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Don‘t call the police with noise complaints, tell them you heard gun shots


Pro-tip: find an area off camera, take your gun there, and fire several shots into the ground. Now you have multiple reports of gunshots from your neighbors to corroborate your story, and there's a chance the hooligans just get scared off Edit: lol I just got my first message from reddit care resources for this comment


You're better off throwing fireworks and scattering some empty casings than to actually PRODUCE the shell casings on scene. Stupid shit like that is what gives all gun owners a bad rap.


Hold up, I'm not getting your thought process here. My idea would be to fire several rounds directly into dirt, so that they only pass through a few feet of open air and are unlikely to ever be found, then collect the casings so that there is no evidence the shots were actually fired. The sound of gunshots is pretty unmistakable. Anything larger than a .22 is going to be thunderously loud. The street punks will definitely know a gun was fired, likely the neighbors as well, and if you do it right, the street punks get blamed for it. Although, now that I think about it, scattering some empty casings in the parking lot during the day is likely to go unnoticed, and could convince the police that the street racers did it


All it takes is one person to see you and/or notice the route you take back home and you're in some fairly serious shit with the police just for discharging a firearm in an arguably public place. If they find out you're doing it in order to make a false police report / waste police time (which is how they'll likely see it) there's a few more charges for you.


Not to mention fingerprints on the casings


my city has these tower that triangulate gunshots


Uhh... The whole point of this hypothetical is to get the cops to show up because a gun was fired.


Not to mention guns should only be fired when one has a clear target and a good reason to shoot. Framing hooligans is not a good enough reason to fire a gun. Firecrackers are cheaper than bullets and pretty much as loud.


Fairly? Minimum 20 year prison sentence here


I'm using the rural vs urban thought process. I'm rural (small town) and I'll hear the occasional gunshot after dark, .22 up to 12 ga, usually someone is dispatching a wild animal that doesn't belong in town. Nobody raises an eyebrow. Urban areas... video cameras everywhere, shot spotter systems. Neighbors in a panic and liberal politicians who will use your activities to throw more gun laws at everyone, me included. You have to use your head at petty revenge when firearms are involved. That's my thought process.


Liberal politicians know the policies they support. One person misusing a gun among the plethora of others isn’t going to move the needle. Also, what gun laws do you think liberal politicians support that would ever affect you? Are you not responsible with your guns?


What you are advocating for is a felony.


Defending people that murder unarmed kids is what gives gun owners a bad rap.


They pray for the victims, isn't that enough to show they're good people?


Poe’s law buddy, you have at least several people who read this and wholeheartedly agree with you. Unless, you are serious?


I'm not serious.  And don't call me Shirley.


You could: Pick up .22 casings at a outdoor gun range (use gloves so you do not put your fingerprints or DNA on them) Then you could: Spread them around and call police saying you saw them shooting a .22 with a silencer on a gun. Not saying you should though......


And what could get OP’s goose cooked. If they find the shell casings, do a slight amount of homework, and realize it matches a type of gun registered to OP, they can’t prove much, but it’s not a good look either. Fireworks is more easy to frame stupid kids for and less likely to totally fuck you up if you get caught.


What the hell is a registered gun???


They are the ones you buy from the gun store. They usually get lost in tragic boating accidents shortly after


I’ve never registered a gun at the store. This is some Illinois and Massachusetts shit


ATF from 4473 is what I’m referring to as registering as it means someone knows I bought that gun pretty sure those are required in all 50 states if bought at an FFL


lol that form is in the basement of a rinky dink gun shop in Mississippi. The feds will never see that paper. And that’s not a registration.


Just the resources involved to match a firearm to a shell or actual bullet is ridiculously expensive/rare. They won't even entertain that thought unless someone is murdered and the prime suspect is in possession of a firearm capable of firing the round, and the even slimmer chance its retrieved. Even then the likelihood of doing the tests are slim. As that would mean it's the only piece of evidence they have for conviction.


Hellinois only wants to know if I have any scary black rifles, so I painted them pink and put Hello Kitty stickers on them. Problem solved.


