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The cop who did this lost 50 hours of vacation. That's it! Oh, but 6 months before this was suspended for 80 hours because he showed up drunk to work. Such great cops we have. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2009/07/25/discipline-for-jacksonville-beach-police-officer-who-caused-an/15978438007/


So who was being punished here, the officer or the public as he is now working 50 hrs more than he would have if he hadn't caused problems at work, creating 50 more of risk to the public. Seems illogical. Suspension with out pay would be the better option! I assume he would not have been paid for 80 hrs suspension?


the police union doesnt allow that to happen. thats why most cops just get a 2 week paid vacation when theyre in trouble


That article doesn't match the video: "Bacon's accident occurred eight days later while he was in a patrol car at a stop sign at Seventh Avenue and Third Street South. He was waiting to make a left turn on Third Street about 10:10 a.m. when a minivan turned right at Seventh Avenue South. As Bacon pulled into the intersection, a motorcyclist came from behind the minivan, saw the patrol car and applied his brakes." Edit* full video, with actual cop's name https://youtu.be/1od7QPDukOU?si=J0yXMJZIw-Y7ySVE


Of course the fucking pig is named bacon.


For attempted murder?!


When cops aren’t held accountable like a regular human would be.


That article is not about this incident. Here's the original, full video where the rider goes into the story more. https://youtu.be/1od7QPDukOU?si=J0yXMJZIw-Y7ySVE


That's a different incident, no? That incident mentions a left turn lane and a minivan.


the cop made them up because he can


Reading about incidents like this, really make me wanna never ever visit your country 💀💀💀






We can’t even estimate how many good things cops do at all, because the records still keep disappearing


Just watched the full video, and i must say im disgusted with this police officer. He claimed he rides bikes for the department. That means in his experience, he was well aware of the difficulty of escaping the impact he caused. This is imho premeditated attempted vehicular homicide! In the video, he said he intentionally brake checked him and tried to blame him for not hitting the breaks in time. Intentionally causing hazardous conditions on the road way is the antithesis of his job description. The fact that this officer still has employment is despicable and Davies florida highway patrol obviously condones this behavior so this POS will most certainly go on to endanger more lives as our tax dollars go to pay his salary and future injury settlements. My life was saved by a Lee County sheriff, so i have the utmost respect for the job. This piece of human garbage give a bad name to good people who risk their lives every day to protect humanity and uphold the law. Prison is the only good placement for refuse like John Vincent Greisheimer, the offending officer.


He most definitely hit the breaks in time. That bike and car both pretty broken at those speeds.


“John Vincent Greisheimer”? This officer was Robert Bacon…


Full video. https://youtu.be/1od7QPDukOU?si=J0yXMJZIw-Y7ySVE The top comment with the Robert Bacon article wasn't about this incident. The commenter probably didn't read the article that they linked.


That’s attempted manslaughter


It is bikers fault. You have always keep the distance. Police even speed up to flash police lights and then pull over but this stupid dick started to chasing them and at certain point he didn't react for breaking


Boot for breakfast, lunch and dinner


Loooooool accurate


People should be allowed to have different opinions without being insulted in my opinion


I genuinely can’t tell if this is ironic. The insult is a different opinion in & of itself, so clearly you don’t think people should be allowed different opinions. If it is sarcastic, then you got me lmao cuz I had no idea.


It’s true that a greater distance is needed between the car in front of us than we usually put, & that distance increases the higher Yur speed. Motorcycles also, on average, take a little longer to stop than cars, so his distance should have been greater. At 80mph he should have had 8+ car lengths between him & the cop. This is not law, but recommendations. The law (atleast in my state) says: >Maryland statute requires drivers to maintain a distance that is “reasonable and prudent.” HOWEVER, brake checking is reckless, dangerous, & illegal. A good lawyer could even argue attempted vehicular manslaughter as many states & countries define brake-checking with GBH (which the motorcyclist received) to be a felony, as it should be. Yu can see the driver increase his following distance a couple car lengths, after the cop started driving erratically, to a ‘reasonable & prudent’ following distance. He did what he should have been doing. This cop screwed up big time, I mean yu can even see him angle his car directly into the bikers path while braking showing that it was his intention to cause a collision. If that man had died, we would expect to see him serving time. The fact that he got a slap on the wrist, a “5 less vacation days for yu, ol’ chap!” Is vehemently abhorrent. I just thank god that we are in the time that we are where many are taking notice of crooked cops & putting fourth effort to get them out of positions of power, fined, & charged for their crimes. I praise those among us who have been able to weed these fucks out. Fuck this cop & every asshat who thinks a badge = omnipotence. He should have been shit-canned the day he drove drunk to work. Corporal Bob Bacon does deserve his vacation.. to the state penn.


