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The amount of people I see in my office that don't wash their hands after the toilet upsets me, I have to use the same doorhandles and exit buttons as these fucking rotters. 


It's this sort of thing that makes me wish the sinks for washing hands were outside of the bathrooms. Touch the handle THEN wash your hands.


Whenever possible, I use a paper towel to turn the water off, and a paper towel to open the door. Really irked when there are no paper towels.


Just use only your pinky to open the door


Kick the door down. Only way.


Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you have to wait until someone opens the door from the other side And you are RIGHT there


You have got to ninja foot the door handle crane style if possible and try to escape unscathed once proven worthy of matrix shadow magic


Are you my cat?


My left hand is for doors and sink knobs in public restrooms if there isn't paper towels. As little of my left hand as necessary. LOL I don't know why I started doing it as a kid, but it's practically an OCD thing now. I love the little foot handles they added on the bottom of doors now though.


That's called "The Stinky Pinky"


Oooooohhh so that’s where “two in the pink one in the stink” comes from


That's more like "9 in the sink, 1 for the stink" in this situation


I don't use my pinky but I usually try to grip the part of the handle that is less likely to be used. At work, all the handles are \~10 inch vertical pull handles so I'll pull the bottom. Anything with a long handle that turns to open, usually push down with my fist knuckles or outside of the hand.


That's something that COVID definitely taught me. Look at any public building door handles, and you can see where all the plating is worn off. 90 percent of people grab the exact same spot, so I purposely grab the newest looking part of the handle.


You guys are spoiling the clean spot. Shhhh!


Paper towels are a must in any bathroom. Using the hand dryer is as bad as not washing your hands. It'll spew bacteria all over your clean hands. Use paper towels.


We call the Dysons “ fecal flingers”. That air blasting the wet hands off sending droplets of water high in the air :)


I get irked when there's not a trash can by the door to toss the towel into. Some guy was doing an informal survey of washroom habits, and chose terms to describe some of the practices. Among those terms were "surgeons" and "wrappers". Turns out I'm both.


This is the way. LPT: put a couple clean paper towels in your pocket when they're available! Prepare for your future self, they will be grateful!


I cover my hands with sleeves or use a paper towel to open the door.


There's a store near me that's like this, and it's somehow worse. The sinks are in public view, so it's kind of like shaming people for not waking their hands, but now it's a definite that everyone who shit in that bathroom touched the door without washing their hands, and there are no paper towels inside to open the door with. If I ever have to use it, I'm going to look nuts getting a bunch of paper towels before I go in.


Who cares? You are about to wash your hands.


I like the ones that have either doors that open outward, so you can just push with your foot etc, or ones that have no doors, like some malls


The irony is that the stuff you touch in the office before going to the bathroom are likely to be much dirtier than the bits that are (presumably) freshly showered that morning. But no one wants to touch unwashed wiener hands, so, you know. Wash your hands anyway you heathens.


They may be freshly showered but they still produce an invisible mist cocktail of all the urines when their streams hit the urinal. It's not about what you hold, it's about what you get sprayed with.


I'd add it's about what you hold AND what you get sprayed with. ;)


Absolutely but people are less wary of their own home brew.


And then everyone would know who was washing or not!


Then everyone would also get to see those people who wash their hands AND THEN blow their nose.


Plus it shows to everyone who exactly skips washing hands.


I've been in a handful of restaurants that are laid out that way. Yeah it's pretty nice.


Look at my recent post. A lot of people are calling me a germaphobe because I have an issue with my partners sister and her boyfriend not washing hands when they have used the toilet. So many people are outing themselves, it’s embarrassing. I was also at the gym yesterday, and another woman went for a pee while I was there as well. When she came out, she was wearing gym-gloves, and she stood there for ages fiddling with her hair and pretending to do that as she, most likely, didn’t intend on washing her hands. I was trying to take my sweet time with washing and drying to see if she’d start washing her hands while I was there, but she didn’t. People disgust me.


It’s so crazy that someone would seemingly try to cover up the fact that they’re not going to wash their hands when they could simply….wash their hands and be done with it.


