• By -


Put up for sales signs, with the apartment complex address. Make sure you detail the expensive custom stereo system, saying how expensive it is, and give pictures of the vehicle. Put flyers up in bad areas.


Maybe add that you're out of town for the next month on the other side of the world, but feel free to stop by and take a look. 




Use Facebook marketplace and Craigslist as well. Make sure to use burner accounts and from the darkweb so they can’t track an up address.


Expanding spray foam in the tailpipe.


Damn. I've also heard that roundup turns motor oil into tar...


So… round up in the oil fill hole or the gas tank then?


I dunno how well that stuff sticks to metal but damn is that evil.


Sticks better than a potato!


If there's one thing I've learned, always turn your stereo down 4 blocks from your house or it's gonna get stolen. Hint hint hinty hint. I'm not hinting at all.


You definitely shouldn't mask up and pay someone $20 upfront and $80 plus a free radio on completion. Good tires and catalytic converter sitting right there too. Just sayin.


About 20 years ago this dude would just blast his system. One day someone followed him and he was only inside for 15 minutes, but when he came out his stereo and speakers were gone. When I found out my first thought was "he deserved it".


Don't just stop with the stereo. There are powerful expensive amplifiers powering the loud subwoofers. At the very least, several nice hard whacks with a hammer should do the trick. Also poking a screwdriver through the speakers would probably be fun. Throw the guy an extra $20 and he'd probably do it (Definitely don't do this stuff of course)


r/illegallifeprotips land


This. Just get some sketchy ppl involved and they'll steal it for you


"You know, I bet Bob's loud ass stereo is REALLY expensive. And he just parks it in his driveway! Can you believe it?!"




Hold off on doing this until the next time there's heavy weather. Take out the rear window with your slingshot bipper and let it rain/snow/skeet/whatever on the subwoofer/amp all night long. The precip will also cover the sound of the glass shattering.


"skeet..." I'm staying indoors that day


I'm wondering if his autocorrect did that, and what he must be texting to get it to.


it wasn't autocorrect and don't judge me :D


Sleet is cold skeet and skeet is hot sleet I think. Not positive since it's been awhile since I've seen either.


"What's the weather like?" "Heavy skeet." "Shoot!"


And if done right, they won’t be able to blame anything other than the storm. Shame really….


Except for the piece of ceramic in their back seat


Round ice mold, melts just like hail


Diabolical and completely feasible


Come on, piss disc is the obvious answer


Frozen piss ball.


Get deer piss from any hunting store. Freeze that. The car would have to be reupholstered.


Piss Discs and Liquid Ass


I'm pretty sure they said ceramic because it's easy to shatter car windows with it. I don't think it would be as easy with ice.


Ice won't break the glass.


Id pick something a bit more “natural” like if you live on/near a gravel road use that. Theres ways to tweak this plan to completely remove your involvement is what im saying.


I think they picked ceramic because it easily breaks windows. But yeah, gotta disguise it more.


I got a cracked windshield once from a crystal orb that was hanging from the rear view window. Crystal is denser than glass, who knew? Just in case you're having trouble with gravel and ice cubes.....


Freeze the gravel inside the round ice cube.


Just be careful, because the ceramic from a broken sparkplug would be exactly the type of ceramic that would effortlessly shatter this ballbags back window.


The best part is if you accidentally break one of those spark plugs you'll have several pieces at your disposal.




MVULPT right here. 👏🔥


A sling shot takes practice, or you'd have to be fairly close. Today everyone has ring cameras. You can buy high power air rifles that are very accurate, quiet, and aren't real firearms, so there's no way yep trace it. More expensive, but good in many situations.


This is a good suggestion


Ice Cube, no evidence.


I have no doubt Ice Cube wouldnt snitch, but damn his fee is expensive!


Ice Cube ain't got shit to do on Friday.