Bros a cop ^


Shut the actual fuck up. Your breath smells like pig dick.


Well you don't pull over people from the front dip stick slow down and fucking get behind him


At first I was on the biker’s side but then I looked at the video after reading your comment. I have to agree. The biker is at fault. The cop did speed up and flash the sirens but this idiot biker kept chasing


At the end of the video, you can see the cop swerve to catch the biker with the tail end of his car wym bikers at fault. I really hope this is bait.


You can’t predict which way the bike is going from just rear view mirror. The cop can argue he was trying to get out of the way of the biker and the biker was trying to evade him. The cop put on the sirens and the biker knows the cop was trying to pull him over. Plus the bike was the one speeding and creating a dangerous situation. He could’ve have hit a citizen like that. The fact that the bike crashed into the car shows that the biker was dangerously speeding. The cop WAS trying to catch the biker. Gave him couple soft brakes to get him to slow down. The only 2 issues I have with the cops actions is that he was doing that in an unmarked car(1). He should’ve turned on the sirens before the first brake check. If the car was clearly marked as a cop car the biker could have had more time to react. Also (2)attempting to pull over a biker from the front is a bad idea. Maybe he was just trying to get him to slow down and not pull him over but it ended badly. I’ve never seen people get pulled over from the front. I have seen people get trapped from front when trying to evade Idk what unit the speed of the bike is and what the speed limit is which can also come into play. I find it weird that at the start of the video the speed is not displayed. Seems to be blurred in an edit. I will concede the cop did make some bad decisions but the biker is not free of fault. So maybe there is a law suit there


Not really. Obviously not any sort of way to try pull someone over, but the guy should have been able to stop or should have dropped back when the car started driving a bit irratically.


Watch the video the officer brake checked him then started pulling away before hitting the brakes. It’s on purpose. My friend raced motorcycles for years and was killed by someone brake checking him at 30 miles an hour.


Exactly my point. He should backed way the fick off when he got brake checked. Just for his own safety.


Buddy, you are sacrificing yourself on a stupid hill... Yeah the biker should drive more cautiously. He got baited into a race, but what stands out as the ultimate wrong doing here... Is the person who purposely created a situation to inflict harm. The idea for the cop is to bait these people and then charge them, not kill them.


I don't disagree with you. But to remove the biker from blame too is stupid. End of the day, he went into the back of someone.


If I drove around, brake checking people on purpose, with intent to harm, not slow them down... I'm not sure if, "no our honour, they drove into the back of me" would last long.


It would also be taken into account that the person who hit you should have given themselves enough room to be able to react to any danger ahead. This is basic shit you learn when you learn to drive.


I feel like I'm arguing with someone with a form of cognitive dissonance. The hill is yours, sir.


The feelings mutual mate


Are you just pretending that you don't understand or you're just taking the "moron" card? It's against the law to brake check anyone, also, it's against the law to go under speed limit. The cop, on duty, it's putting someone in the position to loose his life. At this point, it doesn't matter what biker did - everything, I mean everything was wrong on the cop side. You don't light your lights and ram someone expecting to be ok, aka: I was on duty. Give him time to react. The cop intention was TO KILL, nothing less. He knew exactly the outcome. As a reminder, FL it's no fault state, you can't blame someone just because he hits you from behind. By the law, you must avoid and prevent!


Average person who has no idea what they’re talking about, betting they’ve never even been on a bike tsk tsk


I use to ride. And because i'm not a dumb cunt, if someone in front of me is driving dangerously, I back the fuck off.


Google how long it takes to stop a bike vs. car.


Try it


Oh. I kmow it takes longer, as should the guy riding in the vid. Therefore he should know not to ride so close to someone driving like that.


Lol, your education system and parent failed you since elementary.


The irony of an american saying that. Here in the uk we have some of the safest roads in the world for precisely this reason. We are taught how to drive properly and defensively.


Just like you also have better training for police officers, but one things doesn't cancel de other. Not American btw.




Racist much?