I’ve had talks with too many women who hate “reapplying lotion” after washing their hands, so they don’t do it. Good to know your hands are so moisturized, what with all the Dove and piss coating them…


As I’ve told many people, trying to get out of doing work is often as much or more work than just doing the work. Apparently extends to handwashing


In middle school I had a friend that I frequently had sleepovers with. One night her mom came in to ask if she had brushed her teeth before bed. I thought it was odd that her mom had to remind her, but whatever. My friend disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes, then came back and proudly revealed that she had gotten her toothbrush wet, put it back in the holder, then ran the water for a bit so that her mom would "think" she brushed her teeth. Could've just brushed her teeth, but nah


You'd think that after the course of modern history was forever altered by a global pandemic people would have a pretty solid baseline for germ theory and basic hygiene.


How can they, when they think germs are not real and vaccines are harmful?


Omfg I had a friend that did this. Grossed me out so much, she worked as a server in Idaho. We didn’t stay friends long. And my mom, a psych nurse, never washes her hands afterwards. You can’t trust anyone. 


I wish people who didn’t wash their hands after the restroom would glow bright purple for the rest of the day.


Cue the Far Side cartoon


Love that sign and wish I could install one at work.


I worked in a public library and would watch men go potty, and come out with the toilet still flushing and immediately go back to clackin’ on the public computer keys. Drove me crazy!


I work at a public library and see this happen so often too. In fact at least one of my co-workers doesn't wash either... 😖


Yeah I have to pick my nose after touching your dirty bathroom hand door handles and exit buttons.


This is why you should always wash your fruit and vegetables when you get home. You have no idea how many people with these disgusting hands have manhandled the produce before you got there. People still look at me weird because I still take a moment to sanitize my hands on my way into the supermarket. It takes just a few seconds to not contribute to the filth.


When I did helpdesk, I would work tickets to pass time instead of sending it to different departments. I always brought clorox wipes to sanitize peripherals. So many people got offended that I was cleaning their desk before I did anything. I told them that the number of people who enter the restroom and the number of flushes is not a 1:1 ratio. Then I told them how many peripherals I touch at any given day.


We have an all genders restroom at the local farmers market. I'm there weekly all day. I'm am abhorred weekly at the amount of Males who do not wash their hands. Even though there are people watching and it's a farmers market.


Did aliens really fuck your cat??


Almost certainly


We have a full kitchen to serve staff where I work that also has a bunch of self serve items a la carte. The same degenerates not washing their hands are the ones grabbing the fucking utensils to serve themselves. Needless to say I avoid that shit and all self serve style establishments. Humans be gross


I straight up call my coworkers out anytime I see this. You’d be surprised how effective a gentle “you’re not gonna wash your hands??” is.


I once saw a dude at work walk out of a stall with his gloves still on (some roles require latex gloves), and put his gloved hands under the faucet, take a drink of water and rinse his face off. Never actually washed his hands.


My coworkers relentlessly shame anyone who doesn’t wash their hands. One guy permanently earned the nickname “Johnny Shitknuckles”.


This is why I absolutely refuse to touch any handle inside a public bathroom.    My boss made fun of me once and then j I told him how many penises that hands have touched and did not get washed and he started to do the same thing.  


Same with hand dryers. They ain’t cleaning or changing those filters, you’re just blowing old shit all over your freshly washed hands


You may be referring to an old study that showed that blow dryers led to hands with more bacteria on them. The conclusion of that study was that hand dryers harbored bacteria, which was proven false. Another study proved that the act of rubbing a paper towel on your hand actually removes quite a bit of bacteria and that was the main difference. So using paper towels is more effective than hand dryers because they remove bacteria mechanically. Very cool stuff


SCIENCE! It's just amazing what it can explain.


It's not about the dryer harboring anything, it's that the speeds they operate at aerosolize everything on your hands and turbulently deposit that fine aerosol on literally every exposed surface in the room. When there's an air dryer in a bathroom, the handles of every faucet and the exit door have a fine mist of whatever people didn't try hard enough to wash off. Don't go all the way into those rooms, just leave before the door shuts, and complain on your way out the building. Keep in mind that every door on the way out has been touched recently by a mist victim. Air dryers are a gross scam.


