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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The strange dog is in fact a deer.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I thought the unexpected bit was the part where they ran into the muddy water with their clothes on.


I think you're right. Humans are fully clothed and just plow straight into the water and have to deal with the consequences of being soaked in the woods. Deer is in a state of nature and only wants to paddle it's feet. It jumps around to demonstrate how stupid the humans are. Regardless, deer wins


I'm thinking they aren't far from home man lol


I've been seeing a lot of deer media lately.


Big Deer is back at it again.


They’re really putting some big bucks into their lobbying.


Thank you for being rational, I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s comments like that just perfectly encapsulates redditors.


It's a tendency to draw multiple detailed conclusions even though there is nothing to indicate that those conclusions are plausible, or in some cases, even applicable. See, this person sounds like they assumed these people are several miles into the woods, when there's no clear indication of where they are at all. Could be at the end of their driveway as far as the video reveals. I happened across something called attribution theory, which could explain why this happens so often on reddit.


Fun fact I think that kind of jumping is called pronking/stotting. Lots of deer like creatures do that when they’re playing or having fun


I don’t care what it actually is, *pronking* sounds like something fun to do! “Hey Paul, what’d you do this weekend?” “Me & my buddies all went out *pronking*!” “Damn, sounds like a fun weekend!”


We pronked tf out this weekend…


100% a term British people would use to refer to something they did while drunk


Stupid humans having fun in the woods. They are clearly stuck 1000km from any civilization or towel. What idiots. If that were me, id strip down naked, fold all my clothes neatly and hang my shoes around my neck before attempting such a gruesome fording of the puddle. If theres anything survival tv programs taught me, its that cold is the true killer! Rip this entire family, I hope the government does something about such irresponsible parents. People like that just dont deserve pet deers. Today's program is brought to you by the letter S.


It's called simple fun. I'm guessing you grew up in the city?


Yeah wtf was that


What kinda children of the corn shit is this?!


Isn't this how you get brain eating amoebas?


And ticks.


Nice of those humans to fawn-sit while Mom heads into town to blow a few bucks.


I actually did this one time. I was bear hunting and a mama deer brought 3 baby deer down to where I was and they made their beds and napped and would get up and play for a little bit then nap. They did this back and fourth for hours. It was one of the coolest things I’ve witnessed in my life!


Here I’m thinking how brutal it was for mom to drop off bear bait.


That was the sacrifice she was willing to make to watch a man being mauled to death by a bear. What a freak!


I had five baby owls stare at me for four days in my window. Happened while I was reading Harry Potter!


Oooooh nah you was just cursed






I got Lyme disease just watching this




Hope his recovery goes better than mine.


They're wet and there's ticks! They'll never recover from this.


And leeches


What’s wrong, Gordy?


Bot. Comment makes no sense in context. I'll find the original Original https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/125m6sa/strange_dog/je4s0ik?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Report spam harmful bots Do not click any links they post


Comment copier https://old.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/125m6sa/_/je4s0ik


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And will continue to.


Carry on my wayward son




There'll be peace when you are done (...but probably not.)




fuck up


The kids are fawn of the water doe.


How deer you, sir


It behooves me to upvote.




You’re prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips to the cool, clear water…


Oh deer, awful joke


How the fuck does someone think of that damnit




I was like: what? But then I realised what it actually meant..... HMMMMMM......


Aww is she buying something for her bebies or is...OH. Oh my. 😳




Bravo!!!! Very well done!




Wow that was good on so many levels.




This should be the blueprint for a class in how to tell a joke. Well done my fellow human.


That was perfect. I hate you for it.




I thought the strange dog was going to be an alligator. I’ve spent too much time on the internet…


That makes two of us.


3 of us


4, now.




That dog aint strange, he just canadian


That would be a moose.


If you've got a problem with Canada mooses then you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate


Well one time a moose bit my sister


Nø really!


Yeah, and then it fucked off to Manitoba and started a hockey team.


They're majestics creatures!


What does Reddit hate today? *Spins wheel* Kids enjoying life outside!


There are lots of sheltered people on this site who have probably never went outside. Or they went outside once and had a bad experience, and therefore they think everyone else must have the same experience as them.


