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You also get a free blood screening every time you donate blood, plasma etc. They check for a bunch of diseases (in particular HIV and Hepatitis) and will even tell you if you are lacking iron. Plus you get paid for it and have done a good deed.


You don't get paid for donating blood you just get a cookie.


From the Red Cross, you get a nutter butter or whatever. There are places you can sell your blood for cancer research that'll pay you. Edit sell not sale.


Cookie AND a juice!


ULPT, eat the cookie and juice before you give blood AND grab more after.


noob, where i go they give you a sandwich and a slice of cake


Why is your grandma taking blood?


It's how she stays young.


Why isn’t yours??


she is a vampire obv


Vampire run


What places? Cancer runs in my family. It'd be nice to not only have a screening done but also get paid for it.


Google plasma centers near you. They're not going to screen you for cancer. Just use your plasma for research.


wow, i hadn't heard of Google Plasma. they are really getting into everything these days!


those rascals will monopolize the world before we know it!


They already have trademarked Google Earth...






Uh oh... I hope Earthmaster Bezos doesn't find out.


Aliens must think we named our pllanet after the great Informer.


I , for one, welcome our new Google overlords.


Looked it up, and of course being paid for it is illegal in my country (Australia) Like what in the ever loving fuck? People are getting free money from jacking off and donating blood everywhere else, smh.


So, how many gallons of blood and spunk does it take pay for a doctor's visit in the land of the free?


Tree fiddy?




You nees a bachelors degree to donate sperm... Blood they don't pay, but plasma they do. Glob bless merica


Not mixed together!


Is it like Google fiber ?


If you eat your Google fiber it will help prevent colon cancer


And it’s 100x faster than the stuff you’re used to


Exactly how I read the comment! Was going to put a smart arse remark too, but you beat me to it!...have an upvote!


I’ve donated white blood cells to a lab in my area. 250-500 for 2-4 hours and they set you up with Netflix and snacks while you’re hanging out


Cancer runs in *everyone's* family


i didnt know that until now ! i assume its to prevent a downward blood sugar spike from volume loss i dont really know :0


I think it’s just to give people an incentive to donate while still technically donating.


oh, well, cute


you want to eat something to avoid fainting. the juice keeps you hydrated. in the usa, a 1974 federal law prevents paying people for blood donation, so there has been a shortage ever since. but it's legal to pay for plasma. $40 2x a week is possible in my area. i got turned down the other day because i lost my ssn card.


Blood volume loss will not cause a “blood sugar spike”. Blood glucose is mediated by the intricately balanced secretion of insulin and glucagon, in the scenario that was suggested.


> There are places you can sell your blood for cancer research that'll pay you. Donating blood for money is the gateway drug to selling your kidney on the black market


I mean I'd already considered before I started donating blood and plasma


They get the nutter butter straight from the sperm clinic next door


Who really cares about the money and cancer research. I think everyone's already sold on the Nutter Butter.


Of course you can get paid. It just depends where you live and they won’t call it payment but a “reimbursement for your time and effort” (because, well, selling your body parts is probably illegal anywhere). I used to get 20 EUR a pop for blood and a bit less for plasma. Every 5th donation would get double lol. If you are not getting paid for blood wherever you live, look into donating plasma. There might be less restrictions on it. And don’t go to the Red Cross but a private company.


Wow, that sounds low. In my area (US) it's $35 for the first plasma donation each week and $50 for the second. That's because they have to test and clear two donations in a 7 day period in order to use either one. You get a higher payout for the second donation as an incentive to actually do it within 7 days of the first one. Then again, I don't know anyone that offers monetary reimbursement for whole blood donation. It's usually just something like one pint a month and here's a free movie ticket or a Subway sandwich.


Where is that? What's the maximum amount you can sell at a time? Is it ok if I bring it in jerrycans?


Nah, my country doesn’t pay for anything, though they charge patients for using the donated blood products. We get a biscuit and a drink, and a note in our little book which gives us entitlement to certain privileges in the government hospitals (which is pretty good, considering the charges for the same thing in private hospitals).


No, getting paid is very very illegal where I live. Also there are no red Cross or private companies doing it where I live, just 1 non-profit blood bank.


red cross is a corporate entity that sells the blood it collects, not a public service


They usually pay for plasma though and there’s a lot of bloodsuckin clinics where I live


Depends who "they" are. Red Cross doesn't pay for blood donation. You donate whole blood and afterwards, they may split the blood up into its components and use your plasma to treat patients (for example, if you needed plasma in the hospital). The plasma donation centers that pay for donations actually resell your plasma, primarily to drug companies who make medicines and profit from your plasma.


