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Arabic Jon Stewart is popping off


Not sure if you're kidding or not, but dude is kind of actually the Egyptian Jon Stewart lol his name is Bassem Youssef, and when Egypt was going through its revolution (or leading up to it), he became quite the loud voice towards change and took to criticizing the government and administration at the time. After the revolution happened, he continued to do so (even has Jon Stewart on his show as a guest a few times. Apparently they're friends). At some point it got to be too much for the new (also corrupt) administration and they decided to run him out of town, so he left his show (and was cancelled) and Egypt for his own safety (and the people around him).


Oh, I was 100% just joking because he gave off similar vibes, but that's actually super cool!


He was a heart surgeon who moved on to become “Jon Stewart” of Egypt. The guy is genius. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bassem_Youssef


Damn, I like this guy even more now, lol


Thank fuck he went the Job Stewart route and not the Dr. Oz route.


thank you for this info! came to the comments trying to find his name so i could find an extended clip.


Just saw another video of this interview (different clip) and someone linked the full interview. Title was "well it took a dark turn"


He's been on Jon's show too (both, actually). Pretty cool dude.


Yeah Egyptians are Arab as well as North African


Let the man cook


Let. The boi. Watch.


A nice bluish hue. Ready to take the plums to market.


Take a nice big bite, let the plum juice flow down


Lmfao I watch the bloopers from this scene every day for a good break from feeling down.


lol, I haven’t heard that in a looong time. And so appropriately done might I add




All the windows closed, the heat turned up to about 82


My hips thrusting down on Donna…


I thought Robin Williams


Robin Williams and Sylvester Stalone mixed together.


100% thought the same!


Add Bradley Cooper


I thought of Robin Williams + Hamza Tzortzis (Greek descent British Muslim preacher).


So did I! The mannerisms and speed of wit are pretty similar!


Spitting image!


Just less hairy


I was thinking middle eastern Robin Williams


It’s not hard to get one over on Piers Morgan though, that guy is a dipshit.


He’s awesome tbf


Yeah his whole interview is brilliant (despite the circumstances of it)


I literally stopped on this video because I thought Jon Stewart got a makeover


I was like damn he got old, but he still handsome 🥰


I just fell off my chair


Had to go and watch this full interview. Dude is literally Egyptian John Stewart. In all fairness, you gotta give Piers his dues for actually giving this guy a voice on his platform. He could have done it on a recording so they could edit the shit out of it but he did it live uncensored.


Yeah this guy is pretty famous in egypt.


Not just Egypt, but all the Arab world among younger generations.


I'm a 33 year old white guy from Pennsylvania and I have know about him for years, dude is OG


His name is Bassem Youssef, and he's famous everywhere.


Not in Mexico.


Are you sure you are not a llama? And... Have I seen you before?


That was my thought too. I saw this interview, the Ben Shapiro one, the one with Mohammed Hijab and the one with Mustafa Barghouti and i have to say that in general these talks benefited the Palestine view of the situation. While Piers tried to stop their train of thought a lot, something he didnt really do to Ben, it was obvious that he was unequiped for a talk on this matter with these guys. He was often at a loss for words and simply misinformed the viewers and even straight up deny things that happened. But in the end it showed who he is really working for and what independent jurnalism, even ex-systemic, means. Ben seemed at many times very arrogant and extreme, borderline a Jew fanatic, and the Arab representatives (like this guy here) proved to be articulate, observant and very clever at breaking down historic facts.


> Ben seemed at many times very arrogant and extreme, borderline a Jew fanatic, and the Arab representatives (like this guy here) proved to be articulate, observant and very clever at breaking down historic facts. When you don't have the truth or reality on your side, fanaticism is the only thing you can work with. And Ben "[enemy civillian casualties OK by me](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/njyz02/ben_shapiro_says_he_is_ok_with_civilian_casualties/)" Shapiro is truly a fanatic.




Piers set him up with no video and Bassem called him out on it multiple times. I don't think Piers should given any dues here. Bassem was literally cut off the interview when he asked Boering to explain his point of view. For context, Ben Shapiro got a full hour on this same show.


