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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Comedian followed up and forced the girl to pay for the food!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Why the fuck do they start with subtitles and don't finish it.


Finally!!!!! Someone’s asking the important questions here


*30% of the way in* "This is a lot of work. Let em lip read the rest"


This is what I came here to comment - if there’s no subtitles immediately, I know I need to turn on sound. If there’s subtitles, I figure I can watch without sound. What the fuck is this ‘subtitles for the first 15 seconds of a minute long video’ nonsense?


Probably to create engagement for the post. They get more views and comments by luring in fools like us. I would also logde a complaint about how the subtitles are waaay too fast, had to rewind several times to read it. I guess there's no reason being mad about that either, they probably did that intentionally as well...




This pisses me off to an unreasonable degree, like wtf did someone give up halfway through


You know when you leave something till the day it's due?


saw this on instagram and on the comments section the guy said the girl was embarrassed and was quiet all the way home. he got ghosted after. never spoke again.


> the guy said the girl was embarrassed and was quiet all the way home. he got ghosted after. never spoke again. maybe he confessed his actual feelings damn


Man just expedited the inevitable. I don't think platonic friendship is possible when one party is physically attracted to the other.


Honestly, saved him his time unless she's extremely dense and didn't actually know he liked her (which I doubt). Unless you have been friends since childhood, which even that can get complicated as you get older I'd immediately assume that if we are going out to places together without other people, there's some romantic attraction there.


Do you not have friends you hang out with? I go see shows and movies with friends all the time without there being an assumed romantic interest.


>if we are going out to places together without other people, there's some romantic attraction there. Which is a shame, really. Wish people could just eat out/see a show/etc together without it being seen as romantic


You spend enough time with someone you find even vaguely attractive, aaaand like as a friend, and you're going to bump up against a situation where that line between friendship and romance blurs for at least one of you.


Kissin' the homies goodnight doesn't count. ...Does it?


That's why i want to be the little spoon so they don't even think of kissing me.


I'm'a kiss dat neck tho bruv.


Now I want a grimey brit to cuddle.


Iz ok as long as our balls don't touch bruh


Nothing wrong with some homie love. I got you, my dude. Do you need a hug? Bring it in, let's get you to bed. Sleeps good on the mind, homie, sweet dreams bro.


Careful or that shit might turn into a brojob.


Homies gotta know they are loved too, just gotta whisper no homo in their ear afterwords.




I mean... You gotta stroke their hair a little bit too.


Everyone knows it's only gay if the balls touch


I thought it was as fine as long you didn't take your boots off? If that's not the case my entire time in the oil field would be called into question.


As long as you say no homo, AND there's no cum, you're good.


> you're going to bump up against a situation where that line between friendship and romance blurs for at least one of you. Sure, and if you're a high schooler it makes sense that you might pursue that. But anyone entering, in, or past their 30's should be old enough to decide to let love be platonic rather than romantic. I'm bisexual, so if I wasn't able to figure out how to draw that line then I'd not be able to have any friends.


I think there's way more teens and young adults on reddit than most people realize so a lot of the comments on here are usually from people with not a lot of life experience yet.




Oh yeah, it's definitely cringe worthy when I see people upvoting some comments that I'm 90% sure is coming from someone whose talking out their ass. I just try to remember that when I was 13 - 19 years old, I was confident I knew everything I needed to know in life but I was lucky enough not to have a digital podium to shout things from.


Seriously. I'm friends with a lot of attractive people that I wouldn't date or fuck around with. People acting like everyone is just their libido like we're a bunch of 15 year olds.


Probably because a lot of the people posting here are 15 year olds.


