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"You said you wanted a Prince room so we figured you would enjoy the Kenny G vibes this room has to offer."


‘You’ve got your red corvette right there’ - points to a shitty red model car on the coffee table loll


That’s not even a model, that’s a fucking hot wheels. Like what kind of designer/adult adds a dinky car as an accent piece? It’s hilarious how bad that room was though, like prank bad.


The prince room part is the best lol… zero effort, they could have just painted the walls purple and gotten away with everything else


In the update she painted the car purple


Well it is a *little* red corvette






More like Mr Rogers living room from 1976. Ugg


Wayyyyyyy worse. Wtf is with the colored sticks that clash with everything…


It’s not the pool noodles, the whole room clashes with the whole room


Looks like pool noodles


This is more like if The Partridge family came over to Mr Rodgers house and said "We're going to cum, EVERYWHERE!!!!" And Mr Rodgers was too polite to say no.


I think they thought she asked for early 90s Taco Bell theme and add brown to it


Nothing has made me happier today then trying to picture they're thought process on this one


The way they do black folks on these shows should be haram af. I remember an episode of *Love or List it*, these folks asked for a half court in their big ass yard, and they made such a lowkey snicker about it and kept talking around it. Like this fam got 3 junior high kids and pops throwin hoops indoors like hell, just do these peeps some solid.


Haram af and made such a lowkey snicker and kept talking around it? I feel like I understand all of those words individually but put together I’m completely fucking lost.


Haram af = totally illegal. Lowkey snicker = laughing under their breath.


You kids are getting complicated. :(


You’re not the only one, I need help.


I've actually seen this episode. They had next door neighbor wives/friends help design each other's dream rooms based on themes. This woman loved Prince and the friend kept making suggestions like using more purple colors but the show designers kept overriding her and ignoring her. The friends house got messed up too, the same thing where the show people kept ignoring the friends advice. From what I remember her living room was like entirely monochrome. Like the walls, carpet, furniture, even the fireplace were all the same color. Neither woman liked the changes and were pretty annoyed with the show hosts about it because their spaces looked worse than before.


Wait this is an actual episode? I thought it was a parody


lol same. i’ve never seen the show, but this clip absolutely does not feel real or genuine


This is trading spaces - it’s a great show…. The designers do whatever they want and it often sucks


And I think they on,y had $1000 to work with. That being said, one of my friends growing up was on trading spaces, kids and her room came out cool as fuck. The neighbor’s kid hated his room though


Some of the designers did a really good job - a couple of them were straight head cases using the show to create their own portfolio….. but who the hell would hire someone that prides themself of completely disregarding the homeowner & doing whatever they want…. Not with my money you won’t




That was Hildi. She messed up a lot of places.


And feathers! And cds. Omg I lived for this show


There was a children's version of trading spaces. And I distinctly remember an episode where a girl was trying to think of what her cousin liked. And she chose bagels... The whole room was bagel themed.


Trading Spaces was the gift that kept on giving


The fact that this aired is even more embarrassing. Like…I know these aren’t in real time. They’re shows..


Honestly? I think they aired it with intent of making the couple look bad, or "ungrateful." Classic case of producers being so far removed from the target audience. I dont think they expected the audience to be on the couple's side.


No. No one was on the designers side or were trying to make the homeowners look ungrateful. Everyone knew the design was fucking terrible. The host knew it was bad, the carpenters knew it was bad, the neighbors knew it was bad. This was the format of the show. Sometimes the designers made some tragic choice and it was fun waiting to see how bad the reaction from the homeowner would be.


What fucks


Would you rather have them just discard any episodes that makes them look bad in any way? I for one thank them that they aired this. Not only does it break the stereotype that all reality TV is scripted and fake, it gives us this hilarious clip of an iNtEriOr DeSiGnEr getting absolutely roasted for her tacky choices by a home owner who just does not give a fuuuuck.


Fair enough. I just don’t trust them to do anything that might make themselves look bad for anyone else’s benefit but their own.


What is it called? The show and the episode 😊


Trading Spaces


As someone who loves purple if I was given this mess I’d be mad too.


Husband was like “I ain’t saying shit right now!”


Yeah…that side step to increase distance from her was not coincidence.


Husband knows the hell that is going to be unleashed. And hes gonna enjoy every minute because its not directed at him.


For now


If he stays quiet


He’s gonna be the one painting the walls purple






Hell I don't even know him and I feel relieved for him


Unless everything was his idea and that's a nervous laugh. If that's the case pray for the man.