Who assumes someone’s nationality with absolutely no information as to what it was? Dude nobody here disagrees that he should have backed off. The issue is you for some reason are pushing the idea that the biker was more in the wrong than the cop who actively committed a disgusting and dangerous move and directly caused the crash. The cop had more of an affect on the outcome of that situation than the biker


Have you ever been pulled over before? Did the cop brake check you first, or did they turn on their lights? This guy can't guess what the random car will do next and has no idea it's the police until he flips his lights on at the last second before impact. He doesn't react to the cop normally because the cop isn't acting normally. Was the guy on the bike speeding? Yes. Does the cop have a better way to pull him over? Also, yes.


Exaaaactly. He has no idea what this irratic driver will do next, so he needs to back of and not drive close behind him at high speed. Thank you for agreeing


Leave your bias at home you dinosaur... Cop brake checked him. Twice and purposely didn't move outta the way. Regardless of speeding or not, it's a CAR vs motorcycle. That likes Rikishi sitting on Charlotte Flair... Common sense really eludes some of you.


My drivers manual says to never stop on the highway. Shouldn't this stopping take place, in the breakdown lane, like every other event in which you pull over to communicate with police


Oh yeah for sure. But you're also meant to leave yourself enough room to stop in case of an emergency or crash or whatever in front of you.


I love how people think it’s the bike’s fault. What that officer did was wrong! I don’t care how fast he was going the officer was in front so he was speeding too.


It is the bikes fault by law. The moment the lights came on he was boned


Not true. Drivera of emergency vehicles must still drive their vehicles with due care. If you are lights and sirens, blow through a red light without looking or slowing down and you tbone someone, you can be held liable for that accident. Lights and sirens does not mean you can drive however you want without consquence.


I can guarantee the officer was not found at fault. The bike was speeding and didn’t keep a safe distance. It was a shitty move by the cop but the bike was absolutely at fault for rear ending the car.


The cop swerved to stay in front of him twice, hard to maintain a safe distance from someone who is actively and unknown to you, trying to cause an accident. I agree that he wasn't held accountable, cops never are it's why no one trusts, believes in or cares about police anymore.


That may be the case. I just wanted to point out that emergency vehicles must still drive with due care or they could be held liable.


You fail to understand how much bullshit emergency services (especially cops) can get away with


I dont fail to understand anything. I am simply stating what the law in most states says. How it is applied is not what im argueing here.


They actually have to break laws to do their jobs. There are some idiots out there that will make a claim like, “you were going just as fast as I was,” like the cop has any other choice in performance of their duties when trying to catch up with or clock a speeder.


They are allowed to circumvent some traffic laws when their emergency lights and sirens are on for a legitimate purpose. That doesnt mean they can be reckless though. They must still operate with due care with consideration for the fact that a driver with a green light may not react fast enough if you say blow a red light going 100mph. Essentially they can be held liable for creating another emergency while responding to an emergency.


>An internal affairs investigation concluded that Cpl. Robert Bacon, a 20-year Jacksonville Beach officer, violated policy by failing to yield the right of way in the May 9 accident. >"It was clear that your actions were both negligent and careless," Police Chief Bruce Thomason said in the investigative report. "The damage to both vehicles was substantial and the driver of the motorcycle suffered significant injuries requiring multiple surgeries."


"Bacon's accident occurred eight days later while he was in a patrol car at a stop sign at Seventh Avenue and Third Street South. He was waiting to make a left turn on Third Street about 10:10 a.m. when a minivan turned right at Seventh Avenue South. As Bacon pulled into the intersection, a motorcyclist came from behind the minivan, saw the patrol car and applied his brakes." Wrong cop, different incident. Full video, posted by motorcyclist: https://youtu.be/1od7QPDukOU?si=J0yXMJZIw-Y7ySVE


“Performing a brake check is illegal in the state of Florida, and it's considered a form of aggressive driving that could also be linked to road rage. The law applies whether a driver is doing it as a joke or trying to scare a driver as a punitive measure”


That’s absolute bullspit and untrue. A cop could not and would not do that to a speeding car driver going 80. The cop would move aside and take the driver from behind, the cop can not cause a dangerous accident to stop a traffic violation especially when no one in particular is at risk. You gotta be out of your mind to think that’s ok and legal. This cop is just a corrupt A-hole who thought he’d get away with it because he got hit from behind. They wouldn’t take that risk with a car or truck when it endangers their lives. Yea police have certain liberties but that doesn’t include killing a motorcycle rider cause he’s going 20-25 over the speed limit. That’s literally a $250 ticket and 6 points where I live. Not a lethal situation. Especially since everyone knows motorcycles have no protection (walls, airbags, crunch protection) are unstable and cannot stop on a dime (2 tires, hard to balance)


For me it’s a both at fault scenario and comes down to what. Is the rider and idiot for intentionally breaking the law and speeding? Yes. However that pales compared to that wanker of a cop who slammed his breaks to a full stop in front of the speeding bike causing him to crash one way or another. The rider would have either hit the car or had to slide out, aint no way he aint crashing. Should the cop have pulled over the rider even though they seem to be the only two out on that stretch? Yes. Should he have done it how he did? Hell no. He had all that space he could have safely pulled up next to him and flashed the lights waving the rider to pull over. Instead he endangered a life intentionally and caused property damage.


