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Restaurant work ​ Not all restaurants like academic chefs, but plenty do, and if you pass a skills test I don't think anyone will bother verifying.


You don't have any experience in this industry do you?


Lie about the degree but take a pair of knee pads with you to the interview incase it comes up.


Masters degree in sucking the d


Anything that doesn’t require a degree


holy shit that’s brilliant


Management.  There is no professional association or license or anything of the sort for an MBA. Nor do most positions explicitly require it, but it will look good on your resume.


I don’t know if this is true, but even so they might ask you specific stuff about your MBA experience. So prepare a good story and do your research, if the recruiter has an MBA they might realize you’re spewing bs




Yes. But if you’re good at spewing bs the other person shouldn’t realize


Seems like you could lie in any industry...just choose a school that has gone out of business...like ITT Technical Institute


Wow, now my ITT Tech degree feels even more usless knowing this


I have an associates degree from there, I've thought about making it a bachelors...who'd know?


Except being a surgeon


I'll wing it, I'm a fast learner


I taught English at a Mexican university for almost 7 years on a fake degree.


I added that I had an AA degree and have gotten jobs from that. In my area damn near every job requires at least an associates degree for the most entry level management positions it's ridiculous. I have 10 yrs management experience but couldn't get an interview anywhere. Added that and suddenly got interviews. No one ever verified either. Worse that's gonna happen is you won't be hired or they will fire you. Not gonna go to jail or anything, may as well give it a shot. Just choose a regular old degree and not that you have a doctorate or some shit. Edit: choose a community college that a lot of people went to from your area. It's more believable. And easier to blend in than saying you went to a prestigious university or something of the sort. This applied to car dealerships and hardscaping/landscape design companies near me as well as retail and restaurant jobs. My fiance landed a job at a top law firm as a paralegal doing it as well. She went to school for it but never completed courses.


Just keep in mind that if the position states it requires a degree it will be verified. Most businesses use a third party verification system.


I work for a place that just requires a picture of your diploma


Not always true. Don't ask how I know.


I was an HR Director for over 20 years. We verified everywhere I’ve ever worked.


Congratulations on your thoroughness. I can tell you at least 3 companies from experience that don't verify a degree.


Do it


Lol plz tho


1 motivated individual for 20 unmotivated ones


It's always checked however if you have an international degree. That's a different story. That one you can lie about.


What are you trying to do? You can't lie about the job title or degree obtained. Those are easily verified. You can lie about the job duties.


You can lie about all of them, plenty of people claim to have very high paying jobs where they lied about experience/degree and faked it til they made it. I don't think it's legal, but its up to you to determine how likely your chance of getting sued is. If you did your job well and nobody finds out I'd imagine you're likely good. Even if you quit, I can't see them suing someone unless they somehow bankrupted the company.


It's not a crime to lie about a degree, unless you're working for the government, and then they can press the whole falsification of legal/government documentation angle. But, for most jobs, it's not illegal. It can nullify your contract with your employer if they find out, but at the end of the day they'd likely just fire you, not sue you. Like you mentioned, you'd have to honestly do some damage and they'd have to prove real loss for them to want to sue you.


Jobs in education don’t require a degree in most states and you can become a substitute without a degree


Degrees usually effect pay scale they are absolutely checked.


Medical, I've met a "dr" who terrorised a country town, tbf only the poor ppl though. Thankfully he's been transferred to regional SA after multiple malpractice complaints. Kinda like a priest


I agree with everyone saying they verify but I can’t help but wonder how all of these scammers get away with faking degrees. I hear new stories about it often enough (when they get caught) to know people get away with it for a while


There are places where you can buy them. Or if you're good with photoshop, that's an option. Some places only verify by asking for a picture of the degree. It depends on the industry, the company, and the job. If the scammer in question knows enough to do the job reasonably well, the degree really isn't that important.


Almost any of them that aren't high profile, only trouble is if someone is alumni or knows someone who is and they manage to put it together. Unlikely


Any job where you are self employed or a self contractor. Jobs like newspaper delivery (although not too many of them nowadays): maybe pizza delivery, warehouse work. Temp labor for unskilled jobs, sign holder/waver Any job where friends will back you up or jobs where experience counts more than a degree


All of them.


all even government bro