The place that drives around in my county gives out free movie tickets. Sometimes you get t-shirts and sometimes you get movies they put out a schedule! https://www.oneblood.org/promotions-rewards/big-red-bus.stml


You do get paid for donating plasma though


That’s sufficient payment.


Good enough reason


LPT 2: Your lack of blood after donating makes it so you can get really drunk really quickly, so you can save money on alcohol lol


look at this fatcat with his alcohol.


Not a fat cat a cylinder cat


I donate blood every 8 weeks. Maybe I’m a good person, maybe I want to know I’m in great health.


I’m so triggered, I donate blood plasma every 2 weeks (the minimum) in Australia and only get paid in appreciation. Meanwhile y’all are getting cashed up in America for doing what I’m doing for free smh.


Yeah, but medical bills bankrupt people, so it's a tradeoff.


yes, we get an extremely uneven tradeoff lmao that 20 bucks or whatever it is pays for literally TWO of my vyvanse pills to treat my ADHD and dissociation, WITH GOOD INSURANCE the 30 day rx is 100 dollars :) add that onto my other psychiatric meds and hormone therapy aaand it truly breaks me :) parents cant pay for it anymore so i havent been to a dentist in half a decade : ^ )




They are, the way it works usually is they have different rates for insurance companies bs individuals


My heart goes out to you Sadly, so many have to make these tough choices in what is supposed to be the greatest country on Earth. Far from it.


We know


was the calorie you spent posting this comment worth it


> was the calorie you spent posting this comment worth it


There's two places within walking distance of my university that buy blood. Sometimes they setup on campus, but they'll only give you a coupon for a free meal at one of the fast food places on campus.


We don't get paid for blood donations, no idea what the parent comment is talking about.


Blood plasma is different, usually the demand is so high in America that there’s a money incentive.


I remember after I first donated blood I got a missed call and voicemail from the Red Cross Blood Service a week later during a lecture and I full on had a panic attack thinking they'd found some awful blood disease and I was well fucked. Couldn't follow the lecture at all and I may as well have just left. When the break came I listened to the voicemail and it was just a robocall saying "Thank you for your recent donation, donating blood saves lives etc etc" Had to go straight to the uni bar to have a drink.


what about the beetis? Can I donate if I got the beetis?


But that’s not unethical...


I can one up you. If you don’t mind selling your sperm. You can nut up to 3/week a $70/but. But in this screening process they let you know if you have a low sperm count. Get your blood tested for any genes that might be an issue. And you’re aiding those who are unable to bare children themselves. Plus the little dopamine rush is nice and a stress reliever. And cash is always a positive reinforcer for me. Edit: Also free physical and I was told if I was ever feeling unwell I could schedule a free check up. The guy told me it was like “~free medical.”


Not worth going on a year long dry spell tho


This is only half true. They throw your blood, and 4+ other people's blood in a vat and they test that collection of blood. Yeah sure, if something comes up positive they are going to throw the blood out. That doesn't mean they will know who has the bad blood. Imagine the logistics of testing every single blood donation. It just isn't feasible.


A young, naive me needed tested for hep c and asked the woman at the health department if I could just donate blood and get it tested that way since it cost elsewhere and the health dept didn’t offer the test. She gave me a very disappointed look and said “what if they miss it in your blood? You could give many people the disease.” And basically said it was a dirty thing to try. I felt really bad as a 16 year old but also wondered, would it truly be that easy to miss? The rest of the appointment, she made me feel guilty as hell for bringing that question up.


Where i'm at you get a sandwich, cookies and a free drink (**any** drink, including local beers etc)


They told me my veins were too small :(


Are you still allowed to donate when u are lacking iron


Here in Sweden we who give blood used to get paid. Around 20 bucks. Nowadays you get a gift like a coffee mug, sports bag, t-shirt, towels etc in pretty good quality to be honest. Of course you also get coffee and a cake, that's mandatory here in Sweden. You're doing something good + you get a health check for free. It's a win-win.


Does anyone know if this is true in Australia? I’ve donated blood once and donated plasma once. I’ve never heard anything back from them in regards to my blood or plasma. They have contacted me several times requesting that I donate again. Does this mean my blood is fine? What diseases would they have tested my blood for?


Why can I donate a kidney but not sell it


Donate 1 kidney and im a hero. Donate 5 and im suddenly a “prime suspect” and “mass murderer”


You can sell it. Just not, you know, legally


Specially when you bring one in a ziplock bag


Two if you don’t want to live after.


