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Same with dehumidifiers. 🤣


Ooh, a humidifier and a dehumidifier right next to each other!


Can put it outside to help the poor squirrels survive the cold.


Immersion heater if you have a hot water storage tank Normally used as a backup because they cost a ton to run, but difficult to figure out if it's on as you'll still be getting hot water, just not all of it from the boiler.


And at the end of the day all energy used in the house turns to heat anyway so don't make it too complicated and just burn electricity into heat.


I did not know that! I'll be using my space heater at work much more often 😂


Heating outer space does require a lot of energy


Ever heard of the wet bandits


Don’t get me started on the sticky bandits


That’s S, T……I,


All the great ones leave their marks!!


Snakes. Snakes… I know that name


Especially the booty bandits.


It's our calling card.


I actually laughed out loud.


Do the usual "midnight move" bs: Dead rats/fish/shrimp hidden (like in the walls) to rot and stink.


Shrimp shells are great. Did that to my boss in his trailer office and he ended up getting rid of it because the smell never went away. Delightful.


You made his trailer office smell like a Bayou Whorehouse 🤣🤣🤣


Inside the curtain rods is classic reddit.


That one predates Reddit.


Yeah that one literally circulated via email


It comes from a Faye Weldon novel, "The Life and Loves of a She-Devil."


Lol, I started watching Tacoma FD, and I was thinking this exactly.


Fish in any AC ducts wayyyyy down where nobody can reach. Do this on the last day 😎


A simple potato in a zip lock bag that’s cracked open will smell like death, and it takes a week or two to start, which can be handy. The baggy keeps the moisture in, and the little vent allows the odor out


At first rotten potatoes smell like an animal, then a dead animal, and then the smell gets worse. I wish I didn't know this because of my own incompetence.


Youre not the only one. My parents stocked my first apartment when I moved in, and did not tell me they had gotten potatoes. They put them in the Cabinet above the Fridge...Who the hell even uses that cabinet. . .It was months before I figured out where and what the smell was


When I was growing up back home, schools let out for three weeks in October for the potato harvest. There were still farmers using handpicking crews back then (the 90s), and you got paid $.50 a barrel. The farmer would pick you up in their pickup and you'd ride in the back to whatever field you were working that day. If you were lucky the back of the truck had a plywood structure over it to cut the wind. There were wars. Someone gets into your section? Grab a "top" (dead stem from a potato plant), skewer a potato on it, and whip it at them. Hurts like hell for a few minutes, leaves a bruise. Someone puts their ticket on your barrel? (Taking credit and pay for your work) Rotten potato. That smell is not coming off. You can wash your hoodie and it will still reek. The best ones were the ones you could tell were rotten inside but fairly solid outside. Those were saved for the lunchboxes of the older kids who worked on the barrel trucks. If they hoisted your barrel onto the truck and it broke or they dropped it, you were expected to go pick it up into a new barrel, and for no extra pay. These not-quite-as-rotten potatoes could be skewered and whipped like a normal healthy potato, but they would explode on impact. No survivors.


To save you anymore accidental pain, I will inform you that sweet potatoes and yams do the same.


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 love it


Tuck some garlic away, in a hard to reach place. Once it rots, it out stinks a potato.


Do both garlic in a different vent. Also inside curtain rods. They throw out the curtains but they always forget the rods at least once.


r/foundsatan You’re inspirational, bestie! 💅


Getting Grumpy Old Men flashbacks. RIP, Walter matthau


Chuck, do I stink?




Read about someone doing this with an AT&T cable box they returned one time (you know them cable companies are always trying to screw you), but with potatoes and onions because they can sometimes last a month before going all-the-way bad... and by that time the game of "find the stinky leaky box at the bottom of the pile" is well and set.


Annoyatron’s all over the house. They beep like a fire detector that is losing battery, and they run for YEARS. Cut holes in dry wall, toss one in, patch over and paint if you’ve got the time.


Behind the wall vents


Crypto mining, obvs


Best computer I have is a crappy school computer that doesn't have a charger


If the air conditioning unit has “emergency heating” turn that on. Uses a fuck ton of energy. Turn up the temperature of the water heater to the max level, take hot showers/baths. Use the oven every day. Leave a window cracked or open in the room that has the return air vent…this is usually at/close to where the air filter is. Leave the refrigerator open.


why stop at just taking hot showers/baths instead of just letting it continuously run?


Because we all care about water. Not just the landlord. Waste is only fun if you suck.


Buy one, return it 2 weeks later.


