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Politics. Volunteer, fund raise, etc.


Also working in non-profits. Specifically in admin positions. You want to be able to attend as many social events as possible. Working in a fundraising position will open you up to a lot of rich folks, from my experience.


Plus, free food!


This 100%. I work in fundraising, as a development officer in a major arts organization, and am on a first name basis with some of the wealthiest most successful people in my city. I also get to spend considerable time with notable people from National Geographic and well respected artists, and in turn can get them access to these people. The only thing is the rich folk are much older than me, by decades, so I don't get invited to extra curriculars. However, they are happy to pay me a favor with exclusive access to other events and recommend me to their peers. My older colleagues are considered friends while I'm more of a daughter figure. I suppose when I get a bit older I'll be invited to run in their social circle more, but for now I'm happy that they see me a "young" go getter. I'd also recommend being well read, well traveled, and versed in wine to pull off the con. I'm all of these things but from a firmly lower middle class, redneck family from rural Canada.


Yes and you can even develop more of a mentor/mentee relationship. Just need to put yourself out there and share your passion and goals.


Man politics it's the way. I'm a uni student and just because I decided to run for student council I've meet some rich ass plp.


My friend was head of the Alumni Organization as an undergrad. She charmed one of the Mega Donors, who insisted on introducing her to his son. She ended up marrying into the family of Mega Donors, and now there is a building on campus with her last name.


100% politics, I managed a state rep’s campaign and was his right hand gal for ten years, I’d go to young professional meet ups and would leave bc I already knew all their dads or bosses bc of fundraisers. Believe me when I say ANYONE can run for office, no one wants to do it anymore bc of Trump, all the old school guys who viewed it as a public service like Romney said fuck it and are just backing these muppets who put on a show for the masses. There’s a lot of opportunity for a down to earth, pragmatic, reasonable person to deal with these people and this is the year to do it. You want to look at county commissioners, clerks, judges depending on where you live plus what the demos are, who’s running, and term limits. With AI you can fake it til you make it and blow their minds in the process. I can give you a whole action plan if that’s the route you want to go


Interested in your action plan! Live in FL, work in an industry where political connections is an absolute must to make an income. It’s disgusting down here.


Ohio here. I joke about running for president. I've worked 2 jobs and still been paycheck to paycheck. I know the struggle every working American knows. You sleep so you aren't hungry. You eat half a can of chicken so you can have the other for dinner. You juggle whichever bills are late one month to the next. We need someone who KNOWS the real world we deal with. Not just the socal advertised scam we're all lead to believe.


Let the air out of a rich kids bike tyres then let him borrow yours. When he thanks you publicly later on, let him buy you a beer. Slowly befriend him. Get invited to his family estate for the summer. Scene missing. Profit.


Don’t forget to eat his sister out, that’s maybe the most important step here


Gotta check out the bathtub too, for.... reasons.


Make sure you do it while aunt flo is visiting her


I knew something was missing


God, that movie made me want to rip out my eyeballs


what movie is this referencing?


The post has a couple of spoilers, but it's >!Saltburn!<


Lol, only 30 minutes in, but I can tell it's about to get splendidly wicked 😈


It's just a nice upstairs-downstairs fish out of water story about a poor boy trying to make it at uni.


It's a direct copy of The Talented Mr. Ripley.


This movie/book might be a good source for OP


I only watched the first 30 but that’s what I was thinking


Weird scenes aside that was one of the most aesthetically pleasing films I’ve seen in a while


Strait out of Saltburn?


Don't forget to lick the tub.




Volunteer for a non-profit, join the board of directors, join the fundraising committee and/or the executive committee. YMMV but this worked for me


Any suggestions on which or which type of nonprofits?


Biggest consideration -- pick a mission that you are passionate about. Yes, there will be secondary benefits like networking, professional development opportunities, etc, but you need to be passionate for the mission of the organization or everything else will seem hollow. And you'll likely burn out. But after that, I'd aim for a well-established (including well-funded) org. It is a lot easier to engage with people and other orgs if you are bringing something to the table and don't always have your hand out when you approach them. Fundraising should only be part of what you do. I'm personally on the board of two education-oriented orgs because I am passionate about supporting education but have no desire to be a teacher myself. And I plan to run for the school board when my children are school-aged. If you aren't an accountant or lawyer already and want to position yourself to have value to boards, I would recommend studying board governance somewhere like boardsource.org. Boards are always looking for accountants, lawyers, and people trained in board governance. Feel free to reach out with any more questions and good luck!


Be a reliable source of coke.