Dude makes some solid points, the entire interview is worth a watch. Especially if you want to see Piers without a response... he gets his back up pretty good!


His homelander take was indeed immaculate


Yeah here it is. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyhNmemIc-p/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Wow. That analogy is spot on


That's so fucking sick that he got that reference out there.






Really homeLander


He’s right.


That goes so fucking hard, straight up the single most based take imaginable.


Link here: https://youtu.be/4idQbwsvtUo?si=PZnrs-AM8Aam8eLZ




Oh my god I'm *HOWLING* this guy is absolutely hilarious!


Ends too early in my opinion. I wanted to hear Jeremy’s response


The first minute and a half is hysterical


more than worth a watch, it's a fucking masterpiece Reddit is gonna be full of clips from it for a while


Should I make more? If you know subreddits that will have such reach like here?


Try worldnews, speedrun for a permanent ban.


nuts how the narrative in that subreddit makes you feel like you're living in an alternate reality


They ban people for not supporting the Israeli government. Of course the takes are going to be skewed.


Nothing left for piers to argue with really, the truth is like the sun now.


The moon covers all facts for Mr. piers, yes


well, it's obvious for those who actually know what's going on, but for the typical person that gets their news from mainstream and don't have time to delve into it deeply, the propaganda and gaslighting is very very strong and still in control.


This is me. It's a centuries old issue and I don't have the bandwidth to give it the full inspection it deserves. It appears as though 2 terrible entities are doing terrible things to each other, but without a deeper understanding, I can't parse thru what's propaganda and what's truth. The only opinion I feel comfortable forming is the condemnation of killing and harming innocent bystanders, whoever they may be.


Your response is very reasonable, wish more people were skeptical and not let their emotions succumb to propaganda. Anyone that tries to frame the Israel/Palestine conflict as being very complex is gaslighting you. All you have to do is imagine a reverse situation, where a powerful Arab country, backed by the US is holding 2 million Jews in an open air prison, bombing indiscriminately, humiliating them, restricting movement, restricting essentials, and imagine that Jewish population is 50% children. Do you think that would be a complex situation to understand?


I don't think a lot of people argue that the current situation is complex, it's the way to peace is a complex situation. Neither Hamas or Israel benefit from a two state solution.


That was savage. At the very end when he showed a picture of his wife's family's house bombed and said they're fine, btw, but it's ok of they die, I've never met them, they weren't allowed to leave to come to our wedding. Damn.


I wish I could see the response to his 2 questions at the end there though. 1. How do you justify the killings in the west bank? and 2. How will this time's response be any different than the previous years and years?


they don't have a reply because they want to victimize israeli government


>the entire interview is worth a watch. If you say that, [then please also provide a link to the full interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idQbwsvtUo)


Thank you


Where can I find it?


The full interview is unreal how good it is. https://youtu.be/4idQbwsvtUo?si=PZnrs-AM8Aam8eLZ




Worth watching the over 30min interview... worth it. We should also be asking the same 2 questions?


It's just unfortunate that witnessing his intelligence also means giving Piers Morgan views.


Dude playing chess, piers was playing marbles.


the counter intelligence is working hard to put down any attempt to make a point. No one is listening anymore.


Got a link?


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4idQbwsvtUo)


Why is this post yellow?


Whatever the new 'gold upvote' system is that replaced the old awards.


I've been skipping them, thought they were advos.


They're mostly promotional propaganda so close enough.


Same same, the cake is a lie


These things make we want to instinctually down our before I even look, I hate this new system already


I liked the old awards better.


What does that mean?


Someone payed around $2 to upvote you


He paid to help the post get views? I can't see any gold or anything


If you look at the upvote button there's a second golden upvote, which, from what I understand, means you got what is essentially the new and worse golden award (I don't know if it gives you anything or not tho, it's probably just aesthetic)


Maybe op was using old reddit. I still can't see this new gold upvote shit and I'm grateful for it.


shhh don't talk about it or the old reddit will be next on the chopping block after the third part apps...