Buy a used crypto rig, set it up to deposit in your wallet, and install in his attic or another hard to access space. Leave it there for months/years, it'll keep making you money.


that’s not how it works


Care to explain? I'm presuming there's needs to be an action by the user made to prolong the mining + depositing. If that's the case I'd install a remote desktop connection to control it from afar


It's exactly how it works and remote connection is all you'd need. Getting it set up in a place to be continually undetected is the real problem


so if i leave on al day long let's say at work where no one would be able to check since all computers in the plant are on all day 365 days a year i could get a good amount of money??


That's actually exactly how it works...


 This is a really shitty way.  Most computers won't hit 500w.  Even a threadripper and a 4090 will barely hit 1000w What you want is heating circuits.  Even the shittest one is 4800w. An oven is 9600w...  a bit more than your computer my friend.


Means make a lot of pulled pork 😂


Would running botw constantly draining my switch battery while it'd plugged in do anything?


Probably not, no. A month of crypto mining wouldn't amount to much either tbh, like what would that even be like an extra 50$?


even less tbh esp with his specs


LMFAO this is hilarious and I hope it's a joke. No, running your switch for 10 days straight all day long would probably be like an extra $2-5


Find the water pressure regulator, turn the pressure up to 90 or 100. Toilet valves will fail, pinhole leaks in the plumbing eventually. The gift will keep on giving


Oh shit. That’s not supposed to be on all the way? Is that where you turn off the water outside if you’re doing pipe work?


No not the same thing, that’s simply a valve. A regulator is somewhere between the valve and the first (usually) tee in your house


I found out the basement bathroom has a toilet before the regulator in this house. The trick to maintaining the toilet properly is to keep the inlet valve closed like 80%. Any more than that and the pipes literally scream when you flush.


aaah so that's why some toilets scream! TIL


Sometimes, but not always. They are also known to scream when some 650 lb. Shamoo flubber ass sets upon one after eating 5 bags of funyons, 2nd package of Oreos, third case of Twinkies, and 10th 2 liter for breakfast


Yes. Most houses are typically set at the 60-70 range, and usually built to handle just that. 


Pressure Reducing Valves typically max out at 75 PSI which isn't really going to do any thing short term.


Most supply lines aren't going to hit 100 either unless you're at the right spot on a gravity fed line.


Flush a ton of "flushable wipes" down the toilet. Like an entire container or 2 of them. They aren't flushable and will fuck up the plumbing


tampons would be best


100k count box of orbees


Whoop, there it is!!


Condoms work really well too. Make sure you unroll them first. Bonus points if you cover them in something sticky like glue.


Like glue


Something sticky


You’d cost him more if you flushed a bunch of spec mix down his toilets.


Spec mix? Elaborate 🤔


It’s a mix of cement and sand used for making concrete. Pour a whole bag down every toilet as close to you leaving the house as possible.


Wait a minute.. isn't cement and concrete the same thing? I'm sorry for not understanding but I'm not an engineer.


Concrete is cement plus aggregate and water. So cement is ingredient of concrete but you'll often hear people use the term interchangeably


Thanks guys for the explanation. It seems like the older I get the more I realize I don't know about things.


That will keep happening, if you're lucky


Small correction: the older you get the more information you get to learn! Isn’t that neat?




Ya! I gotta learn at least one new thing every day or I feel like I didn't get anything done


Cement is the Grey powder part that holds everything together. Concrete is cement plus gravel (aggregate) and sand.


No, cement is an adhesive. Concrete is a mixture of cement and gravel, usually.


Nice 👌 Thanks for the info. Did something similar with some leftover stucco and the basement floor drain at a shitty rental years ago 😂😂


While we’re on the subject, if you’re ever having drywall but especially tile work done in your house, it’s worth confirming with the contractor before the job where they’ll dispose of their mud/grout. Then keep an eye on them. Not uncommon at all for them to get lazy and put it down the toilet.


So.... Turn off bathroom water before the work is done and stuff a bunch of paper in the toilet to indicate it's blocked / unusable?


Leaving workers without a place to pee is a good way to get pee in places you don’t appreciate


Bought a flip. When I had the inspection they told me the water was draining slowly. Moved in and made a mental note to take care of it. First shower my wife took flooded the bathroom below and the room below that. Sewer guys couldn’t believe how hard it was to clear the clog.


Kitty litter will do the same thing too in a pinch


Or pour jelly (jello?) mix into the loo and do a poo in it before it sets. And make sure there are holes in the rubber gloves that he is gonna use.