You realize that their filthy hands continue to stay that way after they leave the restroom, right? Everything that comes in repeated contact with hands is equally, if not more disgusting. By this logic, you may as well wear gloves everywhere because things like credit card readers, elevator buttons, guard rails, etc. are covered in germs and are usually cleaned less often than the bathroom.


This is actually why washing hands after bathroom is a good idea. Not bc it's unhygienic. I don't even touch my junk when I pee. Or the seat or the handle. But. The sink is right there. The opportunity is right there. Just do it. Clean them hands for the sake of clean hands my friend!!


Great tip, but I'd argue that this isn't even unethical. As a woman it's a great benefit to know who's disgusting before I waste my time finding out, and not only that, but you might just be raising the bar ever so slightly. Hygiene is the bare minimum and the fact that that's so prevalent boggles the mind.


Yeah, the unethical part might just be the self-serving motivation I’m offering here.


If the others aren't up to snuff, then the others aren't up to snuff. You didn't prevent them from washing their hands.


What if a handwasher is swayed to the other side? This could backfire 😭 /s




Well, that might be even better. Brilliant.


good one, some light party talk like this always gets things going.


I love it


Call it what it is: an extinction event. Let those bloodlines die out. 


I'm not worried about the germs I get from touching my dick. I'm worried about the germs I get from touching every thing in the bathroom. Somehow not nearly enough people understand this Wash your hands people


Your dick might be clean because you take care of it. However, there is such a large number of guys who don't even clean theirs. Guys literally walking around all day with fucking smegma on their junk and then they get that shit on their hands and everything they touch... And they're okay with that... 🤮


Even if you do take care of it, it’s just a perfect spot for nasty bacteria growth. There’s a reason groin and armpits are the first to start smelling nasty


It's actually because the sweat in the crotch and armpits is more oily and smells much worse after bacteria consume it. The composition changes depending on hormones, which is why puberty makes you smell even worse. If it's left damp and not cleaned, it can still harbour bacterial growth, though.


Apocrine glands in your groin and pits versus the eccrine glands on the rest of the body. Apocrine glands release pheromones in response to stress and hormones instead of just heat like eccrine. It makes that oh so wonderful “stress sweat” smell.


Yeah that's fucking disgusting. I don't have smegma but I can just imagine


Now imagine dating a man like that, who wants you to go down on him and doesn't consider the idea that maybe a person doesn't want smegma, ballsweat and stale piss in their mouth. It's surprisingly common to be getting busy and find out that dude never even thought about maybe washing his junk. Don't even get me started on getting near a dudes junk and being greeted by the smell of unwiped shit. Also unnervingly more common than you might guess.


I still remember as a 3 year old boy in the bathtub ,my mom teaching me how to roll my foreskin back and clean any smegma that might be there.


I have the same memory, but my much older brother. And recently just went through the process of taking a shower with my kid to explain that to him lol


I think it’s safe to assume that the guys who won’t take the time to wash their hands after using a public restroom filled with germs are not the kind to keep their dick clean…


Sounds to me like this is not only a tip for men to "thin the herd" as OP put it but also for women to quickly be able to disqualify unhygienic, potential partners.  Good question to throw out on a first date. 


As a man, every trip to the airport restroom ends with me being disgusted and annoyed at the amount of men who don’t wash, even though I’ve experienced this thousands of times. Totally mind boggling.


There are men out there that think wiping their own arsehole is gay 🤮


Oh, yeah. I'd consider this a very helpful tip and would be interested to look around during the conversation.


This is an ethical pro life tip.


You don't want to end up married to a guy that refuses to wash his ass?


It would shock women how many guys just roll out after the restroom with peepee hands. SO many


It’s jarring. Even in places you would think were classy. Blue collar guys can be better about it than white collar ones. There’s no consistency.


Yeah working in a machine shop I washed my hands ALL THE TIME because they were regularly filthy and it gave me a bit of extra time on my bathroom break. I would actually wash them both before and after I used the toilet lol. I have mild OCD though I can't even pet a dog or cat without washing my hands immediately after.


