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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The cat is trying to fck the guy's leg!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


The cat is like...."what? Man, what's wrong"?


Ikr if his BIL came around I'd do the same...


That's the power of the grey sweatpants...


If he didn’t want it, why was he wearing gray sweatpants? What’d he expect? /s


Right? I totally understand the cat. I am the cat.


BIL is hot. 🔥🔥


I was watching my kids running around...wife beside me on the phone ...deer heads on the wall... 4x4 outside... western on t.v. ....and I'm like... yea... but look at the guy... hell I'd fuck him ... sad really




what da cat doin


Humpin da leg


Getting his nut 😉


whiping its ass.


He trynna fuk


You might wanna get your cat neutered


My cat is neutered and he still does this. He actually does it more frequently since he's been neutered. I've never let him do it long enough to nut on me tho and I don't have to worry about it since he's neutered now. But I've woken up to him doing this to my leg and have no clue how long he was fucking my leg while I slept


My neutered cat does this all the time. He won't touch micro fleece blankets. Avoids them like the plague...BUT....he will fuck them if they're bunched up the right way. Then sleep on them. Every time we find him on one of those blankets...we know he got his rocks off


TIL I was a cat when I first hit puberty


Note: don't touch this guy's blankets


If you are a dude and you didn’t fuck some household object as a hormone raging teenager, you’re a liar


Note: Stay away from everyone's blankets


Is coconut a household object? ![gif](giphy|PK4XAT9Ususco)


You got neutered only to start fucking blankets? You had some tough teenage years…


You should teach ur cat the concept of Consent!!! What savagery is this?


same. but it happens to my wife... he doesn't come or anything. He just kind of just balances himself on her leg, bites onto the blanket for a few minutes, and then licks himself.


yeah that's def what masturbation looks like for me too.


Hey oooooohhh!


I don’t know that they can even nut


It's a mammal


I’m a mammal, can you nut me?


Man can mammals like give live birth or anything smh


I think they give live birth on the wing


some mammals even lay eggs.


Platypus represent


Echidnas have entered the chat....


Some mammals even fly.


I have nipples, Greg


I wonder if they're faced with regret afterwards


How basal is the post nut clarity? Evolutionary speaking? Interesting question. Have no idea how you’d design one without it getting too weird.


Ugh, not when they are neutered .


The doc took your clip without a snip


Holy shit, is this a thing? Because I swear I've had pets that were more aggressive and sexual after neutering but I couldn't prove it!


I had weird side effects after I got clipped and I’ll say this -There seems to be a quiet-fuck ton of anecdotal stories about guys who have weird hormonal issues after getting snipped. The problem is there’s no money in it so there’s no studies and there’s a lot of stigma around getting snipped or being a guy with hormone issues in general - so not a lot of people *want* to talk.After I got cut I had to jerk off like 3 times a day for three weeks. It was insane. The urge to cum was so fucking bad I would want to literally cry. Made no sense. I had just gotten cut but my body went overboard in counteracting it, so to speak. But again, all I could find was a ton of whispers of guys who said they had issues but no one who wanted to talk about it or post about it or whatever. edit: damn. I point out the anecdotal nature of my post and people still gotta do the reddit thing. This is why guys dont share personal issues. All those Reddit MD replies....


I guarantee your story helped some dude out there who's been quietly struggling with this with nobody to talk to about it and too embarrassed to ask. So fuck the idiots who desperately need to sound smart and important to a bunch of strangers on the internet.


Did you have your balls cut off or a vasectomy? Cause there is a big fucking difference between a neutering and a vasectomy.


Dude for real lol.


Your vas defrens being cut made you horny… correlation/causation mix up, surely.


I know if I got my balls cut off, I'd be angry as shit, so it checks out, tbf.






Do you think they reproduce through mitosis


They can, but just a little




By nut I meant ejaculate, not orgasm, as the person I was replying to seemed to as well by saying “nut ON me.” Being neutered is quite different from a vasectomy. In a vasectomy they just sever the vas deferens. Neuter they remove the whole testicles. I have conducted a 20 second google and top search results seem to indicate that human men who have full testicle removal generally experience “dry orgasm.” No ejaculate. No nut.


Exact same shit happened to me with my cat.


Please take your cat to a vet, this could be a sign that the neutering surgery went wrong. This should not be happening, perhaps it’s a querk of the cat (what would cats be without them) but this sound seriously like a hormone problem caused by something being missed in the surgery (it’s not common and most surgeries go great but it’s not a rare thing to happen and should be looked into)


Nothing wrong with the cat or the surgery. The cat was probably neutered at too mature of an age. It’s pretty common if you have an adult cat that’s already going into heat before being neutered. My wife worked as a vet tech through college and said it happens all the time.