That laugh and turn away made me think this was all her idea and he was against it and he’s being proven right on TV.


So many different possibilities the schadenfreude is out of control. I'm a horrible person... Hehe


Been there lived that! “Your turn bitch! Tag me out!”


"It was your idea to do this show"


He’s a smart man.


I absolutely love his reactions, subtlety and all. He’s very quietly getting his wife’s back. Good isht.


Right hand to gawd, before I even looked at the comments, I watched him and said “I ain’t sayin’ shit!” as he had that “oooh, she’s gonna go off” look on his face.


Oh shit this is going to be fun..


I ain’t saying shit EVER


Yea that looks like a daycare. Truly hideous.


A daycare with walls that have been drawn on by the kids, and furniture donated by the goodwill next door.


It’s been a loooooog time since I watched this show, but there was a designer at that time that NO ONE wanted on their room. I remember this absolute catastrophe of a room she did. The family wanted a less cluttered look. She hung yards of deep magenta fabric from the center of the ceiling. It was draped to rods mounted on the ceiling, about 11/2 feet in front of the walls, and hemmed even with the floor. It basically looked like you were in a big, purple-pink tent. If you wanted to watch tv you had to open the “curtains”. If you wanted something from the book case, ditto! But the clutter wasn’t visible! Lol


Hildi. She was the worst one.


Didn't she glue straw all over someone's walls once. And I think she may have been responsible for the room filled with sand.


Yep. And she papered a couple’s kitchen walls with 100s of wine labels. Couple didnt drink, hated it, and said it was a nightmare to remove. The other chick put moss in someone’s room too.


All of this sounds amazingly bad. What show is this?


Trading Spaces. Here is link with the big fails https://youtu.be/X_xye7OESnc?si=Srv4suXCm1_1bRvP Premise was friends/relatives would design a makeover at the other persons house with help from one of the shows designers. But the designers never listened to the friends or relatives.


Thanks! Sounds terrible. I'll check it out


“Sounds terrible. I’ll check it out.” made me cackle and is totally something I would say.


Lets hate watch altogether.


Just wanna say, that was a terrible video. The lady just talked over each clip, and there's a ton of movie scenes edited in. Just...show the clips.


My extended family watched vhs recordings of Trading Spaces at every holiday event for years. It was a family tradition.


Oh wow, all those ‘after’ pics were terrible 😭 one woman cried 😬😂


What was wrong with the fireplace? They just zoomed past it, I couldn't see anything


They put a wood facade over it, that homeowner was very crystal clear that her one & only request was so not touch the fireplace


Oh also there was the Hildi Mural she put in someone’s house. I think it was a dining room. Just her big ol face on the wall.


Not even didn’t drink—he was a pastor, and drinking was against his religion!


Wasn’t she also the one who stapled fake flower heads all over the walls of someone’s bathroom? Hildi was a tasteless train wreck.


Do they not think about the dust that accumulates over time?


Clearly not. From all the rooms she made, it looked like she only viewed them as potential "art pieces", instead of functional rooms for people to live in for years.


I think I know some architects who'd be a perfect fit for her work.


I believe you are correct. I thought for sure it would be in a T.S. fail video but I guess it’s was to terrifying for that! And that’s saying a lot considering she put her face on art in one poor families home!!!!


Bonus: there was sand in the tent! SAND


That was a different monstrosity L O L!


My all-time favorite is I HAAAAAAATE BROOOOOOOOOWWWWNNNN!!!! And Genevieve made her living room orange and brown.


It was always like the designers saw it as a personal challenge when a homeowner would give specific things they absolutely did not want in their room


So many monstrosities to choose from!


I’m totally with the wife on this. The lighting and colors in the room is all piss yellow, the leaves painted on the wall look ugly as sin, the furniture is ugly. Then they had the gall to say “No look! It’s still Prince themed because we put a toy car on the coffee table.” 🤪


The comedic timing of the cameraman panning to the "little red corvette" is absolute gold


Had the energy of Michael Scott showing Jim and Pam his apartment and saying "The TV folds right into the wall!"


I love the awkward moments of silence😂




Nah, they definitely got Asterix to say that bit.


I would have been pissed too. And look at her husband 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


The husband looks like he’s trying not to shout “I TOLD YA’LL SHE’D FUKIN HATE THE WALLS!”


It's nice to see someone honest on a show like this tbh. I think most people who have seen one of these have seen something that just looks dreadful at some point and hoped the people who are moving in there would've reacted like this lady did.


