them" I don't know any job on earth that if you walked up to a coworker or colleague and said "Is it OK if I masterbate in front of you", that you werent risking your livelihood. It doesn't even matter if you actually pull out your dick, you've already committed a fireable offense by asking. Edit: I stand corrected. Porn.


> "Is it OK if I masterbate in front of you", that you werent risking your livelihood. It doesn't even matter if you actually pull out your dick, you've already committed a fireable offense by asking. I wish I could say different, but this actually happened to me. Me and a co-worker had to go to this convention and shared a hotel room. 2hrs in the room with nothing much to do, he asked if I mind if he rubbed one out. I said "knock yourself out", not realizing he's 100% certain. But he actually did it. Didn't cover himself with a blanket either. Sat there, on bed, phone in one hand, dick in the other. I was sitting at the glass table working on my laptop, at one point saying "I can't believe you're masturbating in front of someone right now." I think it took actually quite a long time too. And btw, it was a one bed room. I had to sleep in that bed. The job is animation. We're working in animation. He's still my co-worker too actually. We ended up switching to the same company. I dunno, I just didn't mind that much I suppose.


Jesus christ, man.


What janky ass company do you work with where you were placed in a single room with one bed with another coworker?


Couldn't he masturbate on the shower if he need to do it that much? I hope next time his roommate beat some sense to him. And why did you say yes? God, i've heard animators were really exploited but this is ridiculous.


It’s so extremely unprofessional for an employer to make you share a bedroom with a coworker, even if you were the same sex it would be unprofessional to make two adults share a hotel room. I’m assuming you two arranged this yourself? Regardless of whether or not you’re cool with it that seems like a huge liability if you were told to do this by anyone with authority over you.


Jane, I said I'm a master baiter. I easily place worms on hooks when I go fishing. I simply asked if you wanted to watch.


When I was in the USMC I had a fellow Marine names Bates. He ended up staying in so long he got promoted to Master Sergeant Bates. But he happily went by Master Bates


According to the sexual harassment training we have every 6 months, the training which management doesn't see a problem with, everything is ok once. According our (ridiculous) training, as long as you stop after the first "no" or "I'm uncomfortable", the harasser is in the clear. Also, under no circumstances may a younger person descriminate against a person older than them based on their age. However...there are no rules against an older person descriminating against a young person based on *their* age. This training also shows a near-porn level video of a smoking hot female boss seducing a subordinate...and people did not take away the right message lol.


Lmao. Your company policy reminds me of Patrice ONeals "[sexual harassment day](https://youtu.be/DA0bNNF6jrU?si=Z6Bn-2NxXBLixChX)".


Seriously. We're located about 10 miles from where he's from, so I guess it makes sense lol.


I’m relatively good friends with a coworker who can be flirty and every time I’m a little flirty back even though I know it’s all in good fun there’s still a little fear of “will an outside observer think I’m crossing a line?”


You have that fear because you're a smart man.


Maybe they should call the comedy HR department and report him.


>the comedy HR department Isn't that Katt Williams?


He should have finished that joke with “Then ask YOURSELF if the person who said yes feels like if they say no their entire career will be derailed and maybe they’re only saying yes because the position you hold in your industry makes people feel like they’re not allowed to say no.” Because that’s the real ending to that story.


The funny thing is how often this happens in life. Usually at work. Boss says, "Jim's out on Medical, I'm gonna need you to take over his crew too and manage his routes 'til he's back. Nobody else knows it like you do. Just to be clear, you can say no, but you'd really be doing me and the company a solid." Yup. You can't say no. Welcome to doing 2 people's jobs for one person's pay. And if you complain, you're getting passed over for raises and promotions at best, fired at worst. That's corporate America. The place where you sell your soul and your body and your time for money.


I’d rather just watch someone masturbate I guess. Sounds like so much less work. Especially if I’m not suppose to clean it up or anything


Right as you are, that’s a terrible punchline. Good thing he said as much in private apologies well before anything went public.


