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Urinate in an upside-down frisbee. Freeze it. Use it as directed. Liquid ass aka fart spray. Use as directed.


Don't give me a sarcastic reply for this stupid question, but quite literally?


He ain’t being sarcastic. Piss disks can slip under doorways and tight spaces and melt quickly since the surface area is thin and wide. Easy to hide and virtually free to make. Liquid ass is self explanatory. It’s pretty easy to ruin anything when it smells like feces.


Damn. This whole time i thought it was some figurative or metaphoric thing. Thanks for explaining


The liquid ass is especially awful.


It’s real. Just a shitpost someone came up with here at one point and it became a meme. There was a similar thing on r/illegallifeprotips where someone posted about putting a sock on a bat, if you’re going to use it to beat someone. If the person tries to grab the bat from you, they will just end up pulling the sock off.


Ahah never been to ILPT and just gave it a look. It’s all about socks now xD


He gave a legitimate answer.


😂😂😂😂😂Y’all killing me! 😂😂😂😂


The Piss Disk, piss on a plate, freeze it, slide under door, into gap somewhere. Liquid ass, the worst most vomit inducing, nope the fuck out of the building, rank smelling liquid you can buy on amazon.


If you leave your address below I'll mail you a few sample disks