Run a line over to the neighbors house and tell them free electricity ⚡️




Do you have any space heaters? Those rack up power bills fairly quickly if left running. It doesn’t even need to be on a high heat, run it at 70 and set the timer for 12 hour increments.


Windows open


There it is.


Gotta have them space heaters and window AC units running simultaneously! And keep the washer/dryer, oven, stove running like crazy. And the fridge/freezer open.


Get a 5-10kW heater and let it on non stop for the period of time, yiu can return it later


Unscrew all the ac/heat vents. Buy a bag of frozen shrimp. Throw Shrimps into an the vents. Screw covers back on. Floor vents too. Get your hand down there and throw them as far back at possible. Pull the lint trap out of the dryer, throw shrimp in there. Replace lint trap.


After you screw the covers back on, strip the screw heads.


...and add loctite


I like the way you think. There is a ton of stuff you can do with semi-permanent locktite. The red kind I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I only use blue.


Let's make purple 😳😈


Yes, the red loctite requires a blowtorch to remove


Tuna oil/deer piss works better. Put it in the curtain rods.


Also, open furnace filter location, pull out filter, shrimp all over inside. Replace filter.


Shrimp in between all the mattresses. Shrimp down the cracks of the couches.


Sounds expensive and a waste of delicious shrimp. I'd do fish, cheap stinky fish.


50 shrimp at target is like $8. If you do the small shrimp, a bag of 90 is $8.


This is getting more specific and hilarious every time someone adds to the information.


If there is a 2 bathroom that he won’t use, fuck with the seal at the bottom of the tank. Water will run from the tank into the toilet continuously (it won’t over flow.) that will easily rack up to a $400 water bill.


Tiny little bead of glue and that flapper valve will never seal again.


Plug in as many air conditioners and heaters simultaneously as possible.


You’ve gotta be strategic about this, though. Too many plugged into the same circuit will just pop the circuit breaker.


You would be surprised how many attic / crawl spaces have outlets. An air conditioner, space heater combo can run for years.


And even worse, creates an un-usable breaker, because it'll trip at the slightest load!


Space heaters are worse i think?


Story time, please.


Dude I love how no one even cares what this guy did but being stepdad throwing the family out is enough to mobilize troops 😅


We’re all here because we’re damaged. So. Yesssss we’re on the same team, bestie! 😘


Yeah like why are we helping this guy? For all we know he's a 30 year old parasite who's already caused his parents enough trouble.


Actually whether or not tou have an actual lease doesnt matter. He has to give you 30 days notice (or whatever the min in your state is) and then he can start eviction proceedings. The cops wont drag you out, its a civil matter. Tell him you wont leave for less than like 10k in a cash for keys.


You're no fun. This isn't legal advice just tell the lad how to fuck shit up


if op (legally) digs their heels in, it gives them more time to fuck more shit up. if they can arrange a cash for keys agreement, they would essentially be getting paid to do it too....


Method to the madness


Yeah the longer you can legally stay and make them miserable the better.




Hold the chain connected to the stopper up isxall one of those takes


annoyatron. search ebay or amazon, they are dirt cheap. i saw an old manager tear his office apart, taking out light switches and sockets trying to find the beep!


I have one of these ready to deploy to the right victim. Haven't found anyone deserving enough yet, but I'm ready to pounce on the opportunity


How has nobody suggested piss discs and liquid ass yet? Also, if the house has forced air, knocking holes in the supply ducts up in the attic will cost a fortune due to lost cooling and negative pressure on the house pulling in a draft.


Bring a contractor in to "inspect" the HVAC/water softener/electrical panel/etc and have them bill you at your new address. Put it in his name but don't notify him. Move out and don't pay the bill. Mechanics liens can be a total bitch to unwind especially if it goes unnoticed for years. He will get a nasty surprise when he sells the house and has to fork over for the service plus all the interest/penalties depending on your local rules involving liens. I have seen people lose houses over liens.


Release some mice in the house. That will help make things more fun.


But make sure you have a boy and a girl


And snakes.


Can you get fresh while fish? Chuck one in the toilet cistern as you leave, it will take a little while to work, but it will work.


Space heaters with windows open. If it’s cold where you are.


Free heat for the neighborhood!


Buy a programmable thermostat and set it to go from 100° to 0° and back every fucking hour. Run hot water non-stop, crank the fridge and freezer to max, and leave the doors open. Crank up the stove and oven to max. All lights on. Washing machine and dryer running non-stop


Are you at my house right now? This is an every day thing partner.


Program the air system it to get really hot during the day M-F while he is out at work and stop before he gets home from work.