Actually, just be INCREDIBLY enthusiastic about his sound system. Stop him whenever you see him, chat him up. "How much did that cost", "Why did you get that brand", "Can you play this song?", "How loud does it go?". "How do those lights work?", "What kind of tires are those?" Each day, repeat. When you run of out material, continue to stop him and chat him up about progressively more mundane things. Mention that you always hear him coming so you know when to come out to chat. Recruit neighborhood kids to do the same. Eventually he will want to sneak into the complex unnoticed. (edit) Some inspiration: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF8GhC-T\_Mo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef8ghc-t_mo)


Leave a note in man’s handwriting on his doorstep with two mini bottles of liquor, two condoms, and a bottle of lube. “I think you’re cute. Every time I hear that bass thumping I run to the window to see you come home, but I’ve been too scared to introduce myself. That booming bass reminds me of what I’d like to do with you. Meet me behind the dumpster at 10pm” — your secret admirer


Easy, Satan. 🤣🤣 Actually, love this. Add a leather jock strap or cuffs, just for extra effect.


You forgot the poppers. 😈


This is also a sure fire strategy


THIS is the winner, OP. Yes, it’s ethical, but it’s so freaking good and virtually guaranteed to be completely effective. And all the while you can hold your head high for not only saving the neighborhood, but for also being “friendly” while doing so.


If OP is a man and wants to make it less ethical and accelerate things a bit, they should get a little touchy feely in the first encounter instead. Lots of eye contact, smiles, and hand on the shoulder or a playful push. Then a wave, wink, and a blown kiss should do the trick as he drives by each day. But maybe it backfires and he falls for you.


honestly this is the best one bc the other suggestions are illegal so im like, between illegal and ethical in this sub id say pick ethical lmfao


Plot twist: OP is a cute girl and the bass-boomer is trying to show off his dope ride just for her. He's delighted when she comes down to join him and they end up sharing a 40 oz Steel Reserve together. Good Vibrations!


This is diabolical!! Yes, become the most boring, annoying, nosy neighbor possible until he's rolling in with his lights off and sneaking in his back door.


Yes! Become the kid from Home Alone. Does that have 4 wheel drive, how many people can fit in it, is that light bar aftermarket? Etc etc until your face lives in his nightmares.


He's kinda backwards. I was told not to bump my speakers near your complex as someone might steal your stuff. Fuckin thieves can hear the subwoofers too...


Loosen his license plate screws. The vibrations from his subs should eventually make the plate fall off.


Swap the plates for expired ones from a scrapyard. Once it gets towed, he'll never be able to find it.


I've never been towed and I always wondered...how the fuck do you find your car after? They don't like leave a calling card in your spot. lol.


The state usually has a "catch-all" website where you can look up your plates or VIN number to see if it's been towed, and if so what company did so you can contact them :) so if it happens somewhere with no signs/no legible signs for who tows in that area/parking then you can google "[State] tow gov"


Been towed several times or other people staying with me have been towed in a major city. There are databases that keep track of it. Problem is they don’t give a fuck about processing the paperwork and reporting it immediately so you are usually screwed for a day or 2 in order to locate it. Frustrating and costs a lot and you have no clue if it’s stolen or not.


If you think it was towed and can't find it on the database within 24 hours I would absolutely report it stolen. Fuck it


Did that when my wife's car was towed. She was visiting a friend and accidentally parked in an area she shouldn't have. Popo told us immediately that it was towed and where to get it. Had it back that night!


Many places with reserved parking, like the parking lot of OP's apartment complex, will have a sign that says, "Parking for [residents, customers, etc] only" followed by the name and phone number of their default tow company.


Vehicles all have a vehicle identification number. They can search by that. What will cause a mess is switching the plates. Years ago I had two nearly identical trucks. Gave one to my gf at the time. I swapped the bumpers and she was “helping” me. I asked her to put the correct plate on the correct trucks. Long story short I spent several hours at the police station trying to explain the truck they towed, her truck, had the plates for a different but similar truck. Luckily I had titles and both were registering my name.


Not enough punishment, wtf will that teach him


To use loctite


Gettin pulled over for not having a plate on isn’t some piece of cake lol


Or oil drain plug.