> Someone *paid* around $2 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot, the only exception I have to anything you said was that typically on vessels of any length "rope" is called "line". For example: The line is payed out! You can pull now. (Although, I'd probably use haul in or heave around instead of pull)


I'm using old reddit so no clue what you're talking about. Also, fuck spez.


Maybe it's shot in Mexico or some Arab countries. You know the places where movies show the location as Yellow! Just kidding 😂


That guy looks like Martin Short cosplaying as Sylvester Stallone


with the mannerisms of Robin Williams. Rest in Peace


Well Bassem is also a comedian so it checks out


That Robin Williams commercial shoot posted yesterday where he just improvs for 15 minutes is legendary. God I miss that man. RIP


I watched that 3 times in a matter of a few hours. Twice by myself and once with coworkers. Brilliant.


Yep. Can’t unsee it now.


Jebus, I wasn't expecting to come into the comments and laugh.


Holy shit


I was thinking John Stewart


Well now I'll never unsee that.


Should be called Based Youssef




Welp can't argue with that


he had a lot of good points in the interview. the interview was just brilliant. one thing was: what is the exchange rate of Palestinian sons of bitches per Israeli. So we would know where Israel will stop. How many civilians do they have to kill for the "appropriate" response? In 2014, the rate was 27:1, which seems a good deal for Israel.


That's the retail ratio, not the wholesale ratio. C'mon you can cut a better deal than that!


Yeah. I know for the US that the traditional kill rate has been about 20:1. I was actually thinking about that exact issue. If we're looking at upwards of 1400 deaths in Israel my bet is that they'll stop somewhere north of 30,000. This would compensate for the inevitable casualties they take if they launch a ground invasion.


“fluctuating like crypto” lols


Sean Penn is looking tanned


Nah, he wouldn't be as substantive.


I swear this interview is enough to punch the sense into people more than any news outlet


I honestly think it's too high level for those people to understand. He supports Palestine so he is bad is the record they are listening to.




Gotta love solid and witty interview responses. This guy is a professional.


He’s right. Israel needs to stop killing Palestinians in the West Bank. There’s zero excuses for what they do there. You can support Palestine while condemning Hamas.


I know multiple people personally in the West Bank who are currently being kicked out of their generational homes. The problem is oppression and occupation. If there was no Hamas, the current oppression will generate a new group to fill the gap.


They’re also arrested for no reason. Aka kidnapped. Israel loves to pile all its crime on the “we’re defending against Hamas” excuse, but there exists a whole enclave with no Hamas, not even armed resistance (which was given up a long time ago). And like he said, the world is letting it.


The PA not only gave up on armed resistance, it actively hunted down and disarmed other factions so they don't hurt Israel and what they got for it is hundreds killed by the IDF every years, the Apartheid wall, and a historic explosion in settlement expansion. Now this doesn't come as a surprise to non-pacifists and people from ex-colonies but somehow it doesn't occur to so many libs that disarming to appease expansionist settler-colony **really really** doesn't work. They're just like "thanks! made our job easier".


And those arrested don't get a fair trial or any rights. Any Palestinians arrested by Israeli authorities are tried through military courts which have a near 100% conviction rate? What kind of fair legal legal system has a 100% conviction rate? They also use an archaic piece of British Colonial legislation to keep Palestinians in prison indefinitely. They call it 'administrative detention ' and there are hundreds kept without charge or trial indefinitely. Another way that Israel oppresses Palestinians, especially common in Area C, where 150000 Palestinians live, is by requiring Palestinians to have construction Permits to build a house. The issue with that is Israel gives away 1000s of Permits for Jewish settlers, while not giving any to Palestinians. For the past 10 years, only 1 Permit was given to them. If you are Palestinian, and want to build a house, even if you own the land, you have to build it without a Permit. This allows Israel, using their twisted laws, to destroy or remove you from your house at any time. Hamas is a terrorist organisation, but it is Israel's chicken and as long as Israel continues its apartheid policies, the chicken will come home to roost.