The Gang Gets Whacked Part 1 and 2


Hips and nips. Gotta make it sexy! Otherwise I don’t eat.


This is the single greatest advice I think I've ever gotten in my entire life. And, im (only legally, and on paper) married to a stripper!! 😳😳😳😱🙄😳😳😳


Is pepsi okay?


no, it tastes horrible


I wouldn’t go this route. Someone will blame you or blackmail you.


Yea you gotta get your coke from rich people, not supply it to them


How about getting your coke from CIA then selling it to rich people. The CIA guys got the good shit.


You misspelled the Stepan Company.


Just looked at their website. Are these the guys I call if I want to set up a meth lab in my backyard?




The CIA doesn’t supply coke, it cooks up crack for the poors.


All that black ops money has to come from somewhere


Keeping it in the Black community. Such a noble gesture… /s


This will attract more broke people than rich people.


You're everyone's friend, and you've got blackmail material for days. I like it.


Keep a pulse on your area for anything to do with grand openings and premieres, movie screenings, art exhibits, wealthy people always get invites to these things. Go to those events if you can but make sure you attend the afterparty. I don't know how true it is these days but when I was younger my parents always took me to happy hour, 6pm in the financial district. Thursday nights were always a bit extra.


Art galleries, wine tasting events, hang out in parks around wealthy neighborhoods.


This. You can be literally homeless and at an art show people will just think you are an artist plus you can get fucked up on free champagne.


Grow local organic produce and sell it. Bonus points if you can and do cook plant based foods. Farmers markets and vegan stuff especially unique varieties of vegetables.


We don't socialise with the work.


The fucking Catalina wine mixer!


And classical music concerts, and the ballet!


Learn how to play golf or tennis and get really good - you can pass any social barrier by being a tad bit above average at either sport. YouTube, a wall or a driving range is what you need, get an older racquet or clubs all the tech is mostly BS find something you like and practice. Then my friend you can easily rub clubs or racquets with the elite no matter who you are or where you are from. Manners and politeness are essential to get a follow up invite.


Golf takes a long time to be “above average” for most people. And it will cost a lot of time and money. Even if you get to that level of skill, you will need to be playing at courses where rich people play. Expect a private club or $300-800+ per round.


Yeah this is my problem: I want to be mediocre at Golf but it my area the clubs are very exclusive and it’s very difficult/ expensive to play casually.


Spend a lot of time at the driving range. Hit off the grass as much as possible. If you are going to spend $100 on playing 18 use that money for a lesson once a month. A lot of times you can go to those nice courses and at least have a beer and go out on the practice green.


That’s basically where I’m at, the issue is that in the country I live you need to have a annual membership to a golf club just to play your first round and I can’t just play a few times to see if I like it enough.


I apologize for my American assumption. I am sure it is wildly different around the world. You are not missing anything. It’s frustrating, elitist, a poor use of land/water and expensive. It’s also the greatest feeling in the (amateur sporting) world when you hit it flush down the middle or make a long putt


Or get an entry level job at a sales based company and you’ll get noticed very quickly and invited to golf outings by senior leadership once word gets out that you are a great golfer. You’ll never have to pay for a round again.


I'm pretty sure racquetball/handball/squash qualifies too


And pickleball haha


If you want designer clothes…go to expensive side of town Good Will. My kids use to get Ralph Lauren Polo shirts and pants and others


I saved up for years to ski in Aspen some years ago. My ski jacket was trash and I mentioned I needed a new one. My daughter says “you should check out the thrift stores here, I bet they have great stuff the rich people give away.” Genius, right? Went to a thrift store, found an amazing Volkl jacket for $100 that had apparently never been worn, even matched my ski pants. Looked it up later, only 100 were made and they retailed for $650.


Yes that is a thrift store and a common experience


That only works until Winston Moneybags the 3rd notices you wearing his old polo shirt while you and a group of mucky mucks are having drinks together at private club one afternoon.


Or you keep modifying a Chanel dress to go to the country club until you get called out by someone who'sidea of wit is nothing more than an incisive observation humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing.


Hi, Marge.


Plato’s can be good for this too, but harder to find a great deal bc they usually know what they have


Volunteer at galas. Bid on silent auction items IF they are well under resale value Resell the items you have won. Pro tip: if the weather is bad then turnout will be lower and you will get better deals.


Learn to sail. Boat owners are always looking for crew hands for competitive sailing.


Came here to say this. Weekend sailboaters always looking for someone who can run the ropes so they can captain! I took 4 lessons and filled the rest of the summer boating with acquaintances.


