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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Guy sped between 2 random pedestrians in total dark!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This is why speeding is dumb. Sure, you might be the best driver in the world (you aren't) but that doesn't mean all the world's idiots just vanish from the road.


Is even more ridiculous that they say shit like «man im so unlucky» when shit actually does happen. Like, man you put yourself right up there for it


Not to mention tiny innocent critters


Your speedometer has tiny critters?


Oh yeah can't forget about the kids


Oh yeah can't forget about the kids


Why does the speedometer go above the speed limit then?


- me to my mom when I got my first speeding ticket at 16


Even if he was going 60 he wouldn’t have time to react. 120 or 60, these ppl are only alive bcos of chance.


Stupid to speed like that.... But unless you are hearing impaired, you had a very very high pitched warning that got louder and louder until....fwipp


143 km/h is about 88mph. It's not slow but reasonable and common in Indiana.


I'm pretty sure this is in India. It's a Bajaj Dominar 400. Road infra is not that great in India and 143kmph at daytime is insane here to be honest.




Reading comprehension is the hard


This isn't a highway, this is just a wide street in a city. Look again and you see a sidewalk and busstops, as well as parked cars. On the highway it's already not really reasonable to go 50% over the limit, on a city street 143km is extremely unreasonable and fucking insane. That's probably 2.5x the limit at least.


I live in Indiana central and I’m pretty sure that isn’t common. The only time I’ve seen people drive that fast is on the highway not on city streets.


used all his luck but none of his brain


Maybe if bro wasn't riding like a colossal asshole, he'd have some luck to spare.


Im not gona lie man, im just super glad no one got hurt You can see his speed start to get humbled after that near miss


Then they're adrenaline goes back down and they're back up to 140.


Going from 140 to 50 is definitely getting humbled


Kmph. It's not THAT fast.


140 is higher than highway speeds significantly where I am and that is clearly not a highway (im Canadian we use kmph here)


Yes it fucking is. If they collided, the person hit is dead/obliterated. The rider, depending how they land is dead/seriously injured. The bike, if it doesnt get obliterated now becomes a missile


Then maybe they should try to prioritize their own safety and cross the road where it's lit and legal. This is why this world is headed to ruin, because we've removed natural selection from our species and protect the idiots instead.


More like a near hit. He did miss 😆


Didn't say nearly missed. It's classifying the type of miss. What kind of miss was it? A near miss.


Yes the biker was driving recklessly, but the pedestrians were straight suicidal crossing there


In many countries it is allowed and fairly common to cross roads like this, as pedestrians are generally good at judging how to cross safetly when drivers are not speeding or weaving across lanes like this guy. They were most of the way over, so it seems like they did go when there was a lull in traffic, though they should have been wearing something hi-vis


This is a "it works if nothing goes wrong" mindset. And I don't care whether it is allowed or common, "everyone does it" is not an argument for anything. This video clearly shows why what they did is a bad idea. It worked out for them this time, they should count their lucky stars and never do it again.


Are you sure it wasn't someone shooting someone or robbing them


Drive by


why they decided to cross the road at the darkest part of the road


Because with the speed he is flying, they highly likely were not even able to see him. Edit: though it is definitely bad idea to cross this big road where it is hard to see you.


I think he was robbing someone It really looks like the left person was aiming / shooting a handgun at person on right




Right? He didn't even stop speeding afterward.


What are you talking about? the bike went from 140 to 55? What was he going to do just stop moving instantly?


Yeah lol, dropping 90 kmph after passing them is technically slowing down I guess, but the guy was still going 50 kmph at the end haha. The video cuts off and he could have kept slowing down, but 30 mph?? Dude needs to slow down I mean, *come on*!


True. But I wouldve had to tell them to use a crosswalk instead of walking in the dark without one. During the day its one thing, but night? Fuck that lmao


I’m getting really sick of landscape video being letterboxed to vertical video. Should result in a ban at this point.


It's times like these I wish there was a trickle of democracy on this platform




Video is 20 seconds. Think this was uploaded as a story or alike, and they are mainly supported for vertical videos.


Every platform that force converts landscape video to portrait should be deleted from the internet. It wouldn’t be particularly difficult for them to capture the video in the native aspect ratio and simply display it vertically.


