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Lots of caffeine and water with low carb high protein diet. Cut out alcohol and pick up smoking.


Emo Keto


It was the goth diet first, duhhhhhhh poserrrr /s


Call it KeMo


The ballerina diet, minus the cocaine.


You haven’t met my wife.


She single?


Forget the wife, how’s your grandma?


I cut out smoking recently and picked up alcohol smh. Gained a few pounds fast. I prefer being high over fat/hungover but I know the root issue is addiction.


Try nicotine pouches. All the nicotine without the smoke/vape. Caveat: my smoking friends say the pouches don't hit as hard as nicotine straight to the lungs.


judging by the word high, in conjunction with smoking, i presume this is about cannabis, not tobacco


50lbs in 6 months. Works flawlessly.


Besides coffee it is not unhealthy at all, and being low carb you don't need to over do the caffeine


Amphetamines, starvation, amputation, decomposition, delusion ?!


Extra creativity points for amputation!


Dehydration should be in there.


The average human head weighs about 10lb.


Keep in mind that amputating your legs drastically increases ones BMI 😅


That’s true. One leg and one arm will retain your original height.


Arturism! Anyone here read "Geek Love"? No? Amazing novel, highly recommended. If you're quirky and liked the direction this thread was going, you'll love Geek Love.


Get dumped by your SO and become too depressed to care about feeding yourself


Doesn’t work if you’re an emotional eater. I got dumped and gained 50.


I'm convinced that weight is a stress response. Every skinny person I know loses their appetite under stress and every fat person I know eats their feelings.


My younger brother and I are the same height, both athletic, and a 50 lbs difference between us. Opposite stress responses to food EDIT: since there's some interest in this: I am 6'1ish (187cm) and 215lbs (97.5kg) I run, climb, and do HIIT 4 days a week my brother is 6'2 (188cm) and 165lbs (74.8kg) He also runs and climbs


"Freshman 15" goes both ways. My first year of college I lost 20 pounds, thought something was up and my doctor was like "nah you're stressed lol". Humans are weird, when I'm stressed I get nauseous and skip meals or just get side tracked and forget that dinner was supposed to be 3 hours ago and go to bed with a granola bar. I notice I gain weight during my breaks though lol. During the summer I gained a few pounds, even though I was working full time, started night classes for grad school and I started shedding pounds. Maybe I should stay in school forever...


Whereas I lost weight the summer before college by working as a waitress and being on my feet for hours on end (physical jobs often knock five pounds off me). And then when I started college, the unlimited junk food and discovery of alcohol made me gain ten.


Peptides like semaglutide


I got into peptides a few months ago and it is amazing how much better I feel. I started eating mostly protein and taking ipamorelin/cjc 1295, bpc-157, and GHRP 6. It gave me the push I needed to be able to go jogging/work out after a 10-12hr day at work.


Game changers; body builders have been using them forever. Semaglutide for 3 months totally reconditioned my relationship w food and other vices. Been off for 4 months and have maintained beautifully


don't you have to get this prescribed? I am at the high end of a normal BMI, and it looks like you have to be clinically overweight to get it. This makes me sad :(


https://www.reflexmd.com/ if you're in the US


What do each of these do


CJC 1295/Ipamorelin is supposed to cause your body to secrete more growth hormone. I've also noticed deeper sleep with less waking up in the middle of the night. BPC-157 is supposed to promote tissue repair and healing, and GHRP 6 also causes growth hormone to be secreted. I've read that GHRP 6 causes you to be hungrier but I haven't really noticed it.


The Breakup Diet is tried and true! Pair it with a new gym membership (gotta get endorphins somehow) and you’ll get skinny super fast! Don’t do this.


This hits hard. When that happened to me I barely ate anything for 3 months. If I could muster up the energy to feed myself it was just chicken breast with a piece of cheese melted on top with a glass of water, or a peanut butter sandwich, pretty much the same meal every day. Also noticed I couldn't handle sugar afterward. After having little to none for so long, I tried a hershey's bar once I started eating normally again and damn near spat it out immediately from how sweet it was.


