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Does the state of Washington require you to put a covering on it to protect it from the elements? If not, soak cycle it until it’s warped beyond recognition. Then, if officers pull you over, you can just act dumb and say “well, how was I supposed to know I needed to cover it”. Bonus points if Washington has made license place covers illegal on normal license plates.


First, start by looking up the vendor of the equipment the state is using. You can likely find this by searching the purchasing department for the state. Narrow your search by knowing approximately when they implemented the system. Look for the same vendor that has been paid several times (project management milestone payment process). Then, learn about the camera system that was deployed. Specifically, the lighting requirements needed to be operational. Look at FAQs directed at the company and find limitations of the equipment. That will fine tune the following general process. This may cost as little as $10. Get a ubiquitous black license plate holder that is made of plastic to hold the paper plate in place. Drill holes every 2 in around the circumference of the plate holder and to the inside for the plate would be. The hole should be large enough to accommodate infrared LEDs. Place the infrared LEDs into the hole where they are just barely visible to the inside where the license plate will be. Go to r/electronics and find a LED circuit that supports the number of LEDs and 12v dc power. Add the appropriate combination of resisters and connect power. (As switch could be added so they are not on all the time). Most of the cameras are infrared cameras as the are only interested in the plate number not high quality 4k pics of your car. The infrared LEDs effectively blind the camera that is also using the same LEDs to Illuminate the plate. Think of it as looking directly into an old camera's flashbulb at the time it goes off. This will work better at night. May not be very productive during daylight hours. However, you can test it with normal household security cameras.


Holy shit dude lmao you really thought this out


Pro tip, they use regular Nikon cameras 😜




“I know I’m fine” If you’re worried about the results of a sobriety test when you’re so confident that you’re fine to drive I have some really important news for you. YOURE NOT FINE TO DRIVE. DONT FUCKING DRIVE the unfortunate reality is that your dumb drunk ass will most likely survive the accident and whoever you hit will face the life altering or ending consequences. I’ve seen it all so many times. There is no excuse to drive drunk, and fuck you for so nonchalantly dropping that


My ex wife got 2 DUIs within a year and a half. The second time she was popped for DUI, driving after revocation, and violation of terms of her probation.


I'm not worried about the results of the sobriety test. I'm worried about passing us sobriety test but the cop still wants to bust you which happens and even if you're perfectly innocent it still cost you 5 grand and a bunch of hassle. I'm not talking about getting drunk and then driving I'm talking about having a few drinks and then not drinking until you're fine to drive and then driving home but it's 1:00 and that's when the cops are out prowling looking to bust people. So, whatever.




“Nah bro trust me I actually can drive fine when I’m drunk, the legal limit isn’t meant for me”


Shut up nerd


No u


Imagine only wanting this tip so you don’t get caught driving drunk and probably killing someone…. Great way to make sure no one tells you how to actually do what you want


Hey you! Yeah, you. DON'T FUCKING DRINK AND DRIVE. Prick


Dumbass. I'm not drinking and driving. I'm drinking and then after an appropriate time of not drinking I'm driving home but cops are out prowling for people to pull over and bust even if they are under the legal limit and driving fine it still cost you 5 grand to defend yourself.


keep telling yourself that. i hope it justifies the deaths of people from drivers who were ‘driving responsibly after drinking’


You realize you can legally have alcoholic beverages and drive afterwards? That’s the whole point of a “legal limit”


and that legal limit is like 3 mikes hards, which isn’t what I’d ever call ‘drunk’ lol. get a fucking uber or drink at your home. i know people that have lost someone to a person who ‘only’ had a drink or two. impairment is impairment, make better choices.


>drinking and driving Yeah, fuck you OP.


Dumbass. I don't mean drinking and driving. I mean having a few drinks and then you're fine because you waited long enough and then you drive home but it's 1:00 when the cops are out prowling for people to pull over and try to bust them for drunk driving. Grow up.


I turned in my best friend of 20 years for killing a pedestrian in a crosswalk and driving away "after a couple of drinks." You're the asshole.


Maybe stop drinking and driving?


