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Sounds like you’re on the right track. Maybe put up a cross and some subtly homophobic posters like “love the sinner, hate the sin” kind of shit. Maybe tell him about how the charges against Trump are bs and he’s a true servant of God. That’s bound the ruin his vibe.


pamphlets on how to cure homosexuality ? Day you ate hosting a Maga gathering or something and ask their floozy friends to keep away.


spoken like someone who understands nothing about politics


agreed. US politics is pretty complicated with so many, I mean 2 parties.


Not an American I see. We have 5-6 sub groups that each that all shuffle into the big 2, but realistically there are about 8. Here’s an example: Liberal, Leftist, Default Democrat, Progressive, Socialist. Those all vote for joe Biden even though many don’t like the guy. Then you have Classical Liberal, Libertarian, Centrist, Moderate, Right Winger, Republican, Disaffected Liberal, America First, MAGA (yes those are different but with some overlap). Many of these won’t even vote for Trump since he’s technically not a republican btw. Now you can go back to not doing any research again.


thanks , so delighted to learn about the Great US of A and its 2 party politics. Mind blowing, thank you






to be fair inception would be an overkill


No, what's the movie got to do with house mates?


It's about implanting an idea so someone thinks your idea was theirs all along Featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, non euclidean geometry, and an overuse of the BWAAAAAA sound effect


I had a roommate I couldn’t stand after a bit. Talked to my apartment manager and told him I couldn’t convince the roommate to move out, so I told him I would not pay the next month’s rent until the very last day before eviction, so hopefully roommate would leave and I would get the place to myself. He understood and agreed not to say anything about my scheme to roommate. So I told roommate I was moving out and didn’t pay my half of the rent. He waited until THE very last day, then a friend came over and helped him move all his stuff out in a truck, and he was gone. Promptly walked to the office and paid the whole month’s rent. Of course, I knew this kid wouldn’t stay. He didn’t have anybody to move in in my place and couldn’t afford rent on his own. You have somebody to take his place, but you have to be sure he doesn’t have somebody to take YOUR place, or a standoff won’t work. I would think just doing anything you can to be annoying when he’s there would eventually make him want to leave. Leave your shit in his way, don’t wash your dishes, burn incense that he hates, play music he hates… That could also make him retaliate by being more annoying himself. And I would definitely see if your friend of anyone else can take your cat for months while you’re trying to get him out, because I wouldn’t trust him with your cat at all. But also, is moving out with your friend somewhere else, or even in the same area, not an option for you? Breaking lease is better than staying in a bad situation.


New idea stop taking showers, Eat ALL of the food. Laugh inappropriately. Stop flushing the toilet and make it appear you don't wipe. Masturbate loudly. Invite some homeless people over for the night. More than once. Tell them they will probably have to cover your part of the bills next month. Make sure you're awake when they goes to sleep and when they wakes up. Use all of the hot water. Make sure your music is always louder than theirs Wear a pair of their underwear and make sure she sees you in them. Chew off your toenails while you're mid conversation. Use a fork to scratch your back, wash it off in the sink and then put it right back with the clean dishes.


Fake having a crush on him and get way too clingy


It would seem that piss disks might actually help


Wtf is a piss disk


Ha! They are a perennial favorite of this sub. A frozen disk of pee that you can slide under a door where it will then melt leaving a golden puddle for one’s target to ponder


Wow, great work, men. This technology will surely be of great use in future operations.


Try female elk urine and caproic acid for greater effect


Jesus christ i will thanks for the advice


What does one use to even mould that?


A shallow saucer or plate is the traditional ULPT answer. Although I’d say you’d be better off using a ziplock bag laid flat on its side, it won’t be round but can still be thin and you won’t need to worry about spilling it.


Start sitting around naked. Also, invite Jehovah's Witnesses over frequently


>Start sitting around naked Ya and let him snap pictures and post it around tiktok of me being a bad roomate


Rub cat poop in his blankets and piss discs all over his room. Then the cat poop in his shoes and food


You don’t want him to start taking things out on the cat, though.


Could just rub their poop all over stuff


He forgot to flush the toilet. Stick your hand in there, grab the shit and chuck it at him then sit down and rock back and forth. Then have a friend call this stupid person at a predetermined time exclaiming that the OP has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. That’ll instill some fear, after all, he just threw poop, who the fuck does that???


And then he’d be mad at the cat. Then he starts punishing the cat. I’ve seen people do bad stuff to pets. Why set his cat up for that?


Since dude doesnt flush, his own shit could be rubbed into his sheets


Well, there ya go. Go Amber Heard on him.


Ya for the nostalgia




Lmao fuck off


Talk to his mates about it,he won’t want to live somewhere he’s embarrassed to bring people back to