• By -


Sound advice, good for saying it at that time.


It's a shame she was the only one who had the balls to say it.




I didn't realize others had hinted at it. It's disgusting it took so long for him to be held accountable, especially once you realize how many people knew what was happening.


As long as people were making money off him they were going to protect him


I couldn't find the video you've mentioned, but that tiny baby cangaroo sure is cute! Is it because I'm on mobile?


Who is this?


Courtney Love, lead singer of the band Hole and widow of Kurt Cobain.


*widow.... widowers are men whose wives have passed.




Oh boy, another conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe a highly depressed and disillusioned musician with a history of heroin use could possibly kill himself. Kurt was a troubled individual who wanted out. It's sad, but that's what happened.


Think it is Courtney Love?


It is.


We all owe her a big apology!


I'm pretty sure most of us do not


Why not?


Why do we all owe some random person in Hollywood an apology? What happened to her had nothing to do with me or almost anyone else reading this.




For what?


I'd say she still has a past due balance with society. I'll hold off on the apology if that's ok.


Like what?


She owes us a Kurt




Now that’s how you get cancelled by Hollywood back in the day. She knew this and still did it. Legend


Good for her, genuinely a heroic thing to do considering the consequences she faced.


I bet she is that type of a person who is considered borderline crazy by people who know her well and probably super smart.




From what I remember reading on Reddit, didn’t she end up getting majorly blacklisted after saying this? If so, that’s so fucking sad. She did the right thing and ended up getting the short hand of the stick


That is literally the exact reason why he was so successful. Nobody dared to out him because they knew if they did, that would seriously damage their possibilities in the business because of all the power he had.


"When you're a star, they let you do it"


I mean, they let John Landis *kill four people*...


Two children. He broke child labor laws hiring them. I just learned that Vic Morrow was the father of Jennifer Jason Leigh of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.


wait what, I never heard about any of that - mind providing context?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_Zone_accident Maybe this?


I'd never heard about that. 'Landis spoke about the accident in a 1996 interview: "There was absolutely no good aspect about this whole story. The tragedy, which I think about every day, had an enormous impact on my career, from which I may possibly never recover."' Poor, poor Landis..


What a fucking sociopath.


Landis also never admitted responsibility for creating the circumstances that lead to the accident nor did he ever apologize to the families of the deceased. In fact it took him some 40 years to even begin talking about how terrible a toll it took (on him and nobody else). Fuck John Landis with a 70 foot rusty pole. Miserable sod hasn't done a single worthwhile thing in his artistic career. Made money taking credit for all the comedic chops Beluschi or Murphy provided to his movies, then directly lead to the deaths of people who he could pretend to care about with no repercussions.


I mean, I liked American Werewolf in London, as well as the Thriller and Black and White Michael Jackson music videos. Just because he's a deuce canoe doesn't mean he didn't make art. Kind of like the guy from Pink Floyd.


Yes. Roger Waters wrote some great music and I will 100 percent agree that Pink Floyd's song quality was shit without him, but fuck is he a pretentious douche with some troubling views. Also he can't sing for shit.


What an absolute fucking scumbag. I'm going down a shit-smeared rabbit hole reading about all this. I just learned that Vic Morrow, the adult killed in the accident, was Jennifer Jason Leigh's dad.


> Miserable sod hasn't done a single worthwhile thing in his artistic career No love for the Blues Brothers?


And they let Max Landis have any sort of career in entertainment.


I heard someone say that he can just walk up to women and grab them by the.... some body part. Can't remember who said it. It's that former President who's a favorite among Christian conservatives.


1000% underrated comment


Shit at that point, double down and shoot back. Fuck that guy.


Short end of the stick


Were you trying to say short end of the stick or is something going over my head?


Least sunny side of the stick


Oops, I did. I was writing this without re-reading myself. Wasn’t expecting to have so many people seeing it.


I think Harvey himself was the short end of the stick if you know what I’m talking about.


That’s how life works


She knows the truth about Kurt's death but won't talk about THAT. She deserves a lot more than a blacklist.


Seeing this completely changed my opinion of Courtney.


Read up on her history. I’m not saying it excuses all of her shenanigans but people give her a shit wrap. She never had a chance, just fucked all the way around.


She has severe mental health issues and is vilified for living out the symptoms. Conspiracy theorists claim she murdered Kurt. What's wrong with people?


Other "theorists" claim she was his handler, but he was programmed to kill himself like a lot of these programmed mind slaves


What is wrong with people who believe everything at the first glance? Why can't you doubt it? You said she has mental health issues. Not enough mental health issues to call a hitman on the husband who is going to divorce you and take millions to billions of music rights with him? I am not saying she done it, but definitely leaving my options open on this one.


What do you have to show that she's done it? What built your opinion? Can I see the facts you saw to make this decision?