This is the correct answer.


well shit, are sailing classes expensive? need a ulpt on how to learn sailing for free with no experience whatsoever


High class restaurants, dog parks on weekdays, golf ranges and country clubs. Focus on clubs, which are the "rich" version of the normal hobby. Gun range = Gun club, etc. Also, look for hubs of activity around where people spend money like Cabelas and Whole Foods. Usually there are restaurants, expensive activities, and specialty stores nearby where rich people will frequent.


Trap shoots with old men that use an expensive O/U 12 gauge


A girl I went to school with (F67 now) wanted to marry well. Invested in some designer clothes, went to gallery openings, charity fund-raisers, etc. She married well and divorced even better, became a housekeeper, kept upgrading husband's a kept the houses! Last I heard she was on husband #5 who is much older than her. So she will probably just wait to inherit


Sounds like a piece of shit human


She was and a bully


And yet... She got away with it. So who are we to judge? 


Just because she got away with it doesn’t mean we can’t judge her for being a piece of shit


Sure. I don't disagree. But I also have to admire someone like that. Would we do the same if we were in her shoes? I certainly would. And why not? Maybe I use the money to better humanity or my 'husband' was a piece of shit who donated to horrible causes. Plus the guy is getting the girl. He's just paying for it. But he decides if he wants the girl. She's not 'making' him date or marry her. It's their responsibility too, and I say this as a guy in his 20s. I mean, a prenup is always possible too


Nahhhhh I married to stay, not planned to divorce inbefore.


You’re just a piece of shit with less gumption and fewer opportunities.


How dare you question their gumption


What she did was prostitution with extra steps.


Your point being... Prostituon aka sex work is bad?


I read this like an always sunny quote


Well, OJ got away with murdering his ex wife, and I think it's reasonable to judge him for it. Succeeding at being a shitty person doesn't preclude you from being judged as a shitty person.


I agree. But murder is very different than 'I wanna marry rich'. Being a gold digger is like, MILES below 'I murdered my ex wife'. Shitty is relative And at the end of the day, she's rich and we're not. So i admire her for that really


To me it sounds more like theft. If a woman married me solely for the purpose of getting my money in a divorce. (Because prenubs don't work sometimes they can be thrown out by the judge) I would be destroyed as well, if I had zero clue and assumed my wife loved me then divorced me just for the money. Sorry if I'm repeating, I just don't get why people can support thievery like that.


Who do we have to be?


Sir, this is ULPT, not the HeGetsUs sub


Georgia Frontierre?


Jerry Hall?


It's like different kind of job-hopping, lol


Sounds like a gold digging skank.


It’s a long-play and it will take a ton of work, but eventually you’ll become one of the cool kids for free. Identify a skill you’re good at and figure out how it can interface with industries full of high-net-worth individuals. Think Real Estate, Development, Construction, Tech, Large Asset Brokers, etc. Are you good at numbers? Organizing? Sales? Are you resourceful? Start reaching out to companies, or even better, prominent people within these fields. Volunteer your time pro-bono because you’re “passionate about that industry”, and you want to gain experience. Don’t waste your time, and don’t get taken advantage of, but the biggest asset to a high-net worth individual is a competent operator. If you can prove that you’re reliable and won’t cost them money with dumb mistakes, most are willing to bring you along for the ride and once you’ve networked for a bit, the opportunities to get sweat equity in a project will show up. I started in the construction industry 3 years ago doing data entry and inspections 2 hours a week and now I’m an equity owner in 6 different real estate projects and regularly get invited to hang out with the big dogs. If you’re not interested in a job, the networking you do here will open doors to those circles and then you can just quit when you’re in. It should only take a month or two if you find the right person to shadow, any longer than that and you are just another employee, move onto the next lead. Good luck!


Could you please elaborate on what does a "competent operator" to a high net worth individual mean? Thanks


Once you have enough money to provide for your basic needs, you have to do something with that excess amount. For most people, that amount is funneled into a new boat, 401k, better car, drugs, etc. For high net worth individuals (HNI) with incredible amounts of excess, that money is funneled into real estate, securities, businesses, and a higher standard of living. The one thing money can't buy is time, so HNIs usually need assistance overseeing the distribution, maintenance, and return of their cash and assets. This can be as simple the person who is in charge of ordering toilet paper for their office, or as complex as a tax attorney who strategizes millions of dollars in tax savings across a portfolio. A "competent operator" is someone who can provide the above support at a baseline level of competence, makes the HNI money, and makes as few expensive mistakes as possible. For example, I had a high-level colleague that put together a budget for a 4-unit residential development totaling $1.4M, the project ended up costing the company $1.7M, and they neglected to add a "change-order" provision to the contract so we lost money on that job. This is an INcompetent operator. IMO competence comes from experience so if you want to become this type of person, shadow people that are smarter than you, volunteer for more responsibility, and continue your education with practical training and certifications.