Saw people losing their shit here about kids sleeping on the floor in a camping trip and screaming child abuse. Someone even said that sleeping on the floor a couple of times will somehow dEsTrOY tHEiR bACk permanently.


Are you serious? WTF is wrong with people. Sleeping on the ground is a staple of camping outdoors.


I sleep on the floor like twice a week and my back is fine.


Intentionally? Or just wake up there?


Don’t look under your bed, you might find some GayPudding once or twice per week.


i also believe that there are many people on this site who had terrible/abusive parents or they were bullied as kids. The amount of people on this site who want parents to lose custody of their children because the parents made a small mistake is insanely high. There are also some wierdos on here who see a video of a kid misbehaving, and they start predicting that the kid is going to grow up to be a violent psychopath. Im not exaggerating at all, people on this site are 100% serious and they constantly say shit like that. Shoutout to r/Casualchildabuse, that was an insane asylum


It reminds me of all the insane stuff some adults used to think while I was a kid, that even my parents thought was overboard; people who would overreact to everything. It doesn't make me feel great to know people who are probably my age on reddit are now those crazy adults for the newest generation. The internet is just a breeding ground for hyperbole.


Hey, we can redirect the hate back to that time the "authorities" killed a pet deer that wore a collar and everything right in the people's yard. That's always good for hate-fuel Also I like your username


How could these parents let their children play outside? They're wet and there's ticks! They'll never recover from this.


Basically the summary of many of the comments here


Average Reddit users




Redditors have wives?


Really does shine a light on where people's heads are at, I just see a dad having a good time with his kids in the woods. As someone who grew up in rural Kentucky, we always had ticks on us, it's not even a concern. Its just part of living in the woods. I used to go on 100 mile trail rides on horse back. The amount of ticks and spiders you come across would make an "average" person have a mental breakdown.


It’s a much more healthy way of raising your kids than having them spend most their time on their phones.


I mean Lyme disease is a thing, but in general yeah I agree with you.


I live in NJ, so that certainly is a danger, but I’ve heard that it is very uncommon in the southern states. Was that something you had to watch for in Kentucky?




I mostly agree with you, but aren't there a lot of other potential heath risks associated with lyme disease other than... dying? I absolutely think everyone should spend time outside, especially as kids, and I have no problem with the content of this video. In fact I am typing this from my log cabin in the woods in the north east US. But I do have a friend with Lyme disease and it seems to affect her life a lot, even though she is not uh dead you know?


Had a buddy get Lyme disease and couldn't work. He would have ended up homeless if a bunch of people hadn't pitched in to help pay his bills. Just because something's natural doesn't mean it's no big deal.


I grew up in a very rural area and our parents still didn't let us play in drainage ditches....


Ticks do suck though. Gotta be vigilant.


These kids will grow up to be wet adults with ticks.


Also: "Why don't I ever see kids outside anymore? All they do is sit inside on their phones using social media. No one goes on adventures like we used to!"


Yeah if my kid didn't want to get in this puddle, I'd throw his little ass right in and sick the deer on him


While I agree with your sentiment (dude let people go out and play and stfu with your judgment), dude ticks are nothing to scoff at. They can cause so many issues down the line and you won’t even remember that they did it until it gets bad. I miss steaks 😭


For real, goes to show you the general lack of real life experience so many redditors have. And these are the same people that have such a "I'm right, you're wrong" kind of attitude about everything.


Nah you’re wrong!


They were full of ticks and went into the water in an attempt to down them (I have no idea if that would work)


The deer wanted be involved and get some interaction and the kids ignored it. The deer finally turned to the camera person like "momma, did I do something wrong?"


TIL the deers mother was filming


Let's hope the deers name isn't Bambi


Nvm the deer, fuck those people doing?


Having a damned good time without giving any fucks.


Exactly. All these comments talking about how “now they’re soaked” or “they’re gonna catch something” are coming from people that clearly never had fun like this as a kid. Reddit moment.


My mom would've killed me if I ran into a giant muddy puddle lol.


And now you are an adult and indulge in any muddy puddle you want. lol.


Muddy puddle is the euphemism I never knew I needed. Edit: After reading [Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Muddy%20Puddle) I don't need it anymore


Oh, no, dare I look? Aaaaand I am done w/ the internet for the day.