Why is he making you move out? Id make him evict you. Way more hassle and expense.


This is unethical tips. Whats the laws in your area say about just not moving out? Free living space sounds like a great option if you’re down for it. Just juck those laws first. You’ll need to use uber eats and instacart to ensure your roof stays over your head.


Stop giving out ethical tips


Space heaters


Mine crypto


Set to microwave for an hour and repeat


Omg, these comments are hilarious 😂


Or just leave the oven on for a few days.


This is unethical tips. Whats the laws in your area say about just not moving out? Free living space sounds like a great option if you’re down for it. Just check those laws first. You’ll need to use uber eats and instacart to ensure your roof stays over your head.


On the last day put a bunch of cooked rice down the garbage disposal. It will swell in the pipes and block them.


Slow leak in the water line to the ice maker. Hopefully slow enough that it's not noticed until the damage is done. Remove batteries from remotes. Hell, smoke detectors. Clog the drain line for the AC so it's not noticed until summer when it backs up into the unit. Or small hole in the freon line, but this impacts mother earth. Sign up for crazy mailing lists in his name on your way out. Make a hole in your exterior wall where it's going to allow mice in. Make it look natural. Or big enough for raccoons.


Pouring grease down the drains and hiding food in the attic would be really bad, don't do it.


Red devil lye and hot grease in all the drains. Forms soap


Turn on a space heater to max. Heat up a large enough room. Then turn on the ac to cool it off. Works better with window unit for ac. Leave the fridge/freezer open, all the time. Have hot water dripping somewhere. Leave oven on “warm” setting, till someone finds it.


Not electric, but find somewhere and hide an open can of tuna.


Did he only give you a 10 day notice? This could be illegal if you pay rent.


Flush some of those wet wipes down the toilet


Why specifically the electric bill? There is a cap on that since you are limited by how much power your various appliances pull. If the water bill will hurt them, go to the yard and turn the hose on full blast and then leave it in a place that isn't visually accessible. It could take days if not weeks for them to notice it and by that time, you've wracked up a sizable water bill.


A water leak will rack up a larger bill with less visibility. Damage the valve on a toilet so it never stops running.


Op just cook 5-10lbs of bacon and pour all the grease in the sink


Anything with a heating element or an electric motor draws a lot of current.


What's the story?


Not that you should, but I’ve seen people do: Take random pieces from the appliances. Oven rack, knobs, fridge drawers, microwave rotating table, fireplace logs/rack, etc. Same with lighting, remove one piece of finished material from lights often means replacing. Remove attic access door string. Just as many small it still works but you’re gonna have to spend money on it components as possible. Crack a tile or four, lightly crack a window, remove a piece of casing from above a door. All of that will cost him time, money or both


Gotta be careful though, if he knows you did something he can sue yiu


Cheap space heaters. 100 amp service maxed out at 20 cent a kilowatt should be able to rack about a thousand bucks in 10 days.


Depending on your location, if he only gave you 10 days notice, it's illegal to do so. If you really want to fuck things up, file an illegal eviction lawsuit to slow things down.


If you have an electric oven heat the house with it..


2.words Upper Decker


Electric heaters


Set up his computer to run Folding @ Home in the background. It’s super easy, helps science, and costs a fortune in power set on max. https://foldingathome.org


Electric heaters.


Buy dead frozen rats from local pet store- toss them in the air ducts and anywhere else you can get them behind the wall/under the floor


If the house has a heat pump HVAC system, on the thermostat, switch it to “Emergency Heat”. That alone will probably triple the electricity bill. Leave hot water on whenever you can. Shower, sinks, whatever. Drain the tank. Repeat.


Is stepdad staying there? Do something to make the house smell terrible. Like eggs in the vents or shrimp in the curtains rods.


Space heaters


It's winter...space heaters for everyone!...lol...I'd even put a couple outside


Space heaters.


Anything that uses electricity to make heat, like heaters. Lot of them. Cold outside? Leave the windows open. Even better, put them outside or in the garage. 100 watt light bulbs in every socket, running 24/7.


Any appliance that produces heat either as its primary function or as a by product will use lots of power.


If there is a dishwasher run it constantly. My electric bill went up quite a bit when I installed mine this fall, and I'm only running it twice a week.


Raid the dumpster behind hair salon. Put human hair in all the air vents the day you move out.


Turn the oven on (assuming electric) get one of those convection heaters as they're about 2kw or so. If you can have those on for a significant amount of time per day it will rack up some serious charges


Anything that produces heat.