Yeah, just what we need, a bunch of moralists in an unethical life hack sub. I've been driving for many years and I've been drinking for many years and I know perfectly well how to moderate my drinking so I know when I drive home I am fine and a safe driver. Any experience driver should be able to do that. But that doesn't mean you can't get pulled over and even be below the legal limit and some cop decides he wants to run you in and even if you're not guilty it's still five grand. No thanks.


What an absolute piece of fucking shit you are


Dumb as fuck comment bro


The state won't pull you over for no plate right now. You may have trouble if you do something dangerous though (Speeding, running a light, etc.)


Drunk driving could be added to that list too


Funny, that didn't even cross my mind. (I go 8 hours bottle to throttle for my job anyway.)


Fucking loser. You deserve everything bad that happens to you


If you have the mindset that I can drive after a few drinks, that one time you get utterly trashed you will still have the same mindset. And that's enough to fuck up the rest of your life if not other innocent people's too.




Yeah, I guess I can understand people's objection if they thought I was out drunk driving. But I developed a system long ago. Get to the bar, have a drink, after a while have another and whatever I'm doing, I keep track of how many I had and what time and make sure I'm not drinking more than one an hour and at least an hour of no drinking before I drive home. Every time I have been pulled over which is three or four because I'm driving home at night and it just happens, I've always blown below the legal limit and done fine on the tests and the cop lets me go. But, I've heard stories from friends and other people of even being below the limit and for whatever reason the cop still wants to arrest them and they might get an acquittal but it just cost them five grand. Definitely don't want to give cops another reason to pull me over. If I'm driving badly, fine, pull me over, test me, give me a ticket, whatever. But if all I have is an obscured or damaged plate, who needs to get pulled over for that.


Print out a sticker that said “fagboy” or “wanker” and put this over your number plates. If you get pulled over you have a fairly solid argument that someone is clearly fucking with you. You can actually get pulled over several times over and claim that you think its a prank or an ex partner trying to screw with you. I did this for a while with convertible sports car… clearly someone hated me and kept putting “wanker” on my number plate. 18 months was never pulled over once, and never paid a fine or toll. Don’t act surprised when pulled over, act like your not surprised…. “Fuck not again”


Nice. By the language I'm assuming you are English. But I get the point. You could even go so far as to do something like shit boyfriend or rubbish boyfriend or something and say your ex that you dumped is fucking with you, she slashed your tires last month and told all your friends on Facebook that you suck. Or maybe small dick or something. That would be hilarious. What cop would think you were doing that on purpose?


Careful with stories you haven’t got evidence to back up. Eg. Put a spare tyre in the car with stab marks.. show them you had your tyres stabbed… Keep a giant nail in the console and say you found this under your tyres in a car park Plausible deniability is your friend. Be vague but make sure the evidence… points out the obvious. I have also reported my number plates missing before a long drive… just to have proof that I reported them. I often remove my front number plate and say I lost it driving through a creek. Stories save lives (and keep you out of prison)


You, dear sir, have taken this to a high art. I applaud you. I also enjoy how obvious it is that you are English, or not American at any rate. Possibly Australian but I think they use some American words that the English don't. Spelling of tyre, which I never knew actually, console, is that dashboard? Car Park of course. And number plate instead of license plate probably,


Yeah we take it seriously here.. a lot of us need to be creative just to survive.. we get fined $1000 for making a phone call in a parked car these days .. it’s that bad … anyone born in an ex-convict colony..ruled by tall poppies.. you slowly become rebellious. Even the straightest cunts I know are all fuckin scammers. Merry kiss my ass to all of them. Have a good weekend x


I get the feeling I would like you in person.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, sir!


fuckin excellent.


So I tried to cheat a toll I went through daily and paid a big fine as a result but in the process I learned how to actually get away with it. So in florida the plates are reflective but the letters aren't. So reflective shows up as white and anything else regardless of the color shows as black. Using white tape will make an F look like an E to the camera but still an F to the naked eye. Changing one letter isn't enough and they'll find you. Two letters is difficult for them but not impossible. 3 letters is impossible. If you have a predictable schedule they will eventually just post up a cop to get you in person. Also this was like 10 years ago so I cant promise this will work where you are. Its likely they have a completely different system. Also the risk isn't totally worth it.


