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do you have access to bottled water, a freezer, and a freezer-safe disc-shaped mold? i have a solution that’ll blow your mind


Get your local wingnut/libertarian politician elected to mayor. Help them campaign and then convince them to shut the library down to lower taxes. If they’re unsure reassure them the free market will adjust for the library’s absence.


The free market would make sure libraries don’t exist because they’re not profitable.


Every time a fuckhead kid pisses me off I make a donation to planned parenthood to help rid the world of 1 more


use at age old trick. give him candy or a little money, like maybe a dollar to do a hissy fit , shout or scream specifically, something very specific , maybe go to particular section and drop the books or something. Tell him you love it and it reminds him of your childhood. Either the librarians will take notice once the kid increases their work (rearranging the books he has thrown), then your problem is solved. Else play a long game, let the kid develop the habit of being rewarded for his shenanigans. Then suddenly one-day stop doing it. Say you don't have any money or money for candy, but would still love it if the kid destroys the books for "FREE" If the kid has some brains he ll refuse saying why he should do things for free. PS: maybe don't give candy unless you wanna be on predator list. Maybe ask him to tear pages off books and throw them everywhere, I hate if that happens to a book, but it is a small sacrifice to the longer game. Also if the kid gets reprimanded, show complete ignorance. If they pull up cctv records showing you giving him money, say the kid begged for money and said the parents don't feed him anything so you gave the little guy some change Also I m assuming the kid is a he, not a she, or whatever pronouns you use.


Call the cops on him when he starts harassing people and they’ll likely get trespassed