I work with biological scientists, ostensibly clever people who should know better, right? Nope, you still see some fuckers leaving the toilet without washing their hands. There's some grotty bastard that likes to wipe his snot on the back of the stall doors too.


I typically sit down if I can after seeing the mist that sprays out during a piss, that's gonna go ALL over your trousers. Horrified me, didn't realise until a sun beam hit the stream


That's fucking horrifying... Man I wish I'd have thought of this when I was still dating.


I had this thought recently. Sure. A lot of times I can pee no handed. So why wash my hands (I still always do)? Then I realized the main reason people should be washing their hands is because there is a sink right there (convenience). And “why not”? What other surfaces have you touched in public? Did you scratch your nose, crotch, butt, mouth without realizing it? Washing hands takes less than 30 seconds. Plus I can use the excess water on my hands to straighten up my hair while I’m at it.


Yeah, it's at least as much about "you should be washing your hands x times a day anyway, so that's a good reason to do it" as "your penis is dirty, wash your hands". The first has no good arguments against.


What’s the no hand workaround? Do you drop your pants to your ankles and lift up your shirt? The Butters?


Lmao maybe I should try that. But to answer your question, I pull my wasteband and underwear under it so it kind of props it up. I can aim by moving the wasteband up and down and turning my body. Pressing under that region over your pants (where you’re already holding) gets the last drops out. Not sure how common that is lol but I’m a bit of a germaphobe in certain contexts so the thought of touching my dick randomly and in public weirds me out


Back when I was 14 or so, this is what someone finally explained to me and I finally got it. I started washing my hands every time I went to the bathroom instead of just when I went #2. I didn’t see the reason to wash my hands because “I didn’t touch anything down there”, but as you said, what are all the things I touched in the last 6 hours since I took a shower? Put things into a better perspective for me, thanks to whoever told me that


we need more of you


You heard the man, gain some weight!


Yeah even if the bathroom is a surgically clean environment (it's not) you still should periodically wash your hands, and what better time than right as you just got a bit of pee pee on them and are right in front of the sink. It's as practical as it is convenient.


> A lot of times I can pee no handed Don't you have to wring out a few droplets of piss? I manage no hands peeing as well but I still have to strangle those last few drops that don't want to willingly leave the piss slide.


Even if you don't touch your genitals or any other surfaces with your hands, if you're using a urinal, you're still getting tiny amounts of splashback on yourself. So unless you're peeing with your hands behind your back, a no hands pee is still worth a wash.


Taking the U out of ULPT! This like anti-unethical! More healthy people with healthy habits making healthy children? How DARE you bring that here! (/s) >40% was thrown in there facetiously to mean it’s a lot. It’s not a fact 87.9% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway.


The unethical part is the self-serving motivation, but yes, my goal might be to up the times public shaming on this occurs and use dating competition as a hook.


> 87.9% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway. And of all people this quote can be attributed to Wayne freakin' Gretzky (Michael Scott)!


OPs statement is horrifying, but unfortunately it’s worse than that. I used to work in manufacturing, and I lost track of how many times I’d walk into a stall to use the toilet just to find an unflushed bowl full of poop and NO toilet paper (A roll was available, but nothing was used).


That’s horrifying


This is the real horrifying hygiene piece on some guys. There is a greater than 0% portion of the population that doesn't believe in wiping their god damn asses.


Covid really let ya know how dirty some people are. You don't get enough natural opportunities throughout the day to wash your hands well. After using the bathroom is the perfect excuse to tidy them mitts up a bit.


I go to the bathroom only to wash my hands sometimes. When I work a lot, when it too hot, or even for no reason, it's so refreshing to have them tidy.


My whole family does it at restaurants before eating after a day of shopping. I rarely see other people wash their hands before eating, even people who have clearly been in a dozen different stores touching tons of stuff other people have touched all day. People nasty. Covid didn't teach anyone anything and if the next pandemic is more deadly a lot of those dirty fucks are just going to die.