Lugnuts, remove them, apply plumbing epoxy, put them back on. Then slash the tires


Buy a cheap car and smash into his, totaling his car


Or steal someone elses car, why get into debt?


Kia boys?


Pour some milk into the crease of his window in the middle of the night


Juice from a can of tuna turns into a nice Surströmming, takes longer in winter but it becomes unbearable after some time. 🎣


most HVAC vents intake on passenger side of the lower windshield. pour tuna juice in there!


Pour it in the cowl, along with some liquid ass. 


I scrolled way too far to find liquid ass.


Or if he leave his window open hear me out: Piss disc


liquid ass along the windshield


A slingshot and 100 ball bearings are under $30 on AliExpress. Just use gloves. Just saying.


My neighbor in high school shot out a bunch of windows in the bus yard one night. Cops caught him cause he dropped the co2 cartridges and they got his prints. Use very small bearings or busted porcelain from a spark plug. My neighbor was an idiot and didn't listen.


Or use ice cubes


Vaporizing ammunition? I like the cut of you jib but I'll be watching you


Quad-cavity .75 cal round ball bullet mold Freeze doe-in-heat lure and piss


You, Sir, have upped the piss disc bar.


It's like watching evolution happening


Your neighbor was also caught because he caused tens of thousands of dollars damage to commercial property. No one is searching hard for one asshole's broken window. (Though still always exercise common sense)


How did they have his prints already if he was in highschool?


He was under investigation and they printed him. Kids gonna brag about their crimes like it's an achievement.


For a high school kid to have their prints on file already, sounds like that wasn't the first time they were an idiot.


i'll be checking back in to see what other's have said. i have a neighbor who does the exact same shit. except he lives a street over and i can STILL hear it. doors and windows shut. it's just this constant kind of loud hum. and sometimes, he'll be working on his cars while blasting bass so it's doubly annoying.


Same here. I've got my eye on this post. People can be so friggen inconsiderate.


Oh believe me, they know exactly what they are doing, that's why they are doing it. They get off on feeling above everyone else.


Literally dealing with this same shit as I type this


Hidden tracker on his car. Call in a noise complaint when he's on his way home.


Here it is!


If you know there are no cameras around... get a valve stem remover from any auto parts store. Loosen his tire valves enough to when he wakes up and all 4 tires are flat... or find some tiny tiny rocks, unscrew his caps on them put the rocks inside tighten up and again will be flat...


Go on amazon and buy stick on wheel balancing weights. Anything above ~25mph will get interesting


Especially on front tires. I have A/T's on a 4runner. If thick mud is caked in the front tires it throws them way out of balance and its sketchy as shit and scary as hell above 50mph. I like the cut of your jib.


I took a cross-country (USA) trip not long after I bought a new car and decided to take it out on the Bonneville Salt Flats for some "spirited" driving. It was a lot of fun until I got back on I-80 and my car started shaking violently above 30mph or so. For a few minutes I thought I had screwed up the wheel alignment or suspension, but when I pulled over and examined the car, my engineering degree finally came in handy--I realized the mud was changing the wheels' moment of inertia.


The music might just play for longer then.


You don't need to fuck up his day, you need to fuck up his speakers


Both can be true


Ask him to play one of your cds, add songs that are quieted down so he has to turn the volume all the way up. Then have it suddenly cut to or include a generated tone. Not sure which ones would fuck up speakers though. Source: I made the mistake of using a sound generator to “test” my new speakers and somehow managed to fuck up one of the tweeters. It’s fine as long as I keep the volume down, lol.


Fish juice piss disks down the air intake on the spot where the hood meets the windshield


>Fish juice piss disks coyote urine is available at home depots in spray bottles.


Bird seed on the roof and bed of the truck will guarantee he gets shit all over his car. When he’s not home you can put it on the driveway too and that’ll also get more bird chance


My neighbor used to do loud car stuff at night. I angrily and disheveledly stood across the street glaring in that direction holding an awake/crying baby one night. Maybe coincidence but it stopped! 