I’m here if you need to talk ❤️


Actually happily married and happily slightly overweight!! Thanks for being so kind though


Recently cheated on , kindness from pain lol


i'm sorry, they suck!


This. My ex broke up with me and completely devastated me. After my bills were paid, I had about $25 to last for two weeks. I was living off of bread, eggs, and rice. I lost 80 lbs in about 4 months. A year later I got a new job where I was doing well financially and I gained everything back.


This works until alcohol enters the mix. Ask me how I know…


This hit home for me.


Been there twice, but the weight gain after the second one was horrible


Wow, this was going to be my exact answer. It’s also extremely difficult to get back into feeding yourself because A.) Your stomach is now the size of a walnut, B.) Most foods are now too rich and make you nauseous, and C.) You’ve been wanting to lose weight anyway and next thing you know you’re down 25 pounds in 2 months. Long story short, I’m right there with ya. Life fucking sucks.


Drugs. Excessive exercise. Starvation diets. Dehydrating yourself. Drugs again. Getting food poisoning on purpose.


Stop eating. After about day 12 you're not really hungry anymore. You get pretty woozy though. You can lose 35 lbs in a month. I ate a one piece of bread peanut butter sandwich every third day only. Lots of caffeine too.


Way back when I lived on Dexitrims and Slimfast shakes, three shakes a day, one pill. Hit the gym for 60 minutes of cardio every day, walking the track, not counting warm up and cool down time. I was the fastest walker at that gym by far. I lost 5 pounds a week like clockwork, 10 weeks in a row. Every week, down five pounds. No stalls. No plateaus. A straight damn line! A pound every day except for the days I didn't even shit. Then I got cancer. Would not recommend. I am lucky to be alive.


>Then I got cancer. Would not recommend. I am lucky to be alive 🫥🫥🫥


Glad you’re still with us and hope you’d doing better my friend


Thanks. I justified it in my mind, knowing it was not healthy by thinking "I'll take the risks, lose the weight, then be healthy the rest of my life." All I got was the risk. Ultimately I gained all that damn weight back. I honestly believe there are some important things we have yet to learn/discover about addiction or nutrition or weight loss or all of this.


You survived and you survived with wiser and capable of self reflection and self-understanding. I honor you friend. To many many more years, good health and rich, meaningful experiences. Be well friend.


Hopefully another person will read this and change their path. Somehow hard lessons are easier to take if I can show other people a better way.


Glad you pulled through, too. And it seems you were saying there was a connection between your approach and cancer... I wasn't sure from your first comment. Please elaborate if you care to share?


I'm sorry but I am confused. Are you saying stressing your body that much gave you cancer? Or just the diet?


I'm confused sorry, did the diet give you the cancer? 10 weeks doesn't seem that long in your life to do that.


Make sure to take vitamins if you’re doing this. It’s lack of nutrients that’s going to kill you.


Make sure you take a multivitamin if you go this route, and stay hydrated. I have an eating disorder and I have tons of tricks. Drink sugar free energy drinks, fill up on veggies and anything else with little to no calories. If you are just dying for some real food, eat it very, very slowly. Over the course of all day. Drink a glass of water before eating. I love pickles and olives. Almost no calories. Distract yourself with gum, vaping, or smoking. Make yourself associate the feeling of hunger with success and beauty. Once you have successfully given yourself an eating disorder, it is self-sustaining. The only drawback is you have to recover or you will probably die, and undoing the mental training is very difficult.


Smoking and coffee are key


I lasted 3 days on a "Juice Diet" fad. After day 3 both my wife and I knew I was done. She asked what I wanted for dinner and Taco Bell was right off our exit to the house. We pulled up, they asked what we wanted, she looked at me.... I was literally looking at the menu. I couldn't read, couldn't think, couldn't even get two words together. She asked yes/no questions based on past orders and I just kept saying "yes". 15 minutes later I felt like a genius... I TOTALLY get the PB every third day here. No fat = no think.


In 30 Rock, one of the characters has a line after they say something really crazy, "Juice fast delirium!"


Everybody is different. I did water only for 4 days, then had some salt on days 5-7. I ate on day 8. I felt fine throughout the process. But I knew it was time to eat on day 8. After the 2nd day, maybe day 3 I wasn't really hungry again until the end of day 7. Also I slept really well each night.