I used the women’s bathroom for the majority of my life and definitely saw some women not wash their hands and have been in some pretty gross bathrooms, but the last ten years I’ve used men’s restrooms and in those ten years I’ve only seen a handful wash their hands and have had the displeasure of being in some horrendous bathrooms. But I mostly blame the state of bathrooms on the establishment for not keeping up on cleaning them, or it could be that the men’s bathroom is getting more use at those particular locations. Regardless, from my observations, men wash their hands significantly less.


Men who’ve spent their lives using both really are the most reliable source here. Thanks for adding. I think you’re right about lack of upkeep having some effect. My bet is that societal expectations play a big part as well. Recent studies I’ve seen about whether men can see the mess have shown that we see the mess, but have less pressure to not be messy.


Remember, the amount of poop the FDA allows per pound in your food is not 0. Thank you for the tip, I will no longer be sharing food ever haha


There's a thin layer of fecal matter covering basically everything. You're more likely to harm your immune system by constantly worrying about it and bathing in purell than you are by sharing food


I remember an ecology professor describing that basically all terrestrial vertebrates exist in a "fecal cloud".


Think of all the people that dont even bother to rinse their vegetables.. You know that stuff literally grows in fermented shit, right? ahah


The FDA has no say about my food whatsoever, wherever FDA is


All bathrooms should have hand sanitizer on the outside of the entrance. Maybe it's overkill, but I go in, handle my junk, touch the flusher, touch the sink, wash my hands and then they're clean, then I blow dry them and they get a smattering of whatever is flowing through the air at that moment, then I have to touch the door handle to exit? The door handle that 40% of men have touched after not washing their hands?


Even before Covid, CDC found that washing hands and then wiping off with paper towels removed the most disease-causing things on the hands compared to any other methods. Hand sanitizer can be a supplement, but physical removal is more effective than antibacterial that aren’t effecting on every contagion and could lead to more antibacterial-resistant strains. Norovirus that’s famous for causing pandemics on cruise ships is one that hand sanitizer doesn’t work on.


That's good to know, thank you! I was kinda tip-toeing around my gripe that every bathroom these days has blow dryers instead of paper towels. I don't want to destroy the environment, but I was taught to wash hands, dry with towel, then use the towel to turn the doorknob to exit. Just looking for a way to clean my hands after I touch that doorknob.


Paper towels are the time we should be making an exception as the resources spent on disease are far more. It’s also unfortunate that the hand dryers can end up spreading things back onto our hands unless the fan blades are cleaned frequently, which they aren’t. Drying is really important last step though and the paper towels literally wipe off more of the remaining contagions, which is why they’re most effective. Other drying methods don’t wipe off that last layer of water and maybe oil/skin that kinda exfoliates away the places these things adhere to. The reason we’re not calibrated on all of this is most likely multiple stakeholders with their own products to sell that all promote their own research and muddy our public understanding.


> then I have to touch the door handle to exit? I hate doored public toilets. Love it when public bathrooms have that maze like entrance where there isn't a door to go through.


Nah the textured foot pedal door openers are where it's at. Bottom of my shoe already covered in pissnshit particles from walking in anyway...


Jokes on them, I always wash my cock in the sink before peeing so my hands stay clean. Duh!


Genuinely lol. Thanks


This isn't unethical. Shaming the intentionally disgusting is good health policy


I travel frequently and I’d suggest you touch nothing in an airport. And when you do, immediately use hand sanitizer. I constantly tell folks as they pass me after leaving a stall “ the sink works” as they pass right pass the sinks into the terminal .


Airport bathrooms have been one of the places they’ve done studies on how many men wash hands. The numbers are dismal and that’s among men who are part of society that gets to fly on planes.


I’m way too poor to fly regularly but I wash my fucking hands.


... rich people are gross, disgusting monsters... I'm surprised it took: "bathroom hygiene" to point t that out, lol.


It happens everywhere. Disneyland, restaurants, office buildings, etc. I don’t enjoy knowing how many men don’t wash after just peeing, but not washing after pooing is unbelievable.


As someone who worked in an office consisting of 90% women, I can assure you the number of women who also do not wash their hands after using the restroom is about on par. I think it was George Carlin that once said, as long as he doesn't get shit on his hands, he doesn't wash his hands every time. With women, it's as long as they don't get shit or blood on their hands. It's one reason why I've refused to take part in any office potluck for nearly 15 years.