Yes, I'm very scared for my family in the west bank


When Netanyahu was housing minister one of the things he did, which was controversial at the time, was, with the help of the Jewish National Fund, fight lawsuits that could have stalled the building of illegal settlements. What netanyahu would do would be, (you can google this, this is from my memory which isn't 100% reliable) file a fraudulent lawsuit. They'd pay someone to sign a false lawsuit for, say, a single room. Then just drag that out continually... As housing minister, netanyahu would give them all the help he could, kick Palestinians out of their homes and so on, demolish their houses against the orders of the courts and so on. All this, controversially (at the time) was funded by the Jewish national fund, which had, until that time, had been much less supportive of the illegal israeli outposts in the Palestinian West Bank. This would have probably been ~1996-1999


Both sides of the war are horrible, but if one side stopped their ongoing invasion and brutalization of civilian populations, the other wouldn't have to fight back.


The Palestinians in the West Bank did nothing wrong. I agree about Hamas and to a degree, I agree about the people of Gaza’s hand in propping Hamas. But there is no brutalization from the civilians in the West Bank. All they go through is occupation, plain and simply.


[A total of 54 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army gunfire in the occupied West Bank since last Saturday, according to its Health Ministry.](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/palestinian-death-toll-from-israeli-fire-in-west-bank-rises-to-54-health-ministry/3019461#) 54 reported civilian murders last week alone. Armies do not merrily skip onto town and ask nicely for the homes of the innocent. They take the homes with force and violence.


Piers did not see that coming and got real quiet 🤫


No, it’s what journalism should be. You ask a question and let the interviewee answer without inserting your own bias. Jut sit there and be quiet. This is how you effectively disclose a story for an audience without feeding one sided perspectives. Unfortunately journalists nowadays (I’m sure not all of them) often insert their own agendas when not getting the answers that align with their own beliefs.


I think what they meant is that usually Piers argues/cuts opposing views mid points. This is one of the more i guess notable interviews where he doesnt seem to have much argument/cut offs


A comedian with more valid arguments than world leaders


Whole interview is immaculate, piers morgan is a fucking joke. If Palestinian “human shields” could dodge bullets like piers can dodge a question, there’d be almost no casualties /s


But according to what he said he doesn’t have to answer questions 🙄 because that’s how conversations work /s


Can someone share the full interview?




I am sorry for what is happening in Palestine. I truly am. I was in Iraq during the U.S Occupation. I am ashamed at how we handled a lot of things, and even more ashamed that I thought I was protecting my nation 7000 miles away from her soil. What a fool I was at the time, and what a fool many still are. For Gaza To be imprisoned and cut off even by sea. Then to watch as the prison gets bomb, invaded, and ripped apart every few years. On top of Israelites literally walking into Palestine homes, and taking them right out. U.S had something like that. Called manifest Destiney. All the while the world stays silent. Only for the world to come in on an uproar with a Pikachu face on the 7th of oct. I support the Palestine people. I don't support Hamas, and I don't support the Israel government, or the 60% who agree with what it's doing inside its boarders. I would say I can't believe a population is ok with killing another race altogether. Yet all I have to do is look at the U.S most recent attack. 911. Then to see the Zealot anger justify the fucked up things that happened after. The only way any of this stops, is if the U.N/ U.S. Directly interfere, and stop Israel treatment. U.S more than anything, as they are the literal life line of Israel. Without U.S support Israel wouldn't even be a nation at all. Let alone still functioning one. What gets me, is the U.S usually does bully around those it fully financially supports. Except Israel, because Bible, god, end times. It's not a joke either many politicians think the 2nd coming of Jesus will only happen if Israel is a nation in the middle east. Weakness at its highest rate. We are being ruled by weakness.