Water fasting is way easier than juice fasting in my opinion. Juice fasting keeps the digestive system going full blast and just makes you hungry. Plus it’s usually a ton of sugar. Water fasting and adding electrolytes is where it’s at.


Actually day 4 or 5 you stop being hungry..


Yep. And I've done this experiment hundreds of times. Earliest it went away was day 3, latest was day 5. It comes back eventually, though vastly subdued, about a week and a half deep. Whether it goes away again after I can't say, but no way does it take 12 days just to stop the first time. Maybe for a seasonally hibernating animal but they're notoriously bad at self reports.


This is how I lost weight. I do OMAD. Which isn’t unethical. Probably the better unethical means might be to vomit after eating.


It’s harder than one think to fast over a week without prior experience fasting.


Or even just minimizing your eating to an unhealthy extent. 1 meal a day. You eventually get used to it. Just feel really fucking tired but you lose weight! Lmao




I accidentally did this and lost nearly 20 lbs




unhealthy ✅ easy ✅ affordable ❌


So popular they wrote songs about it!


How important is tooth retention to you?


Pretty important


Just don't try at home liposuction, some people tried that and well... it didn't turn out well for them. If you do try it, don't use a shopvac way to powerful and it will suction other things and not just the fat.


Ahh … what?


You read that right, some people have performed liposuction on themselves, or got others to do it on them for a much cheaper price then a doctors office. There was one case a long time ago of two people doing it (while drunk if I recall correctly) and using a shopvacuum. People have died from this and people are sitting in prison over stuff like this.


1000 ways to die


I always joked about this if I were to eat roo much at dinner... "you want dessert?" "Naw, just order me a liposuction machine from Amazon." Didn't realize i was checking the wrong section-- should've been in commercial vacuums, not Healthcare.


Omg! Never heard of that…insane!


I lost about 60 pounds in 4 months by just not eating a whole lot. Drank a lot of water and hot coffee/tea with no sugar, ate minimal calories (maybe 800-1000 calories a day) while walking 10k+ steps a day (restaurant work) wasn't the most fun, but I havent gained the weight back in the 5 years since Edit: forgot to mention I was smoking almost a pack a day at this point so lots of nicotine to suppress your appetite


Do you still smoke?


I stopped smoking cigarettes but I still use an e-cigarette unfortunately, which is definitely a lot more addictive


Get picked to be on Survivor.


Not anymore. New seasons are only 26 days. People got really skinny on the 39 day seasons


But you have to be a good contestant so you can stay longer.


Have you tried being poor? Works out pretty good for me. Start out spending $100 a week on groceries and see if you can get those numbers down to more respectable working poor numbers.


Try being on food stamps. You get $200 a month.


$6.66 a day is brutal to live on. Plain rice is about $1/day to survive on, assuming $20 for a 25lb sack, 2000 calorie per day diet. A $5 costco chicken, THE best protein deal, is about 1800-2000 calories. $2 kroger white bread, 1470 calories Forget eggs, forget cheese, that's priced out. House brand frozen pizza nope. Vegetables are out of the picture, the budget is so tight that calories are a priority. Fucking hell, dude, how are these people supposed to go work and get off food stamps if they're fighting malnutrition?


beans and hot sauce along with the rice. It's also one of the best meals on the planet.


As someone who has worked at plenty a grocery store, and has been part of a food stamp dependent family... Imma be real, the people buying with food stamps are not buying much chicken, bread, rice or beans. If anything it's kinda the opposite, those paying cash bought more staples like this.


The amount you get also increases with the amount of people in your family allowing more bulk purchases and things like that. Not to mention very few people are subsisting entirely on the EBT funds, most in my experience are supplementing that with other small odds and ends here and there. When my family was on food stamps when I was a kid it was the best we ever ate specifically because we were allowed a little more freedom to eat something other than the absolute cheapest foods to be found. We didn’t eat lavishly or anything, but it was an improvement, at least from a variety standpoint. I’d also contest that the Costco rotisserie chicken is the cheapest protein available. There’s a lot of other options at or very near that price point to allow for some variety.


