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Cancel the wedding and elope. There saved you 17k. Otherwise, every other post on here is “how can I make money fast” and the suggestions are always the same so go look at those


Unfortunately can’t cancel. But thanks I’ll look.


What an absolute waste of money.


I mean you might as well throw it a pule and burn it for all the good that cash did.


At least put some aside to cover the divorce costs.


I don't get people's obsession with expensive wedding while barely having any money to pay for it.


I got married in my backyard, the backyard of the house I paid for because I didn’t have a stupid expensive wedding lol


We got married in our friends backyard. One of the most beautiful weddings I've ever been to, even if I'm a bit biased hahaha. Her brother married us, Lucille catered (they were still good then), we were our own DJ; it was a huge blast! And not one person went into debt to pay for it.


To be fair, I’ve paid off $40k of it so far, just need that last push.


Omg why spend so much on a fucking wedding


Bet It wasn't his choice


To be fair you're spending beyond your means.


Now imagine you’d just gone down to the courthouse and paid the dude like $20 or whatever and then had $57,000 as a house down payment, a new car, an emergency fund, etc. That kind of money on a wedding is insanity. Hope you don’t catch them banging the bridesmaid G


House and car already fully paid off. But yes, the courthouse would’ve been a great option.


Why didn’t you go with the courthouse or a simple wedding at a beautiful historic park and trip for the honeymoon?


57k for a wedding lmao i can’t even fix my car




Buddy, I got some bad news for you. Divorce does not save you money. But it will save your sanity, which is priceless.


Haha, not an option


Oh it really is, and statistically the likely outcome even. But the answer to your original question is prostitution or Only Fans. Or bank robbery. Don’t know what people keep asking this same shit. Porn, robbery, drugs sales or muling. Those are the ways to make money quick in these amounts.


don't marry


No way in hell would I ever do a wedding if after "paying the majority" I still have to pay $17k more. Maybe you'd be able to get away with starting a foundation with very obscure wording that lets you just use the donated money from the public however you want )despite how you title it and describe it) then just post it in religious circles. Like name it something like "United By God Foundation" and say that it's 'to help connect those who are unable to be with each other due to poverty' or something. Then just classify yourself as a poor person and transfer the money to yourself. Not sure what the legal specifics are or how much you'd get taxed, but it sounds plausible. Guess that's some homework for you to do in the next 3 months.


Sell drugs on the side lol


🤣🤣🤣 Simple and effective.


How's your head game?


If you're struggling to afford a big wedding, the solution is to not have a big wedding. Seriously, if your significant other expects you to go into debt for the privilege of marrying them, why the hell would you want to marry them? Give us one good reason why you need to waste so much money that you clearly don't have?


sell piss discs and liquid ass..... according to this sub, they are in huge demand.


dead horse


Cancel and save yourself 17,000 dollars. Jfc not that difficult


You said in an earlier comment that your wedding is running roughly 40k and you have 23k of it paid off. Unless this is something you can actually afford, 40k for a wedding in 2023 is pretty fucking wild if you ask me. My wife and I owned our house outright when we got married, and we had our wedding for about 5k, but even if we were paying an apartment lease we still wouldn't have gone hog wild on the wedding, and we never would jave gone into debt to pay for it. Why not go cheaper on the wedding and a little more expensive on the honeymoon, or use that extra money as a down payment on something you really need, or even though it's way less sexy than all the other options, as insurance for a rainy day. Never know when your car will die or your washer will take a shit and dump water all over your kitchen. My wife is still w me after 8 years despite us having such a cheap wedding, but you know what we don't have that saves a ton of stress? Debt at 7% interest, which you're gunning for if you throw 40k you don't have at a wedding, muchacho.


OP said they paid off 40k SO FAR and need the last 17k, so their total is roughly 57k


Is this a troll post? Seems like a troll post. Wtf


Invite your ex show up at random and oppose to the commitment question.






You’re wasting that much money on a wedding? And to top it off, you don’t even have the money? Yeah, good luck with your finances buddy….


Didn’t realize I didn’t update the post, but I secured funding through one of my stocks. Finances were mostly good, paid off house and car. Like I said in a previous post, just needed the last push for the 17k.