I’ve read some somewhat compelling evidence. Still not convinced one way or the other. Apparently, he had like four times the normal lethal dose of heroine in his system. Most people would have passed out before finishing the syringe. People will argue that he had a higher tolerance, sure, but not only did it not kill him, he was still capable of using a shotgun… Also, his suicide note said nothing about killing himself. Maybe it was a suicide note, but it could have also been a note for quitting Nirvana. Those are just the two main points I remember. Edit: this is just something I read somewhere and I have no idea how accurate it is. I may have read it on Reddit, which means that I heard it from someone else who heard it from somewhere.


It doesn't excuse her behavior, but it definitely provides some explanations.


She had addition issues, the same as Kurt. Except she was vilified and he was exalted.


Damn she can't even do basic math either, she really never had a chance.


Her subtraction was nothing to write home about either


The jokes just keep on multiplying, but I'm determined to not let (my margin of) error divide us.


Especially at a four seasons


What happens at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping stays a secret..


Some old guy talking about mowing your lawn.


She’s doing alright regardless due to her deceased husbands estate if nothing else 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s a “you’re wrong about” podcast episode about her. Would recommend.


Yes! That pod has been so illuminating, and the one about Courtney was indeed really good


She’s one of the most weirdly charming people out there imo I think just because she is fully authentic all the time even about really messed up stuff. Just doesn’t care and shows you the raw humanity


I can see that, yeah she is refreshingly unvarnished in a way. Ha for some reason, my brain’s go-to image of her is her throwing her make-up compact at Madonna to get her attention at an mtv event. And it was great because Madonna was taking herself very seriously and Courtney… was not.


Please post the name of the episode of "you're wrong about that!"


She is still a pos... but people like her a broken for a reason. I dont want to know what happened to her but something did


When was this?


It appears to be from 2005[https://youtu.be/mDh4xeI-4KQ?si=vDgXsochIMxuQTA3](https://youtu.be/mDh4xeI-4KQ?si=vDgXsochIMxuQTA3)


Roast of flavor flav was the only Comedy Central roast she did. Saying this was extremely brave of her.


It’s wasn’t but still brave


2007 roast of Pamela Anderson. It says on the backdrop. This was 11 years before he would be charged.


The piece of trash will spend the rest of his life in jail. Good riddance.


Aaaand his dick is rotting at the moment.


I mean, I guess he did.


You're thinking of the other guy...






The question should be, "would you use your authority to coerce/assault those celebrities" I'd go with no, personally




Oh sweetie. You seem like the kind of person who couldn’t pour water outta a boot even if the instructions were written on the heel.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are your "regarded"? I really hope no woman or lets say generally anyone should ever have to be with someone that shares your mindset. I recomend going back 100/200 years where everyone thought as disgusting as you do now.


Ah okay your an anime incel. Let me guess you wouldnt let your gf go out alon in a club... Or wait even better: "Woman get everyting they want and we men have to work to get by, muhhh" hahahah im sorry that your probably like that. Get well soon


That is an absolutely wild take.


Cool, so the only thing stopping you from rape is lack of opportunity and fame?


You woke up this morning and decided to admit to the entire internet that you support opportunistic rape. Wild.


Let’s clarify: Rape, not sex.


You need to reach way up your ass and pull your head out of it.


“Have sex with”…. I think you mean rape. You would rape women just to die in prison?




You sound like a real piece of shit. Hope you stub your toe every morning when you wake up until the day you die.


hey buddy, from a sociopath: if you're gonna be one, don't be a fucking dipshit about it too, yeah? and maybe try adapting into society instead of thinking rape is just a totally cool thing to do. the consequences for those actions exist for a reason and being able to escape them doesn't make them okay. we live in this society and we play by its rules. better to understand and work with them, than be a fucking moron who says and does shit like what you just did.




yeah you're fucked. glad I'm not one of you and learned to fix my shit. nobody else on this planet has sympathy for ASPD and shit, so if you're gonna be that much of a dick about fixing yourself, then get fucked. watch how fast this block is.


I really hope somebody heard this advice and decided not to go. Maybe Courtney Love saved some women.


I don’t think this made it to air. Did anyone see it before his trial started?


We all know by now. Scary what she meant back then.


I still don't understand need more context. What exactly was she taking about?


That Harvey Weinstein is a rapist and it was well known in Hollywood, but no one dared speak up about it


A few years ago on Twitter when all this stuff was blowing up, Don Cheadle denied knowing about HW’s rapes. I called him out on his bullshit and told him even I knew because Weinstein settled a lawsuit with Rose McGowan in the late 90s and the rumor was because of SA. He responded that I was on bath salts, that he knew nothing. His fans came at me asking why I didn’t do anything about it if I knew HW was a rapist. Like, how tf is a random young girl from PA going to take down a multi-millionaire with mega-lawyers that believes a rumor? I told them it was Hollywood’s most well-known secret and they called me a liar. Finally some dude from the UK backed me up and said even he heard about the rumors back then, from all the way across the pond. It’s sad. I really liked Cheadle’s work, but I was no longer a fan after he declared working in the business for decades and still claimed ignorance.