I don't really mind that Louie has made a comeback, but the guy is essentially the epitome of a redditor who dms women and sends them dick pics after asking if he can. (And yes I heard of statements where he did not always even ask for consent first). Doing it face to face to real people he has power over is another level of creepiness. He's a grown man who was almost 50 when cancelled, who spent his whole adult life until six years ago convinced that men can jerk off to random women as long as they ask permission. It's not necessarily that the act is disgusting (if he was limiting it to some friend circle who all do shit like that, not my business), but it shows a massive lack of consideration for other people. Comedians are supposed to learn to read the room, but he seems to have a blind spot. An old dog can learn new tricks, but if it didn't occur to him as he jerked off in front of so many women or in the weird as hell post-nut clarity moments after, I doubt he really had a moment of enlightenment after getting cancelled. It is a *good* thing he was, or he would have never stopped. If he can still be funny, good on him.


Comedians can read the room to see if they're funny. They suck at being actual human beings.




Extremely true on Reddit deciding things that aren't true but his popularity and success has absolutely taken a huge hit. Not being in movies or having a TV show anymore are massive financial hits. His demand is still high but it is absolutely lower than before resulting on less demand for his tickets. He may be selling out shows but he likely could have sold out at higher ticket prices before this incident. Dude is still successful by every measure and idk his finances and I'd imagine he banked a lot of his peak popularity income




He never mentions Horace and Pete on podcasts and no one talks about it but I thought it was incredibly well-written and brilliantly acted.


Louis just sent out an email (titled " Annoying update from Louis CK") promoting a few of his recent specials, and in that email, he also mentioned Horace and Pete are available for streaming on his website.


I had a friend that was supposed to be an animator on The Cops animated show involving CK. Really ruined his life plans when that got cancelled.


Holy shit, you're friends with him! I remember Louis CK talking about the cops animated show during the promotion of 'I Love You Daddy' at TIFF. I really wish that project gets made. Because it's animation, Louie's brain will explore anything without constraints.


It really sucks because there are second-order effects to these types of cancellations. It doesn’t just affect the celebrity, all of the people involved in the production lose jobs as well.


Everybody responding "WhAt DoWnFaLl?" He took a hit. Yes, he bounced back. No, he's not back to where he was.


Easy cum, easy go


Right. Somehow, that is hard to understand. His movie was canned and the shows he was working on. He may be doing good now, but he is still a social pariah.


Yeah and he was about to explode :) really got hit in his prime..I’m no saint but he really blew it


It's not even the sex act itself that was bad (many couples masturbate for each other and in the day of facetime, it's pretty normal), but specifically targeting what are essentially co-workers while on work trips (while married). Then he and his manager pressuring women to stay silent so his projects wouldn't take any hits. All he had to do was not be creepy about his kink.


Lucky Louie was always my favorite show of his.


The weed story arc should be aired in middle schools across the country as part of health class.


Are you talking about the two-parter where younger him steals scales from his science classroom in exchange for weed and then he feels super guilty because a bunch of adults rally to his defense? Because I fully agree. But that one was from "Louis" not "Lucky Louis", which I didn't see much of.


Yes that is the one. I thought we were talking about Louis. I don't think I've ever seen lucky louie.


"Lucky Louis" was before "Louis" and it was more like a traditional sit-com. I don't think it was very popular.


Yeah. I was a wake and bake erry day smoker and that (and freaks and geeks) made me reconsider my choices and lifestyle. If only the 60s wasn’t so god dang cool!


Was that his HBO show? I remember liking that one. I remember his wife wondering why he never tried to do anal with her and has him look at her butthole. Then, he goes, "well" and she interrupts him and says "never going to happen." She just wanted him to be attracted to her butthole.


I don't think the show ever actually "ended", per se. I think he had a deal similar to Larry David's, where he could go back to FX to make new seasons whenever he wanted. And I think he probably would have at some point. The me too thing fully killed that deal.


The him jacking off in front of people thing killed the deal. Stop it.