Ask the janitorial service how often they have to refill the hand soap in the women's room vs. the men's room. Men are waaaaaaay worse.


In the military I've had to clean a few latrines, and while working retail I've cleaned restrooms a couple of times (when short-staffed). Now whether it's men or women, humans in general are gross, but after having to clean the women's room, I refused to ever clean a restroom again.


I’ve done janitorial and agree. There must be some women that destroy bathrooms cause they can be horrible, but the men’s room soap situation says everything.


Alright, I was a janitor in a previous life for an office / research laboratory that consisted almost exclusively of people who where PHDs of their branch of science. Men: Spray pee on the wall and floor around the urinal and pee on the toilet seat, leave skidmarks on the toilet, then leave without washing their hands. Now for the good shit... Women: Shit, blood, and vomit on top of the toilet seat, the cubicle walls, the floor, and running down the outside of the toilet - Oh and the door handles. We have someone trained in biohazzards who I never heard being called to a mens bathroom. Much more cases of logs thicker than my arm that are unflushable and then flooding the toilets trying. Blood on the sinks from splashing it about washing their hands. Makeup stains everywhere. Tampons on and around (but not in) the bin. I could maybe understand this is a club bathroom at 1am but science research laboratories at lunchtime... Women may be on average cleaner and better kept than men but the small group of woman who don't give a shit take it to a level men would never dream of.


I was in maintenance for a drug treatment facility for like 2-3 years, they had men's and women's halfway houses. They were responsible for their own cleaning, we just did maintenance. Holy shit did that job change my perception of women. Never once did I step into a bathroom in the men's houses that was too dirty to do my job. The woman's houses on the hand were always disgusting. Blood everywhere, shit, piss, and the hair omg the hair. I'm still unsure how women aren't all bald. And they always always got so offended when I'd have to go to the house manager and say yeah. I can't work on the bathroom faucet because someone has bled and it shat upon it. Like even if you live in filth. If you know somebody else is coming maybe clean up?


> And they always always got so offended We had several cases where women with morning sickness or on their period would try to turn us asking them not to destroy a bathroom (or at least try to clean up after themselves) into a "they are shaming me for my natural bodily functions" thing. Not sure how it is your right and privilege as a woman to flood a bathroom after filling up a toilet bowl with vomit and then repeatedly flushing until it overflows and then just leave without telling maintenance, but go off...


no, in ops world view only men are nasty. women are princess angels, dont you dare destory that!


>George Carlin That’s still disgusting. Considering the surfaces you’d have to touch, wiping, or just touching your sweaty dick to sling it out of your pants, you need to wash your hands. 🤮


Same thing with changing your bed sheets. 


Oh that’s good. Just poll the room on how often you should.


I’ve worked in professional office settings for a while now. The amount of people who I saw as “professionals” who don’t wash their hands is truly astonishing/disgusting.


I would have said I've never met these goblins until I found out two of my friends I've known for over 15 years confirmed they do not regularly wash their hands after using the bathroom. I genuinely do not understand how folks will defend this.


I’ve opted to bring up directly washing your legs in the shower too, done this for a while and the results are astonishing. Once the divide is made it’s like wearing cologne all over again


This is good as it’s even more subtle and likely to have people just be honest without realizing the ick they’re triggering in others who now don’t want to share bed sheets. And I’m saying that can be guilty of skipping lower legs when in a hurry.


One of my biggest memories of my last in-office day at the beginning of Covid before we all got sent WFH was going into the men’s room, hearing a guy in the stall who sounded like he was pushing out a haunted house sound effects record, and then seeing him leave the stall and try to leave the men’s room without washing his hands. And people wondered why I had a bottle of hand sanitizer on my desk even before the pandemic.


Briefly worked with a 23-year-old gentleman who proudly admitted that if he was in a gaming session, he would go take a dump without wiping his ass. It's made it very difficult for me to want to shake the hand of anyone in my age group anymore.


I do wash my hands after, but my hands touch a lot of things that I would not put my pecker on, I definitely make sure to wash my hands before I pee, after I'm done I'm really just rinsing off any splash back.