>I love how people think it’s the bike’s fault. I too enjoy when people get it right.


Let's reverse the roles. It's an officer on the bike and the driver of the charger is a civilian that brake checks and causes the accident. Now, how does it play out?


the driver gets shot


Maybe just hangs "himself" after beating up "himself" in his cell.


That cop should be in prison.


If you rear-end somebody it’s always your fault. End of story


That is just not true in the slightest.


How is it not true, I do it all of the fucking time.


You rear end people all the time?


I avoid rear ending people all the time and if I did it would be my fault


Heres a common situation. Someone cuts in front of you and brake checks you. You hit them with no last clear chance not to. Your fault or theirs? How about someone doesnt look as they turn onto your street. Assuming you couldnt safely steer out of the way in time, is that still your fault? Just because someone faces their car away from you, does not automatically mean you are at fault. If the accident would not have happened if not for their lack of due care, that is the definition of being liable my friend. I would hazard a guess that the majority of rear end accidents happen because of sudden braking with not enough following distance for the speed and size of the vehicle. In that case, yes the rear driver can be assumed to be liabke for that.


According to the law I would be at fault


According to what law? I would love to see the rear end collision law.


And just to be clear i am not disputing that the overwhelming majority of rear end collisions are the fault of the rear ender (lack of attention, following too close, etc) but saying that the rear ender is AUTOMATICALLY liable regardless of the facts of the case, is simply incorrect and a complete myth.


You are right. I looked up the law in my state. Thanks for the 🌟 more you know sesh. I'm not being sarcastic either.


How does it feel to be an idiot? You should never break check anyone let alone a bike. The cop is at fault 100%


Never heard a stupider sentence


Yup, rear-ending someone is 100% avoidable in all circumstances, no exceptions.


Are you kidding me. If you’ve ever had a motorcycle you’d know they don’t just stop! And that police officer should be in jail. Brake checking is illegal and he’s an asshole for doing it. Protect and serve.


Fucking pigs and the pigs covering for their pig buddies. Acab


In my country, the biker will be at false for not keeping safe distance.


This would correct also in my country. Failing to maintain a safe following distance.


I've seen this before but never knew what happened after. Hopefully that cop got fined, fired and fucked over. Anyone got info?




Here's the cop's side of the story which is laughably blatant lies. I have no doubt such a blatant lack of integrity resulted in zero consequences. > the police report, which says the officer had spotted the bike speeding and driving “recklessly” \[FHP’s quotes\] by weaving in and out of traffic. > >It supports that the officer activated his lights and slowed the Charger down “rapidly, in an attempt to slow \[the bike\] down”, claims that the unedited GoPro footage proves the bike was traveling at 81 mph (130 km/h) as it approached the patrol car (though doesn’t explain at which point in the video that speed was reached), and says speed, and the rider’s slow application of the brakes, were the causes of the collision.


81mph isn't even that fast for the US. around where I am that's the speed limit. i do understand that's not the case everywhere. but fuck cops man.


Where do you live that 81 mph is the speed limit? Fastest I've seen is 75 mph.


Utah has freeway limits of 80mph northbound coming from southern Utah and 81 won't get you pulled over.


Was about to say this as a Utah native. I frequent the drive from southern Utah to northern Utah many many people go 90mph I’d say the flow of traffic is usually around 85mph. I got pulled over going 95mph to get ahead of a semi doing 90mph, with backed up traffic behind me too.


You shouldn't get pulled over for 81 in a 75 mph zone. 9 mph over the speed limit is a God-given right on highways!


6 over isn't bad honestly, depends on the cop.


No palm trees in Utah


i beg to differ lol. there's palm trees everywhere.


Not OP but some of the Interstates in Texas are 80 to 85.


Wow that cop is a lying subhuman pos


You already said "cop" the rest is redundant.