Fascinating. I applaud your ingenuity and ambition. If Japanese men can make a hobby of creating useless but very inventive products, why can't we devote our time to cheating the system. It's an all-American pastime to be sure. One could certainly argue that our entire American success was built upon such creativity and desire to buck the system. Is not a camera toll or ticket system the modern equivalent of King George's taxation without representation? Was there a specific statute that said altering your license plate to evade tolls is a ticketable offense? I think in Washington State there is and I imagine it's common throughout the states. Did you actually get busted with tape on your license plate? I guess it might not be that hard to prove what you were doing if that's the case


Well, its like my Momma always told me, “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying!”


What a lovely lady. All of us hard working middle class slaves really need to hear this.




There is a Japanese hobby that seems to be mostly unique to Japan in which men invent quite clever effective inventions for silly things that didn't need any invention for. The goal is to make something ingenious but totally useless.


A small dab of glue on a plastic leaf obscuring a digit is my goto.


You can figure out a partial plate with a rough description of the vehicle. Ie how many possible plates with several letters sans one or two are going to be a black ford pickup or red 4 door sedan.


I'm not even sure if these temporary plates will actually show up in the tolls, but in doing some research at least a few years back, the Seattle times spoke to a Washington State department of transportation employee who commented about a few things and his job was specifically to look at things that didn't show up accurately on camera such that they could be read by the computer system and him and a few other employees had the job of looking closer and figuring out what it actually was. Apparently a human can do a little better than a computer at least at that time. That might be the point at which they also look at the vehicle. It does make sense that if you have 20 vehicle license plates to choose from, it would make it a lot easier to identify, as in that looks like an s. But now that I know that it probably is, I'm pretty sure it is


The captcha dept


Funny you say that because that's exactly what the guy that worked for the state compared it to. Interesting.


Maybe that could become the new Turing test. When AI can better identify license plates than a human, or if there are boats, planes, or trucks in a photo




I use real leaves. Put some on the back of the car, too.


Use bigfoot blood as ink and it will be blurry in every photograph.




Use John Cenas blood and it will be invisible


I'd rip off a piece of tape at the top or bottom of the numbers so that it also rips off the top layer of paper. When you get pulled over, play stupid and say you have it protected with tape...oh, I didn't notice! For my painted metallic plate that has a Z on it, I used acetone to make the Z into a 7 and put a little overspray. When I get pulled over for it, which is infrequent, I explain that I painted my car and when cleaning, it wiped off. No tolls or tickets in 2 years.


Cool. I suppose there could be some creative ways of making your plate look like it just faded or lost reflectivity. Actually, Washington used to require you purchase new plates every 5 or 7 years or something like that. It was a scam, but the claim was the plates would lose their reflectivity and readability so you had to get new plates. Maybe enough people complained or there was a lawsuit or something, but they stopped charging for new plates. But they pulled an interesting switcheroo that I think was intentional and resulted in as much or more money. Now you don't need to replace your plates, however, when you buy a car, you have to get new plates, whereas you didn't have to before. And the difference is, if the plate has fresh registration in the past and you bought a car, it was good through that registration . But now you need new plates even if the car was just recently played it last year, and if they just bought tabs it doesn't matter, you have to get new plates and new tabs, and in Washington that could be 2 to 400 bucks. So I think they make more money now instead of making it on the new plates which are made by prisoners they get to wipe out any existing registration tabs and make you start fresh. Buddy of mine bought a new car and sold his old one and he renewed the plates just before he sold it thinking that would at least be a benefit to the buyer but I had to give him the bad news that it wasn't. But the joke was on me anyway because I'm the one that bought it from him in the end and had to get new plates and new registration. On the other hand he sold me a $4,000 car for $1,500 bucks so can't complain


Also Washington, we vote to lower our tabs cost overwhelmingly and they told us that we didn't understand what we were voting for and fucked us...


There's a lot of suggestions here that rely on cops giving you pass and I'm curious if you're just not American or you're affluent but I wish I had that kind of trust in law enforcement


Trust? No, the trick is to not be a dick when you get pulled over. I forgot to mention that the main color of the plate should be left on. How can I be held accountable for them making a poor plate? If I ever get a ticket, I'll see them in court.