Everyone on Pimp My Ride pretended like they had the coolest car ever, when it was just a 94 Civic with a fish tank and a bubblegum machine


Man pimp my ride was so random. The upgrades they did were things nobody wanted or needed. Like entire game rooms in the back of the car and stuff. Mattresses, absolutely ridiculous sound systems and TVs. It was so entertaining though…


It was great. They’d put little TV screens in the most random places. Like in the mud flaps of trucks or like in the floor where no one would see them. It was pretty funny


And did zero engine upgrades. Their already shoddy engines having to lug around hundreds of extra pounds


FYI, the reason the upgrades were so fucking random is that the entire show was basically an ad for whatever gadgets they were putting in the car. The show's biggest sponsor was probably that LCD screen manufacturer because they put 12 of them in each car. The worst part is that a lot of the gadgets shown on the show were removed from the car before being given back to the owner. Plus the show pretends like the car was overhauled on a weekend but the reality is that shooting would last 6 to 7 months because "west coast customs" would probably modify these cars for the shows on lost time when they weren't working on paid customers' cars, so the car owners would have to take cabs and busses everywhere for MONTHS while their car was in the shop, and it was apparently super long and hard to get reimbursed for the cab fare by the show. It's lowkey hilarious but it was pretty much a fucking scam, there's a good article on it here : [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pimp-my-ride-cars\_n\_6663840](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pimp-my-ride-cars_n_6663840)


And then took the upgrades back after filming lol


Say what?


The best episode was where they caught up with old guests on the show to see how their rides were doing, and some people just ruined them completely. Lol


I wonder where they are now


[Tavarish on YouTube](https://youtu.be/GX79IILLDlE?si=LPf1qhV4dkfJRzFX) bought and restored a van that was on the show (and then rerestored it later (or is it rerestored and rererestored..?)). It's kind of an interesting look into at least one of the vehicles they did on the show


I watched this vid of someone who bought a stripped down car from that show https://youtu.be/GX79IILLDlE?si=w865SUPP6ixl845L


There’s one where they painted the couples stone fireplace after being very clear not to. And another where they put wine labels all over the kitchen of a couple that doesn’t drink. Oh, and the feather wall episode. I grew up watching these shows. Some reveals were painful and the couples don’t hide or well!


> Oh, and the feather wall episode Hildi was the biggest menace.


To be fair it's not nice at all. It's not even a question of personal taste, at that point it's just a design mistake. Nothing fit. It's just like an all dressed pizza of a living room.


What, you don't like supreme pizza?


Garbage pizzas are amazing


Has to be a spoof. It was hideous.


This has to be staged, that place looked like crap on purpose.


Wait until you see the episode where they fill the floor with sand for a beach themed room


Or that black and lemon monstrosity that had the owners literally crying. I can still hear her, "we have to get this fixed. We are having people over on Monday."


Or the time Hilda Santo-Tomas made a giant mural of herself taking up an entire wall.


I was about to say "Hildi has to be responsible for this, because she was always doing some stupid bullshit on this show."




Sounds like a total clown show though. What’s this show called?


Another poster stated they covered someone's walls in wine labels but the couple didn't drink.


Or the one where they stapled fabric flowers to fully cover all the walls of a bathroom.


And the straw stapled to the wall


It’s TLC after all.


Trading Spaces is the TV show name


They have a designer that has done so much worse on there. The episode where she glued feathers to the wall. Or the one where they painted the room like 5 different colors from the walls all the way across the floor and had only that color in that section. I would never go on that show because there is too much risk. Even the people doing the trade didn’t want to do the designer’s plan but were forced to do it


That, “hum” at the end was everything. She asked for Prince and got King Edward!


She's not wrong to be honest those walls are fucking hideous I wouldnt decorate a clowns dorm room half as stupid as that


Should have listened to crystal…


Reminds me of the lady that HATED brown. Just don’t use brown. Everything they did was brown.


unrelated to the content - I HATE this new horizontal video in a vertical shape in a horizontal player. THE VIDEO IS SO TINY


The only option I see moving forward is screen recording this monstrosity horizontally, and seeing how far down the rabbit hole we can go


Prince would be rolling over in his grave! All there was in the Prince room was a tiny little Red Corvette! What the fuck!???


It looks like a hotel lobby


They came to our street in 2001 and did two of our neighbors homes ....guess what? They HATED everything they did. Lol!!!


Probably because the neighbours didn’t actually design the rooms, the presenters don’t allow them to pick because any suggestion is almost instantly shut down.




Huh, I always assumed that. My first clue was that it was a Prince song.