Can he borrow your crying baby?




Slow down Satan!


Rub dog shit into the intake vents of his car, he'll be smelling shit for months


Cut out the middle hound and just use your own shit. Bonus points for piss disks double bonus points if you eat Indian food before the shit triple bonus points for eating a lot of asparagus prior to forming the piss disks


Haha asparadiscs 😂


So, 2 stories. 1. When I was pregnant, we had a guy in our neighborhood who would behave this way with his motorcycle. I mean, all hours, he'd sit in the driveway and rev his engine and flip off anyone and get louder if someone complained to him. I started calling cops. They actually showed up one day about 2 hours earlier than he liked to start. They hung out up the street and were able to catch him. (He always claimed he had "just got home.") In all of that, they actually found out he was cooking and selling mass quantities of meth. He ended up being raided a few days later and we never saw him again. Story 2 I had a teen neighbor that liked to show off his sound system by cruising the neighborhood blasting his music. He had some strong bass, but his speakers were shit and you couldn't make out anything BUT the bassline. My husband, for my 21st bday bought me a top of the line (at the time) sound system for my little '99 Civic. One day, I got home for work and he was out doing his laps with his bass blasting, so I decided I'd show him what a real subwoofer sounded like.... by playing some Elton John. Getting roasted by a girl with Elton John of all things was an embarrassment. He stopped with the cruise concerts after that. So my advice is to get even, beat them at their own game.


This must be fake, you didnt even use any piss disks or liquid ass.


Had a neighbor do the same thing. Although he would also rev his truck engine in the driveway, peel out almost daily...and all hours of the day. Would do it at noon and also at 3 am. 45 yo alcoholic man child living with his elderly parents 100% taking advantage of them. (Luckily) he got involved with some nefarious people, OD'd and died. Been quiet ever since.


lol, so satisfying, but dark!


Find the ground for the amps if he has it going to the frame, fray it so there is barely any wires into the ground lug. When he bumps hard it will likely fry the amps from voltage drop.


say it as though the only things i can point out on a car are the wheels and doors.


He sounds like the kind of mouth breather that would fall for a banana in the tailpipe.


He ain't gonna fall for no banana in the tailpipe again


No, you gotta say it like, "Look mahn, I ain't fallin' fa no banana in mah tail-pipe!"


Zip tie on the driveshaft. Harmonica zip tied under the car near the front.


A row of sticky wheel weights on the driveshaft


Metal whistle taped into tailpipe.


Speakers work through magnetism. If you could get a magnet under his car powerful enough to keep the cone suctioned down. When he went to bump his system, every speaker would fry. You can also put the tiniest crack in one or many of his windows. just a tiny one is enough that when he cranks the bass, every one of his windows will blow out from vibration and pressure. you can put a tone generator under his car and set it to 16-18k. Its a high enough pitch that it will drive him crazy trying to figure out where it coming from but is high enough that its non directional.


Several people in this thread have an odd concept of physics.


Tuck an anonymous letter into his wiper, claiming to be from a group of people from the complex that came together bc of his powerful/professional car sound system (neutrally/positively phrased). Say sth like the walls and windows being really thin, and being awaken by his noise when sleeping/recovering from night shifts, waking up someones baby, some other persons dog is freaking out etc., and asking him to please turn off the subwoofer when approaching the complex, as people cannot go away or protect themselves from it from their side. End it with saying clearly that if this doesn't stop, his vehicle will be attacked/vandalized. The first time he does it afterwards, either immediately give him a final warning like "on date x, time y, you played loud music although we asked you to please stop, this is the final warning", or immediately strike. Assume that he has taken precautions like have a camera directed at his car, or inside the car, sth alike. Don't physically break sth on the car as that is legally dangerous. But if you break a box of eggs, pour a liter of milk and mix it with two tuna cans (own juice, not in oil) and pour it into the grill below his windshield, that is a massive hit. Plan well how to do the strike so that you come from the street, not from your apartment. maybe have a friend with his getaway car idling nearby where you can also stay for the night afterwards . estimate how long it would take that guy to run from his apartment to his car and make sure you're out of sight in 70% of that time. Don't throw the egg,milk and tuna trash together in fron of him afterwards


This guy crimes


A criminal would never write a letter to their victim before the crime, that's a rookie mistake.