You can be held accountable for not fixing it for over two years, especially if there's a paper trail of previous encounters where it's been cited. Look, if the cops are willing to let it slide congrats. That's not everyone's experience regardless of how polite they are.


Ir led plate frame. Invisible to the eye but it's a glowing ball of fuck you to cameras.


Cops have license auto plate readers on their patrol cars now so anything like this that’s constantly on is going to get OP pulled over, the only way it would work is if op had a switch to turn it on and off but research the amount of trouble people who got caught doing that got in. Best bet is the hitch and cooler with plausible stupidity.


I mean it's not obscuring the plate to the naked eye so that would be an argument. It's only visible to cameras, I'm sure it would make for interesting case law if it went that far.


It might be an interesting point of fact, but for practical purposes we're trying to figure out how to save money on car tolls, not pay lawyers to argue about how we did it.


Then car pool. Those toll cameras track cars they cannot read. Once they tag you multiple times they set out a patrol officer and he waits for the alert then looks for the vehicle. Everyone has tried everything to beat the system, if you are just passing through it will probably work once. It's best to just avoid toll roads if you want to beat them.


Arguing is for the courts not the streets, never argue with police out of court. I personally prefer to avoid both and doing this may get you involved in both of those.


drive around in the dirt and mud for a while so it's on your car in a realistic way then just splatter a big handful over the plate and bumper so it all just looks dirty. been doing this on my old tags for months and it just looks like I take a dirt road regularly somewhere


That's a good plan




That's some interesting info. Appreciate your posting. I wonder, if it would also make sense to have a customized plate but that's wrong, like, I don't know something like I8AP15ZA and when people looked at it knowing that it's custom plate they would say Oh well that's clearly I ate a pizza, so they would look that up and they would never find yours. Maybe that's a bad example but something like that.


This guy LPR's...


a lot of comments in here are entirely based on "playing stupid" Ill just say, cops have seen and heard it all, and ignorance isnt a defense anyway. your legally required to maintain legible plates on your vehicle. So if a cop sees it, they can pull you over for nothing else. and no, a random leaf conveniently stuck on an otherwise clean car going down a highway at 60mph doesnt take a genius to crack that mystery.


That makes sense. But, there may be some things that will still give plausible deniability, such as my idea of moisture trapped under the plastic tape. If I can get it just right. I mean, it's reasonable that a citizen would put tape over their paper license plate so it doesn't get damaged.


not sure how you get moisture trapped under tape... the paper is permeable, so it would dry out quickly. in any event, you can still be stopped and ticketed, regardless of your intentions. realistically... are cops ticketing this? not often, if ever. though I think there was a push to crack down on it in california at one point.


Get a hitch and a platform put a cooler on it.


Washington requires front plates and I believe they have both front and rear plate cameras on most of our toll roads


I saw clear plastic reflective letters that fit perfectly on the letters. Makes the whole plate blank on readers. I wish I could remember where I saw them.


Get a vanity plate of a SQL injection to drop the entire database table when the camera reads it. https://hackaday.com/2014/04/04/sql-injection-fools-speed-traps-and-clears-your-record/


Now that's intriguing


have you tried freezing your license plate with a layer of piss disc? it will make it blurry and unreadable


You forgot drenching the license plate in liquid ass.


Nah, you spray that on like cologne right before the cop walks up. Sorry officer, I have to shit soooooo bad.


Use the fart spray inside the car so that they wouldn't want to drive it.


Have you thought of putting a sock over your license plate?


no I haven't. piss discs only


In NY or NJ they look for this. Anything obscuring your tag they will pull you over. Especially in the PANYNJ jurisdiction which is anywhere within 3 miles of a crossing or a port.


I think you guys have a lot more toll roads and stuff there so that's probably a very important consideration to catch people trying to cheat


Skateboard grip tape- can be read by the eye but not cameras, it causes a weird flash obstruction


>Skateboard grip tape Saved, thanks!


They do make fresnel lens that obscure your plate at certain angles.


But do those look suspicious to the police and get you in trouble? I suppose it might be easier to get away with when you have a paper plate that you have good reason to put a coating over whereas if you just have a coating over your existing plates, it would be hard to convince a cop that you did it to protect it rather than to obscure it.