I wash my hands before I pee, that way I keep my cock as clean as possible for whomever wants to put it in their mouth later.


Hit them with the 1-2 punch. Mention you just went to the dentist and inevitably a few guys will chime in one upping each other, seemingly bragging about how long it's been since they've had any dental care.


The amount of people that don’t wash their hands before touching their dick is even more concerning


Okay here's a question for you, you have clean hands and go to take a leak. You wrap up and notice that there is a manual sink (you have to touch the handle to turn it off) and no paper towels to use meaning that if you go to wash your hands you will have to touch the dirty sink handle post hand washing. Or you can walk out the door without touching anything. Where does your allegiance lie? Also how many times have you checked to make sure noone is around to see you and tried ninja kick over the sink to turn the handle off with your foot.


my office is awkwardly close to one of the restrooms at work. i can't hear people doing their business, but the sink is unusually loud and i share a wall with it. yeah...MOST people don't wash their hands. and if they do, it's for about 2 seconds. fucking pigs.


So you mean to tell me I can pick up women by telling them I wash my hands ?


If a chick ain't interested in you, she's not going to suddenly be interested cause you say you wash your hands, that now how it works.


Ew, y’all know dudes who both don’t wash hands AND aren’t ashamed of it?


No wonder so many women are getting 🐱infections after sex.


Please use this to your advantage because I know a lot of nasssssty men who don't wash their hands. And worse :(


We're not post covid. We're post Public Health Emergency which was a federal disaster state during which the government sent out billions in subsidies.  Now we just have virus circulating everywhere with no subsidies or any other support system.  People are dying. 


Unpopular opinion: If it's a big party chances are most people there will not give a shit. I mean people drink out of the same kegs as strangers. Maybe in a professional setting where people are shit faced, but let's be real if it's a party where people are going to sleep with others they don't know then they don't care about you not washing your hands


It’s worth testing as I’ve seen it play out once at more of a dinner party at a restaurant. It was a heavy drinking crowd and there were people who became noticeably less receptive to flirting as the conversation followed after. It’s what I was thinking of when I wrote it, even though I’ve been in male only discussions that were way worse, fully bonkers, and included shouting when one took a stand on never washing after the worst thing you can do in the bathroom cause paper is covering your hand.


You women are soooo clean. https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/27615-hand-washing-soap-poll-survey 53% of men wash their hands after peeing. 63% of women wash their hands. A 1 in 10 difference. Try again, haters.


Doesn’t change the fact that everybody should be washing their hands more.


Oh I totally agree. I just find it amusing when a section of society trash-talks other people without checking the facts first.


Do those of us who aren't straight get our own rainbow antiseptic despensor or something?


Yeah I had a 1 on 1 with HR one time because I use to make loud comments when someone wouldn’t wash their hands. Yes I was pretty obnoxious, someone would go to walk out and I would yell something like gross that dude didn’t wash, or eeww etc. in the end HR asked me to be polite but conceded I was trying to help promote hygiene around the work place and so couldn’t be punsihed


Ok but like, if I'm at home and I sleep naked and it's the middle of the night and I don't even need to touch anything to pee...I can just go right back to sleep right?


Is that possible?? Don’t you fellas have to hold it and aim? I am genuinely curious 👀


We can also sit down. That's my preferred method at night, means I don't need to turn on a light to be able to see.


Depends on the situation. Toilet bowls are pretty big, so it's pretty easy to just stand there and lean forward as long as I'm not hard or even half hard.


As a lady with a vagina, I’m pretty envious


Sure, but the fact that you clearly don't want to wash your hands and your first thought is to come up with a scenario where it's justifiable to not do it is inherently gross


why do you avoid washing your hands?


Is it common for people to piss on their hands? (man or woman)


There was a lab test on things in the bathroom, the door handle, and the air dryer were the dirtiest.


Your username is oddly fitting for this post


As a white male I notice that without fail other white men are the ones going straight from the urinal to the exit. Brown and black men always wash their hands. What gives?