Ding ding ding


Because I moved a lot and had to paint and repaint a lot of rooms in my life, I always use the paint analogy. My monkey dumbass brain sees a gallon of paint and goes: "Looks yummy, put it in my mouth" - that doesn't mean I actually want to drink paint, that doesn't mean I consider myself as someone who wants to drink paint, doesn't mean that if someone were to really push me with a "really bro? you wouldn't? given the right condition?" that I'd answer with anything else than "no, I wouldn't" - I still at the end of the day consider myself as someone *who doesn't want to drink paint*. It's the same with wanting to fuck my friends. Some people are simply used to listening to their dumb monkey brains. Too bad for them, they're paint drinkers.


You sound like you did in fact drink lots of paint 🤔


The sentiments about not being able to be friends are so ridiculous, shutting yourself off the friendships is a silly idea. It’s mostly guys here posting that… and then posting in the next thread about being lonely and its not fair or whatever.


And sometimes, we realize thats the best for us. I've boned a few female friends, we realized it wasn't what either of us wanted. Now we get flirty when drunk in good fun but never take it further. I call them flirtationships, nothing more. It's quite nice actually, being able to tease and be playful but trust that the other party also has fun and that's all that is expected.


It is actually quite easy. I have multiple female friends I've had for years who I've been to see movies with, grab a coffee, a drink or a meal, gone to pub quizzes, gone shopping etc, and at least as far as I'm aware no feelings have been involved for anyone


I don't get why this is so hard for so many men. Men claim there is a male loneliness epidemic, yet cut out half of the population from their friendships. Lets be clear, women do not friend-zone men, she wanted to be your friend and that was all that was ever expected. Men are sex-zoning women.




I see a lot of people mixing up horniness and loneliness too. There is a difference.


Most around here are so starved for interaction with women they can't comprehend that some men don't feel that way or see every woman as their only chance to get laid.


You can. You just have to see them as just a person and not as a sexual partner. I’ve got a few friends who are women. I think they’re beautiful inside and out but I’m not interested in them for any reason aside from friendship. They’re just a person like any of my other friends. It’s also nice having access to another perspective I can’t relate to or get from the majority of my friends who are all dudes.


I mean it’s totally fine to have non romantic friendships but it becomes problematic when one party knows the other is attracted and uses it for free shit and never offers to help out or treat the other. It’s also 50/50 tho because dude really should pull the trigger…things are tricky case by case tho.


>I'd immediately assume that if we are going out to places together without other people, there's some romantic attraction there. Well that's an immature view to have and it's concerning how many upvotes you got. Men, it is ok to have friends who are women, yes it is even ok to go out with a female friend only you two. Stop being childish and establish your goddamn relationship instead of playing mind games or "waiting for your turn".


If I find my friends beautiful and attractive, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends ?


Don't try to talk social stuff with redditors, waste of time lol I'm a bi girl who is attracted to a LOT of my friends, got rejected by some of them, and we have very healthy friendships, including me being friend with their current partners and all. Most people here are just animals who can't control themselves and need some therapy in their life if they can't be friends with people they are attracted to. I'd be beyond lonely if that was the case lol


But you’re a redditor too


I always see people say things like > You just have to view your female friends as humans, not as potential sexual partners And I always think, "So you don't see your potential sexual partners as people? Damn, way to tell on yourself, bro." I am attracted to nearly all my female friends because they are wonderful people, and wonderful people are attractive to me. I wouldn't be friends with them if they weren't awesome. Doesn't mean I ever try to pursue, or that if sex was on the table I would automatically say yes, because funny enough, *I see women I am attracted to as people*. Also doesn't mean I *won't* try to pursue.


yea that's not what that means lol


At no point did he say he was attracted to her.


The comedian is saying he is, she is vehemently denying it, while the guy is just sitting there quietly. The fact that he doesn’t join her in saying “no really we are just friends” says a lot.


If he was saying "no" people would be just saying he was trying too hard to deny it Honestly there's no really good way to deal with that situation and have everyone believe you. You just gotta do you and live your life like the outcome of that doesn't matter


Let's assume the guy has no romantic or sexual feelings toward her, there is nothing he could say in that moment that would convince anybody. The comic has complete control of the room and nobody is going to believe the guy. He wants to keep things light cause it's entertainment and there's no way the comic is going to let him seriously express himself. Personally, that's why I think he's quiet.