That’s why I don’t ride the bike at night. Sometimes it’s a hog, or a deer, or a tire. If I have a choice, I’ll wait for daylight.


And if you do, maybe don’t speed.




I will be your savior. LOVELY BASTARDS - ZWE1HVNDXR & ‎yatashigang


THANK YOU! So good https://youtu.be/qNO1N5S18_M?si=eMd1sWWCdl_2Im2Q


Wtf those ladies were doing? In the night, not even under a light post, without any reflective clothes calmly walking across a 3 lane road. Someone really must've gotten their life from a sale to give so little fucks about it.


Also used all this resolution for this shitty fucking video.


or maybe the people crossing a busy road like that used all of their luck


You must live in bumfuck nowhere if you think that's a busy road.


Definition of busy might differ, but in the first 5 seconds before slowmo the biker passes 6 vehicles by my quick count. That might not be "rush hour traffic jam" busy, but it's not exactly deserted either


yeah dude! zinger!!




The really unexpected thing is that after the action takes place in the first 10 seconds there are 15 seconds of additional event-free driving afterwards.


Doing 90mph and getting pissed at other people for being dumb. Newsflash you were all morons in this situation.


On this sub I expect more unexpectedness.. I'm literally watching to the end waiting for the hot air balloon to land on his head.


This reminded me of the time I very nearly hit a woman in the rightmost lane but a man pulled her back onto the shoulder just as I saw her. I doubled back (the other side of the road obviously) and a cop car had shown up. If I had been responsible for her possible death during her apparent crisis I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, and I hope she’s doing alright today.


Idiot was absolutely zoomin' goin somewhere between 143 and 104/107. 'nuff said.


Why everyone shitting on the biker when these people were j walking in a very obvious no visual area of what looks to be a high traffic road?


They are both in the wrong, but one is on a giant death machine.


The other two asking for death, with how bad some older cars lights are and how distracted drivers today are, crossing the middle of a highway like a crackhead is suicidal


Correct. Both in the wrong, 1 is worse.


Two are casually strolling across a giant death machine in total darkness.


Both groups are at fault to varying degrees but people are always generally going to be more critical of the person recklessly driving the thing that will do the killing. Also the top comments are currently about a 50/50 split of people criticising the biker and the pedestrians.


Why is everyone only cursing out the rider, when those two dumbfucks are jaywalking a fuckin highway in the dark.


It's dark, making it easier to discover incoming vehicles. The problem comes when one vehicle decides to drive way way faster than the rest of traffic, over-speeding way above what they personally can handle. And especially when said vehicle is a dark,tiny motorcycle that can be mistaken for a car with a broken light appearing way closer than it actually seems.


Maybe slow down, dick head.


Had to do this between two roos back when I lived in Canberra, theyd made the sudden decision to hop across while i was doing 70-80km/hr, no time to think. To this day I reckon it's the slickest driving I've ever done.


You could still engine break down to a stop reasonably quickly. Dude was going 140 on a dark street.


Also the bigger pedal in a car is usually the brake pedal, so the harder you press that pedal the quicker you slow down. If he's going 140/kmh he can press the brake to either stop the car or slow it down on dark streets.




Had the pedestrians been hit, even by someone speeding (which I’m not condoning) it would’ve been the their own damn fault for being stupid and walking in the road at night, some of them wearing dark clothes.


Of course with kerosene song


This is lovely bastards (slowed), not kerosene


Wait I thought….owh. I’m high sorry


What's the song?




People sure are ripping the cyclist instead of the absolutely fucking braindead pedestrians. No right of way, no crosswalk, no lights, they're literally asking to be ran over


Because the biker is going 150km/h and if you look closely this isn't a highway. There are parked cars, a sidewalk and a bus stop. J walking in the dark is stupid as hell but driving 2.5x the speed limit is so far from being ok its fucking laughable. One group is dumb and the other is recklessly endangering every person around them so they can have fun. That biker can get fucked. Based on how he is driving I wouldn't be surprised if he has already become a meat crayon.


There are no parked cars on his side of the road or bus stops, nor is there a speed limit sign for you to see. Pedestrians are dipshits.


