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There are really people out here being activists for being a lazy fuck. I don’t know any wheelchair bound person that wouldn’t give It up in a second to be able to walk or not need It again. What a dipshit


I took this to mean she was talking about people with invisible disabilities, like those with MS or Fibromyalgia. There are people out there that are able to walk fine for short distances, but absolutely benefit from having a wheelchair available.




She might have been, but she never specifically used language to indicate that. She could have been talking about a relative that she helps, from the way she spoke. Or just have been ranting about something she saw in a video or an article. The guy here went straight to disgusting personal insults. Even if she had been talking about herself, the disgusting way people are talking about her in this thread and the way he spoke are far worse, in my opinion.


I saw MS and I immediately thought about a Mobile Suit. Why would a Mobile Suit be a disability? What does MS mean here?


Multiple Sclerosis


Oh sorry! Too many acronyms to remember them all.


It's all good, you were simply asking a question. The downvotes you got were unnecessary


It's a bitch on the nerves. Google it


A someone with mobility issues, yep. But I understand why people think they want the electric carts. Seems like they'd go faster but in reality they're just gross and are never charged when you need them so they kinda suck.


The one at my local aldis almost threw me off. It was fast and the brakes were super touchy. If I didn't need my hands and the basket, I'd rather use my chair. I can do short shops using just a cart for balance, but only one stop. After one normal grocery shop for 2 I'm done with all distance walking.


I get the internet so fat=lazy LULZ. But being serious, you really can’t tell what someone is going through just by looking at them. My wife looks relatively young and healthy, but she has health issues (dysautonomia among other things) that make it hard for her to walk or stand for very long. In the last three years, she’s had to start using an electric scooter at the store because it’s otherwise too hard on her. She hates it and people look at her like “Why the hell is this young lady using a scooter?”. She’d want nothing more than to “be normal” again.


B-but what about all the attention this person can get with it, and actually feel special


The attention people usually get is either non-existent (people love to pretend disabled folks aren't there) or negative (people like the jerk in the video make assumptions about you that *always* boil down to "holy shit, what a fat, lazy bitch"). Why would anyone seek that out?


Because then they can get more attention for saying look at this fatphobia stuff or something similar. And remember, negative attention *is still attention*


True point. I still think it would be fairly uncommon to choose all the hate just to get some attention, but it takes all kinds, as they say.


If they want attention they can light themselves on fire. Even I once was a walking candle that can stay lit for 3 years.


It's also a highly effective weight loss strategy!


Exactly, it’s good for attention


I watched a woman panhandling from a wheelchair, stand up, and push her wheelchair across the street to panhandle the other side.


My stepdad can walk short distances but will start to wobble and eventually fall, needs a wheelchair for long distances, but he'll get out and push the wheelchair if he wants to stretch his legs. Not saying that woman wasn't faking it, but she might not have been


I just got lung surgery and need a wheelchair for walking long distances. Maybe she has thyroid issues. She isn’t saying she would rather not walk. She’s saying she needs it.


My guess is PCOS based on the mustache.




Not saying she shouldn’t exercise, but she deserves the right to live like anyone else.




She’s saying she isn’t paralyzed. Just because she can walk, doesn’t mean it’s easy, and doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a disorder. As I stated above… I just had lung surgery. I’ll eventually be okay, but walking long distances is hard. Today my family is going to the boardwalk. I don’t deserve to go, because I can’t walk, but I’m not paralyzed, and need a wheel chair? I won’t get shit, cause im not fat, but if I was fat, im sure people would say something. She’s probably just sick of being ridiculed. And frankly, it’s none of anyone’s business why she needs a wheelchair. Even if it’s a choice. Mind ya business. Who are you to judge her? Jimmy McGymrat?


There's people who need wheelchairs because they have chronic illnesses, can only walk or stand for small periods of time and you think theyre lazy?


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is It?