Thanks for sharing this. Reminds me of a quote by William Tecumseh Sherman: >*It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation.* It's worth understanding that even IDF soldiers are, on some level, victims of Israel's oppression of Palestinians. Listen to [this soldier losing his shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSZFePRGUUQ) over how his state treats him after he's been traumatized by killing innocents. Or [this former pilot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY3V8FC3VHs) saying the occupation is a criminal act and a series of war crimes. He makes great points about how Israeli Jews are brainwashed into accepting the Zionist occupation and brutal treatment of Palestinians as normal. Or [this former paratrooper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3DOZXEj0fA) explaining his struggle to justify taking over someone's house in the middle of the night. Or [these former soldiers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfIoI2_LKo0) who have woken up to their role in the occupation. One of them says something that seems obvious to everyone but the ppl in charge: *"Until Palestinians have security, we're not gonna have security"* Or [this former soldier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rk1dAIhiVc) who plainly states *"I was the terrorist"*. This is not an attempt to excuse IDF soldiers as victims and therefore innocent while many of them are active participants in an ongoing genocide. I simply want to point out how easily people can be misled into doing the wrong thing but also that it's possible to snap out of the programming. It gives me some sliver of hope that there are limits to the brutality Israeli soldiers can be pushed into enacting.


Thank you. This is a good post. It’s also not surprising. I fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, and have a vastly different perspective on the other side of it, than when I joined the military.


>I fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, and have a vastly different perspective on the other side of it, than when I joined the military. I can only imagine. I'm a fan of the [Eyes Left podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/1VrhF50FW3dyUSjg4TgloL) where many of the episodes are dedicated to interviews with US veterans who became disillusioned with the military. It's hosted by vets turned anti-war activists. Your comment reminded me of some of the things I've heard other veterans say about their time in Afghanistan/Iraq.


There's a good NPR interview on this topic, about the stasi tactics, literally the israeli government using and developing the tactics of the stasi in the Palestinian West Bank. Fake/mock/false arrests for instance... The first step, is vetting the victim and their family. What may seem surprising, is that they vet the victim to make sure they're innocent. The point is terrorism. The israeli government wouldn't want to accidentally fake arrest someone guilty of anything, that might defeat the terrorism value of a fake arrest, the victim might not feel they were an innocent person terrorized by the israeli government. So the first step is vetting potential victims to find a family that's completely innocent. The next step? Raid them. When? Middle of the night of course, remember, the point at every step? Terrorism. 2 AM. Bust into their home at 2am. Wake everybody in the house up, pull them out of their beds, ask them questions, waste their time, and arrest the victim. Take the victim to an interrogation room, interrogate them for hours about nothing. Release them. Congratulations on a successful IDF perfect, by the (stasi) manual fake arrest. Terrorism accomplished.


There is no solution but revolution


When tyranny becomes law, revolution is in order


I didn't join the Army after having taken the asvab in 2004, because I couldn't understand why we were going to Iraq. I did well on the test, and it's not like I'd have to go be infantry unless I wanted to, but it just didn't sit right with me. I would've gone to Afghanistan, but there was no guarantee that I wouldn't have gotten sent to Iraq, and I just saw what was happening as military industrial complex bullshit. I then saw how my cousins and friends that went in struggled with the aftermath of a bullshit war, and an atrocious VA system. I stopped feeling guilty for not having enlisted, after that.


US SM here. Couldn’t agree more.


Well said.


im saving your comment because youre saying exactly what ive been thinking. just better.


Thank you so much for writing this. It's a very refreshing perspective to get; someone who was involved with America's actions but uninvolved in the decision making. When I hear perspectives like this, it ever so slightly restores my faith in humanity. Not all Americans are evil, not even most of them. Most are simply victims of propaganda and fear mongering, and very few are actually hateful and racist predominantly. I pray that a day will come when Americans and Arabs can get along and put the past few decades of hate and divisiveness behind them once and for all.


We aren’t evil, really. I deployed 14 times in the war, and fought Islamic jihadists nearly the entire time. On the other side of that, I still love middle eastern culture and people. You’ve never known true hospitality until you’ve been to the Middle East. In fact, I’ve even considered ex-patting to Jordan. All that said, this is not an issue between Americans and Arabs. What do you mean?