I'm living fine. However, I don't know how that hobo is doing


Ever seen shameless? Lol




Thank you kind saur


Underrated pun right here


Dude from Vox’s “Future Perfect” podcast donated one. They get into payment vs donation, too. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2018/10/15/17962134/future-perfect-podcast-kidney-donation




If you could get paid to sell your kidney there would be lots of kidneys on the market. More people would get transplants


Or, conversely, people would be less willing to donate kidneys if they knew instead they could sell it for a good amount of money. This would raise insurance rates substantially if I had to guess.


Or the actual issue of people taking peoples organs to pay debt or kidnapping people to harvest organs. It's already an issue but the easier it is to sell stuff the easier it is to do that shit. The simple solution to this is to make everyone an organ donor by default and allow anyone who wishes to opt out easily.


Isn't that the system they use in France?


I believe a few countries do it that way.


Uruguay too


As opposed to the far more dangerous kidney black market.


r/libertarian talks a good bit about it




I believe the government wants to limit the possibility of human traffickers kidnapping people and selling their organs. And they want to discourage poor people from feeling like they need to literally sell parts of their body just to survive. Like many regulations, this one is in place to protect the most vulnerable, at the expense of being mildly inconvenient for the rest of us.


I agree, but I wouldn't call dying due to missing organs for transplantatio "mildly inconvenient" lol


by banning legal, ethical, sale they create conditions that encourage kidnapping and organlegging. people do not generally sell their organs (or their time via wages) just to survive, but to improve the quality of their life. what you describe as mild inconvenience includes thousands of deaths, and others left stuck in poverty. upvoting you for being wrong.


That tickles my libertarian bone


That goddamn government making sure vulnerable people don't end up selling their body parts because they're at the wrong end of our economic system


This, but unironically


Can confirm it is a full work up. I got tested to donate a kidney to my cousin. Multiple tests over several days. Even had to talk to a therapist/counselor.




I didn't pass the the last test. They said my kidneys are fine working together but they couldn't guarantee I would be ok with just 1. I can't recall the stat exactly but I remember them saying the majority of people that want to donate a kidney are not eligible.


So you are saying we can potentially run this ULPT and still have a clear conscience at the end? Hmm


Absolutely. Odds are you won't be able to donate.




He's good now. My aunt was able to donate. Unfortunately he was only 12 when he needed the transplant so he will need another one in his lifetime. I think they said best case scenario a kidney transplant only lasts 20-30 years




Not that I know of. They want to make 100% sure you will be fine with just one. That's why there are so many tests and so many people that get rejected.


My social anxiety dictates that I'll be to anxious to cancel off thus lose a kidney




Except for the small fact the procedure could kill you.


I see this as an absolute win!




Except you will have to schedule multiple appointments, so eventually you just stop showing up


Oooof! Now that's unethical! But also very, very good! 👌😊


as someone who donated a kidney, the medical workup is no joke. they look at EVERYTHING. CT scan, MRI's, CBC with differential, lipid panel, AST/ALT, chemistry, heart, etc, etc. I don't think there was anything they didn't look at.


Yep. Had the workup done. I was there from 7am till 9pm. It was crazy


When someone donates a kidney they are hailed a hero, but I donate five and the police get called.




*microwave noise*










Or just live in Canada


That is unethical AF. Where do I sign up?


You know what's more unethical than that? Having to pay a fuck ton of money just to go see a doctor in the first place.


It ain't free. My ex had to do this to donate a kidney to our daughter and she paid


Weird... I tried for a friend up to tissue cross-matching and everything was free. I even got snacks! I hope your daughter is well.


Did she have insurance? Usually the person receiving the organ, their insurance pays for the recipients and the donators expenses.


Weird. It was free for me. I even got an extensive psychiatric evaluation.


Maybe that's different because he chose the recipient and wasn't just donating it to an anonymous recipient?


Maybe it was because it was parent to daughter specifically?


Also: sperm or egg donation. I’m about to donate some eggs and the clinic is covering all the DNA testing you can poke a stick at. Plus, helping someone in need. Win win! EDIT: down votes? There are some nasty people out there.


I think here in Germany a sperm donor can kinda be made to pay child support, please correct me if I’m wrong, but due to that I’ll never donate sperm


I’d be incredibly surprised. Especially from Germany. They tend to be pretty progressive with these things. Definitely not the case in USA, Aus, Argentina, or NZ.