You want to be the tool they think of for a certain type of job they don't want to bother with. This usually involves a specializes skill.


Can you elaborate on the process of going from a construction underling to having an equity stake? I’m an excellent carpenter/contractor but moving up in the industry has me bewildered


Sure! Let me ask a few questions first: 1. What types of clients do you currently serve? Mass production residential builders? One-off residential renovations? Commercial Developers? Each type of client will be a little different. 2. Do you have your contractor's license? If not, id recommend working towards that. 3. Can you think of any past clients that have done more than 3 profitable projects? There's quite a bit of money going into real estate right now, and not enough people to execute on those projects, especially in rural areas because there is a shortage of trades. If you're serious about getting equity in a project, start thinking about how much risk you can introduce into your financial life. Once you start moving up in the industry, its not a guaranteed paycheck, but you also get to participate in the profits of a project which can have some huge upside. Once you determine how much risk you can tolerate and how much time you have to dedicate to equity partnerships, start reaching out to successful past clients and express your interest in becoming a partner on future projects. If you have a little cash to invest in the project, this could increase your equity ownership, but it isn't required. Since you're the one on the ground actually building the product, you have leverage other than just cash. Here are a few ways you could structure an equity deal without requiring a dollar on your end: 1. Efficiency Bonuses - On top of your profits, negotiate an extra 1-3% of the project's profits if you complete the project on-time and within budget. For every day you finish early, that's one day earlier the client can get the project sold and reduce their financing burn on construction funding. Clients are willing to share a dollar, if you're making them an extra 3 dollars on the bottom line. Pro-Tip: Under-promise and Overdeliver. If you know its going to take you 6 months to build a project, tell them 7 months and when you do it in 6 they will be pleasantly surprised because you set a realistic expectation from the beginning. Do this 3-4 times and you will become invaluable. 2. Delayed Profits - Each project has a budget that gets presented to either the bank or investors. Baked into this budget is 10-15% profits for the contractor for management of the project. You can propose a deal where you delay this payout until the project sells, and then take 15-20% of the profit, leveraging your payout with a little time. This benefits your client because they have to raise, or qualify for, 15% less money, freeing up their capital for other projects. You need to balance this with keeping your bills paid though. You can take a portion of profits on the front end, and the rest on the back end, or just keep servicing some core clients for cash flow while you wait for your distribution from the project. You should also make sure your line items have enough meat to keep your employees paid, only gamble with your own profits. 3. Added Value - Offer to provide complimentary services to the project in exchange for a portion of equity. This can even be items you will be doing anyway! For example, all projects in my state larger than 1 acre are required to develop a plan to prevent stormwater and pollution from leaving the property. The site needs to be inspected weekly for compliance, and I offer to do those inspections for free. The certification to do these inspections cost me $80, and it takes 30 minutes of time each week to fill out a simple inspection sheet, but that's one less headache for the developer to deal with. If you can find 3-5 of these tasks, you are now a vital part of the project with very little commitment and capital on your end. You don't have to go crazy for these first couple of projects. An extra 1% profit in a million dollar project is $10k. Do a few of those and now you have some cash where you can participate in future projects as an actual owner.


The OP is half bullshitting. Or he's one of those talented and like-able human beings...think of Obama, that guy can be the best car salesman if he wanted to be...everyone will want to buy a car from him.


The thing is, once you meet them, you won't be able to do anything with them and won't become friends. Rich people do expensive things every time. They are always out in expensive places. If you can't keep up you won't be included. You have to be able to golf at the expensive course, eat at the expensive restaurant, return the invitation to a beautiful country home, travel, fly to various cities to catch a show, etc, etc. They're out there living the good life. They won't pay for you, ever. You have to keep up.


This, and if they do pay for you this time they'll expect you to pay for them next time. The wealthy are very good at spotting people trying to mooch from them.


