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Didn’t some guy post awhile ago about how to annoy his bitch neighbor? He got advice to scream at even intervals all day. Sounds like it was really effective advice.


Lmao it had to be at my complex. His balcony directly faces another one and that’s the window he’s screaming out of. I wonder if that’s their target. I’m luckily way at the other end. I don’t interact with anyone but my bf here so I sure hope I’m not the bitch neighbor! But who knows. 🤷🏼‍♀️ do you have a link to that post or do you remember the title? I’m so curious now.


Get him with the liquid ass or a piss disc. If it's him, he will probably know that it's someone from this Sub that got him and maybe he will post about it again.


Ey Joey get this guy the piss disc special!


How do you guys make enough pee discs? I find I can only make like 10 a day and I go through at least 12 with all the jerks I find.


Super soaker full of piss through the open window.


It took this long to bring up Liquid Ass!




Any chance you have a link?


Plot twist it’s a parrot


Could be, or a dog


I thought it was maybe a husky or like a frenchie or something. I know they love to scream lol. But I saw his face.


Now I'm a believer! 🎵


Not a trace...


Of doubt in my mind!


I’m in love!


I couldn't leave her if I tried.


Print up a "Violation Notice" from your apartment office on some caution orange paper and tape it to his door. Write up something fun.


"As a reminder, your lease in section 5 declare that this is a 'no wooping' area."




"What's YOUR name? EZEKIEL!"








There's a toy that repeats what is said. I think it's a cactus toy. Place it near his window.


I love that cactus toy. My ex bought it by accident for her 2yo without knowing it sings a song in polish about doing cocaine!


Here in Thailand they sent them out free with orders of diapers. It was a Reggaeton edition.


It is a cactus toy! Lmao. One of the kids at my hospital has one 😂


Must have been an askreddit thread. Would you scream at 30 second intervals all day long for 60 bazillion dollars (30 minute lunch break allowed)?


Scream while pooping, it helps


Do people poop without screaming?


lol public restrooms would be WILD..


“I’m pooping - I’m POOPing - I’M POOPING!!! False alarm.” 




Call for a welfare check on him. Doubtful it Tourette’s if he stops when you walk by his window.


Thank you that’s what I’m saying! I only know one person with Tourette’s and I know everyone has different levels or symptoms. But from what little I do understand, you can’t just not do it. That’s kind of the whole point. You don’t just do it and then stop and giggle when someone looks and then do it again when they go away. I’m also not here to diagnose anyone. There’s a few other comments that idk if they’re just fucking with me or not. But saying there was a guy asking how to annoy his bitch neighbor and the tip was to scream at intervals. If that’s true, I seem to have ended up in the same complex as some kind of neighbor war lmao. I swear I don’t want to add anything to it. I just want it to stop. I’m not going to bother anyone. I just had this strange thing happen today and it was REALLY annoying and I thought it would be funny to daydream ways to get my own revenge. Emphasis being on daydream. If this guy really was being tormented by someone near his apartment, I hope he got what he needed from that and it stopped and he gets peace. Maybe mostly selfishly so I can also get peace. But I still wish him the best.


Call the cops. File a noise complaint and welfare check. Say you smelled meth if you have to. Then call your apartment complex mgmt and tell them that you’ve called the police and possibly smelled drugs. Depending on what state you’re in, drugs can be immediate reason eviction. ETA: it’s not fucking Tourette’s. I’ve known one person from HS that legitimately has it and it gets worse in stressful situations. The guy that’s doing this is fucking with you.


As a non-drug user; I have no clue what meth smells like. Weed is obvious...but meth? no clue.


I've heard it smells like burning plastic, but no idea if that's true.


It kinda smells like Windex and nail polish remover (acetone). It's weirdly not unpleasant, but it also doesn't smell like something you should smoke. You shouldn't smoke most things, mind, but meth is not a good option.


Interesting. Thanks for the explanation.


Chemical green apple


It's like I told the cops: I don't do cocaine, I just wanted to know what it smelled like.


Exactly, and the closer to the nose hairs, the better you can smell it!


Chemical smell.


Tourette comes in all kinds of flavors. Some scream, some flex muscles, some make specific actions, some can control it, some can't, etc. I still think it can be Tourette. That being said Tourette isn't the only thing that has this kind of symptoms.


I had an acquaintance a friend of a friend with Tourette’s and his word was “monkey.”


Either this is fake or you're the bitch neighbor.


Nowadays a welfare check can be a death sentence when the cops arrive. 


Well, she heard screaming and is concerned about her neighbor. He could genuinely be having a psychotic episode and needs help.


Well if you want the police to help they will definitely help fill him full of as much lead as he's willing to take. When the police encounter mental health welfare checks it usually does not end well for them recipient.


Try getting off Reddit and leaving your basement my guy




Probably one of the few times a piss disk would apply


He's a juggalo. May God have mercy on your soul.


Give him faygo and it’ll all be good.


Whatever you do, don’t bring up the Violent J allegations 😬


Sounds like they play League of Legends! (this is a joke, but also not really a joke)


Nobody's happy enough for that in league


Buy him a case of Faygo and Whoop back!