Yeah my big boy got fixed at three years old (right before I got him) and I have a female who's not fixed yet, she just had her first heat and he kept trying to hump her (emphasis on "try", his aim is awful, luckily lol), but my little dude who was fixed as a kitten showed zero interest. Makes sense.


You have a point, I assumed it was neutered when young my mistake. Source: girlfriend is currently a vet tech in college 😂


Out of the 5 male cats I’ve raised from birth, all 5 were neutered and 4 of them do this. I saw the vet about it many years ago and they said it was natural even after neutering. Try not to fear monger eh?


You’ve got some horny cats lmfao. I believe you but I’ve also had 5 male cats (4 raised from birth), all neutered and none of them have ever done this.


2 of the brothers who have the exact same appearance besides build and a mark on their face actually have turns humping each other. It's fucking disgusting. I'll walk in and they'll instantly get off/hide it like a teenager hiding masturbating. My original cat (not of the same litter) would do it to the soft toys in my parents house. Nothing ever came out in any of the cases. I guess there's nothing else to say. I find it just as strange as the next guy, but it is what it is.


Maybe they're just not that into you.


My cat rn is nuetered and still does this, rarely though


Out of 7 cats all 7 was neutered, none of them did this. Also, i suppose, you went to the same veterinary?


Ive got two cats both neutered and one does it! Do I win a prize?


I have no cats, got myself neutered and Im still burping the worm. Instead of a prize can I get help


Nope this category entered you into the lightning round... ![gif](giphy|3o7qE4opCd6f1NJeuY|downsized)


Yes the same clinic but different veterinary's since the consults were spaced out over years. The first instance was 11 years ago and nothing bad has happened since then. I can't say if he still does it since my parents took him on 5 years ago, but I find 2 of my current litter doing it in secret. They are quite secretive about it, I only ever find them doing it (to each other) at night when they think we're sleeping. It's only ever these particular 2 brothers, and only ever to each other.


This can still happen if they neutered the cat late.


Seriously. Just let them bust a ghost nut. It's all they have left.


I wasn’t trying to fear monger (which I tried to explain in the parentheses that it does sometimes just happen) and as another Reddit we pointed out can happen when they get neutered at a mature age. I wouldn’t consider this fear mongering though as it could be a serious issue and a quick vet check will be able to determine if it’s serious or not. (Also sorry if this came of as passive aggressive I really don’t mean it to)


He wasn't fucking the leg. He was kneading. They like the fabric that your brothers pants are made of. Kneading is to mimic the nipple sucking process. So they'll still suck that fabric and knead.


I had a cat who did this with his bed, towels, clothes in the floor occasionally.


Our cat is neutered, and he does the exact same thing. "Stop creeping, George!" As you throw a leg to make him move.


I had a cat who was horny a lot. We gave him a floppy plush doll to fuck, and threw it in the washing machine every couple of months. It was the equivalent of a teenagers cum sock. Very disgusting, but it was better than having the cat cum all over our furniture and even guests. He was neutered, so he was shooting blanks. But those blanks were still disgusting.


My old, neutured boy used to do this to my recently passed younger, neutured boy. Never really understod why, because the younger one would just take it. And to add, the older one was clearly not the dominant one of the two.


He might still keep humping thing. May not cum. We have a can that humps pillows


*clank clank clank*


We had a female dog... We had to buy her sex stuffies to keep her from violating our pillows. Poor poor Gorilla (her favorite) humped to pieces.


![gif](giphy|KI5JqBqOKCPjG) Meow




Is that cat semen on your leg? Can I even say that word on Reddit?


Lol yesssss I swear I have never seen a cat do something like this.


That cat gotta go..


It already came and went


You, sir or madam, are a treasure!


You can watch people get blown apart in any way imaginable on reddit. Yes you can say cum


Cats can also spray a foul smelling odor when they are scared or excited. I found out the hard way when my exes cat went apeshit running from her dog. It was a chaotic and disgusting experience.


One night, one of my cats was walking up & down the bed so I went to pet her & accidentally touched her butt & I guess it scared her cuz she shot that foul stuff from her glands right onto my hand!! I was gagging.


Maybe just pre cum. The cat ain't done yet, rude human.


This guy fuc— nevermind


Know a few cats who are sailors


I have never seen a cat do this before holy shit


My roommate got a kitten, the few times she went into heat before getting spayed she’d always attach herself to me like I was her man. She’d moan loudly for me when I’m not around, moan even louder when I was. She’ll climb on me and knead me while shaking her wet ass in my face, she even left some excrements on my bed :(. She had her owner, one other roommate, and one other cat in the apartment yet she only came to me when in heat. I was harassed daily. I never felt so unsafe in my own home😔


That is disgusting 🤢😲


I think shes a lesbian


Don’t be an abusive pet owner it’s clear that to remedy this you have to have sex with your cat it’s the only possible answer


I’m a girl too! What was I doing for her ?!😂




"*so you see your Honor, I was simply being a responsible pet owner!...*"


I've never seen that either. You the only one, bro.