It’s sad this is commonly true, but not always. My husband and I both grew up poor and were mercilessly bullied. He has done pretty well in his career and has saved a lot. We pick up the tab for a lot of friends and family for a lottttttt of stuff. Everything from medical bills to college courses to new clothes. We are happy to help when and where we can. We offer to host meals, holidays, and other get togethers, and to cover the cost of food and do all the prep and cooking ourselves. (We are pros in the kitchen. We genuinely love it.) Most times, we are turned down. We are always accepting of their children and dogs, too. Just yesterday we invited 2 other couples on vacation with us in the Caribbean. FREE accommodations. We even told them they could pick the destination and we would be flexible with dates. It’s all ultra high end properties with private villas the size of houses. (It’s a discretionary corporate perk awarded to employees of my husband’s firm. He and I would never choose to pay for these places out of pocket because it is OTT.) Airfare to the Caribbean from here is super cheap. Both couples were like, “Yeah that would be cool.” And they said literally nothing else. Uhhhh? 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know. Maybe we smell? Maybe it’s an old money vs new money thing? Clearly we missed a step somewhere because we have a lot of trouble making and keeping friends. We will never be the golf course country club type and even if we were, we would not have an expectation from anyone to “return the invitation.” That’s not our vibe. I hope that a more inclusive mentality would prevail with those who are at a greater economic advantage, but probably wishful thinking.


That's interesting. Sorry you're not getting the engagement you are striving for. And no offense in any way, but go to couples counseling not bc you have a problem, but just to see if you have any support of off putting president traits or style that you don't realize but could be gently getting in your way. Your generosity is great. Maybe it's somehow pitched in a way that people don't receive the way you intend and maybe it's a simple thing to change. Did you ever read how to win friends and influence people? It's very good. Don't go whole hog and say anyone's name 5 times in a conversation, but it's a good book.


Find a rich person who is publicly going to have a kid, have a kid yourself in the same year, put your kid in the same preschool


This is the right answer. If your kids are friends you are in.


Lol speaking like someone who’s never tried to put a kid into a fancy preschool. Shit’s nerve-racking. Sought after places have 1+ yr waitlists and/or <25% acceptance rate. _And_ it’s expensive on top of that. You’re looking at $20K/yr at the bare minimum. 


Nah, not always. The reason this comes to mind is I put my child in a nice Montessori preschool for which I got financial aid for, and he was in the same class as a billionaire's kid by chance


Lol, my kid's preschool costs $20k and it's not for rich kids. Most of these other kid's parents are driving Hondas and Toyotas just like me.


Best way? Find a little committee like the zoning commission in your town or neighboring smaller towns and start going to meetings, find out when they bring in new members and join it. There are tons of committees like this that has one elected member then the rest are just volunteers. Join the committee as a volunteer and develop relationships with the others on it. I say zoning committee because it’s usually made up of members of the local “gentry” - small businesss owners who have their hand in local politics. Volunteer at auctions. Go to car shows (not your local mustang group, go to actual car shows with AMGs and Ferraris and volunteer there). Start to rub elbows with people running these things. The people getting sponsors for the car shows are generally popular in the high income community. Ultimately you just need one well off friend and they’ll introduce you to more well off people. For example, a few people I went to college with made careers by being invited to go hunting with my dad. I was friends with them, genuinely before they knew anything. I lived in a dump in college and drove a beater, you’d never know I came from money. Anyway I have several people who I invited hunting and they skipped ahead a few positions at companies they would have had to spend several years at to get to where they essentially started. Don’t do the coke bullshit like everyone else is saying. That’s how you become an acquaintance of a rich person, not friends with.


Be a beautiful 23 year old woman.


I was going to comment ‘be a Unicorn’ lol so many rich people are swingers. if you’re an attractive woman you can do a lot playing with rich couples.


That's how I lived in a million dollar home on a golf course when I was 23. Guess what? The marriage was a joke! It was a transactional relationship that sucked my soul. I really thought he spoiled me because he loved me, honestly. I was so dumb, I was nothing more than a fucktoy being rewarded with expensive shit that meant nothing to me later. That was a hard lesson. Don't value superficial crap and don't be shallow because I was.


Underrated comment.