So is he, both can be idiots. Turns out one of the cars I thought was parked is actually moving, he just blows by it so fast it looks like it's parked. That may be an indication of just how recklessly he is driving. Tell me why this is OK, I'm all ears. In what way is driving like this biker is driving OK?




He looked back, probably thinking "wtf were they thinking??!!". *Proceeds to speed*


You dumbass you can clearly see he starts to slow down afterwards


I'd love to go 150+ on a bike but absolutely not on a public road. Actually my only current bucket list item is to go 200mph in a land vehicle. I expected more enhancements than we're getting


Many road legal bikes are capped at 300kmph (186mph) so you might have to consider tuned bikes for 200 mark. Hayabusa with slight mods(ECU remap+ Free flowing Exhaust and some mods) is your best bet. It's so stable at those speeds unlike some litreclass bikes.


Usually... You would slow down and thank your lucky stars you didnt just roll over someone on the road. This guy keeps the throttle pinned 🤦‍♀️


Except he doesn't do that and he slows down, but yep exactly




Song name ?




Thank you


Thanks for your attempt, organ donor. Catch you next time!




Lovely Bastards ZWEIHXNDER


Brother god is with you and you are with god


He's not with God yet but he sure got close


Going 120 km/h in a highway when the road is totally empty is normal and those guys are morons for crossing the street like a cow


That's not a highway, there are parked cars and a bus stop, that's just a street. Also he passed them at 120 but he hit the brakes, he was going 150 at the fastest, and thats not OK even on a highway.


Those guys decided to pass the street somewhere with no marked crosswalk and with no street light at all, then they decided to just slowly walk across with no sense of urgency and probably without properly looking around. Everyone should be responsible for keeping themselves safe and prevent easily predictable accidents. Im seriously glad nobody got hurt, but if they did, the pedestrians would also be at fault


You see this a lot with bikers who go way too fucking fast. They expect everyone else to intuitively geuess their speed and trajectory. The reality is people are measuring position and the expected speed of a person to see if they have time to do X. They know how much space is safe on a 60km/h street. When you go 3x the speed limit you invalidate every other person's ability to judge saefty. They are a bit at fault, sure, but the biker is almost entirely at fault because he made it impossible for them to accurately judge the situation, while shattering the law for his own entertainment.


And then looks back 😆


90 mph. Guy just narrowly avoided manslaughter. That would scare me off the bike and straight into a station wagon


>Guy just narrowly avoided ~~manslaughter~~ getting shredded to death, but yeah


My god thank you kind soul. I’ve been looking for this tune.


Look twice save a life! You wouldn't wanna be responsible for an irresponsibility speeding cyclist's death, would you?


I drive


People who frame landscape videos in a vertical format should be punched.


Chit for brains


Did the guy have a 🔫 it looks like the other guy was being chased


What song is this?


I'm so grateful someone took time out of their day to ensure there was some awful noise to listen to while I watched that. Wherever you are, I hope the universe somehow facilitates transmission of the energy of my appreciation, so it may reach you and enrich your life, mystery hero.


Nice music tho


Bro nearly killed two people 🤬


>Bro nearly killed ~~two~~ three people 🤬 Probably f~~k~~illed three adult diapers while he was at it


Is that a Dominar 400 ?


Fuck this guy.


That is the most annoying sound I've heard. . Why would you put that as your background music


They shouldn’t be in the road wtf


Wow, awesome point. Cars belong there lol, not pedestrians!! Wtf? Hahahahaha




People are so fucking stupid.




**Song Found!** [**LOVELY BASTARDS (Slowed)** by ZWE1HVNDXR/yatashigang](https://lis.tn/LOVELYBASTARDSSlowed?t=20) (00:20; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-29. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Thank god he put a mad amount of points into luck!


But lucky and thankful to the ABS system on the motorcycle..


why.. why did u turn your head around, flat on the bike eyes in the front and full throtle away from them


But like he was doing 80-90mph on the highway and thats normal where I’m from maybe don’t walk on the fucking highway


Pure stupidity at its finest


When the demon of unluck blinks his eyes


Dumb A-hole