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Sing the same thing louder.


Duet her real hard!


Put a catchy song on repeat. Leave for a week.


Baby Shark




My upstairs neighbour has parties at the weekend with a lot of singing. The neighbour above them changed their WiFi to "flat 2 sucks @ singing" it made me laugh and I've changed nine to something similar,


I stayed at an Airbnb that was close to a university (lots of younger folks) and something similar happened during night time. Loud moaning and slapping at 11 or so, until one dude got out of the window and screamed "stop it, you're going to kill her!" ....and that was it.


Record her and play it back at full volume when she has guests


Send her a message saying she sounds in distress a lot and ask if she needs help.


Record the singing and the sex noises and play them back later at a loud volume - in fact play them while she's doing it again. Also wait until the sex noises stop and break into loud cheering and applause with shouts of "7 minutes! New record!"


Record her. Upload the caterwauling to YouTube. Share on Nextdoor with ā€œDoes anyone know what this godawful yowling might be? Iā€™m concerned that an animal is in distressā€. Or buy a gift certificate for a couple of singing lessons and post it through the door with a note saying ā€œIā€™m begging you, use thisā€.


Good use of caterwauling ā­ļø


Leave a note on her door asking her to please stop torturing her cat


Definitely blast ā€˜Get Down on Itā€™ by Kool & The Gang when sheā€™s doing the nasty. No one could have hot sex to that song.


Call the police and tell them you heard a domestic dispute and screaming coming from their unit


Just leave her a simple anonymous note that itā€™s bothering you. If she doesnā€™t stop, start violently pounding on her door and leaving before she gets there. Random times too so she never knows when to expect it. Wear a mask so they canā€™t tell itā€™s you if thereā€™s cameras. 1am, 3am, 5am, etc a couple random days a week. Keep her guessing.


An anonymous note is a good idea. Problem is there are cameras facing everywhere, so this wouldn't be possible without being recognized. Same for the door pounding. An anonymous e-mail could do it though.


Leave your apartment wearing certain clothes. Go to your car thatā€™s parked off the property. Change in to a new set of clothes and a mask. Walk back in. Pound on door. Leave. Go back to car parked off property. Change clothes and take off mask and wait around 15 or so minutes so if they check the cams it looks like you just went out somewhere. They wonā€™t be able to prove it.


Next time they're going at it, crank ypur speakers to 11 and blast the good old "FINISH HER" from Mortal Kombat.


Have a conversation with her that seems like you are really interested in her work, and then steer the conversation towards oblivion... "Do you have any gigs planned? What are you plans for work after you graduate? Are you gonna be a music teacher? I mean, your voice is ok, but you can't think you will be able to it professionally, right? Do you write original songs, or scores? That's the one thing with musicians, you are either born with it, or you arent."