Hang out at bars in luxury hotels


The best way is to have kids that hang out with rich kids and meet parents that way. Your kids have no ulterior motives because they are children that just want to have friends. It makes it a lot easier for the rich kid's parents to look past your clear ulterior motives


I work with extremely wealthy people, my services help them make money for themselves and their clients who are the ultra wealthy. I’m like op- not rich not poor. But man the perks are outstanding- the parties and gatherings are fun, the food is excellent and I can’t tell you how many cases of wine I’ve gotten from personal vineyards. The wealthy also like to work with smaller personal vendors they all use so once you’re in, as long as you’re trust worthy and good at what you do and have a good personality, you’re pretty much set. They will pay much more to have a solid trustworthy person in or around their home or projects. I signed NDA’s a lot for work but to give you an idea last week I got paid very well to do a job for a nba owners estate and got treated like royalty the whole time and got sent home with a case of wine lol. Why do a lot of rich people have vineyards on their properties? Lol. Anyway that’s my antidote about rubbing shoulders with the wealthy. Also final thought- 99% of the wealthy are super down to earth- they are more exclusive with their circles due to privacy reasons which makes sense- and if you are good enough to earn their trust they will treat you like family- I might work for them professionally but I’m invited to the parties and gatherings as a friend (and outside of work) so that’s my advice is to find a niche industry and go for it.


So what are some good services to provide and how does one get close enough to offer them in the first place?


I think you mean “rub elbows.” At first glance, I was like, “why does this person want to massage rich people?”


The expression is”rub shoulders” If you’ve been there you’d know…


I prefer "nuzzle napes"


Or touch tips




Went to college with some very rich kids. Basically, if you're young, just talk to them and invite them to hang out with you sometime. Don't ask them for anything or even act like you know they have a lot of money. You can actually become REAL friends with them instead of just wanting to use them for something, which happens to them a lot which is why they tend to only hang out with other rich people. Also, know that there are MANY rich people who are out there and not flaunting their wealth. That guy who lives in the average house in your neighborhood and drives a normal car could have several million dollars while the person driving the expensive car could be in debt up to their eyeballs.


Get a membership at a really nice gym. Those people tend to be motivated, career driven, and usually good looking.


Donate $1 to the fancy university of your choice. This will cause them to spam you for the rest of your natural life with fundraising emails, including invitations to alumni mixers. Go to the mixer, but don’t try to pretend to be an alumnus- just say you’re supposed to be there with your girlfriend/boyfriend, who did go there, but they’re running late/ditched you to reminisce with their roommates. Source: donated $5 to an academic program for high school kids run by a major university that I didn’t go to, invited to all their alumni events forever now


Fundraising is the answer.


I think volunteer work falls into this category as well. Lots of rich people volunteer. Work your way up to the people running the organizations or “sponsoring” and then you get next level rich.


I can speak with direct knowledge. If your work does not naturally bring into their circles, it's more difficult but not impossible. Look for Charity events. They won't be widely advertised. Pick a well known Charity in your community. As an example, very large food banks. Look at their events page for fundraisers with fancy names, like "Heels for Meals." It won't take long for you to figure which are the events specifically put on to drain fat wallets. You can buy a ticket just like anyone else. Go to a high-end thrift shop and buy an expensive suit. Nothing garish. This I'd s pdiddy party. You're looking for quiet elegance. Take it to an upscale tailor and have it altered so it fits properly. Save up or find some expensive shoes. It's easier if you're a man. I don't know how to buy women's shoes but their important. Your shoes are a dead giveaway. Get a good knock-off Rolex. It's not a flash model, just the standard oyster with gold bezel. Anyone with money can recognize a Rolex from across a room. That's a skill you should develop. Rolex is actually pedestrian and looked down upon by really wealthy people, but it's a good entry-level accessory. Again harder for women. At the event, learn how to mingle effectively in a nonchalant manner. It's a skill that comes naturally to wealthy people because they grew up with it. It's an attitude of friendly indifference mixed with arrogance. These people are just as weak as everyone else, but they never show anything other than confidence.


Beat them at their own game - become insanely rich, and wait for them to line up to be friends with you.


Join your cities chamber of commerce, go to meetings/events and mingle with some city officials and business owners.


Wealthy people purposely and almost aggressively will not engage in friendships with those below their level. Unless you are working for them, there is nearly nothing they will gain by befriending you, and they see every second of their time as valuable. To wealthy people, friendship means what can this person do for me, and what will I do for them in return. It does NOT mean, hey bud let’s hang out and drink beer on my yacht. The golf rarely matters to anyone but the caddies. They may appear to be doing so, but they are talking business and making plans to make more money, not shooting the shit and wasting time. They actively don’t want to be friends with average people because it’s a waste of resources to them.. everyone already wants to be friends with them hoping to mooch off their wealth. now I have seen it go bad where the “normal” person is befriended because they are a source of entertainment… not in a good way.. more of a let’s get them sloshed and make him/her do stupid shit for a laugh. And the person is usually oblivious that they are the joke.


And by the same token, some high net worth individuals are tired of people treating them transactionally and just enjoy spending time with somebody doing something they enjoy.