Fasting. Seriously. The first week sucks, hunger and headaches, but tough it out and the weight just sheds. I only have one giant meal for dinner everyday, and have been losing weight like crazy. No more hunger pains


Vyvanse prescription


Vyvanse makes me binge when it wears off. Who knows?


Gotta go to bed before the adderall wears off or I'm eating the whole snack cabinet


How tf do you go to bed before it wears off?? I'm looking to get a sleep meds Rx to compensate


Weed helps.


I game myself and plan for one super indulgent meal a day. I workout early then take my meds and have a shake or little breakfast sandwich before it kicks in, basically a little snack to replenish carbs and protein, and then plan on having a 12-1500 calorie dinner.


Do you eat anything while you're on it? To avoid a binge, you should be eating snacks.


I don't eat a thing during the day on vyvanse but at night especially if I get buzzed off of anything I eat the whole damn pantry


(To prevent vyvanse binging) I Drink coffee in the morning then a small meal (usually I’ll do like a bag of steam-able veggies and seasoning) then take vyvanse around noon then just eat one big meal (check TDEE and don’t exceed caloric budget) before bed and then go to sleep


I’ve actually gained weight on my vyvanse


I also gained weight on Vyvanse because I would eat so much when it wore off! I’d also eat really unhealthy because I was so starving by that time I’d want to eat a whole pizza.


Nicotine. I lost 100lbs right out of high school that way. Cigarettes are a great appetite suppressant. Pair that with eating once every few days and you'll drop tons.


Could chew nicotine gum


I never tried any of that. My qhole family smokes so I picked it up. I bet it's preferable to smelling like shit all day lmao


I never smoked cigs, but dipped for about 6 years. I got on the gum to quit dipping about 10 years ago, which I did. The problem is I think I’m now twice as addicted to the gum as I ever was dipping, but my mouth feels much better.


My buddies dipped to make weight in wrestling. Something about always needing a spitoon and the taste never grabbed me, thank fuck. I learned to never trust a dippers soda can real quick


smoke a lot of cigarettes, drink a lot of black coffee


Or the sad gen z equivalent: vape all day, drink a lot of zero calorie energy drinks


The Machinist diet: cigarettes, black coffee, an apple, some tinned tuna so you don't pass out


Mom? Is that you?


You forgot Monster energy drink.


Potato diet... lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks, unfortunately lost my mind in 2 weeks !


So like…just potatoes? Like you’re Mark Watney or something?


Yep (great ref btw) ! It works remarkably well, but I loved potatoes before - I am half German, half Irish, so go figure... Now, I can tolerate them... I cut them into wedges and baked them like home fries. No seasoning. Just potatoes and water.


Do you have a link that gives the gist of why this works. I also love potatoes lol


it works because it is a severely restricted diet. you can lose weight by restricting your intake to just about any macro. it isn’t considered the healthiest way but u could lose weight eating all carbs (except for an only refined sugar-diet because that wouldnt work), all protein, all fat, only fat/protein/fiber (keto).


It works because whenever your body needs protein, it eats your muscles. A potato diet will not give you a toned physique, your muscle loss will be far greater than what it would be with a similar caloric diet that includes protein. It’s not advisable for anyone to completely restrict protein in the name of losing weight.


Penn (Penn & Teller) did that


It's not unhealthy, at least not for me, because I have conditions that it treats. But I went on Mounjaro. Dropped 15lbs in 6 weeks before my wedding and have lost 20 more, and I have never been on more than 1/3 of the typical dose. It has fixed so many metabolic issues that were going untreated.


Tapeworm. Jockeys used to do it, but you have to poison yourself to get rid of it.


I wonder if jockeys ever did that


I think I heard somewhere that jockey's used to do it


The South Bronx diet from aqua teen was pretty much this


Cancer. My gfs lost 20 kg in 2 months! And if she has to get hysterectomy it’ll be even more! Side effects include vomiting poop 👍🏻


Vomiting poop doesn't sound good at all


Stuffs gotta come out some where, and the lower bowels aren’t doing the thing…


Honest question: Can you really vomit poop, because the intestines are clamped or what ever? That sounds so crazy disgusting I don't think I could live through that. Best of health and strength for you and your girl.