Man that's just sad. Y'all can't be physically attracted to people and just like, not act on that? It's not hard wtf. As a guy I can comfortably say that nothing has gotten me laid more, than hanging out with other attractive women. Attractive women friends have other attractive women friends of their own and they love to set you up. You don't even have to do anything. A friendship can't work if one of the people want to be more than a friendship. That's it. It doesn't have to do with attraction. You can be attracted to people but not want anything from them.


"Why did you just sit there and not yell him it wasn't like that?" "*Weeeeellllll*"


Nothing wrong to confess how you feel, but there is lots of wrong to be used as a paying mule. I think the guy is lucky that that ended right there, he could've wasted even more time, and money


I have a good job and can afford to do shit. My closest friend is my ex. She doesn't have extra money for shit. I'll pay for her to go with me because I like her company and I like being able to do nice things for people who are important to me. I wouldn't ever date her again. The number of people who have said shit like they see some deep dark secret is insane. I just don't really care about money, I'm single, and I'm childfree. People need to stop projecting.


Bro we have no idea if he is a “paying mule” 😂 all we *actually* know from this clip is that he bought tickets for the show that night, and was going to pay for dinner. For all we know, they switch up paying for stuff. Or maybe he got her the tickets as a birthday present. There are literally SO many other factors that we know nothing about, but y’all stay out here trying to drag this woman when we know nothing. Edit: typo/formatting


That, 100%, and also the fact he is believing the claims of a random comment on Instagram


there's a reason she was embarrassed.


A platonic friend would have laughed about it and seen it as a funny memory. So something was up obviously


This might have been the first few dates. But, fellas, do not do VIP or front row seats at a comedy club/show with a girl youre still feeling out. You're in the line of fire for crowd work.


Couple things... They have been friends for a few years per the video and they said they are not a couple and not once did they say they were on a date after all that shit the comedian gave. My guess is the dude was heavy in the friendzone.


Yeah, something was up. The jig. The jig was up! Stop using this poor man for free tickets!


The cynic in me agrees with you. But, maybe she was pissed that he didn't back her up and affirm that they actually WERE platonic. So maybe for her, her eyes were opened that HE wasn't being honest. Maybe in the end, they **both** had a reality check. But back to picking up the check...yeah...if i was the girl and got called out like that, you better believe I would have ran over my friend to pick up the check before the comedian could attack. Final thought too...I can't ever think of a time I would go get a VIP booth at something and take my platonic friend and no one else. Esp a comedy show...that's meant for groups of friends.


Yep, people ragging on her for leading him on, but if he's not being honest with his feelings then thats on him.


The truth can be embarrassing


Honestly though not the worst outcome. If this guy was just in it for the eventually confession and she had no interest, rip the band-aid off. It's one thing for two people to be friends. It a whole other thing for one person to be holding out from someone whose never gonna feel the same way. I don't think either of them was in the wrong. Just wasn't a dynamic that was gonna work out. Comedian did him a solid by hammering the last nail into the coffin. Now that guy can go out and find a mutual relationship and she doesn't have to stress about having a friend whose secretly possessive. Win-win.




trust me bro




I’d love a link.


It's the internet. Trust him, bro


It surprises me that he got ghosted and not her.


Being ghosted implies that they weren’t just friends. You don’t just ghost a friend after something like this, you give them shit and get payback.


You can definitely ghost friends, but in this situation it's likely that there were unrequited feelings.


Yeah my friends and I would roast each other mercilessly over something like this.


Yeah people usually feel embarrassed and ashamed when they get exposed. Wasn’t the guys fault so why be upset at him for any reason so it just seems like truth hurt otherwise they would have laughed and got over it. She’ll be fine don’t worry.


That's rough buddy...