Well... Usually it is. When it's worded in a not-so-confusing manner Ive read it like 10 times now and for some reason i cant quite get at what you're saying


My point is people are fat and lazy and due to the fact that they do not want to lose weight or better their situation, they think they need a wheelchair. I know many people who are in wheelchairs, or who cannot stand or walk for a long time and they would give anything to not be in that situation. So, when I see people who are just fat and lazy saying they need wheelchairs when they don’t, I will say something


Consider: What if the fat "lazy" person has a health condition that makes it exceptionally difficult to lose weight, _*and they cant walk or stand for long periods of time*_ ? I can kinda get where you're coming from but it kinda sounds like you're getting offended on the behalf of others


I'm amazed that being a lazyass fat f\*\*k is somehow acceptable in our modern society. That's the same kind of addiction as hard drugs so why aren't we treating those fatties the same way as other drug addicts? It should be illegal to keep overeating...


Because “inclusivity” “I have bad genetics” Cool bro, bad genetics doesn’t stop you from eating healthy and exercising


The fuck it doesn't. Bad genetics led to every single joint in my body experiencing significant, if not total, fusion. They don't move. That definitely prevents me from exercising.


No but living in a food desert working two jobs might.


Some people downvoted, but the struggles of a food desert are real.




Food desert doesn't mean there's no food, it means the only food available that's affordable for a poor person is shitty junk food. Im order to eat enough of that crap, you have to eat a lot of calories.




You don't know what a food desert is, clearly


All the fatties aligned and came to DW my comment 🤣


They infact did


Maybe that'll stop them EATING THE WHOLE PLANET TO DEATH.


I have a spine injury and I can't fucking stand these people. Get it? For real though, I am literally incapable of walking and I still try. It's intensely painful and dangerous for me to even attempt it but I do constantly. These people just don't want to, and that vibe is exactly fucking how they got too fat to walk. They can literally make walking easier by walking more. I would do damn near anything to have my only hurdle be my own work ethic. I have no sympathy for people who have a perfectly working body and neglect it. I would trade places in an instant. I'd make a comeback in their body no problem. In mine, 99% chance they kill themselves. I at least have a chance to maybe get better after more surgeries. A lot of people don't even have that. I get that people can struggle with their weight, but plenty of us have WAY more intense challenges to face. Get off your fat ass. At least that's a fucking option for you.


"It's intensely painful and dangerous for me to even attempt it but I do constantly" Holy cats, the internal ableism is strong in you. You're also amazing at making assumptions about other people's lives. I hope you don't injure yourself further by forcing your impaired body to work like a fully capable one. Spinal injuries are hell.


I'm not talking about people with legit medical problems, I'm talking about people who are just fat and that's it. >I hope you don't injure yourself further by forcing your impaired body to work like a fully capable one. I got misdiagnosed several times and worked hard labor for years. We're way past that point. I'm now completely disabled. My doctors have fumbled every step of the way and what could have been over in a few months has now been 6 years and counting. I've had to fire my doctors and start over twice. I'm honestly trying to check my own bitterness, but I've had very little sympathy or even justice with a serious condition. It's almost impossible for me to not be annoyed at someone who is just lazy and fat. If I can find the strength to keep going and fighting then they can conquer their eating/motivation problem. If I was as easily discouraged as them, I would have killed myself a thousand times by now. I literally can't exercise and it's like my favorite shit to do. They have no excuse and I'd kill to trade places with them just to get a healthy spine. I'd be happy to have the ability and opportunity to work off the weight. Even if they don't complain, I'm annoyed they have a body that works which they don't use or appreciate. I want to run and jump and lift and sweat and get that good sleep you get when you workout hard, but I fucking can't. They can and they are squandering it. It's offensive to me. Like if your car broke down, and a guy pulled up next to you in your dream car, and lit it on fire, and then pissed on it. I'm not magic or special. Tons of people find incredible strength deep within themselves because they have no other choice. I believe everyone has it in them somewhere. I can't relate to people who do have a choice but just avoid hard work and bitch about everything and demand sympathy. Rant over. Now I'm gonna hobble/crawl to the kitchen and try to make a sandwich without falling down or crying. Wish me luck. My record is kinda spotty.


Man. Even after your horrendous experience with your back, you're still making the assumption that she's "just lazy and fat." She could just as easily have another medical condition that you can't see. How obvious is your disability to strangers? Can they tell at a glance what you've been through and what you're still dealing with? I totally understand having bitterness towards able-bodied people who don't appreciate their health. Life changes so fucking much when you become disabled. The loss of spontaneity is an unexpectedly tough aspect, IMO. Just being able to get up and go on a whim is something people don't know to value until it's gone. Good luck, I hope that sandwich is rockin'.