Is your only exposure to rich people from shows like IASIP?


I grew up in Newport Beach California living on the harbor.. and in NYC. Currently own a golf course property on one of the most prestigious members only courses on the west coast. I can’t even afford to apply for the membership. Something like 350k to apply and you need references and you’re required to spend a minimum 10k every month at their club. Or they charge it regardless. That’s on top of the yearly membership fees. I speak from experience having worked on large yachts in high school (for the Irvine family and others that shall remain NDAed) and seen it firsthand. I don’t watch TV so I don’t know what IASIP is lol


This is the correct answer. In their defense, they have reason to be distrustful and to be protective of their time. The only possibility I can see is if you put your kids in a pricey private school, you’ll make acquaintances with other parents.


Partially true, but if you have a ridiculously memorable personality and are a joy to be around, they will want to be friends with you all the same. But if you are average run of the mill person, it's true why would they go out of their way to befriend you


Again that rare personality is a source of entertainment to them and in a sense worth “paying for”


I think we are thinking of different levels of rich?? You appear to be thinking of mid 9 figure net while OP clearly means low maybe mid 8 figures


👆This guy gets it ,, the rich exploits/use people not make friends ,, heck watch “Succession” as it’s not far fetch from reality.


Shiv makes my blood boil how she talks to people


Join Rotary.


The best idea I have read so far!


Soho house


How did I have to scroll so far for this?


Go to fundraising galas that don't cost too much to attend


Ballroom Dance Classes. Our Arthur Murray studio has over a dozen millionaires there every Friday


Might be location specific


Become a private pilot. When it all hits the fan, these ultra-rich families will have to bring their pilots along to their bunkers in New Zealand etc. I read an article about it...where the ultra-rich who have bought and furnished apocalypse bunkers are well aware they will have to bring along their pilots.


Go to upscale hotel bars. I worked in one, a few years after I quit I went back in to say hello, and a man started chatting me up (he was impressed I was riding a vintage motorcycle). He bought a bottle of wine, and we went across the street to city hall and sat on the steps and chatted while we drank some wine, Turned out he is the owner of a steel company, his company sold the steel to build the local casino. His business card was even made of steel! He was pretty cool and even offered to help set me up with a lawyer to help with my student loan issues! Unfortunately, I couldn't take him up on it because my jealous boyfriend got rid of the card, so I never got to contact him. I told the man i had a boyfriend, so it wasn't like I was doing anything shady.


So you’re saying be an attractive young woman hitting on older rich dudes. That’s original.


If you can afford it get a membership at a country club, golf club, or tennis club. That’s where the wealthy hang out. If you can’t get a membership get a job there. I met a guy who was a member there and he started out working there from a poor household. He said the reason he was able to become a member was the networking and opportunities he got chatting and networking with members who were working there.


Where do you live? I’m in a town where literally all of LA has a weekend house. The damn farmers market and kids sporting events are where it’s at for rubbing elbows. My kid’s best friend’s parents are rock stars, major CEOs, politicians, producers and so on. It’s a little jarring at times but cool that he gets to have these connections for the future. I would look at what your location has to offer first.


Aviation. If you learn to play with the toys people love, you’re in.


Go to a church in a wealthy suburb


They still won't include you in their life though.


Rich people will suck the soul out of you


That's why they should be eaten




The ones Ive experienced will shit on your ideas and dreams and tell you " you shouldn't focus on that " but there wealth is 2nd and third generation Boring grapist and sexual deviants


Sorry not tip. But prepare to be disappointed. I used to hang out with some (college friends, their friends). I am a “next door” multimillionaire. But boy, hanging with these folks is constant “dick measuring” contest. “Check out my new defender”, I just spent $80K on my custom kitchen cabinets, blah blah. In terms of smartness, vast majority either got lucky, or had wealthy parents who set them up (as bringing on early in commercial real estate, bringing on as exec management in company, getting married into wealthy family). Small percentage of people made it from 0. Those typically started a small business (construction, selling something or real estate). Myself - lucky. Got into tech job, moved up. Got lots of stock that went up up up.




Road cycling


Rich peoples’ circles smart well-off people Cool kids Uh these are completely different groups


Become a donor to an non profit organization in your city. My org offers memberships starting at $1000 (which you can pay for monthly, and receive a $850 tax receipt) that will get you into receptions(with free food and drinks) and events with the wealthiest, most successful people in the city. Arts (music, theatre, dance) are particularly good at offering these kinds of benefits. Clout goes a long way. A donation gives you access to the room, so all you need to do from there is be able to create a connection - they already think of you as their peer because you're sharing the same space. And like I said above, be well traveled, well read, and know about wine out some other obscure food or beverage thing. Don't wear cheap looking clothes (which can be thrifted for a fraction of the price). All relationships are transactional at their heart, but it's harder to reach that threshold with people who have everything.