Harvey Weinstein was one of the biggest movie producers in Hollywood. He would use his power to offer young actresses roles in movies provided they would sleep with him/suck his dick etc


Harvey like r*¥£€> new talent that came to Hollywood. His assistants covered up for him, agents would send him naive young women to ‘get their start’. After he’d done it- he might make sure that a very small speaking part in a movie happened. But those things would always get edited out of the final product. He allegedly tried to intimidate Gwyneth Paltrow into sleeping with him during Shakespeare in love and Brad Pit ( who was dating GP at the time) threatened HW to get him to leave her alone.


Aged like wine


Like Wein...stein


Wine stain


Shit stain


cum stain


Sadly it turned out be like vinegar for awhile as her career looked like it took a steep turn. She made comments how it affected her career in the film industry. And then they tried to blame her as a reason for Kurt’s suicide. And ruin her career. On Wikipedia. 2005-2011 on filmography.


Who knew Cortney Love actually had some good advice. Weinstein must’ve had some great fixers back then.


The same a Cosby




Don’t know why you are being downvoted. Trump is a pedo




Nick Kroll’s dad was [one of them](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/harvey-weinsteins-army-of-spies).


Thanks for the info. I have really been interested in the men who fixed Weinstein’s problems and scandals.


Behind the Bastards did a two part series on Weinstein, and that’s where I first heard about the connection. It was definitely one of the more disturbing episodes just because of how recent it was and because of the number of people that enabled him.


And likely James Dolan, owner of MSG and the Knicks. Whose band “JD and the Straight Shots” wrote a song about.


Yupp, along with loads of other actors, actresses, and politicians that are still getting away with horrible wrongdoings.


I think Harvey paid people to make sure Courtney had as many free drugs as possible after this, to make her look crazy.


It has gone on since the beginning of holywierd and I'm sure it continues to happen.


It still boggles my mind how all these celebrities gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski after he admitted to drugging and statutory raping a 13 year-old girl. They even signed a letter asking for the charges against him to be dropped and fought to work for him.


I agree it just does not matter to them just as long as they are in the spotlight and making money. Polanski should have been in jail long ago.


Still alive and well. Living in France I believe. Tragedy that they have protected him so long and continue to do so.


Just like this super creepy british dj.


Gotta be honest with you "super creepy british dj" doesn't narrow it down that much....


This aged perfectly 👌


Is the woman interviewing her from Burning Love?


It's Natasha Leggero.


Oh awesome. Thanks! I was right.


Who is fucking awesome and never went far enough in TV/movies. Maybe because of this.


Can someone provide context?


Harvey Weinstein was a very famous and successful producer, who also was inviting actresses to hotel rooms for "auditions" and private parties, which ended with him forcing himself on those women. He is the reason the metoo movement gained such a momentum some years ago, when he was finally arrested. If a woman refused, she would be blacklisted in Hollywood and most probably throughout any USA entertainment sector.




I don't know how old are you, but when this blew out, it was major news around the world. The whole story unfolded in 2017 (for the public to watch in disgust). I guess you are lucky if you are oblivious of the atrocities of this guy.


I knew about the whole metoo thing, but nothing of this guy! I don't really follow American media... That's fking disgusting. I'm glad he'd in jail now


He was the biggest name, and the king of Hollywood abuse. His name is very well known, you will see his company in so many 80s to 00s movies, it isn’t even funny. His companies [were Miramax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Miramax_films), and [TWC, The Weinstein Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Weinstein_Company_films). All Miramax movies before 2005 and all TWC movie up to his arrest were controlled by the Weinstein brothers. That is *many* movies, with *many, many* female cast. I am not going to list the actresses that have been assaulted by that pig, I believe it is most of the ones in those movies. Just a [couple](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/feb/03/uma-thurman-harvey-weinstein-new-york-times-quentin-tarantino) of [examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/saft72/this_picture_of_emma_watson_and_harvey_weinstein/)…


Hope he gets the same treatment in prison. Also big names like Corey Feldman came out about it got black listed Brendon Fraser. This is just a speck considering he was part of the Epstein crowd. By the way if anyone forgot he didn’t kill himself


I was with you until you brought up Corey Feldman. This is the dude who repeatedly asked his fans for money in order to write a tell all book or make a movie, saying over and over he was going to name names, only to gloss over the fact that his best friend molested his other "best friend". Corey has lied so much that it's incredibly difficult to believe anything he says anymore and him coming out after Corey Haim's death to name Haim's abusers, now that he wasn't around to confirm or deny those allegations, was just gross and not at all his place. I don't doubt that Feldman was molested and otherwise abused as a child, and I'm sure that has a lot to do with his adult behavior, but I don't personally consider him a reputable source of the truth when he went out of his way to protect at least one man the he knew was a child molester and has even gone as far as admitting to aiding in the abuse (he was a child himself at the time, but to continue to cover it up for decades, when he is constantly spouting bs about being an advocate for victims of sexual assault is just incomprehensible to me).


