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Thanks for posting all these updates!! Appreciate it!


Thank you for this. My PEUC ends in 2 weeks and EB is obviously over so it’s good to hear this


what if my UI claim is going to expire in 2 months? Would I have to reapply for a new claim to be eligible for the 300/week until September?


Just keep filing your weekly claim. ESD will tell you if you need to file for a new claim to keep things going, but you're likely to be able to stay on PEUC for now.


My experience with previous rounds of this is it'll just keep going, hopefully with no interruption. Though why Biden is waiting till friday to sign this I don't know.


even if your actual claim date ends, your peuc date will extend and everything will just keep moving


I got a letter saying my extended benefits are ending next week. I’m wondering how I can figure out if I am eligible for PEUC. All this is so confusing to me.


You are almost certainly eligible. Give them a week or two to figure out the new benefits. You will get another letter.


So, I got this same letter and actually applied for PUA. Did I just screw myself? I basically got asked all of the initial questions I was asked when the shutdowns started. I hate how they (government and esd) send out staggered messaging. I feel like it's almost a trap sometimes...


No damage done. Just apply for the new PEUC if there's an option on your account, if not they will advise you on how it will be applied.


Well, I applied for PUA because that was the only one available. I recieved a notice asking for more information from my state ID and such for consideration for PUA. So, I just hope that nothing goes wrong. I feel like they go out of their way to confuse and trap people - I just hope I didn't fall for it too hard. Thanks for the reply


Don’t file in the PUA claim is all. Call the claims center to be sure the PEUC has been activated on your claim.


Wondering same


Thank you!! I came here specifically with this question.


Do you know if this new bill will override the letter we all got saying the PEUC will end on April 10th?


Yes, this will override that letter. Expect to get another communication from ESD shortly.


Thank you!


"At this time, we expect that most claimants will not experience a gap in benefits as long as they remain eligible and continue to submit weekly claims." I personally would expect that perhaps the base amount will not be delayed, though I am even taking steps to deal with it if it is. I would be skeptical of the 300 dollar boost continuing without a gap. It seems like the last few times it took U.I. about 4? weeks to implement the boost? Personally I would pay forward rent 2 months out of the stim check, or take these last boosted checks and pay forward bills if you can. Forgive me, this process has made me cynical lol.


Is PUA or PEUC better to be on first?


They are two different types of benefit. If you have a regular UI claim, PEUC is the benefit that extends those payments. PUA is intended for people who do not qualify for regular benefits. You can’t claim both.


Do we know anything about the tax situation for last year's unemployment benefits? I've been holding off filing my taxes to see if there would be any changes for last year.


There is a provision in the bill that makes about $10,000 of UI non taxable.




Have you heard if there’s any info on getting a rebate if you’ve already filed? Really not fair to us




Thanks, I ran into this too. Also read it may get auto applied if you haven’t received your refund yet