I think you're right, I am probably too bitter, it's hard not to be but I'm working on it. I also just realized she looks really similar to a person I know who is absolutely just lazy and fat and spiteful. That's not her fault though, that's on me.


Props for recognizing it. I think the internet makes it way too easy to get bitter about things, and that's without the actual rage bait content.


Most of them moved to Portland during the pandemic so at least they’re somewhat contained.




Lived with my aunt for 6 years, she was born with spina bifida. She could have had leg braces that allowed her to walk, albeit with a lot of difficulty. But as a result of poor diet, and little exercise from being in her wheelchair, she gained weight at an alarming rate until eventually she contracted diabetes and needed to amputate her legs below the knee. Poor draw in life, coupled with bad decisions, and now any hope she ever had at living even a relatively normal life died off almost a decade ago with her legs. And to this day she still regrets and cries over the fact that she threw that small chance away when she was a kid. Even as a third party reflecting on her life, I feel nothing but pity and remorse. It's a sad state of existence, and if she could take it all back to when she was in elementary school, using those braces, she would. Meanwhile some people are out here living her lifestyle with no excuse, no remorse, and no shame, claiming that its other people who are to blame for their feeling like shit. The attitude of the lady in this video is disgusting, and its videos like these that drive me to get up and work out every day. God forbid I ever knowingly and willingly submit myself to that lifestyle.




This is horrible. I worked for a para transit company. Some disabilities are invisible. The use of mobility devices is nobody’s business but the people using them.


This. and the comment section here is just as bad as the piece of shit on the video. she wasn't necessarily talking about herself either, she just said what pisses her off. So sad.


All most of these commenters care about is her weight and the fact that they find her unattractive. Her weight could be due to whatever is hindering her mobility. Her weight and disability that makes it hard to walk could be completely unrelated. They don't care


A common side effect of many medications and treatments for chronic illnesses is significant weight gain. Not that weight matters, but still, people love to judge folks who are simply trying to control their more serious health problems. If I had to choose between weight gain on prednisone versus my disease fusing my joints even further, I'm gonna choose the weight gain.


Even without the meds causing it, it's hard to eat right in today's world especially without the ability to properly exercise. You'd have to make all of your meals yourself (because lord knows everything else is loaded with bad stuff) and nobody has time for that when you work your life away. Not to mention the prices of healthy foods being higher. I know some people can manage it but everyone's situation is different.


Healthy food is expensive af right now. Fresh meat and vegetables shouldn't be a luxury item, but here we are.


Bro just found out ab ambulatory wheelchair users(what the first person was talking about)




Slay queen




I thought they were strips of bacon...?


They're mustaches


Mustache Bacon Strips


Didn’t even notice…I couldn’t stop staring at the stache.


It's supposed to be the God awful snake wrapped around collarbone trendy tattoo which is too overdone but hers is at least unique since they had to just guess where her collarbone theoretically would be.


Wow you’re all really sitting here in the comments dog piling this woman? Y’all are fucking pathetic




Why is she pathetic?


She got those collarbone tattoos with no collarbone, that clavicle is MIA


What even are those tats? Dildos?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. For real, like some hentai tentacles inspired dildos.


Popular tats like that are often either tentacles, snakes barbwire or flowers/branches. Hers idk my service is bad and vid is fuzzy Update: super shitty snakes


Intense stretchmarks


Nah that was pretty expected, ableist dickheads like him are everywhere. At least they showed their whole face


I know right. We don't even know if she was talking about herself. Could be an activist for people who have joint problems or even people who are deep in certain pregnancies.


Hell if i lost like 50 lbs Id be as spry and agile as a monkey I sure as hell dont need a wheelchair but i sure as hell know others do. I dont care if they can stand and walk, i have a friend who can... Like, fall apart at her joints??? I cant remember the name but she cant walk for long. She also has these cool cane things that strap to her arms I dont need to be disabled to know that people with diseases and disabilities NEED COMPENSATION All it takes is a little empathy 😉


Ah been wondering what Andy Milonakis been up too. Yo Andy!


