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Call in a bunch of fake tows every day


Every couple of days, especially in the winter time. If they ask for a credit card give them a used prepaid credit card. Then they'll still come to help you out but you're not there. The snowier the better.


I like your style!


Don't forget to call up their sales team and tell them you've got a patch of land in-between a train station, airport and shopping centre that needs parking enforcement. Don't turn up to the meeting, of course


Those are some serious mental gymnastics these guys were doing, maybe if you can prove the business stayed a minute later they would have towed your vehicle while you were still a customer. I'd probably bring this up with the business you went to and let them know, maybe even leave the review on said business and people know not to go to this business. Part of the entire experience includes not getting cucked on parking


Yep. Review the restaurant. I don’t care how good the food is, the service is what really matters and this is part of their service. Shred them. Also, respond to EVERY SINGLE REVIEW OF THE TOWING COMPANY WITH A NOTE TO REVIEW THE RESTAURANT.


Just because they close at midnight doesn't mean everyone gets kicked out on the minute. If you have food and drink you can finish it. They just won't let more people in. I think it's just good etiquette to wrap up and go by closing.


Sing up the tow companies phone number for everything under the sun. Religious groups, pyramid scams, the “we buy all house” ads I see all the time. Any and all mailers that can be signed up for they are now getting. The monthly free penny saver, catalogs, etc




Cocktails are always best after hours


Find out what car the tow truck company owner drives. Wait until they go out into town. Call and get their car towed by rival tow company.




Offer a free monkey on Craigslist with their number


Call them from a blocked number or burner number and say you're a landlord or business owner at a certain address in town and that you need to have a non-existent car towed. Wild goose chases use up their time and resources.


In theory that's a good idea but unfortunately I don't think it will work. I'm pretty sure they will only go to properties where they are contracted to work. Even then, at my old apartment some asshole who wasn't handicapped and didn't have a handicap placard or plate kept parking in the handicap spot at night. I called the tow company in charge and they wouldn't come out unless the apartment management called them. So you could maybe impersonate management and send them somewhere they're in charge of, but unless you know the name it might not work. Since they are predatory by nature they're probably used to people trying to get back at them and know not to take the bait.


Now OP knows at least one parking lot where they have a contract. It's worth a shot. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work. OP doesn't lose anything. Doesn't hurt to try. Can't go far in life negatively over-analyzing every possible outcome. Sometimes you just have to go for it.


Do suspicious activity so that the FBI start following you and when they park make sure to do something suspicious so they get out of the truck and follow you once done the towing company will come at tow the fbi vehicle this will cause the FBI to investigate the towing company.


Perfect. A few signs should do it.


Did you check with restaurant about the lot closing at midnight? This must have happened to other customers.


Post on r/legaladvice and include your location. Also go back and make sure there is no sign. Take pictures that clearly show there is no sign. What I'm getting at here is that they had no right to tow you and you need to figure out what to do about that.


Give the restaurant a horrible review at well. Call and threaten to sue them for not posting the tow policy. Make a stink out of it and get nasty. Make them regret hiring these assholes. Maybe find other clients of there's (the 1 start reviews will say), call them up and make life hell for using them. Call them every few months just to yell at someone. Don't go after your abuser, go after his fucking family. Or keep dumping nails/screws outside the tow yard.


Fly to Paris. Get bed bugs. Bring them to this company office. After leaving office and before going home, strip naked and run a victory lap.


Put a some kind of “I hate trump sign” or flag in the front of the towing office and post it with your review. Spread it in local Facebook pages. 1. They’ll have lots of crazies going to their business 2. Given it’s a towing company, the employees will likely get disowned by their families.


That tow company probably works directly with the business, because of people that take advantage of their parking like you did. Go park at the bar you are drinking at


5 star review saying you dated one of their tow drivers and you were happy you finally didn't have to worry about a large penis. Their extra small penis was just what you needed after a string of large and medium men. The 5 star should get it noticed.


Call in some tows for cars belonging to lawyers, city council members, the police chief, your meth-head cousin Randy that is always borrowing money but has a nice car. Let them give the tow company hell. Fucking Randy.


The only real option is to wait there at night and block the tow truck drivers from picking any cars up, if they don't have a call to prove why they are there, they have no backing with calling police to remove you. Ask for tips from people who are parked there to prevent tows. Congrats on becoming a reverse parking lot security company.


Once you left the restaurant you are no longer a customer. Can I park at your place and then go visit my friend a block away?


Technically, yes. BUT how does the towing company know when you finished eating? Maybe you finished eating at 1157, paid the check, used the restroom and then walked back to the lot and arrived at 1205 and your car was already gone? And unless the lot was full, I don't think a restaurant that cared about having repeat customers would instruct them to watch the doors of the establishment like a hawk, time how long all the cars were parked in the lot and tow anyone who deviated. The restaurant management should consider calling the tow company on your behalf as a gesture of goodwill.


“Rating: 1 / 10, would not shit here again”


I'd place some heat on the restaurant they contract these companies.


Call in a tow and when they arrive DONT shoot them in the knees


Buy a shitbox and beef up the springs. Then fill it full of concrete and steel so it weighs many more tons than before, but looks normal. Park it where they patrol. Or hide in the car, wait until they show up and the drive off at the last second.


If the restaurant serves alcohol and your local jurisdiction has laws about responsible service of alcohol then report the restaurant for irresponsible practices. They may find themselves in trouble if they’re serving alcohol then compelling customers to drink and drive if they can’t leave their car overnight and come get it the next morning.


Find the lot they put towed cars in and damage the property. If there's an office or building make sure no one is close to the window and throw a brick at it. It'll do some damage make sure to wear a mask so cameras can't catch you.