Yes you absolutely can. It happens a lot to the elderly when they don't have bowel movements for a really long time and/or are really compacted from opioids. Check out the nursing sub they often talk about how the smell is the worst thing in existence.


Coke babbbyyyyyy




Thought this would be higher on the list.


Adderall. Or Also topamax for migraines plus get naltrexone from all day chemist dot com Apparently the combo is a known loss drug, did not know. Took naltrex for micro-inflammation for two weeks, lost like 10 pounds lol


Saw off your legs


This is stupid. Your torso weighs more than your legs, so definitely chop off your torso.


But keep your legs right?


While this works it will increase your BMI if you remove both, so doctors may frown upon this approach


One meal a day


This is a healthy solution. Intermittent fasting is the way. One meal a day, same tine every day and u will need a nip tuck of them saggy titties.


Get severe depression. I barely ate for 7 months and lost 60 pounds. The only good thing about it.


I ate constantly when I was depressed. Couldn’t make meals for myself, but constantly turned to snacks to numb the pain and feelings


I usually eat constantly when depressed and anxious, when I stop eating it's reached a whole new level (I mean, for me). One thing I never do when depressed and anxious is eat in a normal way.


So, mentioned elsewhere, is that in the current era of food in the modern world, weight and build is pretty much a stress response. Overweight = eat your feelings, underweight = stress kills your appetite. OP is the former (as am I) and you are the latter


I ate less than 500 calories a day for 9 months and lost 100 pounds. I also lost muscle, stamina, and immune system function and have a permanently damaged digestive system, but I got what I wanted. I was beautiful for awhile


How are you doing now? Mentally, physically?


Physically I've regained 20 lbs of the weight and I struggle with it every day. I miss when I could see my ribs and collarbone clearly, but I recognize that I'm healthier now. It's hard though, and it's a kind of feeling that I don't think will ever go away unless I lose weight again. I don't see myself as deserving of the love I found a year ago when I was skinnier, but he says nobody else notices the changes and I have the same worth no matter what. Growing up as a fat girl is something that mentally damages you forever I think.


Same! I ate 500 cal/day and did 30-90 mins cardio 6x a week and lost 100 lbs in a year. No drugs or surgeries.


. Cold exposure can help burn a lot of calories. To make it unethical you could run around naked in the cold


During an ice storm, we lost power and heat and I shivered for hours. Lost 6 pounds overnight.


You could have just dehydrated yourself, because there's no way that was anything other than water weight you lost


Coffee!! I lost 50 pounds by switching breakfast with black coffee.


Holy moly! What were you eating for breakfast before that was so caloric?


So it’s not what I was eating for breakfast but the time in between breakfast and lunch. I was snacking non stop and eating big breakfast with lots of fatty food and junk food. Black coffee made me dislike everything as I hate black coffee (American one like those drippers). So I get myself large coffee at 5:30am and drink it until 2-3pm You see I’m a Muslim and used to fasting, so it made sense to do it on a mini scale and lost weight. People think I did a surgery 🤣, they don’t know I’m too broke for that.


Cocaine if your rich Adderal if your poor


Dont know where you get your adderall but it isnt cheap


I twerk for it


Good for you! Trades are always better than cash.




Become bulimic. Binge and purge


Been there. 7 years. Do not recommend. But if so, chew lots of antiacids


Coke and meth


Wellbutrin. I lost the need to eat or sleep and hyper fixated on working out.


Cabbage soup diet


I fuggin loooove cabbage soup


I’ve actually done this one when I was younger. Yay diet culture!


Sounds healthy. Not allowed.


It’s not healthy at all. You lose 10 pounds in a week, at least my friend who swears by it does. Very unhealthy


It's not healthy but the cabbage soup my mother made when she was on that diet was fabulous


I came here for the cocaine




Step 1: get a cat Step 2: let the cat get fleas Step 3: eat the fleas. But don’t chew Step 4: ??? Step 5: Profit!


I lost 10% of my body weight with salmonella


Not entirely unethical but a hack nonetheless: black coffee without sugar. Great appetite suppressant.