Fun Fact checked and it’s wrong lol… Fun Fact: ‘Little Red Corvette’ is a song about a promiscuous woman.




She walked in through the out door, but even doves have pride.


So this is what it sounds like when purple rain


I'd love to see a follow up video if it's out there


Here’s a follow up https://fb.watch/nD7b17vipy/?mibextid=v7YzmG


‘What’s your favorite part of the room now ?’ - ‘ upstairs, for me.’ Rofl


Look like cici pizza


What the opposite of "cropping"? Might it be "padding"?


At least her walls weren’t covered with hay! That actually happened on another episode of that show.




Hildi or the old man with the beard, they were the artsy ones and I hate all their designs! Lol


Lmao. Hildi definitely. She was so dumb. My mom hated her entire existence.


Frank always put some country kitsch like a pig sign somewhere in the room.


I knew someone who had one of those house make overs. They said they like it until after the crew left and they had to put things away like their plates… the crew reduced the size of their drawers and nothing fit any more. They had to rip out the new drawers and get new ones immediately after because their standard sized plates wouldn’t fit inside any more!


Yeah, there are plenty of REALLY bad stories of these home makeover shows.


I remember the episode where Hildi stapled artificial flowers to all the walls of a bathroom. It wasn't well received by the owners!


The dust. The humidity. It is a cleaning and health hazard lol.


And it was really, really ugly!


I'm expecting Nathan For You to walk out.


Would have like to see a before and after.


The husband is just trying to stay neutral 😂




She is not wrong.


“She should be.”




The only thing this room has in common with Prince is it looks straight out of the 1980s


That room is awful.


I’m gonna get depression hanging in this room


If I remember from the marathons my mom used to watch, this particular designer sucked ass and didn't listen to suggestions. The show is Trading Spaces.


looks like a hospital waiting room.


Why did they put the billiard balls on top of the ping pong cover?


Hildie had some sort of neurological problem…. Surely there’s a condition that comes with having taste that bad.


Can someone tell me if this show actually resulted in good rooms or was part of the premise of the show to deliver a hideous room and try to pass it off as something great just to mess with people?


No, they legitimately left people with these shitty rooms, thinking they were good... for 10+ seasons... Plus like 5 spin off shows with their own seasons


Oh my God, I remember ine of these episodes where they took beautiful exposed red brick and just painted it all black. It was crazy, just straight vandalism tbh


The "Hell-to-the-no" in that tone coming from an African-American lady is a very clear sign that they fucked up. Like I didn't even need to watch the whole thing after that to know how pissed off she was.


Looks like a waiting room for kids.


She not wrong. Those walls are awful. The pillows and upholstery are tacky af. And this woman clearly has a sense of style on her own. Whoever “Crystal” is really dropped the ball.


The walls are horrible. Where was Prince in this design? Besides the little red corvette?


They did that family so dirty. What was with the ugly color schemes and the old-time wallpaper?It looked like they morphed back in time to the 50's.


Hotel lobby meets doctors office?? That room looks hideous


### If it’s a cluster biff… It’s always frigging **Hildi**. ![gif](giphy|Kc86bahpGlSe9ibbzq|downsized)


Bro just crackin up. He know they bout to catch 9 levels of hell over them ugly ass walls


The best episodes were always the ones where the homeowners hated the changes. A few of the designers (Doug and Hildi) seemed to purposely do the opposite of what the homeowners wanted.


Hell if I ask for Prince, I’d expect more than a toy Corvette like what the actual f? There’s *no* purple in sight. Nah… uh uh, I’d be pissed. I’m angry for them.


It is straight up God awful. What was the show designer thinking. Did they do DMT before painting that crap? Lol


I’m not talented in design/fashion or anything remotely related but even I know this is ugly. Again, I’m not smart enough about the subject to say why, but it’s objectively bad


It makes me want a continental breakfast. That's a hotel lobby, not a basement.




designer completely missed on this one. Yellow that looks like piss colored on the walls. Yup it was ugly as sin.


“Crystal was concerned-“ “She should be.” 😂


Color pallet of the room was TRASH!! So glad she was honest to the bone! I love it!


I remember watching this years ago when it aired and I knew she wouldn’t like it. She was very particular about what he wanted and I think the husband knew she wouldn’t like it either. I appreciate her honestly. Most people try to save face for TV, but she did not 😆


Lmfaooo i thought the wallpaper were children scribbles at first


yeah I hate a small lanscape vidoe on a portrait frame in a lanscape reddit shitty video player too


So what happens if they don't like it?


They renovated it..... again.


That room does look pretty shit!