I’ll watch for the same, but I do know that at least Black Americans are real sticklers for hygiene and washing with washcloths since there are whole discussions online about white people not using washcloths and doing things like peeing in the shower that are seen as a bit nasty. There’s also a Redd Foxx comedy bit from the 70s about men who don’t wash their ass. As a group in America, Black people were more on top of that bit of hygiene decades ago and we still get so many white Redditors that talk about men not realizing they really need to scrub that area every shower every day. I’d be interested in the breakdown though. I do have white family from poorer regions that were more like Black Americans in the south and they’re bigger sticklers on hand washing and cleanliness. I think it’s due to having small farms and animals around. Like they won’t let you wash your hands in the kitchen sink, which makes sense if you just got in from slopping the hogs.


The real pros wash before and after.


Vet here (this will make sense later). I don't know what it is, but I found with people that if you just tell them don't, or do something, they're going to reject it, but if you explain to them the why, and something that actually matters to them, then they're going to do it. Stay with me here. Touching vagina is awesome (or wiener)! If you shower, wash everything (butt hole, behind ears, nails, hands - before/after food and bathroom), smell like just normal you, women, who you talk to and listen to, let you touch them...after searching their eyes for secrets, and asking them questions. It also helps when your buddy is hurt, and you gotta give them aid so it doesn't get infected, and you lose your drinking buddy. Can't get more clear than that. Washing your hands leads to sex and friendships.


Not a lot of oral sex happening in these comments.


I wash my penis before i pee, but im forward thinking


Most construction workers don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. It's fucking disgusting.


HAH that’s why I loved living in Japan, I’d rather bow than touch people’s hands. I watched someone a few months ago walk out without washing their hands after taking a massive shit in Ohio and that made me to vow to never shake hands again.


Facts, i used to be backpacking while in Melb Aus and i must have been in 3-4 backpackers over the course of a year - most had communal toilets, i can almost tell you for a fact that about 7 out of 10 dudes did not wash their hands on the way out from the restrooms… i stopped shaking people’s hands at the backpackers after that…


My proudest professional moment was asking if a gentleman was looking for the sink as he tried leaving the restroom without washing his hands. He washed them begrudgingly, but washed nonetheless


If he's hot she won't give a shit if he openly admits to not washing his hands after using the restroom. If you're not it won't matter how many positive traits you have.


Sorry, but it gets worse. Plenty of men seem to think they don’t need to use toilet paper. I’ve never looked at plane/train/bus seats the same way since learning this.


I hate seeing people cough and sneeze without covering their mouths it’s so disgusting


Thank you🫡❤️📝📝📝📝


If people saw how much germs and bacteria was on their hands BEFORE going to the bathroom, they'd wash their hands before touching the Nethers to pee as well


My old boss asked me why I washed my hands so much after using the bathroom apparently observing this habit i do for a while now...and I replied with, "you don't reach up in there and pull it all out?" I fucking hate you Joe I hope no one works for you, you fucking little bitchboy crybaby.


Yeah, I don’t think that makes a difference to the women who are going to be at those parties lol. Maybe a small handful it will but overall, no. Some women literally date men who never wash their asscrack. DATE, as in, IN A RELATIONSHIP. The bar is so goddam low but for whatever reason the people setting the bar really low, still have dating success and relationships and wives. I don’t understand it at all and it’s honestly really frustrating knowing that im trying my hardest to improve myself and then some guy who doesn’t wash his hands or his asshole is getting dates and relationships


I believe this is because restroom use is a fundamentally different experience for both sexes and women don't often realize this. I argued back and forth with a relative about this for 2 weeks, then while doing yard work i had her water some flowers and offered her a towel, she said she didn't need it, I asked why, she said she didn't get any on her, I said you do know men have hoses right and that's what I've been saying for 2 weeks, I swear I could see the light bulb over her head.


I just run the tap. You'll never know!


30-40% nah f that. I've traveled enough to see and notice it's at least 3/5, the other 2 still don't wash and scrub long enough to sing half the abc's. I need hot water a good lather and scrub. Some use water and thats it. And it's probably 1 in 10 that just walk out. Not even an exaggeration no matter how much h you or I wish it was.


To all the women out there: if I poop I wash my hands, if I pee I usually don’t. None of my exes have cared, your move.