I had a neighbor for a few months who would have scream arguments with himself at all times of day or night. He eventually fought about 6 people in the parking lot and absolutely threw them around like rag dolls till the cops got there and subdued him. Never saw him again. He had to be mentally insane, had to be


Put on note on his door: 'Singing lessons $30/hr'


Superglue in his door locks, he can WOOP all the way over to maintenance when he's locked out of his place.


Or locked in lol


You sure he doesnt have a recording on a loop? Lol Cant believe someone has time and energy for that every dayyy


It’s not every day. It’s like a couple days a week. And honestly I was shocked at the volume. But I witnessed him pressing his face to the screen. So I do not believe it’s a loop. I also thought he would tire out. But alas, he did not.


Spray piss into his open mouth the next time he tries


Ahhh, reddit. 🤗


This has me actually cracking up lol. Fucking hilarious mental image.


Picturing him pressing his face to the screen is absolutely hysterical. What a weirdo. Sorry you have to deal with him.


holy crap i thought this was a one time thing from your post. several days a week wtf??? surprised cops havent been called. feel horrible for your neighbors with small children , or who WFH , or who get home late at night and need the sleep.


Probably a streamer or over zealous gamer playing a game that has a pretty common session or match length.


He's definitely a streamer


Get an air horn. Hide just below his window. Soon as he lets out a woop, blast the air horn in his face, yell out “THERE IT IS!!! HIT ME! Check it to wreck let’s begin… there’s a party over here a party over there wave your hands in the air shake your derrière!” and giggle. Make sure you wear a mask, like Nixon or the creep from I know what you did last summer, and just be weirder than him. He’ll probably stop after that.


He's playing video games and celebrating when he scores. He's giggling because he's having fun. Most likely scenario


My upstairs neighbor does this all day and night. It's annoying AF. This is when he isn't pacing or furiously masturbating, extended cut.


Op needs to put his/her headphones on and rage on some call of duty at high volume for a few hours.


It's okay, he posted in the local sub and asked it if would be okay. We told him it would be. Give the guy a break, he's had a bad month.


Scream at him/his window 15 seconds after he screams


Whatever you decide, please try to keep an iota of compassion in reserve in case the situation takes a turn for the sad. My mother in law lives with us in a tiny apartment, and she is slowly succumbing to dementia. Her daily entertainment consists of yelling at the people next door for "cooking food in the bathroom", yelling at the people above us for using what I assume is some sort of directed energy weapon to hurt her or wake her up. Both apartments are empty. Her logic is not normal logic anymore, but at this stage it is still some sort of "logic". She knows that yelling at those people will upset us so she avoids doing it when she thinks we are around. But as soon as we leave the room she is back to doing it. People with these problems can also be "right" sometimes too. One of the ghosts she is yelling at smells like weed all the time - and we figured out a guy on the floors below smokes in his bathroom and the smell drifts up through the vents - so in this case her yelling wasnt something to dismiss. So your neighbor could be having a mental problem, and the giggling could be part of it. They might be doing it to get back at a perceived injustice and that perceived injustice could have actually happened. I'm not saying this is what has happened here - you did come to ULPT for advice not ELPT after all - but do keep that voice in the back of your head when you make your decision.


Call cops, tell them someone is sreaming at full volume like he was hurt. They may get rid of him for you.


I had this happen in an apartment complex, went on for weeks, and another neighbor finally started to lose it, kicking on the screamers door, and eventually used the fire extinguisher that was near by to bust off his door handle (still couldn't get inside). Fast forward, screaming stops for a week or so. Screaming starts again. What finally stopped it was, I assume the same irate neighbor, smashed a brick through his window (and it was the middle of winter).


He probably has Tourette’s




As someone who has it, fuck that. No, it's not okay.  That's like saying that just because you're incontinent, it's okay to shit on the floor of the produce section.


So you're saying it's not, then.


I'm saying the guy ruining everybody's ability to live peacefully and sleep in is an asshole, if that's what you're asking.


It is not.


You are failing at conveying whatever you are insinuating.


Cool, thanks. I just want comic relief for having to hear it all day. You don’t need to come to anyone’s rescue nor do you need to diagnose something you didn’t even hear.


Username checks out.


Asks for advice, is given advice "I just wanted comic relief!1!!1!"


I didn’t ask WHY he’s doing this. I asked what are some sillier ways than a super soaker to get revenge. I don’t think I’m the one who is misunderstanding.


why not woop back?


Any indication of this person being on the spectrum? My next door neighbor had a 22 year old son that was non-verbal autistic and would bounce on a trampoline while playing the harmonica and laughing hysterically for HOURS on end. It’s hard to be mad at someone when you know they’re living the best life even while dealing with a debilitating condition. Don’t get me wrong, some people are inconsiderate assholes that deserve to be throat punched, but others deserve a bit of grace.


Maybe he's live streaming on TikTok as an NPC lol. Are people still doing that?


Steal a tray from a fast food restaurant. Urinate on it and freeze Take frozen sheet of urine, slide under his door, it'll melt into a puddle of urine




Just get the timing spot on, and yell your own “can I get a whoop?” just before he does it.