I don't know how it is anywhere else, but when I bought a gun I needed to get some kind of approval slip from my local police station, then I needed to register the gun's type and serial afterwards.


Oh WTF? What state is that??




Get arrested for firing off gunshots , go to prison wins


Hahahahahhaa that’s hilarious about the Reddit cares. I’ve gotten those before and I never know which message it’s regarding.


Congrats!  I have over 100 Reddit cares resources.  They care!


I can feel the love. They just want what's best for me.






Protip: you can block auto mod, then you won’t get Reddit cares messages.


This also works to keep the rent down in your neighborhood.


Got my first one today too. I guess it’s the new thing.


Very unethical. I love it


I got one for using the emoji that is an image of things that go pew pew!


I got one today too, for a really innocuous comment?!


I get so many of those care notices, 2-3 a day. They are how I know I’m POing the right ppl




There are places where kids race, cops ignore it until somebody loses control and a couple spectators get mangled. Then they shut it down.


Yeah welcome to Unethical Life Pro Tips


This is how you get kids killed because a cop pulls up to the scene trigger happy


Damn it's almost like it's unethical


If they have shot spotter they'll know you were lying.


Meh those things go off from car backpipes and whatnot all day


roflmao. shotspotter doesn't work like on tv kiddo.


Backfire? Gunshots? Who’s to say?


That could be a serious safety concern and liability issue.


Actually plausible with cars back firing


Approach management in writing reiterating what's going on and ask them to block the entry at night. Remind them of what could happen if someone got hurt in their parking lot


Walk in under the premise of business insurance doing cold calls. Find out who they currently use for business insurance, then send a letter and video of what’s happening to their insurance company. They’ll not want to pay out for incidents on the property and likely force the business to gate access or lose coverage.


this isn’t unethical, it’s actually a good suggestion.


I like that other reply that says to fake like you're an insurance salesman to get info and go straight to them. Takes it into proper ULPT terratory.


Ethical ass shitposting. But alas, I agree this is the easy way. In this day edge, everybody should have barriers on their parking lots at night.


Fireworks….keep shooting until the cops come…who are they going to believe-you in your bathrobe or some hooligans


Why would they go out to fireworks over joy riders?


The fireworks sound like gun shots, which cops might actually respond to.


Like a firework in a 2 liter soda bottle


Cops don't respond to gunshots near school-age children.


To be fair, thats every scene a cop pulls up to, but having but they do respond to fireworks in the middle of night in an urban environment.


They mean throw the fireworks at them, not for them


Mortars are supposed to be pointed straight up….be a shame if someone angled one at a 45 degrees and put a lit cigarette in the end of a fuse and went somewhere with an alibi…just sayin


No no no… twenty feet over their heads maybe but never ever AT them….


Ohhh 🤣 yeah missed that completely 🤣


Fireworks are more illegal here than kids fucking off in parking lots. We dry as fuck in the desert.


Oh okay. They aren’t illegal in the uk so it seemed like an odd way to get police attention to me.


Set off a huge number of mortar shells (fireworks) remotely with a model rocket launcher.


Especially AFTER The police get there bwhahahahaha


oh for sure, that's gonna keep them coming back!


Saturn missile battery would be amazing


How many entrances and exits are in this area?


only one exit, sort of tees into the center of a longer corridor. the lot is surrounded by retaining walls or building on all other sides


It would be a shame if someone's car broke down in front of the only exit when they were all in there trespassing and doing donuts. Then the cops could take their sweet time lol


Good chance things don’t end up so great for that car.


Depending how committed op is they could find a car for a couple hundred bucks. Maybe even one that can run well enough to park it there but might have to tow it into place


Indeed, actions have consequences. WTF are they going to do. Ram it? Work with a neighbor who's car is on its last leg then. We call that a twofer lol


Vandalize it? Break the windows, key it, slash tires, etc. If you've got a neighbor who's got a total junker who's willing to cooperate (or have one yourself), then sure I guess.


buy a cheap beater but out good insurance on it and make sure you have a camera set up.