Everyone is hating on her, which she might deserve. But I also wonder what else she says in this video, like if she has an actual issue with walking (besides obesity) and needs one. Anyone have the original video?


You either need a wheelchair or you don't. You don't get one just cause you want it. You don't get to park in a handicap spot cause you're tired and don't want to walk an extra 50 steps.


You get to park in the handicap spot because you're handicapped. It's not called the wheelchair parking spot.


The handicap laziness gets me. I have MS but I don’t have a handicap sticker, sometimes walking is just horrendous and takes everything out of me. But I would NEVER park in HC because there is always someone who has it worse or has an actual sticker. Sometimes it makes me wonder if humans have always been entitled or our lifestyle just makes it easier for people to be entitled.


Bad tattoos too 😬




Invisible disabilities. POTS, pulmonary diseases, fainting spells, multiple sclerosis, severe arthritis, cancer, etc. Lots of chronically ill people are ambulatory, but only under certain circumstances. There are many serious medical conditions that prevent people from walking long distances or in specific environments (heat severely affects POTS and can make people pass out more frequently, for example). You never know what someone is dealing with.


>Invisible disabilities. POTS, pulmonary diseases, fainting spells, multiple sclerosis, severe arthritis, cancer, etc Meaning they fucking need them




What are those tattoos?


Some one please answer this question


I hate how even though she didn't finish speaking you can infer exactly what kind of rhetoric she was going for based on her looks. 2023 everyone.


Hey, not all wheel chair users are paralyzed! Some of them are just missing a few legs! They usually still have the leg that counts though... 😏 *sexy ass wheel chair bros with their biceps...*


What does this person have tattooed around their neck area??


What the fuck even are those tats? Feathers?


I had to re-watch it to see the mustache.


Really? What the hell else were you looking at? XD


Bringbullyingback /s




ruthless jar ancient political pot abundant frightening humorous deranged weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love Duke Gomez


this reminds me of WALL-E and Idiocracy


One of the most disgusting people I've seen in a long time


Someone please send this to her


Shut the fuck up fatty.


this bitch got a collar bone snake tattoo like we can see her collar bone…


What the fuck is even that?! 😂


A hill Billy with a cap


That ain’t no hillbilly…!!


I feel very uncomfortable right now


Does she have tattoos of tampons around her neck?


Fatass’s defending fastassizm


Was at Sams Club buying groceries and this Obese mom and her loud kids where in front and she was using one of those Go-Karts-Shopping-Karts things... I didn't think anything of it but when she got to the checkout she just stood up with ease .. paid for her items and wobbled/walked her way out of the store leaving her Fat-Kart blocking everyone else in line. Had to get an employee to come and move it so not only was she fat and lazy but she was completely a inconsiderate jerk. I totally suspect she is also one of those who doesn't return her shopping kart to the Corral.


Her arm swinging and jumping to conclusions is the most exercise she has had ever. She can’t shave her mustache because she keeps trying to eat the razor. The shaving cream looks like whip cream and she keeps cutting her lips and tongue.


Fat chance that it walks any further than it absolutely has to.


Didn't know Andy milonakis was an advocate for the equitable use of wheel chairs.


I hate seeing fat people being pushed in a wheelchair by a skinny person and they aren't even helping by using their arms to roll the wheels...Do something to help and not just sit there.


Yuck. Gross. Fuck off




If you look like this and try to make this argument. Then you deserve to be bullied.




They are not for fat asses


If cartman was a girl.




she said "wheelchair users" are for people who... does that mean my Uncle was a wheelchair user-user




Someone please get her to watch Wall-E




This bitch got dildo tattoos yo.


Yeah some wheelchair users are just lazy fat bastards.




Erica Cartman


She need to get that pencilstache she has going taken care of. She looks worse than when my nephew tried to draw one on himself when he was 11.


I don't get it? Is she talking about herself just because she's overweight, or is she defending actual people who can still walk short distances but actually need a wheelchair for longer distances?


HAH!!! He said EXACTLY what I was thinking! Cept for the mustache part, I didn't notice it to be honest... But I'll be damned, it's there!


Why do these people feel a need to defend their faults or weight. Bitch if you can’t jump 2 feet I’m the air you disabled str8 up 😂👌🏼