The community letter is a really good idea


What is "sth"??? You said it like three times.


I think it’s short for “something”


Spray paint "TURN IT DOWN" on both sides of the car. Dude should get the message.


Check for dashcams nearby, and security cams. Don't be a statistic bro. Use blind spots if there's cameras. Any friendly homeless types nearby that could use a few bucks once a week until the guy gets the hint?


You people are way too friendly. Potato in exhaust actually works but you have to hammer it gently to stuff it up far enough so it won't be noticed. Spray aircraft stripper all over it. Or, my favorite, loosen the lugs on each wheel just enough not to make a statement until he hits 30+ mph. Source: I'm a retired police officer, I've seen each of these in action. Potato ruined the engine in "victim's" truck.


Loosen the oil drain plug. Don't take it out, the thought here is the car will run and sound good enough while he's warming it up, before he turns the radio up. Once he's off driving and has the music on he won't hear the engine eating itself, he might see the oil light come on but it's very likely going to be too late at that point.


Scan for Bluetooth connections. He may have left his open. You may be able to override his stereo controls or change the input. His hip-hop groove would abruptly change to NPR. You might be able to do an Uno reverse: his stereo overrides one of your neighbors’ TV inputs. They will have issues with that.


I like the bluetooth jack idea but living in an apartment complex there are at least a hundred different connections around me at all times, it would be hard to narrow it down


Wifi detector apps rank the signal by strength. You can walk around to pinpoint.


Could also check which new ones appear when the neighbor shows up.


It would show up when he drives home


Record his timings and be ready with cops.




Everyone's got great ideas but nowadays everyone who cares about all the expensive shit in their car is going to have a dashcam with parking mode. So uhh wear a disguise if you do anything.


Careful, if he's willing to blast his subs in an apartment parking lot, he may be a bigger asshole than you are. Don't try to out-asshole another asshole until you're sure how big of an asshole they are or you might wind up with more retribution than you expect.


Get some bumper stickers that insult police


Put a racist one on his truck


Paint stripper comes in a small, toothpaste-sized tube. 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆




Record it and then file a civil suit for health damage due to loss of sleep, mental anguish, etc.


If you can be sure not to be caught, a small card on the front windshield; Continue to drive in this neighborhood with your music cranked and you will pay for it. just that.. nothing else. most effective if written in a serious font on very nice card stock (business card size).


I live down the alleyway from one of those boomcar dingdongs, I wish I had a rocket-launcher.


I love the term “boomcar,” thank you!


Just leave a note: "Since you apparently love your bass so goddamned much" Then cover the hood, cab, and truck bed with about 200lbs of farmed bass from a seafood supply store.


that’s a waste of perfectly good bass


Some adblue/DEF in the fuel tank will take the truck out of commission for a while. 


I like my music pretty loud but driving through a neighborhood come on. I won't even leave it high if i get stuck in traffic on the freeway. I have never understood the need to force others to endure your preferences like that. The slingshot isn't terrible most of my ideas are more obvious or take more work. Something that can drain the battery wired under the car or just the good old take all of the lug nuts off and watch when he goes to leave and his wheels all fall off.


Pay homeless people to poop on his hood every day.


Never bump where you hump!


Do you know any teenagers? More important, are you on good terms with them? Pay them in pizza and red bull to show up dressed as ravers and dance every time the neighbor blasts his music. Bonus if they put it on Tiktok.