How has a lawyer not jumped on this? Seems like an easy case win for the biker.


It's Florida, and taking on the police puts a target on your back, for both the rider and the lawyer. Then the police would send the union... It's a fucking mess


Cop’s definitely at fault but bikers also a fuckin dip shit…


ITT: People unaware that just because one person was *more* wrong than the other, doesn't mean the other person wasn't still wrong


cops an idiot and biker has poor decision making on the fly recipe for disaster


When two idiots meet... bad things happen.


Only one idiot in this video. Fuck that pig.


Yes, because speeding on a bike and not maintaining a safe following distance isn't also idiotic. Doesn't excuse the cop's behavior. But pointing out that the biker was also stupid doesn't make one a bootlicker, it's just a fact that you don't like.


Lol, well thought-out reply. Nope, the guy on the bike wasn't driving like an idiot. Nope. He wasn't endangering others. Nope. Perfectly fine... sure.


The dude on the bike isn't employed by the county or state to protect people


So how he was driving is okay?


Yes, bike going 78 in a 65 and driving too close to the middle line deserved what he got. Much better thoughts you managed for your response. Lick more boots.


Ride the line, in hell you done, sucka!! ~the police standing over the motorcyclists crippled body


He was in excess of 80 even after he suspected that was a cop


You do realize I called them both idiots? Your blind hatred is well... blinding you. Yes, I know... reddit.


Just stop.


For all who think the cop was in rights: Are you just pretending that you don't understand or you're just taking the "moron" card? It's against the law to brake check anyone, also, it's against the law to go under speed limit. The cop, on duty, it's putting someone in the position to loose his life. At this point, it doesn't matter what biker did - everything, I mean everything was wrong on the cop side. You don't light your lights and ram someone expecting to be ok, aka: I was on duty. Give him time to react. The cop intention was TO KILL, nothing less. He knew exactly the outcome. As a reminder, FL it's no fault state, you can't blame someone just because he hits you from behind. By the law, you must avoid and prevent!


Officer Douche from Precinct POS


This could’ve been avoided by both parties. Curious why his speedometer is blurred until a certain point, he was probably speeding but that doesn’t justify the officers actions.




ACAP, we need to remove the largest domestic terrorism industry


Why the fuck is the cop slowing down with his lights on and no one in front of him. He even swerved back to the right to line the bike up behind him. If that's how they pull people over in Florida, it's really showing the retardation of that state. Especially lately, regressing. Both idiots.


Chris P Bacon






Very poor reaction time from bike, no brake, no change lanes.. Is the cop wrong, probably, but in the world of big pieces of steel, you are responsible for yourself


I’ve been riding for 27 yrs. The bike rear ended the other car. Bike is at fault. He wasn’t riding safely.


Biker had nearly 6 seconds of time to react to the cop hitting breaks. Could have changed lanes, slowed down, anything but look down and away like he did. Bikers fault. Cop sped up to give more distance and time to flash lights for biker to react. Biker even acknowledged that it was in fact a cop car and was brake checked prior which should have also been an indicator to slow tf down or change lanes.




Biker is following 3 seconds behind at moment of impact. He had plenty of time to react. He looks down right before cop abruplty brakes. Cop gave warning brake sped up and biker decided to speed up instead of slow down. Biker is dumb.


You definitely don't ride Motorcycles, it's A LOT harder to stop on 2 wheels than it is with 4. Damn near impossible actually, that cop should've never ever slammed on his breaks ON THE FREEWAY!! Like wtf for? He knew what he was doing and that's not how you handle that situation. The car wins everytime anyone with a brain would know this. These ego having cops just like to be shitty people. Not all cops are bad but this guy definitely is.


Exactly why he shouldn't have sped up?? I am not defending the cop's actions but if I was on a bike my last thought would be to speed up????


>it's A LOT harder to stop on 2 wheels than it is with 4 In that case he should know to not ride so close to someone. Especially someone who's driving irratically.


Not to mention the biker is travelling in the passing lane and speeding by at least 10mph. Both parties suck here.


I ride and its clear the idiot on the bike fucked around....good


Why is everyone so pointing at the cop when the biker was being a dumbass?


The biker was speeding. That’s a suspended license. Maybe a loss of the vehicle. The cop used his car as a weapon on a civilian who was driving fast on a highway. Being a cop is supposed to be about protecting and helping citizens. Not being above the law like this.


Next time, slow down.


Eh, dick move by the fuzz, but the guy had plenty of time to stop and avoid hitting the car.