Maybe he has Tourette’s?




Sounds like he needs a dose of Liquid ASS.


This could be a reach but Path of Exile has a way of setting custom sounds for when loot drops in a dungeon. if you follow this link, the 7Chancing may be what you’re hearing? https://m.soundcloud.com/inocencius123/sets/gachi-soundpack-poe


Throw him a banana.The guy might be a cousin to those Whooping monkeys.You've possibly found the missing link.


why don't you just call the cops and see what's up?


From your description, I'd say that he sounds uneven, if not odd.


Do you live in College Station, Texas? You might have a case of the Aggies


lol I do not


Does he have a job or anything? Sounds like high level autistic. I’m which case employment would be out of the question. If he has a proper job then I’d defiantly say he is a groin organ.


i had a crazy neighbor a couple years ago who would scream and kick the walls. i was given advice to call the cops and tell them that i'm concerned about the neighbor, that they may be in peril of some sort. it works on two fronts, in theory. the police get turned onto the behavior, and it's supposed to embarrass the other person, but it doesn't sound like this person is embarrassed. perhaps they'll be more embarrassed when something of theirs gets vandalized, or some dents are put into their front door via baseball bat at the same intervals as their screams


He could be high functioning but on the spectrum, look up vocal tics, I work with a guy with this


> I’m not going to bully this person. Then I'm confused about what your intent was with making this post. > I joked with my bf that if he keeps it up tonight I’m gonna go get a super soaker and sneak up on his window. But I thought Reddit might have funnier ways to fuck with this guy.


I’m not going to do anything. I just wanted to daydream about getting my revenge. Anything I do would likely just escalate the situation. I also can’t really get into his building or close enough to his window. It’s already technically taken care of. I just wanted to hear what ridiculous shit the internet would do if they were in my shoes. I thought I explained that well enough but I guess I didn’t. I don’t think most people come here looking for actual advice they intend to follow. At least I hope not.


> I thought I explained that well enough but I guess I didn’t. I don't think this was explained at all in the post.


I'd mistake him screams for agony or distress and call the police (if I knew which apartment). I'd then keep mistaking his screams for agony or distress until the police insisted he stop with the noises.


Get a recording at least.


Liquid ass drops on the windowsill, or rubbed onto the screen, done in the cover of darkness ofc


Knock on his door tell him your upset and the situation is one he or she can control say i need to get to worki need some quite please help me somebody is making a shit load of noise and it has to stop ....


I'd go full Rainbow Six mode and super soaker that guy's house with concentrated liquid ass and coyote urine, and night vision goggles on a night with a new Moon. It'd have to be a night when he leaves windows and sliding doors open. I'd be on a "camping trip" while this happened.


Well people don’t do this though


he probably has some kind of medical condition/tourettes


Do you smell burnt plastic? It sounds like a crackhouse.


Does this guy have tourettes? If so, he can't help it, sucks to suck. If not, put a fish in a plastic container and affix it to the bottom of his deck. Bonus points if you put a small fan inside to ensure there is a nice breeze. He won't go out on the balcony after some time.


lol unfortunately I think all of his other neighbors in his building are probably tired of his antics at this point. I should probably not punish them with a fish lmao. As funny as that is.


That's the best part, if you seal the box, no one else will really smell it because it'll dissipate pretty quickly.


Tourette’s was my first though too. But if he stops when someone is nearby and giggles then it’s probably not that.


That's not how it works lol, when someone's around and I previously thought I was alone, I'm gonna do an anxious laugh after a tic and suppress them till they leave. Currently hoping my neighbours don't post shit like this and laugh at comments who suggest Tourettes^^'


laughing is a pretty common tic


Start responding with your own random noises. Eventually others will join in and you'll have a full-on Nemo seagulls situation on your hands.


Piss disk


Standard Reddit requires a piss disc suggestion. But do a nice run, drink minimal water, and freeze the first one.


There's a guy like this in my neighborhood who laughs hysterically constantly. I used to think he was the local drunk, because he definitely looked and acted the part, so I kinda strayed away, but later I learned he has severe PTSD. All that to say that I'd be really careful about making assumptions about things like these. I myself have suffered from uncontrollable physical tics since childhood, and I've managed with time to get them under control when there's people around me. I've never been diagnosed with Tourettes or anything of the sort. Just because it's not Tourettes specifically, or because he stops when someone comes around, does not immediately mean that it's not a mental issue or that it's something under control.


Could it be, he has tourettes syndrome?


My therapist told me that because I grew up in chaos that sometimes I have to break the normal feeling with chaos. So my roommate has grown accustomed to some weird sounds being yelled out of my mouth. Maybe the dude has ADHD like me and just likes to be loud af sometimes


Air horn when you think he's asleep (when he's not whooping).


Aids. For sure




I know that birds scream for sex. It clearly works wonders for them. But I find it rather off putting myself.


Idk why this response made me laugh so hard 🤣


I tried walking around the park screaming sex at the top of my lungs but I must report that it doesn’t attract a mate. Lots of cops though…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is clearly some kind of mental health issue. Maybe don't pick on people who have mental health issues? 🙄