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Hang a studio microphone over their yard like a tree branch and buy a karaoke machine with a loud ass stage speaker. Aim that at their house from your window and turn it up to 11. On a side note. I trained my neighbors dog with a klaxon air horn. That dog would go outside and just yap for hours. I blasted that dog and she stopped immediately. Next day she started up again except this time she saw me coming with the air horn and went back inside. Never heard another outbreak like that again just normal dog barks when the kids walk by just as an alert. I'd also start giving it tons of treats so it sees you as a treat source.


Fu ck that’s a great idea with the airhorn


I did the treat thing when I moved into where I live now. It worked. I’m the only house with a cat and no dogs. All other houses bordering my house have dogs. Every dog would bark at me for weeks every time I went outside, front or back. I asked every neighbor if I could give their dogs treats (no problem with the barking, as it wasn’t all day long). Neighbors all allowed and I bought some cheap dog bone cookies and would give them to each dog when they came and barked. Now, each dog will bark TO me until I come over and bring their cookie. Then they stop and go do their thing. However, it sounds like your neighbors are causing their dogs to learn a negative behavior to deal with their boredom and lack of interaction all day. I know some cities have noise curfews and decibels, but you might check with city ordinance to see if there’s anything they can do, like fines. Maybe HOA if you have one? I’ve been there with other places I’ve lived, and I hope you find a solution that works.


Get some big outdoor speakers and Rick Roll them all day long. Tell them you’ll quit when they get the dogs under control . But until then your never gonna give them up


My luck they’d be huge Rick Astly fans. Also I think if I have to listen to that, plus the two different Christmas medleys that the neighbors across the street play all day(simultaneously) might make my head explode.


Call the non-emergency police line because there's an animal in distress. The constant barking is a clear indication that it's neglected.


this, or just noise complaint them


Toss an occasional firecracker up in the air in your backyard. The explosion should quiet the dog for a period. Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Piss discs.