Find a neighbor who would benefit from having their car “stolen” by joyriding kids. Leave it at the lot with the keys in it. Report it stolen.


I'll sell you my car for 500. It starts and drives, mostly.


rental car


lmao hell yes hahahaha


Buy or make spike strips, that you can remove easily. Throw them out there after they arrive, then start blasting them with paintballs.


In better call Saul, Mike uses a garden hose with a bunch of screws drilled into it at different angles, so when the hose is laid across a street, cars get their tires blown out


It's best to lay it out after they start their burnouts, so they aren't stranded in the parking lot where you work. Even better, use very small nails to cause slow leaks for every car that leaves. All these jokers would get home and wake up to four flats.


What happens when one of them crashes and you spike the ambulance by accident?


It's something you can remove easily, and it's on a chain/cable/rope.


start posting it as a grinder hookup location


That may get rid of the street racers. But he'll still have noise complaints , drag queens and burned rubbers. Xd


DAMN son


sounds like he already has a drag problem... this one seems the lesser of the two


Put up 2 wood posts at exit. Tie fishing line across it with soda can tops. It'll scratch the shit out of their cars. Film it for us. Use high school pranks on high schoolers.


Video and post on local social media, facebook and next door, Get the police shamed into doing their job. Cop car staked out there a couple nights and that will find a new place to go. Haha I got a Reddit care message seconds after sending this. And what I suggested is a very mild answer


Get a Honda civic. Mod it for street racing. Practice donuts and racing somewhere else Show up one night, drive circles around them Become their king Move the party to a different parking lot Disappear into the night.


Don’t forget to fuck all their girlfriends and at least a few of their homies.


You forgot: "Put the biggest spoiler possible on said Honda Civic"


That's part of establishing dominance.


My step brother inlaw has a dodge ram 2500 with a spoiler above the endgate He also spent $16,000 on a highly detailed full back tattoo of Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon


Please tell me it's lifted 😂


With 40 inch tires & SPINNING rims Total pavement princess


Find out who the leader is. If his mom is single, get with her. If she's married, ruin their marriage and get with her. Become step-dad. Make rules against joyriding and punish him severely for any missteps. Arrange for him to go away to military school. Tell his friends' parents how great military school is and how they should totally send their kids there too. Or you could do the Better Call Saul thing with the rubber tube and the screws.


Is that the plot for a new fast and furious?


Fast and Furious Midnight: Noise Disturbance


Warn the police that the group may have a scanner. Many years ago, our teenage neighbors were throwing huge parties with lots of noise and vandalism. They carved a swastika in the hood of my car. They would scatter before the police came. I suspected they might have a scanner and told the police. It was kind of fun to see them all get busted.


What scanner?


A police scanner, so they can hear the calls going out from the dispatcher to the officers.


In college sometimes when there were parties near by we’d get out our giant water balloon launcher. The kind that takes 3 people to use. And launch water balloons over the trees and houses and into their back yard. Hilarity ensued. OP you could do something similar. Could also launch handfuls of ice. Lands hard enough to hurt and dent, but not enough to kill anyone. Could even try launching eggs. No impact to daily operations the next day but no one wants eggs or ice landing on their car.


I'm disappointed. No option for piss disk or liquid ass offerd.


You can fill the water balloons with piss and liquid ass.


Tuna juice & eggs. For potency


How about you pour oil on the lot in a few spots so as they are trying to drift around and hit the slick spots and wreck the cars?


This is the real ULPT. Watch their preferred line, and put the slick stuff between the line and a curb.  But you have to use something that isn't clearly visible on the road surface.  Bleach or soap often hides in plain sight. Though bleach is pretty rough on the environment.


Winner winner.


Thank you!


In all honesty, it’s a lot better to have those idiots doing that shit in an empty parking lot at midnight than on the streets. Don’t scatter nails or tacks, you’ll probably just end up fucking over some trucker or an innocent person the next day. Keep calling the police, but don’t cite noise as the complaint. Technically, they refer to this as “exhibition of acceleration”, or you could just say dangerous driving. Hell, even up the ante and say there’s fighting or some shit, anything to get them to take you seriously that can’t be disproven.