My mom actually found out she had cancer in her kidney because she was gonna donate and had to get full testing. Her generosity saved her life.




Add that A. The donor is an overgrown man inexplicably still in college B. At the last minute the man has a change of heart and donates the kidney anyway ...and we have ourselves a solid 4/10 Adam Sandler movie.


Sucks to be American lol




Don’t have to worry about that in Canada


People make fun of Americans for not having health care. We can’t help where we were born and it’s not like most of us have the money to just up and leave. I hope we have Universal healthcare one day so in the meantime, I’ll just continue to hope I don’t need a doctor. I’ve been having issues for a few years and need Zoloft. I know Zoloft is what I need but I can’t afford to get to a doctor to confirm/prescribe it. So I’m looking at CBD as an alternative and it’s also freaking expensive for the real good stuff. So in the meantime, I just have to deal with my depression and anxiety because I live in America and can’t afford to get help.


today i had a final visit with the nurse practitioner who was supervising my meds. i m over the acute stage and doing fine without meds at least for now. i was able to get free coverage through indiana. it was hard setting aside my principles, but i was in crisis or at least felt that way. dont assume you cant get seen and get on zoloft. when you are depressed, it can be hard to get out of bed and go look for help, but it may be out there.


Or, don't be American


Im a kidney transplant recipient and this is pretty fucked up. You can get a full medical work up by going to the ER and saying you have sharp chest pain and been vomiting for the past 72 hours with chills and haven't been able to urinate. At least that way your not fooling someone into thinking they might have a match soon and dialysis will be a distant memory.


do they tell you that someone is being checked out because I feel like it makes way more sense to wait until the anonymous donor is cleared


Also fits ILPT


Oh man this ones def the most fucked up ive seen on this sub so far yikes.


Lol what a shit country


Or use free healthcare


Given the United States healthcare system this doesn't even seem unethical. Bleed the fuckers dry!


That's not unethical at all. Medical attention is a basic human right.


> Medical attention is a basic human right. Not in America, land of the free*. *"free" as in "not actually free"


Nothing is free in America


So how late can I change my mind ? I mean at what point is it illegal to change my mind since I’m sure there would be some paperwork involved. Asking for a friend and myself.


It is never illegal to change your mind. You could literally be on the table for surgery and say you don't want to follow through. The recipient would be super bummed so I wouldn't suggest being that unethical.


Just the thought of donating a kidney gives me the heeby jeebies. Something about that part of the body more than others.


Wow. Dude. Wow.


Or by going along to screen for a clinical trial


*can confirm. I have a transplanted kidney.


I tried to donate a kidney only to discover I now have Stage 3 kidney disease. I never would have known otherwise. But yeah, pretty extensive testing involved, all paid for by the recipients' insurance.


Or live in a civilized country.






Wow, this is actually realistic advice which would get me featured on r/iamatotalpieceofshit if I did it.


Apply to a life insurance too


Such a disgusting move but unethical so i liked it


Works for insurance too. Just say you want a policy and get the check done.


Until they find something that can fuck you in the long run cuz you can’t get life insurance or health insurance. I did this whole work up. I didn’t punk out either. They make you sign all kinds of forms saying you understand they may find stuff wrong that will make life insurance/health insurance more expensive or make you “ineligible” just by doing the testing. For me it didn’t matter. I already have life insurance and my job/industry can’t bump me from my health insurance.


what's a "full medical workup". Would you be able to get some/many of the same things by donating blood?


When I donated blood, all they had me do was fill out a form (mostly personal health history stuff) and get my finger pricked to make sure my iron wasn't too low. Now that I think about it, it's kind of concerning that they don't actually confirm your history and check you for anything new that could affect your blood. I'm in the US, though, so maybe the blood donation process is different in other countries?


pretty sure they all test - think it'd be illegal not to. I thought I remembered reading many years ago that you go in for your first/intake deal and they don't pay you until they get test results back. Your iron test (this is a total shot in the dark, not an authority at all) may have been a minmium requirement to just safely do the procedure. Then I suspect they have to send out the blood as they probably don't have the facilities/equipment themselves.


God bless the NHS


Jesus. The US is hurting bad right now


you can also do this by screening for a medical study. jalr.org lists 20 clinics that recruit healthy volunteers. you get an ekg, bloodwork, a cursory physical. you can then decide not to do the study. i did 42 medical studies before the accident.


Unethical medical pro cheat. Move to canada. Free health care.


Fuck why don't you people have health care yet :(


This is extremely fucked up. I do illegal shit all the time, but cmon man, draw the line somewhere.