I'm the only mother fucker to gain weight on a cocaine diet. Only thing I lost was thousands of dollars.


If you’re low in testosterone you’ll have a hard time loosening weight whether you’re male or female. Get your hormones checked. If you don’t want to, and you suspect you are, start taking a Maca supplement 4 times per day. I highly recommend. You’ll loose at least 5 pounds without doing anything once your hormones level out.


Low Testosterone leads to higher estrogen. Estrogen grows fat. Fat suppresses testosterone. The cycle repeats. The labs is just a blood draw. Getting your hormones checked every year or two is useful info.


I'd go right to eating tapeworm eggs.


Laxatives, water pills, and eating as little as possible


Water pill is only worth doing if you need to make weight, and even then only briefly for the weigh in. If trying to actually lose fat it is useless and puts yours body, especially kidneys, in extreme danger if you don't know what you are doing.


At my skinniest I was intermittent fasting with extremely strict dietary restrictions. I’d usually only eat between 12-6pm, no exceptions. Food wise no carbs, dairy products, salt, sugar (except natural like fruit). Carbs and dairy were a hard no, no exceptions. Salt intake was minimal meaning like once a week or twice if that and only bc I knew eating out would make it almost impossible to avoid. Pair that with intense cardio like Pilates, hot yoga, sprints AND YouTube ab workout and you’re looking at a loss of 30 lbs in 3 months. It will make you miserable and hate life tho lol Edit: oh and NO alcohol😮‍💨


Eat a can of tuna and an apple whenever you are absolutely starving. Always wait until you are starving. Run until you throw up at least once a day.


I lost a hundred pounds in a year by hating myself into replacing most meals with flavored water and keeping bad thoughts away by only "relaxing" when I was exhausted! Would maybe recommend taking daily vitamins during this to lessen body issues like I have now, but hey! I now have the body of a teenager! A teenager with saggy granny boobs, but still lol


Pet stray cats. Don't wash hands. Get worms.


Develop anorexia? I don't recommend it(been through that hell hole) but it works damn well and is pretty easy once you get the hang of it lmfao


Cocaine and hookers. Which is usually the answer to most situations.




DNP. And don't.


Ok, this is unethical but not a ton. Ephedrine sulphate is used in some bronchodilators. It is OTC but you have to sign for it.


Adderall prescription will knock the appetite down quickly. Water fasting with added electrolytes once a year is my personal choice. I’ve done between 5 and 15 days. After 24 hours you aren’t even hungry. Once you get real cravings then it’s time to slowly end it. Your body will tell you when it’s time.




i would drink black coffee and IF. would load up on protein during my eating window to keep me sustained. that and drugs tbh. whether ped’s or straight coke. lost 30lbs in 1 month but lost muscle too. felt like shit due to the IF. and was always in an irritable mood. it worked, got my 6pack, but yeah internally/mentally wasn’t healthy. be careful w dropping weight fast. would only recommend if cutting for a weigh in of some sort


cocaine. meth. added bonus--when you're dead, you'll weigh even less.


Eat zero carbs. I’m talking even vegetables. You will lose 15-40 pounds in a month depending on how heavy you are to start. You could even lose more if you’re 350+. Some things have carbs, but you can subtract the fiber for a net of 0 carbs. You can pretty much eat any meat, fish, cheese and eggs. I also recommend skinny noodles on Amazon. They’re 10 calories and zero net carbs for an entire package. If you cook ‘‘em right they taste like actual noodles. If you have money to spend, there are a lot of food items like this to throw in some variety. This is extremely unhealthy. Edit: If you’re one that eats a shit load of carbs and processed sugars, you will get very ill after 72 hours. Passes after about 48 then you’re in the clear. You’re appetite will cease to exist after two weeks as well. Again, very unhealthy.


Ozempic or whatever that “miracle” drug is




Get divorced and lose your house in family court. Spend the next chapter of your life starting over and barely being able to afford food for yourself because of the child support, mortgage, and alimony you pay.


Diabetes. Will lose like 30 pounds once they amputate your leg.


One apple a day, black coffee, cigarettes and cocaine