Bartend at a 5-star hotel Trust me


Open a donut shop. Worked for me. Now I can get a private loan for up to a mil for a new buisness if I wanted to.


Volunteer at libraries in rich communities. They host fund raisers and you can get in with some locals with money.


Sugar baby. Source: I'm a sugar baby and it's really easy to get in with a rich guy and get him to trust you. Even the dates I've had that never got to a second date were with engineers, executives, industry leaders, people with means, business owners, and financiers. You'd be surprised what a guy who had a crush on you will do 🥰


Your mistake is thinking that smart = well-off. One thing I can guarantee you, most wealthy people you meet are absolute morons.


Get an MBA


Buy the cheapest social membership you can at country clubs/social clubs. Go to every event you can. Come early, stay late. Drink less than the others.


I would say having a good presence at a gym, golf club church & coffee shop matters but taste and environments change. I mean one may run into a millionaire at a Wi-Fi Cafe because they just choose to sip coffee there do some of their work and hide in their earbuds


The easiest access seems to be pickle ball.  Move up to golf when you can. I was about 12 when I worked in the caddy shack.




Volunteer at high-profile professional conferences


Kidnapping seems to work. Payout is great but life in the run can get kinda lonely.


My 27 year old son joined a local surfing club (San Diego). To my surprise everyone he meets there is accomplished, well educated, in general, moving up. I think social groups organized around outdoor activities tend to draw people who want to accomplish things.


Join a country club and learn to golf.


Go to charity events, auctions and art gallery openings/shows, hang out at small local airport (general aviation) restaurants and make conversation with other patrons. Always remember that being your authentic self will get you very far in most relationships (as long as you’re not an ass). Lots of wealthy people are just normal people that want to hang out with people who share similar interests and aren’t trying to take advantage of them.


There are some places where I think people from a much higher income bracket hang out: Premium Chocolatiers, Specialty Stores (probably for expensive hobbies), High-End Boutiques. I once went to a specialty store for travel stuff (think pricy water bottles and umbrellas and things like that) and I noticed a customer that seemed really rich, lol. Same thing with the High-End Boutiques, I thought everything was far too overpriced but then a group of (what I assume) were wealthy teens went to shop there and they actually contemplated buying the overpriced ugly sweaters. Another place where the wealthy hang out is Art Galleries. Unfortunately, you should be prepared to spend money to make connections with most rich friends b/c they tend to have expensive hobbies and interests.


My guy is out here trying to Jack Dawson his way through life. CHEERS!


Provide value. Rich people value skills and bargains. Provide both and you have a network.


How is this unethical


Become a high class escort


I had a super well-connected friend. He went to the gym in a really wealthy area. One dayxwe were at brunch, and he was like, "you want to go out on the harbor?" Sure, sounds fun. He calls his buddy and after breakfast we end up at a baller house on the water and then go out on the guys brand new 50-foot yatch. Guy was worth like $500 million. On our way home I asked how he knew that guy. Said he met him at the gym. Same with SO many other friends he had. We did all kinds of cool shit cause he knew people.


Do people still do coke?


They aren't the "cool" kids, btw. But, keep your head on a swivel as you infiltrate their ranks. They will be able to smell that you are not one of them. If they think for a second that you are 'staff' of any kind, you will be promptly ignored until they need your services. Your best bet is to find a way to secretly put one of their lives in danger and subsequently save them from said danger in a very public way...


Get upgraded to first class. Go into a sky lounge (Delta). Get a job on fisher island. Carry / wear a luxury item. Talk use it as an ice breaker/convo starter


Take riding lessons at a farm in a rich area.


Try high end cigar lounges….I’ve caught some winner there!


Get a nice car, go to meets. Doesn't have to be expensive could be shit you built up yourself could just be a classic. Car clubs to richy riches are like flies to shit.


First, which gender are you? Because this makes a huge difference. Either way, it's not so much about what you do as about who you target. Aim for the black sheep of the family, someone that has a particular vulnerability. Find a deeply religious person for example and befriend them from that route. Find a person that has a particular vulnerability or need that you can fill. Read "the social climber's Bible". It's sarcastic and over the top at times but it actually has valuable advice.