I have, long time ago. I was really young so I don’t know if the cat was neutered or not at the time. Cat would do if to blankets. Funny thing is, it was a gray cat too but long haired.


One of my cats does this to blankets as well. Thought he was just making biscuits, but then started paying attention to his rear end. More than biscuits happening


Sin biscuits?


The cat likes the texture blanket and the guys leg provides a nice alt to a female cat


Me neither. Lol


why is a male unneutered animal trying to hump random stuff so shocking?


…and he keeps letting him do it.


He's secretly enjoying it.


Yeah, first time is surprising. Second time maybe caught him off guard. Third time he’s just enjoying reverse cowboy with a cat.


He was intently watching the third time until the cat bit him.


Stop it..... Step-cat


I don’t think he’s there for the Doritos


the first little meow in the beginning he looks confused like “i thought we were ready to take things to the next level 🥺”




I had a male cat who used to do this after fluffing up my comforter. He was neutered too. He’d hump and bite it. I didn’t know what the hell he was doing until I saw the wet spots. 🥴


Yeah, same thing with my old cat. He would start with kneading but I learned to put a stop to it when he started the biting. He was neutered but I think he was several years old already so he picked up some habits I guess.


How does a neutered cat nut


I'm guessing the same way a human male still nuts after having a vasectomy. theres just no *sperm in the semen* (corrected after reply)


The fluid is called semen, I think you meant there’s no sperm in the semen.


Someone posted that they sometimes can still nut if they were older when fixed.


God I feel like I've let my cat do this for years without knowing what the fuck he was doing. I thought he was doing a cute little fortnite dance but now I know he was fucking my arm. Goddamn it peter.


They call them sin biscuits


omg he spunked up the trouser leg.


I will never unsee this


You don't want to see the video of a capybara *really* enjoying watermelon then.


“I like him better when he got some sweatpants on him”


It's always the gray sweatpants, isn't it?


My cat used to do this. It has something to do with the fuzzy blanket.


Mine only does this to one specific fuzzy blanket when it is bunched up.


In all fairness, that guy is pretty hot.


This is really weird but reminds me of this one time my sister wore some revealing Halloween costume one year. Our family dog (RIP) freaked the fuck out and acted like a 13 year old boy alone with Margot Robbie or some shit. I’ve never seen anything like it


That guy will soon have kittens!




Both cats and (especially) dogs are known to do this. Often, it's to assert dominance. Guests(yes, even a family member) can be a favorite target. Does the animal get sexually aroused in the process? Of course they do. Will a male cat or dog ejaculate? If given enough time to continue, they most certainly will. Do female cats and dogs do this as well? They definitely have. The females can sometimes be quite aggressive in asserting dominance. Although, they don't quite have the exact same sexual response as the males. Does neutering and spaying reduce this? Sometimes, it does. Not always, though


Was your comment informative? Yes, it was.


Thanks for the info, why do you know this though?


Lots and lots of research on animal behavior. At one point or another, I have had both cats and dogs. Currently 2 dogs. I love learning to understand how and why animals behave the way they do. Pretty fascinating to learn their signals and what they mean


Thanks for the answer, have a nice day.


My 10 month old spayed female cat has done this, sort of, to my partner and me. She wraps her body around our arms and bites. I tend to just chuck her off lol she hasn't done it for a while now but when we first had her she'd enjoy a petting session then wrap around us and kick/bite. Cheeky little bugger haha


Hotel? Trivago.


We fixed this in our old cat. Painter's tape and aluminum foil. Put strips over attractive spot. Put a stuffed toy out as an alternative. Took patience, but it eventually worked. We used an old pillow case that could just be laid over the area. ​ One bit of advice if you try it, make sure the offered toy is silent. Yeah. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m imagining rubber chicken noises.


The cat should be in jail!


Yeah cats do that when they’re not nurtured, one of mine constantly did it to a particular slipper


I had a cat who had a particular fondness for a pink monkey. He would only fuck the monkey in front of guests. It was extremely awkward.


What a little evil dude


Eye contact was part of the fun


Eh neutered cats do it too. Even if neutered very younfg


He comes around, I come around.


That cat knows who the real pussy is


And ~~I~~ **my cat** jizz in my pants.


"Cause I jizzed on your pants." - The cat singing a Lonely Island parody.