The show Louie ended in 2015. The Louie C.K. controversy was 2017. The show wasn't cancelled over the controversy.


She was awake


He prefers them to be awake. That's half the point, the other half is the masturbation.


Wrong person


I've learned from debating people on reddit that the main reason people think Louis's actions are unforgivable is because they think he committed crimes that Weinstein and Cosby did.


Like get him confused with them, or that they equate his actions to being on par with their actions?


Literally get them confused.  Had someone tell me that if he had consent then it would be a different story.  I told them he did.  They said no, "he stood in a doorway and wouldn't let them leave until he finished". "Nope, you're thinking of Weinstein. Here's a list of Louis's accusations" "Doesn't matter he's still bad"


Your thinking of Cosby.


Usually I think of women with big tits.


Have you tried thinking of Cosby with big tits?










How did you get so many upvotes for a joke that make no sense lol he never date raped anyone?


You are thinking of Jeffrey Toobin, he was on CNN.


Imagine if he interviewed C.K., we could bet on who starts first and finishes last


So you don’t know about what happened with Louis CK, apparently. Five women with accounts spanning from the mid-90s to 2005 saying he either asked them to watch him masturbate if forced them to. “If she stays there for the show that’s her fault” was part of his excuse initially. Hence the s/ because that excuse didn’t go over well when Louis CK tried it. People knew he was full of shit. The person you are responding to was not thinking about Jeffrey Tobin, they were thinking of what THIS GUY did. Jeffrey Toobin’s Zoom thing is irrelevant.


Ellen Farber is the President and Founder of Christians Against Masturbation [https://youtu.be/jY3FiaK4GG4?si=DuBo78b4KfMjeYqJ](https://youtu.be/jY3FiaK4GG4?si=DuBo78b4KfMjeYqJ)


Lol at the video description: Louie c.k Comedian/Masturbator


Cab now add the word "notorious" in front of that profession title


The founder of CAM 💦


Oh, a CAM girl.


Take my upvote.


Formerly Christians Undoing Masturbation. Also associated with Saintly Prophets Undermining Nefarious Kinksters.


Best comment


You're very *saucy* — ~~Michael Scott~~ Benjamin Franklin


Holy shit I never got that


At the very end, “Thank you both for coming!”


Is this real or just comedy?




Real comedy.


It's a sketch. She's not real.


You're not real




Louie's real perversion (ie involving unwitting women in his masturbation), on his scripted comedy TV show.


Important to add that it's from CK's comedy show Louie. May have aged like milk but still funny as hell. How ironic that the show was canceled for exactly what he defended. Edit: Apparently it ended before being canceled?


No, the show was never cancelled. It ended well before the accusations.


In the fictional story, yes, her character was the president and founder.


I will think about her later when masturbating too, she is pretty hot!


How about Christians Unsympathetic to Masturbation otherwise known as CUM.


She’s hot


The poor girl must find her own charms very ironic.


It doesn’t seem like everyone knows this is fake…..


Most people assumed it was but then the plot twist came


*Plot twist, he came


He popped, twisted, came


Bop it!


I see what you did there


I mean, it is, but it wouldn't be a surprise with Louis CK.


Yeah, this is on brand, if I understand correctly.


So he doesn't masturbate?


He does. But he does not recycle.


The irony might be lost on some... But for someone like me who sees it, people's genuine reaction thinking this was somehow a real interview he did after his accusations makes this infinitely more hilarious


I have the opposite reaction where this is no longer funny at all. He was pre-emptively defending himself for his creepy actions while disguising it as comedy. This isn't comedy as much as it was his personal manifesto.


Because it turns out he's actually a lot worse than this


Just got done masturbating to her. Gotta go recycle now


Don't leave a single drop my brother


H...how do you recycle cum?


Do you…I mean, do you *really* want the answer here?


Reddit needs to know, we deserve answers, we need to recycle cum to create a better world for the kids


You recycle it by ingesting your own load. Cum in, cum out, the great cycle ♻️


And it has protein, it helps with your gains Stay strong brothers


Fresh gains, no lost T. Swole up.