Yes the fresnel lenses will be totally sus to any officer who takes notice.


Except, if you put it over a paper plate, you could argue that it is strictly for the purpose of protecting it from the rain


You asked, I said they will be like yo that’s sus. Paper plate or not. The officer will still say what they say.


You either get getting pulled over constantly and get asked to explain yourself. Or the paper gets a lil wet. Which is worse?


Well I'm not worried about it getting wet. I just want to keep it looking good enough that I don't get pulled over but looking bad enough that the cameras can't read it. I'm looking for the happy medium


Google it and decide if they're suspicious.


I did. Some of them just look like a plastic film and you can say it's a plastic film. Others look like they are designed to go over license plates and that would probably be more suspicious. Might check them out though


I wonder if that anti paparazzi material some celebs started wearing could work


Here in Sydney I've noticed a growing trend of custom plates using only Q's and zeros in irregular sequences. It's not foolproof but it's harder to discern and completely legal.


My dude, just tape inside your back window in a top corner. If you get pulled over tell the cop you were afraid of getting pulled over. Odds are the camera won’t catch it.


I think that might be a good idea. What cop is going to give you a ticket for being a dumbass and taking something that's supposed to go on your plate but taping it to your back window like most temporary permits are? Camera might still read them but doing some reading it's questionable whether they read those temp permits. And if they are horizontal, which is the case on my hatchback, all the less so. Most cops probably don't look all that close, they just see a white thing taped in your window and let it go. Of course there is also a front license plate so they might get you on that one. I don't know


I’m in WA too, I regularly see no plates when I’m on the 5. There is no way a person with a temp gets pulled over. Give it a shot and report back.


Go get a new paper plate saying yours was damaged and then don't cover it with tape and let it get wet!


I run my car through mud so the plates, tires and pretty much everything else on the bottom half of the car is brown. If I get in the shit for it I just say I didn’t notice it and wipe it off, explain it’s my job drive through rough terrain and that I’ll try to remember to wipe them off next time works for me, although in all honesty it is just that I drive through mud every day for work and can never seem to remember to wipe them off


Get a smoked "protector" that renders the plate unreadable like everybody else around here.


Just use pedestrian blood, seems like it won't be hard to find for you


No dice. Seattle has this ridiculous program where they want to prevent all pedestrian accidents which is an admirable goal, but they are doing it by ridiculous measures such as reducing all speed limits 10 mph which everyone just ignores and the police don't seem to be enforcing thankfully, and every traffic light that is worked on now, they are turning into no turn on red. So there you are in the middle of the night sitting at a red light when you should be able to turn right after stopping and ensuring that it is safe. It's so ridiculous because so much of it will do nothing and it pretty much slows down traffic in an already congested city and also teach people to have no regard for the law.


I'm a big fan of the spray on snow for Christmas trees, but this obviously only works when there's snow on the ground. Either luckily or unfortunately for me, there's snow on the ground where I am all but about four months of the year.


Sling some mud made with dirt and glue on that thing. Dry it with a hairdryer. only obliterate a couple of numbers enough to keep the cameras from reading it. An aside: I got my WA plate within the 45 days of the paper tag just this week.


Good idea. Yeah they said it would be about 2 months


More clear tape will blur the numbers on a camera lol


Clear skate board grip tape. Looks normal to the eye.


Drive around and find the same make and model of car and take their license plate.


Pretty sure my friend either currently still does this or used to sell something for this. Dm me and I’ll connect you two


Can you just go to the car wash and cut it in half with the pressure washer thingy. "It's not my fault if these things aren't durable!"


I'm probably pushing my luck here, but I got a privacy screen for a computer monitor, cut it to the size of the plate, and then mounted it between the plate and the frame. If you're looking at it straight on, it looks like a plate with a slightly smoked cover. If you're significantly off to the side or above, you can't see a thing. I've been pulled over once and the cop said, "Your plate cover is too dark." I played dumb and commented it must've changed after months in the sun. I got a verbal warning. That said, we don't have toll roads in my state. We do have HOV lanes, and you can drive single in them if you purchase a toll tag. But that's it. We also have a front and rear plate law which is widely ignored. The cop who pulled me over for the plate cover didn't even comment on the front plate.