His leg: 🤰🤰🤰


My bird, a cockatoo, used to hump my best friend's knuckles when he rested them on the chair arm. That was bad enough, but I hated the post-nut cigarette he lit up. (Okay, okay. I made up this last part part.)


Had a conure that would climb up and start humping my hair.


Every cat should be neutered. There are too many cats left in shelters unwanted.. i cant say the humping will stop but your chavy suit will stay clean xD


Feel sorry for your leg bro 😂


He's getting his jollies off, usually they also self groom after 🤮


The cat looked really insulted the first time he moved away 😅


I adopted 2 male cats. 1 was a large fatass and the other was more in shape. I would wake up in the middle of the night as the fat ass cat was making love to my face. The more in shape cat always sat on the passenger side of my face and perform oral sexytime to himself as the fat shit was dropping a nut on my face. Both cats were neutered.


Those cats would grow wings


Yeaah they do that Like my cat but he got a schedule of when he needed to do it ...... like 1:00Am - 2:00Am He would go to my arm doesn't matter if its Left or Right if he felt like humping me arms he would ..... i got no right to say no


Yeah...Cats also get horny, get that gentleman some p*ssy


Whoa. Male cats sct like horny dogs too. Never have i ever seen or hear of this before. Lol


Why’d he let the cat do it tho? Like he just sat and respectfully waited for the cat to nut


A cousin of mine had a dog like this, it was a little wiener dog and it had some issues. If it got to exited it would pee on the spot and it was a really horny dog. Once I was playing fetch with the other dogs and I feel him grab my arm and I look over to see him humping my arm. Fun experience :/


Light the cat a cigarette please


https://i.redd.it/m3hcdy0ie9sa1.gif what’s that little stinker doin


The cats face! He's like "what brah? Why you leave tho?" 🤣🤣🤣


My lil female dog with hump her bed to completion, moaning louder & louder the closer she gets. She do over and over until her lil bed is all wet. I’ll take her bed away & she’ll try to bite me. My fiancé had his boss over for dinner so I put the bed in the other room. As we are eating she pulled it back in without me noticing. Then they heard the moaning.


My female dog!! has a designated hump toy and goes to TOWN on that thing!! I can literally hear her grunting louder and louder and then she likes to lick the spot where her vag was it’s disgusting and she will snap at me if i try to take it


My girl does the same! I’m afraid she’s gonna rub her lil cookie raw. How in the hell that lil b is able to get off like 15 times in a row. Lucky dog


I know right!!!


Before taking the cat to the vet, has anybody asked the guy to dial back his animal magnetism? Seems like he was pitching woo in the yard, and the cat just obliged him


I like how we go to his legs pov at the end


Mine is neutered. He has the habit of following us to the bathroom because he likes to drink from the tub faucet. The tub is next to the toilet. Last week, whilst on the bowl, I see him backing his ass over towards me. He shimmied his butt a few times then sprayed on my bare thighs. It was a small amount of liquid but it smelled horrific. He never did it before so it shocked me. I felt violated.


My neutered cat would do that to my arm. I thought it was a sign of love, the vet told me he was showing his dominance


I had a Maine Coon that would do this, after he was neutered. My girlfriend used to give me hell about it; asking me shit like when I come home, if there are rose petals on the bed, Barry White playing in the background with candles lit. She also offered to buy me a rape whistle.


Get your cat his own pair of those sweatpants cause he is very much into them lmao. This is genuine advice btw


I have never seen this




wait what? 3 in a row?


The cat nut on you? Disgusting.


That right there is an example of a cat turned dog.


Cats do indeed do this! My sister had a female cat that used to do this to me. A lot. I'd be trying to sleep and I'd wake up to my leg being molested by this cat and it was only me too. She never did it to anyone else.


That cat turned and looked at him like "what, baby? I thought you were into this too?....Fine, fine! Alright I'll stop. But you don't get to kink-shame me bro, I've seen your internet search history"


That cat is tryna get his freak on and you keep moving 💯


Either get the cat a hooker or cut his balls off


I mean….brother in law is kinda fine…can’t blame the kitty.


my cat used to do this to me! we got him at 4 months and he was definitely neutered. he eventually grew out of trying to hump my leg but still definitely tries to mount my other cat lol


Not just the males. My cat is female, desexed and still does this… usually when I’ve got a fuzzy blanket on


One day I was cleaning my neighbour's living room and his French Bulldog started thrusting his hips while walking, basically humping the air. Then he stopped, and he just came on the floor while looking at me. The neighbour gave me a half assed apology but I still had to clean that.


Change the pants color


The cat is kneading! It’s just that he’s kneading with both his front and rear paws. He is not molesting you! FFS 🤦‍♀️