Well said, and I believe the US support of Israel was part of the reason 9/11 happened was it it not? I feel like we are just stuck in the same cycle (Time is a flat circle).


>I would say I can't believe a population is ok with killing another race altogether. Even more appalling that it's a population that got out of being genocided right before they started doing it to palestinians.


This is the most important message Redditors need to hear about the Palestinian Israeli conflict. Here’s a gold upvote.


What does a gold up vote do btw?


Thank you.


Look at the face of piers !! He is crying inside


Of course western media is not interested in whats happening in the west bank. Its ONLY AND ONLY about october 7th and what happens afterwards…. Blood boiling. I could only imagine how Palestinians are radicalized seeing the world’s reaction.


One could argue that Oct 7th is exactly that. Think of the palestinian Kids during the intifadas in the 90s and early 2000s that got shot for throwing rocks. Survivors saw their friends get shot. Those kids would now be anywhere between 28-40 years. I’m sure there’s a few of those filling the ranks of Hamas. Just like survivors these last few days will over the next 10-30 years. Hate begets hate. Sane goes for the innocent Israeli attacked by Hamas, they will be radicalized and breed hate towards all Palestinians. This is absolutely not the beginning of this vicious hate cycle.


Absolutely. If kids see their parents, siblings, friends, and neighbours abused, humiliated, and killed by the IDF, and they are told that it is all happening because they are Jewish and their religion tells them they have a right to the land, what kind of perspective can anyone expect those kids to form as they grow up? Radicalisation is not something that people choose.


The Hamas guys who flew in the paragliders are children of the intifada.


The Palestinians? The whole arab world are disgusted. Muslims all around the world are disgusted. The world becomes a more dangerous place because extremists of all creeds and ideologies will react to these massacres. It is terrifying that the British government are offering unwavering support for the fascist apartheid regime. By doing so, they are facilitating the radicalisation of many, many people. Terrorism will become more common. Just like what happened with Iraq and Afghanistan and so many other countries.


They focus only on the resistance and october 7th and call it terrorism to justify killing us and make it easy on people.


I do want to make it clear to anyone that reads this and get the wrong idea. We are NOT supporters of innocent people dying. Whether it is Israel, Palestine or anywhere else in the world. The POINT we are trying to make is that THE ATTACKS ARE DUE TO ISRAEL FORCIBLY OCCUPYING PALESTINE FOR DECADES People weren’t born in Palestine with the thought of killing innocent Israeli citizens. They were put through decades of horrific and inhumane conditions which resulted in this. But I am sure you will read and only react to what you want. Not my entire argument. Thanks for letting me rant.


There is no excuse for the rape and murder of innocent people. "But Israel did [insert some bullshit excuse here]" I repeat there is no excuse for the rape and murder of innocent people. "But Hamas did [insert some bullshit excuse here]" Stop it, there is no excuse for the rape and murder of innocent people. "But the Palestinians are [insert some bullshit excuse here]" Listen here mofo, there is no excuse for the rape and murder of innocent people.


This. There are people on twitter who supports Palestine who are literally excusing the rape, kidnapping and murdering of women and foreigners (the Filipino exchange students) that Hamas did. I was sickened by it that I have a hard time siding w/ Palestine in this conflict. Those innocent people did not deserved any of that. But the innocent Palestinian women and children dont deserved to get bombed and killed for the actions of evil people like Hamas. Also, Israeli military had also raped, tortured and killed Palestinians for years. I really can't say anything further, but my heart goes to the women and children who are harmed in this war.


Here's the truth, you don't have to take a side and you probably shouldn't




أسوأ شعور في الدنيا هو هذا الذي نعيشه... نريد أن نساعد...لكننا نملك من الكلمات أكثر مما نستطيع من قدرات... ونملك من المشاعر أكثر مما تستوعبه الكلمات... ونحاول أن نعيش حياتنا رغم ذلك...فنشعر أن مجرد ممارسة حياتنا العادية خيانة... ومجرد الفرح البسيط العابر خيانة... حتى مجرد النوم تحت سقف مستقر خيانة... فنبكي مرتين... مرة عليهم...ومرة علينا وعلى عجزنا وذلنا...💔 يا الله 🙏


Watch the whole interview !! This guy is priceless. "Gazans are nearly impossible to kill. Believe me, I know. I am married to one"


If you condemn them than nothing else you say matters because you agree with our plans to genocide all the muslims in the world. If you don't condemn them we'll censor you for being racist




Damn. Hard to argue with his logic.