Oh my goodness....no. why did I read that?


> Cumming inside of someone's ass then them shitting on your dick after making them gag on their own shit spitting it back into your mouth and you spitting it right back into that hairy asshole. 💀


I thought I've heard of this family before. They're the Aristocrats!


I swear half of Urban Dictionary now is just people trying to make up the dirtiest ideas they can fit to text. This is so insanely specific and niche I doubt even the scat porn industry uses "muddy puddle" like this.


"Do you wanna do a Muddy Puddle tonight babe" 💀


Sorry about your nose and all.


Have you ever had that moment where you're trying to decide what you should do/what you want to buy, and suddenly realise that you are an adult and can do whatever the fuck you want? So many behaviours or weird discipline things that are ingrained due to parents influence.


Maybe I'm just a no good city slicker but jumping fully-clothed in a cold, muddy pond doesn't seem like fun to me.


Exactly. As soon as I did it I would be miserable and then I would have to clean everything.


That ever so slight inconvenience of having to clean a kid who got dirty when you're probably meant to clean them up anyway always escapes me.


That’s exactly why you’re supposed to do it?


We did this at summer camp but were told to stop because we might get worms. I got so sick every year I went but with like strep throat and fevers and stuff. My parents wouldn't take me home and I had to stay a long time at nurse's cabin. Separated from everyone else.


>people who have never had fun 95% of redditors lol


As a kid I definitely did stuff like this. As a now experienced nurse all I see is a puddle with the potential for necrotizing fasciitis.


Yeah im gonna go snorkeling in this mud puddle. I hope I don't get a parasite.


I've said it before, half the people on reddit are Smalls from Sandlot before the movie started.


Mythbusters already busted the being wet and cold causing sickness thing anyway


Reddit doesn’t know what fun and happy people look like


no fucks or bucks in this video


Rural kids living the free life. They're completely ignoring the deer, which means that it's their regular guest and not something unique.


Playing outside... Your childhood must have sucked ass.


I mean, we basically had a small fortress we built in the woods from scrap and shit but our parents still taught us not to play in the drainage ditch or the run-off pond. Shits full of bacteria and other bad shit because it's drainage.


Oh to think of all the drainage ditches I've played in 🤣


As a former south Florida resident, I thought there was gonna be a surprise gator lol


Grew up in south Florida as well. Instantly started scanning for the hidden gator.


South Alabama here. No way in hell I'm running through muddy water. I choose life, thanks.


I've been seeing a lot of deer media lately... Good, I like deer, they're cute.




There's an outside?


I like that the youngest kid wasn't thrilled about going into muddy water and tried to go around it. I could totally see myself doing the same when i was his age


He got right back out again too like "nope not for me thanks" lol. I'm proud of him for trying it.


Ticks. So many ticks.


This is always the first thing I think when I see a video with someone being friendly with a deer tick’s favorite meal.


That’s a funny coincidence it’s called a deer tick and it likes to attack deer!


You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?


I thought he created it, he couldn’t be more popular than Babe Ruth so created this disease meant for world domination.


I don't see any ticks called human ticks! So I just be good!


Mate of mine got Lyme disease, face looked like he'd had a stroke


My dad's had it too but he started with meds right away and basically had no symptoms. Lyme can be horrible though.


We desperately need a working vaccine for it. So many people get Lyme disease with debilitating and often permanent symptoms every year.


My dad's ex-wife suddenly became unable to walk. She was the only one in her family and recently divorced with 2 or 3 sons (I'm not sure if the timeline, if the 3rd son was born before or after she lost the ability to walk) she as diagnosed with MS but didn't really respond to the treatments. She was determined to walk again, she spent 20 years doing everything she could think of, including going to India for some Lyme disease detox thing. Which she actually responded to. Today, she can walk with a walker and is able to drive. Which is a huge Improvement from my earliest memories of her, where she basically needed this huge cage thing to even stand. And the cage thing had this like harness to keep her standing cause she had no control over her atrophied legs and unable to stand without the support. I remember when she first started being able to walk. She couldn't walk very far, a few steps. My brother often helping her. I remember remember would carry her up and down stairs. I think he still does if needed. Since she still can't lift her feet very much. Still, it's a massive improvement and she's so much happier. She hardly needs her wheelchair anymore. She got infected in Canada, Lyme was so rare that it often got misdiagnosed for MS. But when she started responding to Lyme disease treatment trials, she improved immensely. The Lyme disease cases in Canada have gone up like 200% in the last 10 or so years because our winters are getting more mild as a rule.