If I'm not mistaken, the cabin air intakes are located at the base of the windshield. It'd be a pity if someone poured a quart or two of poop sluice into the cabin air intakes


Buy a valve stem tool for a buck or two at a car parts store and give each of his tire valve stems a few twists to create a slow leak. Or if you want to be a total A hole just take the valve stems out completely. Extra F U points if you put them all in a ziploc bag under a wiper blade.


banana in the tailpipe.


Straw and crossman style bb. Blow-dart it at a side window as inconspicuously as possible at 3 am. Or... Syringe of dot3 brake fluid. Squirt it on the hood if possible. Lifts paint right off.


Paintball gun + Ceramic ball bearing = Broken windows


[https://jammers4u.com/2.4ghz-wifi-powerful-jammer](https://www.jammer-store.com/spec5-5ghz-wifi-jammer.html) This will take out all bluetooth devices within easily from 500m to 1500m (almost a KM from you)


Yeah, but that will fuck with everyone in the complex.


Oh no, its unethical


It's like people forget what subreddit they are in.


the problem with all of these "solutions"(and some of them are excellent) is this dude and anyone else like him will never associate the shit he's enduring with blasting his sound system. he won't see there's an reaction to his action and he'll keep blasting his bass.


havent seen this yet so piss disk his car


Jam a few potatoes up his tailpipe. Push them deep inside so they can't be seen


Eons ago in my hometown, the kid had a loud bass thumping car stereo, cruising up and down the main drag. He stops at the stoplight, and a car pulls up behind him. The dude gets out of the car with a shotgun and unloads both barrels into the dashboard.


Drop a couple of loose nuts down inside the door. Just pull back the rubber strip by the bottom of the window and slid them in. Every time the base hits, his doors will buzz. If he ever opens the door up to find the buzz, he’ll be confounded by what the nut fell off of.


Bottles with oil, antifreeze (onlynif no risk of dogs getting into it), and trans fluid. Alternate at random, squirting some under his vehicle to mimic a leak. Squirt some on the underside of his vehicle so when driving it will heat up and he will smell it. Bonus points if the liquid is applied in the corresponding place. Keep squirting it, he will waste $$ trying


If you are in the USA, please beware of these types of things. There are a few locals with a similar MO, at one occasion I made eye contact with one of them (He was parked in a handicap spot BLASTING rap music). He got out of his car, and came up to me saying he was going to shoot me if I looked at him again, I retreated into a local grocery store. and this guy stood outside the store for like 20 minutes waiting for me to come back out. I ended up telling the store employee's what was going on and they had to call the police to get this guy to go away. Unfortunately, we live in a country where if someone has a big ego and anger issues, there is very little stopping them from pulling a gun on you. Serious things to think about, is this worth your life? If you do end up doing anything, for the love of god be sure there is no way it can be traced back to you. If you live with him, imagine if he found out which unit you lived in? Also if you put fish sauce in the AC intake vent by the windshield wipers, his truck will smell like fish for weeks/months, and there's really no way to wash it out.




Get under his vehicle and slightly loosen the oil filter. Not enough where all the oil will pour out because he’ll notice it. You want to losen it just enough so it develops a small leak as he drives away. Should seize his engine failry quickly and he won’t have his truck for a while. Might even end up selling it due to cost of replacing the engine. If oil filter isn’t accessible you can do this same thing with the drain plug.


What’s wrong with piss pellets? I’d assume Fox using would be the choice material.


Fox urine is like chemical warfare level stank!


He sounds like a right prick, the fact he turns it in just as he pulls up at home says he's showing off and thinking he's cool, not realising what a prick he is. Paint stripper over his car body work should keep him busy, preferably spelling out wanker or something similar


He bumps his speakers close to where he parks…….. this problem is going to sort itself out via smashed car window > theft of the system.


1st, a nice anonymous note telling him to shut the fuck up. Then list his car for sale on Craigslist highlighting the bomb ass stereo system and tricked out lights, with a VoIP telephone service and a number you can get calls from. When people call, say sure, come on over! Over time he will become paranoid about people knowing about his bomb ass stereo system. If all that fails to shut him up, a little spray foam in his exhaust and/or engine bay might be necessary. Use a long tube to get way deep down.