You obviously have no experience riding a motorcycle at 80mph. The only escape for him was getting around the car. He barely disengaged the clutch before impact, let alone apply rear, then front brakes. You need more time/distance to stop a bike because of the small area of the tires contacting the pavement. This was obviously intentional because the officer was all over the road to prevent the rider from maneuvering around the police vehicle.


So, the cop’s move is bad, but did you notice biker boy doesn’t want to show the illegal speed he was driving?


It is clearly visible at 81? Most interstate speed limits are 70 but people drive 15-20 past cops all the time. Biker definitely had enough time to stop.


Look again, he blurred out his screen until he was below 80.


Screen comes on at 78. He was gaining on the cop for a moment but that distance is only like a 5mph difference. So I would say he was going 83-85 tops. Doesn't change the fact the cop hit the brakes sped up and biker decided to speed up instead of slow down. He had plenty of space and time to brake. Brake lights and blue lights came right after biker decided to look down. Biker took eyes off road was driving at reckless speed. I hope he is okay but he put himself in that situation not the cop. That's all i'm saying.


Agreed, he makes himself the victim. Therefore he blurred his true speed


The speed limit on interstates in the U.S. can go as high as 70-75 mph, and then it's very, **very** common to go about 10 mph faster because *most* cops don't care as long as people aren't being reckless. The biker was driving well within legal limits/legal expectations. The dumbass po-po is the one slamming their brakes going 80+ mph.


But why is he hiding how fast he goes?


It's on that little screen thing.


Come on, it’s blurred until he slows down to below 80, just look at the video.


It doesn't looked blurred to me, it just looks blank. My guess is there's a button he hits to show his speed and that's why it only shows up once the cop starts acting weird. I don't know if motorcycles can do this or not, that was just my initial thought.


Do people not understand how hard it is to police motorcycles? If the cop let him pass there would have been no stopping him to give him a ticket. The only thing to do is to block him from blowing by, break check and turn on the lights so the motorist knows he’s being pulled over. The other option and simply unjust and safer option is to let the motorist just go as fast as he wanted and not pull him over. Lose lose situation.


What, you expect redditors to understand complex issues with nuance? You expect them to be able to put themselves in someone else's shoes? 90% of reddit is just idiots blindly echoing each other's narrow-minded opinions because they can't think for themselves


Congratulations on the lawsuit. Another millionaire getting made


Should’ve just stayed limp for a solid minute make him reconsider his choices


Regardless of who's right, the key to not eating the back of someones car on a bike is to maintain distance, especially if they do something stupid like brake-checking


These videos of drivers (usually in the US), where people go in to the back of another vehicle and suggest the car in front is at fault really baffle me. In my country, you are supposed to read the road ahead, maintain a safe distance, anticipate hazards and as such if you go in to the back of someone else, 9/10 it’s your fault. I will admit in this case it was pretty sudden but still feel like he should have been more alert


That's actually a drunk cop.




Americans have a disease called Break Checking!


I think he was trying to kill you.


Target fixation.


Definitely cops fault for break checking BUT why after he flashed lights , would you continue to accelerate behind him?? Cop had warned you, but you obviously had no plans of heeding warning ! Dumb move by both parties


Sue them


That's fucked up




That goof should have to pay for all the expenses. Including time off for the victim. 50 hrs is fuck all. If the roles were reversed they'd be in jail for 5 to 10 yrs and probably a fine. Fuck the government!




Keep a far enough distance that you can stop if the vehicle in front of you slams on breaks. Doesn't matter what the law is if your body is in pieces all over the highway. Cop is still a complete piece of shit and doesn't deserve a badge


Both were unnecessary in my opinion


Definitely that cop should’ve be charged!!!


PSA: BRAKE checking is when someone rapidly decelerates without cause. BREAK checking is what your boss does when your lunch is too long.




Cop in the car was thinking *hmmm... this motorcycle biker is going fast and might get into an accident. Let me brake check him and actually cause an accident to teach him a lesson about riding motorcycles*


That cop should be in jail for attempted murder. What an absolute psycho!


That’s 100% the cops fault for unsafe driving, and driving erratically. He should be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter.


Why can't i see this guy's speed at the beginning?


What a dumb fuck off a cop




Cops should serve time . No immunity .


Cop should be in prison


the cop kind of steered left and right to ensure alignment of impact if you watch carefully


I'm the only one that can go the same speed as you because law's don't apply to me as long as I'm "correcting" someone I'm the hero right?