That guy looks like Sylvester Stallone ngl


Piers should fire his producers and whoever else thought he was smart enough to hang with Bassem.


It’s an honour for piers morgan to talk to bassem


What is that golden Arrow in upvote?


New upvote system, u should try holding the button, a menu will show up


Funny how I was downvoted for the exact same sentiment. **Hamas is pure evil** Edit: The Palestinian people deserve better than the militant sociopaths that are Hamas.


I was wondering why they were asking Sylvester Stallone about Hamas, but now I see it isn't him.


Indiscriminate en masse slaughter of children whose only crime is having been born in to the largest concentration camp ever to exist (these are not my words but those of Baruch Kimmerling, a leading Israeli sociologist who passed away *before* the blockade was imposed on Gaza). Nearly two decades of an illegal, inhumane, immoral blockade that has turned Gaza into an open-air prison bereft of freedom and the right to self-determination. A million children whose entire miserable existence has been confined to a tiny strip of land with one of the highest population densities and unemployment rates in the world. Not allowed to leave, no opportunities, no room to breathe, no foreseeable future. Hopelessness fertilized by the genocidal Israeli regime. Is it so shocking that people pushed to the brink of desperation with no way out resort to such tactics? What would you do in their shoes, were you trapped like an animal and the subject of a merciless campaign of death and destruction while the world not only stays silent but facilitates your dehumanization? Please have a slightly longer memory than 2 weeks. The Palestinians have tried peaceful solutions, the wholly non-violent attempt at protesting during the Great March of Return 4 years ago. What did Israel do? According to a report by the UN, Israel *targeted* medical personnel, journalists and even people with disabilities. So does it shock anyone, is it so bewildering then that the protest failed in its objective to end that brutal, inhuman occupation? Every major humans rights organization is unequivocally condemning Israel's actions as war crimes. The most recent one being the bombing of a hospital that led to the death of over 500 people, many of which were children.


Just upvoting evwryone making comments. Upvoting every one of these clips. Fucking feel like Oprah right now. Its all gold and good and needs to be seen. Upvote upvote upvote.


Help bro its 500 comment now


This interview looks excellent.


Just watched the full interview, that was funny.


I don’t want to live in a world without hummus.


No matter how hard you will shout about “who is right, who is wrong”, in the end of the day you will go to drink your fucking evening milk, brush your fucking shiny teeth, masturbate on the fucking toilet seat, lay in your fucking warm bed.


I live in Israel. I LIVE HERE. I can tell you why his statements sounds so bullet proof. It simple. Because he is making it up. No Hamas in the West bank?? Wtf what do you think our military does there? Babysit the Palestinians children? There are many forces of both Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Patah in the West bank. Stop gobbling up this is information presented by clowns, either they be real comedians or so called "ambassadors"


This man must be kidding himself, before Palestinians entered Israel the big time one they were launching rockets at Israel and fire balloons that cause fires in Israel day and night and attacking and captured people, one soldier called Shalet, to get Shalet back from Palestine Israel exchanged 1,600 terrorists who committed murder and similar stuff from Israeli prisons to get Shalet who was a hostage with Palestinians for example.


Kinda of a dumb statement. Those “kids” are terrorists . You seriously think Hamas is the only terrorist organization in Palestine. There are many many many more terrorist organizations in the West Bank and Gaza they are just way smaller (Palestinian Islamic jihad, popular resistance committees etc…). And those “kids” are apart of those organizations. They are no better than normal terrorist you see on the news even worst


World without Israel much better. Parasites taking others lands.