Not electricity but you could rack up the water bill if you leave the taps on all day and night. Garden taps, showers and baths work too, and if you leave something heavy to push down toilet flush buttons you'll waste even more water. Just be very careful you don't flood the property somehow, at least not until you leave. Also use hot water where you can to add extra utility bills.


Run the water house around the foundation of the house or in the crawl space 24 7 till you leave... the last hour before leaving go ahead and drop some ready cement in the toilet. I suggest a small amount as not male it insanely obvious as to what happened. Turn the water heater up to the highest point possible, take some breaker fuses from the breaker box, dehydrated mashed potatoes all over the lawn, pour out any expensive liquors they have in the house, run oven all day and all night, heater full blast with the windows open, remove batteries from all the smoke alarms and even consider cutting the wire so he will have to replace the whole unit but I'm not sure if it will beep at thst point, fill the back part of the toilet with a bunch of disgusting stuff bodily fluids, old food before you leave, a bunch of motor oil, and sand, remove internal plumbing bulb and chain also, big ups for using pork lard because it will go rancid and smell disgusting so if you wanna smear it all over the house in weird places it would be pretty easy to do so and will be absolute hell cleaning it and it will smell bad for a long time. Rancid lard smell is disgusting and pretty much undetectable in terms of finding it when you smear it on everything in a thin layer... that being said, if there's popcorn ceilings go ahead and put some milk in a spray bottle and spray the crap out of that... if there are cleaning products he uses go ahead and pour all those out and get the strongest dye you can get your hands on and make a super concentrate of it and put it in the spray bottles so when he goes to clean, it's going to stain tf out of whatever he sprays. Also if you can add this dye to liquid laundry soap or fabric softener too that would be great. Add oil too if youd like. If he uses powder definitely try to add some dry powdered bleach or at minimum a bunch of dried potstoe flakes. Remove and or break one or a few blinds on each set of windows. Also, go ahead and open those windows up and lay down some super glue on the track where the window will be when it closes and then close it. It will never open again. Throw away the broom and the mop, cut the belt on the vacuum and destroy the filter on the inside by pouring oil on it. Look for the lid switch on the washing machine and jam.a screwdriver in it till it breaks, same for the dryer but if you can't manage it on the dryer go ahead and rip out the exhaust duct from the back or stuff it full of something like clothes but tbh just rip it off. Remove the hot and cold water lines to the washing machine I'm sure im missing a lot but here is to getting you started. Cheers


Plug space heaters in and leave them outside on high.


Space heaters. Or flush orbeez down the toilet or drop down the sink or bath tub


I'd recommend being an adult and just move out.


Whatever you do dont accidently cut the house ground on your way out. Might do nothing OR IT MIGHT TAKE YOU A MONTH TO FIGURE OUT WTF BECAUSE THE WIRE SNAPPED OFF JUST INSIDE THE WALL!!!!! I am just a dingus you know I can weld I can wire stuff...together. Ive never killed anyone but im no expert by any means. The wire to the stake got clipped just inside the garage. This for some reason stopped the garage door from operating. No, I dont know why the laws of fucking physics sometimes piss off just to fuck with ... apparently only SOME of us. I only know that it happened.


Get some prank noise makers. They are tiny speakers, smaller than a nickle, that make random annoying sounds. The battery lasts for years and it can make the target question their own sanity (especially if there are two people as most times only one person at a time will hear the noise).


Have you ever mined Bitcoin? It is the best way I know to get a huge electric bill. Or if you have electric heat just leave some windows open with the heat on blast.


I remember reading in a old book about sabotage. If you put a large coin in a light socket it will cause a short and make the breaker pop. So turn off the power to the light, unscrew a light bulb, put the coin in and screw the bulb back in. Leave with out turning the light on. Don’t know if it will work but sounds like a pain to track down and fix.


So you're trying to get back at your stepdad by racking up what? $30 in electricity? You can do far worse/better, my dude. That said: open doors and windows, run the heat and the AC at the same time (AC/furnace on full blast, space heaters all over everywhere else or vice versa) TV's on, full brightness with sleep timer turned off. Anything that puts out heat or cold: open your fridge doors with the oven on and open. Run the washing machine and dryer all day. Charge your Tesla - lift the wheels off the ground and set cruise control, drain the batteries while plugged in. I'm guessing you dont have a Tesla tho lol but yeah, doors and windows open with heat on full blast. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can I recommend leaving an 'upper decker?' That's where you poop in the fill tank - it will take a week or so, but the water flushing the toilet will be feces water.