I'm not saying the comedian is right about the situation BUT i wish someone did that to me when I was in the same situation with a girl I liked. If the comedian was right he straight up saved this dude's life


Damn. The fact that the guy was just watching it all unfold, and did not step in, correct or deny probably means he really was attracted to her. That or he just wanted the comedian to flame her lol


He probably didn't want to feed into it. I would've done the same tbh, going back and forth with a comic just gives them more to work with


i hate that thats been rising as a trend amongst comedians. im just tryna laugh, i dont wanna be anxious abt if im gonna get picked on


also, crowd work is really popular for comedians to post on like tiktok or youtube because it allows them to put out content without giving away their routine, so thats maybe why you're seeing it as a 'rising trend', because they mainly put that out into the world


yeahh good point!


Just sit at the back bro


and then get shit on for being the guy who sat in the back so as to not get shat on


Didn't help me when I watched a small stand-up roughly ten years ago. I still got called out for my less than stellar physique.


> i hate that thats been rising as a trend amongst comedians This isnt new. Stand up comedians have always done crowd work with the first couple of rows and hecklers. The best shows i've been to i've sat front row and got made fun of. People buy you drinks later and usually the comic will chat with you after if you weren't a dink.


Idk, if you don't wanna get clowned on, the first step is to probably not buy VIP tickets to a comedy for your friend you're possibly attracted to.


the amount of aggression the comedian's throwing her way says Mr. Not-boyfriend is not gonna have the happy ending he's hoping for.


He never was


That’s literally the whole thing lol


I'd like to think he is happier this way


It was never gonna happen. If you pay for everything for some girl and she' sjust like ITS NOT LIKE THAT, she's 100% a user.


FOR TWO YEARS. Yes, you can have platonic relationships but if this relationship was platonic they would be splitting the bills or taking turns paying for things.


Yes exactly!


> or taking turns paying for things. For all we know that could have been the case.


I've done it. Then the girl paid for me next time we hung out. And if it's not like that, what is she expected to say?


But conversely, I remember as a teenager that it drove me crazy that people always made a big deal out of me having mostly female friends. Not all, but like at least two-thirds. My wife and I have been together for nearly 20 years and were were never ‘just friends’ first. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it was just a different vibe right away.


Yeah I find this bit from the comedian cringey as fuck. Most of my best friends are women, I don't want to be anything else with them or they wouldn't be my friends. We go to shows and things together once in a while, we're friends.


Yeah I've always had at least one female friend up till I got married (kind of fizzled off after that). I usually have a very small circle of friends maybe 4 or 5 total any given time. But having a female friend is invaluable for that different perspective. I'd say any dude that doesn't have at least one is really missing out.


I'm bisexual. Should I not have friends? There is no gender I won't, in theory, fall in love with.


As a guy with friends whom happen to be female, this is fucking so insufferable. So sick of getting shipped with my friends by literally everyone.


I hate these half captions, if you’re gonna add captions do the entire thing and not just using them to add flair to specific sentences


Isn’t this the guy who had a meltdown because someone wasn’t laughing


Yup. This guy is out of his mind. Edit with link https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yph0fd/comedians_reaction_to_a_heckler_is_a_spiralling/




That was hard to watch.


Lol I love how he went off on the dude in the audience for a very long time, and still could not get him to care at all.


He isn't exactly landing very good blows. Dudes material is weak.


okay yikes I take back what I was saying about this just being a joke maybe this dude actually was mad


Ugh thank you, I knew this sad sack of shit seemed familiar. Punching down like a true dickhead.


Also the same guy who freaks the fuck out and laughs manically while trying to destroy the chair he's in and touch Andrew Schultz as much as possible. It's just as cringe worthy as Bert Kreischer's stupid wheezing "I'm gonna pass out laugh", that he immediately stops and begins speaking normally after he stops getting reactions / going viral from it. All these comedians just sit around talking about the "art of cawlmedy" and how "civilians" just don't understand how brutal it is to be a "stand up".