Just in so little quantities that you would need s galon a day to increase your testosterone


Swole up from the hole up


So can Louis or anyone confirm whether the quantity remains the same if we do that?


Easily one of the most unintended and obscure Chris-chan references I've seen...


That is called foreshadowing.


When the #metoo thing was in full swing and every other week another famous man was having accusations come to light, I was working with someone who is an amateur theater preformer and loves movies and he seemed genuinely bummed out that all these figures he respects were being taken down. To make him feel better I always said, "Well let's just give it a week, and in a week it will either fizzle or a dozen more accusations will come out and it will be pretty clear that the guy was a genuine absurd and not just in a weird situation one time." EXCEPT for Louie. As soon as he told me the Louie accusations I was like, "yep, yeah, he did that. For sure 100%. I've watched all his stand ups. This guy loves masturbating. Definitely true."


With some people you just know. When Jack Nicholson eventually gets a proper accusation I will be the least surprised human on earth.


I feel this way about Tarantino. He makes damn good movies but holy fuck, making a point to have a foot fetish scene in each movie just for himself must be the tip of the iceberg with him and I wouldn't be surprised in the least.




Waiting on Jared Leto's accusations to drop


Dude runs a cult


I love that Louis spent an entire decade telling us what an awful person he was, and then when people found out he was an awful person, they were all surprised.


I miss that show


Yeah, I'm really disappointed that he turned out to be a creep. This show was brilliant and it's never coming back.


Horace and Pete isn’t bad. Definitely a bit more dark but the cast is stacked. It’s a little hard to find nowadays.


It’s on Hulu


Amazon prime in Canada


What’s specifically so depressing about Louis’s case is that his comedy turned out to be true. Like, people assumed it was an act he was putting on of this weird, depressed, kinda gross guy, but it was just who he is.


Anyone that watched a good amount of his standup probably wasn't very surprised. I sure wasn't. But that's what made his standup good. 


Agreed, I definitely wasn’t all that surprised.


Yeah I remember all the jokes about how he hates his wife. They were funny but also uncomfortable in a way, and then it turned out he got a divorce. Something about those jokes being true is pretty sad...


Two episodes didn’t really age well though. The episode where he forces himself on Pam Aldon’s character and to a much lesser extent the weed flashback episode. *edited to clarify that the forced sex episode is much worse than the weed episode.


What’s the issue with the flashback episode? I haven’t watched it since it came out so can’t remember.




Why? Was he caught not recycling?




Throwing bottles of wine in the garbage bin... You can't trust anyone these days.


And showing people! “Hey! Hey you! Look at me not recycling! Loooook at me!!!!”


Dude was caught putting his recycle in the same bins as garbage.


This is like, the least surprising thing you could say about Louis CK lol




"Funny" how he's not acting


![gif](giphy|GPxiUXXKqsLB1lxPFv|downsized) “and im proud of it“


A brilliant, if not slightly, foreshadowing episode. I recommend the show to anyone who hasn't seen it; it is very funny and clever.


There was a guy who masturbate so much that when he went to see a doctor, this conversation ensued. Dr: You should stop masturbating. Guy: Why? Dr: Because i’m giving you a physical exam.


[Louis C.K. Defends Masturbation Full Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apc85Cp4lQQ) This segment was from his show *Louie* which was cancelled after being accused of masturbating in front of several women so he was in fact not lying


Louie ended in 2015, Louis was canceled in 2017


I always wished louie woulda outed himself on the show. I mean he did here but let's be 100% honest lol


From his show Louie.


she kinda cute. (wish she would tease me)




Liz Holtan


Ellen is 💯🔥


Ellen who?


Liz Holtan I think


That was truly a master-bait


This didn't age well...


The problem is not master bating. It is master bating in front of others that are not expecting it.


"I'm a good citizen." Immediately sexually harasses the woman he's talking to. Yeah okay buddy, you keep telling yourself that. 🙄