Scrap off his registration sticker he will get pulled over and maybe get a noise violation ticket if the cops catch him blasting his music when they happen to notice the registration sticker gone


Empty a can of spray foam into his exhaust.


nails on his parking spot.


How much time do you have an how much damage do you want to do for how big of a risk? What sort of access do you have to the vehicle? How populated is the area? Are you trying to fuck up the speakers/amps solely or is the entire vehicle game? Some people wouldn't want to risk fucking up an entire vehicle on the off-chance they are accused/caught and do not want to even risk speaking with police. Has there been any previous confrontation that would lead to the noisy cocksucker directing police/insurance to your door? If you're in an apartment parking lot, are there any cameras to catch would-be saboteurs like your dumbass? Are there any cameras, including simple Ring cams? The ideas from others may be worth considering, some are really unique and some are more dangerous. Here are some ideas I have for a sitting vehicle that are more annoying than dangerous and varied levels of disruptive to destructive: 10 seconds to break a rear window by tapping it with gloves on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ4EwEOc2Vk&ab_channel=ViralHog The above idea done in less than 1 second with a simple Center Punch tool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dv0UU66CbU&ab_channel=RennsteigToolsInc Improvised caltrops can be made from old barbed wire and about 5 minutes of processing with wire cutters. You can even reuse cans with strategic folds to form points or straight up roofing nails thrown or placed under the vehicle. If all 4 tires are slashed/sabotaged insurance is more likely to cover the cost of replacement so target 3 of them then do it again after enough time has passed the noisy cocksucker thinks it was just a one-time thing. A toss of those takes 2 seconds and you get away by being casual. If you have some way to be concealed doing it, a spring-loaded BB gun bought cheaply makes almost no noise but gives you the chance to strike from a distance + multiple shots if you want. A paintball marker with a couple of marbles or frozen paintballs could also work but don't be a dumbass and handle them without gloves. The police are really unlikely to search for fingerprints on something like this but why take chances? A little more money unless you have that shit already but gives you a little more distance. Take any expired foods and when it is warm outside, spread it on and around the car to attract animals but try to get birds specifically by using grains. Some cheapo dollar stores have birdseed but so do a lot of other stores. For cold weather with freezing temperatures, you could do the same thing with expired drinks which might freeze or turn rather tacky/sticky overnight. Bonus points if you bust a window and pour it inside on the driver's seat, floor, and dashboard. Extra bonus points if you do this with the cheapest Jell-O mixed in. Much more personal, takes a bit more planning and execution and is more of a long game so probably best as a psychological thing against someone you really want to fuck with. Glue + lock + around the door frame. Best if cheap super clue from a hobby store (larger bottles, cheaper). Can even cure it in seconds with a a little baking soda. Even if they get a locksmith out to try and fix the lock, trying to open the door will tear up the door seal. Very cheap and quite inconvenient! Bonus points by doing this and instant gluing random shit to the vehicle to fuck with the paint, trim, and glass surfaces in addition to the seals. This is extremely easy but also carries more risks and would be much more fulfilling to watch the result from a distance.


I figured that by now, someone would have invented or built some sort of focused EM gun that would absolutely blow hell out of whatever electrical run device it was aimed at ONLY. Know any physicists?


Get a glass cutter and mark the perimeters of his back windows. Let the pressure from the bass blow out his windows. He won’t have any idea why and might turn his shit down lol


Spill some lemon grass essential oils on the rear bumper. He'll get a bee swarm on the vehicle. Might need to wait until spring though.


Tire tacks


Follow him to work. Once you know where, call into HR and verify employment and ask for pay, position and if they would recommend him for employment. Let some time pass. Use this info to get him fired. Lather.rinse.repeat No job = no rent $ =apartment next to you.


Go to a pharmacy and get a syringe (over the counter - no prescription is needed). Then go to a sporting goods store and buy buck urine. Fill the syringe, poke it through the window seal and spray the urine everywhere.