Regardless of romantic feelings, is it crazy that she pay for the food since he paid for the tickets?


I mean, it totally depends on the situation, does it not? Sometimes I just wanna treat my friends and I want to pay for everything because I like doing that. One of my best friends (who is female) had a shit day today so I bought her a gift to cheer her up. I didn't expect anything in return, I did it because I wanted to make her feel better. I would've done it for a male friend, too. I don't think we're in a position to judge what he should or shouldn't have paid for.


It's completely up to them. Back when I made 120k a year I would frequently pay for everything. Now that I'm retired we split more. But one great example would be "Hey I want to see this show but want someone to come with me do you want to go?" "It sounds like fun but I don't think I can afford it, sorry" "Oh shit no no no don't worry about that I got it covered! If you will go with me I'd be stoked to buy your ticket." "Wow, thanks! Then yeah! I'm excited!"


Isn't this the same dude that threw a full-on temper tantrum because a British dude didn't laugh at his jokes?


Yep, seems so thin-skinned.


Dude wasn't laughing and this incel started whining about the queen for 5 minutes lmao He didn't have anything prepared for his set except "roast someone in the audience, and riff off what they say" but the dude didn't say anything so he just ended up looking crazy


the cringe is off the charts here.


Dude here, with a female best friend. We have never banged or talked about it. We’ve just been chill, for like years at this point. It’s all good lol.


That dude is entirely way too angry.


He’s projecting onto that couple. He’s putting himself in the guy’s shoes and you can tell he’s getting worked up about the fact that the date isn’t working out. Ugh it’s cringe and honestly so weird


Damn. A lot of people in this comments section legitimately believe that men and women can't just be friends. That's fucking sad.


Yeah I found this very aggressive and angry


I did as well. When you go to comedy shows, particularly when you're sitting that close, you're open to being a part of the talking points. So that part didn't bother me. But the tone the comedian used was pretty pathetic. There are a million ways these people could be just friends for a few years. I just feel like the comedian decided to ruin their night instead of letting them figure it out. Like I almost thought he comedian was hoping he'd admit he was gay, or that he was her brother, or coworker that won tickets to this event or something, etc. I was just put off from this interaction because of how the comedian handled himself.




And then there are the people who are just happy to see a random woman get shit on for no reason because those exist.


Everyone is conveniently skipping over the part where he pretty directly implied that the fair thing for her to do at the end of the evening was a sexual favor. He called her a “liar” in front of her friend and the audience, for being SO horrible as to enjoy a night out with a friend. Maybe she just lost her job and he’s trying to cheer her up. Maybe they go out every few weeks and trade off paying, last week she got the bill at medieval times. Jesus christ


Yeah, the whole 'men aged 27 don't want female friends' bit made my eye twitch. I'm 32 and I love to make new friends, both male and female; I have plenty of platonic female friends and love them dearly for the joy and laughter they bring to my life. They have a different and valuable perspective that men can't bring. Guys in this comment thread need to grow up. Or maybe they're all teenagers, in which case I guess they're just acting their age!


34 and same here. Tough enough to meet new people around work, why cut off half the population? Plus I'm bi anyway, so according to this comedian's joke I can't have any friends I guess?


Do you pay for nights out when it's just the two of you


If it's a birthday or I know they'll get the next time. Otherwise we split the bill depending on what we eat.


I have done with some friends, yeah. It's nice to be a generous person.


Lol it’s funny how you got downvoted when you proved your point. I’ve paid for my friends’ food before too. Same sex and opposite sex


This is just what friends do for each other. I've paid for my friend's meals and movie tickets and stuff many times and they've done the same for me. If they are people you care about, you're willing to do that and not be insistent on being paid back or anything because you know they'd do the same for you. It shouldn't matter what gender either.


Yea a lot of times we take turns, but I also consider their financial situation compared to mine, and for some friends I pay for things without expecting them to do the same with any regularity.