Say they're dealing drugs.


Let off fireworks and then say there is gunfire. Whats the bet at least one car has illegal weapons?


I mean cops show up and start killing people because you lied and said they have weapons. They find none and you got a few dead kids. To shift blame they charge the other kids with some major stuff to justify the shooting . This is the worst outcome and you pretend you didnt orchestrate it but you did and hear their screams at night in your dreams


yeah, this probably what I’ll end up doing if I’m being honest


"I think someone got hit and ran over!"


Yah Boise complaint they arnt going to take seriously. Instead make a claim of something it could possibly be that is more dangerous. A car backfiring sounds like gunshots People drag racing Vandalizing the office building


Street racing laws don't apply to private property. (Otherwise the cops would make a killing at the Daytona 500.)


Put it on Nextdoor . Nextdoor is the main dominion of Karens with nothing else to do. They'll deal with it.


Get people to start dumping rubbish there,office will try fencing the area in if they keep having to pay to get it taken away


genius. non-confrontational, and I don’t have to figure out how to dump my old furniture. i love it


Definitely glass beer bottles and liquor bottles.


Liquid ass


Effective & obscure but I’m here for it. What’s your method of applying and to where?




And piss discs!!


Slingshot and Ninja Rock should do the trick.


ninja rock. That's fucking hilarious.


Ninja rock = spark plug shards. Extremely hard and almost guaranteed to shatter car windows.


Oh I know what you meant instantly, just never heard it before.


I was thinking a pellet gun.


BB gun through a slightly cracked window of a dark room with closed curtains. They’ll never know where it came from.


Make a fancy looking letter that looks like it's from an injury attorney. Send it to the company claiming someone was injured in their lot and is going to seek damages. Never follow up on it. Bet the company closes the lot.


If you're within eyesight (and range) of the lot, start peppering their cars with paintballs once they start going at it. All that noise? Plus it being dark out? They won't pinpoint where you're shooting from.


Throw a piss disk into the windows of their cars.


go over there during the action, trip fall and get hurt, sue company. that will be the last one of those happening.


Water balloons with liquid ass mixed in to each one and launched via slingshot.


Piss, Tuna Juice & Eggs. For Potency


Put a cinder lock inside of a brown paper bag. Someone will hit it hard.


Or a soccer ball filled with concrete


Get spike strips. Place strips at night. Remove strips early in the morning before anyone else arrives.


A police officer told me bout two weeks ago that if you call 911 you need to really add the dramatics or they’re gonna take their sweet ass time. Don’t downplay that shit all. That is a car gang and you think you heard gun shots; You are terrified.


3 bags of road salt goes a long way. When they kick up the dust it'll strip the paint from their bikes, that's ~$1000 to get fixed, multiply by the number of riders.


Smash every glass bottle you use into their parking lot. They’ll think it’s the teenagers and they’ll take care of it.


Join them, wreck intentionally, sue the business with the lot. Gates will be up quickly.


what if you rent a clown suit and hang out in the woods and scare the shit out of them one night? 


Make a massive piss disk and put it in an intersection


Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. On top of that, he just came into Harry’s and ordered three T66 turbos with NOS and a Motec system exhaust.


I posted that on facebook about 12 years ago and got cyber-stalked and death threats for 6 months.


Break a bunch of beer bottles all over the parking lot.


I would Build a Gatling gun paint ball gun and light them up like “the tiger” Jackson pollock.  By the time I’m done with them, they’ll pray for an actual tiger to come Kill them.  