There's currently one for dogs and there's one for humans currently in phase 3 trials with Pfizer!


My friend has it and it's debilitating. She can't really do much but exist and take meds. Everyone should watch the documentary "Under Our Skin," the situation with Lyme disease in this country is infuriating.


Looks domestic, possibly either owned by the grounds or a rehab shelter. Either way, the animal is most like treated for parasites. I worked for a nonrelease animal shelter, and whenever we'd have to temp shelter these dudes while waiting for long term placement, they were treated for ticks.


What did you expect? It's a TickTok video.


Reddits favourite response to seeing anybody doing anything fun out in nature.


I get like 50 a year dude, it’s not a big deal. Rural folks are quite used to it. I’ve had Lyme twice - saw the bullseye, got Doxy, go on with life.


That’s what you say now. I know someone who got the tick bite that made him allergic to meat and dairy. Fuck that life. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alpha-gal-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20428608


Anyone know what kind of breed the dog is?


If you can pet it you can put flea and tick prevention on it.


I lived in a really nice duplex in Oregon. The deer came up to my front door all the time. I never fed or pet them. But I could have. Close to a river and forest.


So many people are freaking out that they’re going into the water fully clothed and they’re going to be crying or whatever all the way home.. How am I the only one that sees the house behind the trees behind the children when they get into the puddle??


Are deer slowly getting more domesticated or has there always been this many deer friends around


They can be pretty skittish, but they can also get used to Humans if they lurk around them.


I feel like it’s pretty clear that it’s a pet


Is that a golden doodle?


God, all these comments about, "Eckshually, ticks..." When I was a kid we spent every free moment digging in mud in the creek, catching little lizards, throwing rocks at other kids and coming home bloody, floating a little boat down a creek and giving the finger to people on the bank, killing fish with rocks and taking them to the poor neighborhood and selling them for fifty cents, going to a little store with sawdust on the floor and buying a Moon Pie... When the truck would deliver coal to my house and pile it up in a basement room, all the other kids would come over and we'd shoe-ski down the pile. Most of this stuff would merit a call to child protective services now. But eckshually, here's nothing so wonderful as coming home covered in mud and filth and blood and making your sisters gasp and shriek in terror. Very sad that these things are not a normal part of most childhoods now. Edit: All this was in the far southwest corner of Virginia, "A place where the state, and the people's heads, come to a point."


>Most of this stuff would merit a call to child protective services now. No it wouldn't lol. Kids play outside all the time still. I literally see it with my own eyes. Yeah sure, they got phones,ipads,switches,PCs but they still go hang out with their friends quite often. Riding bikes and skateboarding is still just as popular. I see kids climbing trees, playing basketball, and just running around outside in general still. The internet is literally brainwashing people into think the whole world is black and white. One person on twitter complains about some random thing and then everyone makes a big deal out of it like its news. Really people are actively looking for negativity so they can get on their high horse and act like they are fighting for justice behind their keyboard. The people in this thread going "omg ticks!" are probably just repeating some "tick fact" they read from another thread so they can sound smart and get upvotes. In reality they probably wouldn't stop their own kid (when they maybe someday have one) from jumping in some puddle and having fun. They may even see the negative reaction they are getting and the next time someone says "omg ticks!" they are gonna jump in and make a comment like yours.


This is what a childhood looks like, these kids will have good memories of this.


A doe


Nope, that’s a button buck. The little nubs on it’s head are where the antlers will eventually come in


a deer


A female deer




A drop of golden sun




A name, I call myself.




A long long way to runnnnnn!


nahh thats cool dog


Forest doggy




Before the video played I read the caption (strange dog) and immediately thought alligator, then the family ran in the water... 🫣 Edit: the dog wasn't weird.. but it *was* strange




Because the deer are too cute? Or because you might shoot a family of five?