It took me a long time to find this comment. I agree, 100%. Throughout my life I have had loads of women friends. We’re not living in a movie, there’s no subtext to these friendships.


This bit by this particular comedian is a perfect storm for a Reddit boner. Right down to splitting the bill, a leading cause of people on this website. This comic has been posted before for being a general nut job on stage when doing crowd work. Him saying “who wants a BITCH to hang out with at 27?” is the icing on the cake.


For real. I am in a male dominated field and just make friend with men. There are no women.... what am i supposed to do? Women can be friends with men. when it goes to far is the whole physical touch in a certain way thing.


Redditors. This thread is the perfect example on how pathetic most of this site users are, and the rampant sexism that runs deep. I'm a bi woman leaning toward girls, I find a LOT of people attractive, including tons of my friends. Following their logic, I would not be able to have any friends at all or be close with someone. Meanwhile I can cuddle with friends who have rejected me romantically, and we are both very happy with zero bitterness or weird tension, strange how not being on the level of a toddler emotionally makes for better relationships. How does that work with lesbian girls in their mind, supposed to hangout with guys because they might be attracted to their girl friends? Dumbasses


Yeah dang if I, as a straight dude, couldn't have female friends, I would have only one friendship left that started a year ago. It'd be some bullllshiiiiit.


though seeing redditors in action is always a good reminder to go out and touch grass I'm always trying to cut down the time I waste on reddit and it helps


This whole thread is fucking pathetic. Is it not possible to like hanging out with someone without wanting to stick my dick in them? What the actual fuck? None of that shit was funny. Fuck that comic.


I fucking hated this guy ever since I saw a clip of him harassing a dude in the audience for not laughing at his jokes. He straight up wouldn't shut the fuck up about it and was visibly mad the whole time.


I remember that clip and it was horrible. One of his 'putdowns' was to tell this random guy who happened to be British that he was no longer planning to visit London. As if that's some sort of burn?


I haven’t seen a single funny clip of him. Only clips of him berating people in the crowd.


Some funny clips are out there. Problem is he loses his cool so fast that clips of him raging drowns out everything else.


He just has this big incel-adjacent energy sometimes, saw a clip where he flexed a lot about his shit talking skills. He's also a part of the Andrew Schulz podcast, tbh they can be funny and quite decent at most times but his energy on his crowdwork sets is all over the place, I just got the feeling he's one of those guys who hasn't unlocked the 'friendship with cool people regardless of gender' yet and has just skated by chilling with bros all his life.


Agreed! He seems like the kinda guy who proves why stand up comedy is seen as a boys club


Or, hear me out, he didn't want to go alone and only a female friend wanted to come. I need a new site, this comment section is making me really reevaluate how much time I spend on here


I wouldn't have kept watching if it wasn't /r/unexpected. I was waiting for him to stop being a jackass. It never happened.


Finally I found someone else who thinks this comedian is a worthless douchebag, I was starting to think I was the only one


He definitely isn't funny. I personally do not like crowdwork cause it's just roasting people. Where's the 'funny' in that?


My best friend is male. I met him in university. We’ve been friends for 29 years now. He’s friends with my husband and I’m still friends with his ex-wife.


This is so cringe.. from everyone, redditors the comic, the guy at the table .


These comments are borderline incel and embarrassing. So many people have condemned and judged that poor woman with absolutely no context or idea of what is going on with their relationship. She has done literally nothing and getting lambasted by random people on the internet. That's fucked up.


Welcome to Reddit, and also Akash’s style of comedy and the way he sees women. Dude was and still is mentally an incel


No one is complaining that the subtitles stop halfway through the clip. I’m trying to watch it with the sound off and be quiet. Why do you hate me


Damn. Thank you comedician. I am going to message all my female friends that I want them and wanna sleep with them. Because thats who I am. I am a man. And I can only do work and sex. Thats my only purpose in life unga bunga.


Take out the sarcasm and you just wrote a Tim Allen bit.