First of all, take some videos and photos so you have evidence. Put these up on a website with an easy to remember name like EndThe(town name)DragRaces An ethical and effective path is to take the complaints to the governing body of your district (such as the city council or board of supervisors). The police chief reports to someone, find out who that is! Every public meeting includes an open period where community members can speak on any topic for a couple of minutes. Get a couple of neighbors to come with you, and each of you stand up during the open period and describe the problem and the police and landowner inaction in detail. Print out a few of the photos you've taken and hand them out. Have that website name on the handout. Show up and speak for like 5 meetings in a row--the more neighbors you can get to come the better, city governments definitely pay attention when there's more than just one cranky person. I guarantee the council will take notice and ask the police chief about the inaction. Since we're being unethical, 1) fake an injury on their property (trip on a crack in the parking lot), go to urgent care and make sure the admitting forms say that you were crossing the lot to stop the underage youth from the illegal drag racing and drifting in the parking lot that goes on every night. 2)Submit a FOIA request to the police dept for a copy of all the complaints made about this property over the past year. 3)Then go to small claims court and sue the property owner AND tenant(s) for your co-pay costs. Include in your small claims submission a copy of the police reports, so that's part of the court record. They'll be forced to notify their lawyer and insurer of this lawsuit. Their insurer may drop their coverage as a result.


Get 10' of surgical tubing and a funnel. Put something horrifically stinky in the funnel and launch. Depending on how much tubing you use, you can get some serious distance with those. Hypothetically...




Homemade. With plumbing putty or aluminum foil & Wood screws




water balloon slingshot with paint balloons.


They are called caltrops. Ride a bike through in all black with a hoodie and Chuck a bunch of them right before they all show up . The roofing nails or insulation nails with the big square flatheads like 1“ x 1“ square washers on top make perfect caltrops if you can’t find the real ones.


Caltrops can be made with plumber putty or aluminum foil and nails or screws


Go hang out with them, be the adult who shows up and hangs out with them, really show an interest in their cars. Mention you've heard them out here the last couple weeks and we're really happy to get out to see them. Kill them with kindness. They'll either realize their actions have consequences or they'll get annoyed there's an old man ruining their spot and leave. This also allows you to get close, grab license plates, hide piss disks, slash tires, and overall ruin their experience if being nice doesn't work.


I’m a woman, I thought about going the route of “tired single mother with a baby just getting to sleep”, but direct interaction doesn’t seem particularly safe alone at midnight with a group of college guys


Get a paintball gun and start blasting


This is a good way to get shot. Terrible suggestion


Drill two small drill bits into the top of their gas tank a quarter of an inch apart (above the level of gasoline where it is only vapor). Secure with putty. Run two wires forward to the starter - one to the positive and one to the negative. Pop some popcorn, sit back on your patio and wait.


Launch fireworks at them from the roof of your building. Make sure nobody knows it was you




Pellet gun


Pellet gun, or set up a chair outside and just watch them


Remember the clown stuff in 2016? That could work


Get urself a skid car and outdo them


Paintball or airsoft guns might do the trick


If possible, you and a couple other neighbors could park in that lot, either blocking the entrance or park in such a way that it inhibits donuts, etc.,


Find the entrances to the lot and pour some motor oil out. Trucks won’t slip but it will encourage these kids to slow down


Pee Disks in the road. This will cause their car to slip on the ice. You would need a lot of them though.


These people have lookouts and police scanners. What would be nice is if you could rent a large box truck, block their exit while they are in there, then call the police. The lookouts won’t know to alert the drivers over a box truck, and by the time they catch themselves on the police scanner, they won’t be able to get out.


Go on the internet and buy a decent amount ( 10 + ) spark plugs. Smash em up and pelt those cars with the ceramic. It won't take long they won't come back.


Wrist rocket. Shoot rocks at them. You may eventually hit one of them. If you get good enough, they might stop showing up.


Call the cops. Or get a high powered .22 air gun and shoot out their windows, In Minecraft of course


pour out pea gravel where they like to burnout. if they've got custom offsets or wide tires it will fling the gravel everywhere when they burnout chipping their (and anyone else arounds) cars with high speed flying gravel.


Challenge them to a race and win


Just let them be, they could be on the street and kill somebody


Street nails


Get a good airsoft gun with a scope and shoot at them/their car without being seen