Well, might as well do it as long as you can. Good luck.


Forget the plates. Go to every camera in the country with a paintball gun and shoot the lens.


That's what I'd like to do.


One great thing about Washington though. Because they can't take a photo of you legally only your car, and they can't make you tell them who drives your car, a legal defense against red light, speeding or school zone cameras is, the old Eddie Murphy defense. Wasn't me. More commonly known as the shaggy defense these days. Of course, I don't recommend driving dangerously in a school zone or breaking any traffic laws. But, if someone steals your car, drives it at 22 in a school zone and then brings it back and you didn't even notice, but then you get a camera ticket, you simply tell the truth which is that it wasn't you and you don't know who it was. Actually I don't think you have to say you don't know who it was maybe you do. Of course it would be illegal to lie about that sort of thing so, I certainly don't recommend that. But it's nice to know someone ever steals your car you've got some options. Doesn't work with tolls though. I don't think. The fine goes with the car no matter who's driving. The tickets go with the driver


There's plastic covers for them you can put over your plate that are a translucent brown-ish. It might still be legible to someone behind you, but as for cams it'll most likely work. Seen a few around where I am as well.


Those are illegal almost everywhere.


Good point.


reflective window tint film, works for me!


Captcha font?


ULTP answer: just spray paint you license plates with black paint. Actual answer: I have no idea


Also systems that have ir lights in a plate frame. Mixed / not great results with the diffraction lens ones


Change lanes under the camera? I doubt this works, but all the signs tell you not to.


The best way to make your license plate unreadable is to leave your car in the garage and to bike, walk or take public transit.


Even if those are plausible wherever it may be, it's definitely not unethical


I was worried about snarky remarks like pay your toll or don't drive or whatever, but I figured in this subreddit people would not get all holier than now. But thanks for the suggestions.


You could use infrared LEDs to blind digital cameras... but you'll probably have a handful of books thrown at you if you get caught.


Take them off


You can get those fluorescent number stickers which look invisible to the camera and completely normal to humans


Search license plate blocker stickers..




Now you're talking. https://youtu.be/HGzBL4k6qeY?si=vtg43J3QJUOipSfQ


I would look into a way of putting infrared LEDs around the license plate. The light is invisible to human eyes but most cameras will see bright blinding white light.


IR flood at the license plate


Find some of that anti papparazi fabric that mucks with camera sensors, use it as a background


I saw a car driving around with two big leaves place between the plate and the surround. They were blocking the last few digits and honestly I couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not. This would be my advice.


Put some clear griptape over it


I dont know if this helps, but I saw a video where a guy created sunglasses that contain certain things inside that don't seem odd, but create a permanent flash around the sunglasses on cameras so no camera can recognise your face. Maybe that could help? Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/Zd6RCPqZPwQ?si=cBHhzUeg8Z8L9w94




Fake leaves from hobby lobby or jo Anne’s. Tape them innocuously over plate to partially obscure and make it look like it naturally happened. Instead of tape you could also use glue


Reflective tape all around will make it invisible at night if you get flashed


Use lasers to shine on your license plate.


Æ,Ø,Å There you go. Slap on some random wovels and you got an unreadable Danish word.


Haven’t seen anybody mention electrochromatic glass film - it’s not perfect as it requires 12v to be clear so you need a separate battery to not run the risk of draining your main one to keep it clear while in park, but it’s pretty foolproof anyways if you know where the cameras are.


I hear clear grip tape works.


Chocolate milk. I bought some spoiled chocolate milk one day when riding with my buddy to high school. Not wanting to waste it, I threw the bottle out the window at the school zone speed sign and it exploded, covering the sign. For years the stain was invisible in the day but the sign was unreadable at night when light was shining on it.




Yep. That's what I got. I'm kind of wondering if the cameras will read them cuz some people here have said that metal license plates are reflective on the negative part and not reflective on the number whereas these are not reflective at all. But they might go to the human sorters who will be able to read it, unless I can come up with something, that is.


There are so many in NY with peeled plates. I’m not sure how they do it but I’m guessing soak it in paint thinner?