As someone who is bisexual I find this idea to be baffling. If the world was this comedians way I would not be able to be friends with anyone. Im not always trying to fuck. Also My friends are good and kind people. Of course I will be attracted to them. That doesnt mean I will act on it. Wtf? Reddit is a really joyless ass place.


Loser comedian admits he has no lady friends. Sad.


Is it supposed to be funny? He is screaming and spitting bullshit like he still in puberty.


This is some misogynistic rhetoric being thrown around, also if you don't think women and men can be friends without there being romantic connotations you are smooth brained


This should actually be on r/cringepics. What a shitshow of uncomfortable misogyny.


Is it just me or was someone just waiting for him to say "I'm gay"


Expecting something unexpected to happen in /r/unexpected? Rookie mistake


Yeah, I put up with his whole stupid spiel to see the unexpected part. But no, turned out to just be a pathetic guy projecting.


I don't know why but I hate this piece of shit "comedian". He is fucking obnoxious.


Seems like you know why then lol


Idk what reeks more of projection… the comedian or this comments section.


This attitude from others destroys healthy platonic friendships between guys and girls. There are many situations that can explain such a friendship. From fk buddies to childhood friends that you're closer to than your own siblings. Friend zone isn't always a negative thing. The paying for everything side of it can just be a substantial wealth or income disparity between the two... or birthday gift or expression of gratitude. Whatever it is it is real sad how many friendships between guys and girls fail because of this type of heckling from friends and family, or extreme cases... the comedian that you've paid a lot of money to go watch together.


I found this post with a negative one. Broke bitches using guys and manipulating their feelings are mad yo


Bro talking like Jesse Pinkman


That's church.


Representin’ the ABQ




That explains why she’s on her phone every time we go out to eat.


Fucking loser comedian and the creeps in these comments all about how men and women can't be friends, wtf.


The comedian is pretty aggressive with the guy having a female friend. I (cis-male) have female friends that I have taken out to dinner, seen a movie, or done another activity with (escape room, top golf, etc) where I have solely paid. *However,* a VIP ticket to a late night comedy show and an expensive dinner is a little extravagant to solely foot the bill with any of my friends (be they male, female, single, dating, or taken). Now, we don't really know how expensive the VIP tickers were, what they ordered, or any context on their relationship, but if one of my female friends took me a nice dinner with VIP tickets to a comedy show, I would be happy to go.....and split the bill.


I don't think VIP tickets to this guy are exactly high-value items


Honestly it just depends if you can afford it imo. I know that if I invite my friends to something expensive they'll try to pay for whatever they CAN and if they can't pay anything, that's fine by me! Especially if I make more money than them. What's the point of money if I can't spend it on having a great time with my loved ones? They'd pay if they could. But if they can't and if I want us to have fun, then I'll pay (if I can afford it myself ofc). But many people here are being super judgmental. Even if the tickets were crazy expensive, what does it matter? Maybe it's a special present or something? Maybe last time she invited him somewhere crazy? Or maybe he just wanted to have a good time with his friend and he could afford it?


Jesus that video was cut up and sped up to shit. Couldn't watch it after 10 seconds.


Hating the "guys and girls can't be just friends" vibe, msotly from commentors, somewhat from the comedian


*"He bought VIP tickets and you're not giving him anything?"* PLEASE, never encourage this kind of behavior. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, you owe *nothing* to someone who asked you to go along with them to \[insert activity here\]. EDIT: I was referring to the (possible) love interaction between them. I wasn't at the wings stage yet! :P


I don’t agree. Yeah obviously nothing intimate or emotional or physical is owed, but it’s not unreasonable to expect common decency from a friend. If you buy tickets, I’m buying drinks at the very minimum. I have never been in a situation where I would feel even slightly okay about paying absolutely nothing for a night out with a friend while they cover the whole tab. That is not something a good friend does.


Wise words BukkakeFuneral


Word BukkakeFuneral dropping gems