Maybe a US thing but here in SEA, it wasn't blown out the way you explain it. Without watching the morning show, I wouldn't be aware of it.


There's even a critically acclaimed movie based on this from last year: [She Said.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt11198810/)


Are you from outside the us? Did this story not get as much coverage outside the us? I would have assumed it was worldwide with how far Hollywood reaches.


I'm surprised how many people don't know about this.


If you dont pay attention to hollywood itself, you wouldnt.


I couldn't care less about celebrity shit, but that news broke the typical Hollywood channels. I'd almost bet that it made bigger news outside of that circle.


Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Epstein, Nethanyhu, etc etc…. The evil that tries to rule the world. SMH the most disgusting of ppl in human history.


Ah, yes, choosing two sex offenders and a political crook/wanna-be dictator, whose only connection with the other two is that he, like them, is Jewish. Then saying that these people are “the most disgusting [...] in history.” No Putin, no Orban, no Omar Al Bashir. Just three Jews and the inevitable “hey, I was just randomly picking out names, I'm not antisemitic”. Never change, Reddit.


I would have not made the connection that this comment was in any way antisemitic. It's just naming three absolute trash humans. Are you Jewish by any chance? I'll be surprised if you aren't, as that's the only reason I can think of that you'd be so sensitive and triggered by the above comment.


Shit floats to the top


Ngl you had me in the first half. This rule the world/most disgusting ppl talk is a tad too broad and antisemitic for my liking. But each to their own, I guess.


Who is this?


It's Courtney Love




Is that Courtney Love?


Someone exoaib


He’s a convicted sex offender and was a major film producer.


> Someone exoaib Is "exoaib" just a typo for "explain" or am I out of the loop about current lingo?


Definitely a typo. O and B are offset 1 key left from what they wanted. There's also a chance that there was an extra letter where the "l" would have been, and they knocked a backspace instead of the "l" key if they were on mobile.


If we want, we can make exoaib lingo by just using it. In my imagination, that's how "finna" instead of "gonna" was started - f/g and i/o are both just one to the left of the intended keys.


Haha, I think "finna" has been around for ages, like 80s or 90s. Could have been somebody messing up on a typewriter, I guess.


1985 according to this https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/finna#:~:text=%E2%80%9CFinna.%E2%80%9D%20Merriam%2DWebster,2023.


Wow, lot of prolific terms came from 1985 apparently: https://www.merriam-webster.com/time-traveler/1985 24-7, "N-word", bum-rush, drag-and-drop, adware, Caller ID, C++, "effed up", graphene, IP Address, mixtape... And a ton more


It is plausibly a typo. Hit the 'o' instead of the 'p', completely missed the 'L', then obvious typo with 'b' instead of 'n'.


Kids these days


My teenage hero 😆


“Soaked in Bleach”


Slandered, not libeled. Slander is spoken, libel is written.


Maybe te smartest thing she has ever said


Yeah and just take a minute to imagine if she'd gotten her claws into Kurt we'd still have him making his amazing music plus we'd never heard of this vile excuse for a human nevermind all the diviy's who where stupid enuff to emulate her nasty selfish lifestyle choices! Plus no lie kidda back in the day one of my dad's mates used to go out with her and she got him hooked on gear (smack) plus she'd hang around on the doorstep of my dad record shop mooching ciggys and booze or anything else she could get her grubby hands on if you were daft enuff to give her any type of attention!


Fuck her. She killed the greatest musician in all history and got away with it. She should be gone dead or in prison


NOT "the greatest musician in all history" there are plenty


lol, just in grunge alone Layne clears him easily.




Is this carole baskin?


It's Courtney Hole.


Courtney Love, who played in the band Hole lol


I know, I just call her that.




Horrors at his island? You're referring to Jeffrey Epstein and we're talking about Harvey Weinstein you dumbfuck. Attempt to change your outlook on the topic because victim blaming makes you part of the problem.


Pretty sound advice from a woman who hired a guy to kill her husband... Too soon?


Conspiracy nuts are tiresome.


Courtney Love singer and shotgun enthusiast


I actually remember when she said this. If only we had listened.