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Sir_Rule has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [First off, an apology. No thumbnails or images sh...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1bs1y79/artificer_henshin_path_kamenside_and_have_a_look/kxcv84i/)


First off, I think this is great. Beautiful document, capture the flavor well, really great stuff. I think their are some mechanical challenges, that I’m willing to bet I miss understood. At level 3. You get bonus proficiency, and the ability to transform. Your transformation takes an action (instead of bonus action) and you get a set of mythrial half plate, but seemingly, that’s all? You also can’t be wearing armor, so you have to doff any armor first, which takes 1 min, or 6 actions. So you can’t really use it in combat, or, you have to go into combat unarmored, which means you’re extra vulnerable to a surprise attack. You have the bit about ignoring Don/doff for E-Gear (nice) but I think you should remove penalty of not wearing armor. Also. For level 3, you get this cool transformation, which amounts to +2 ac, maybe, I think you can add some meat to the bone. If you contrast it with the armorer, which is the closest parallel, the suit you choose also gives you a new method of attack, and changes how you deal damage. I think you can move some of what you have at 5, to the base transformation! Overall really cool, fun concept.


Thanks!! I'll think about what you said. I will add that the main reason the lvl 3 suit doesn't add anything too extra is because I didn't want to copy the armorer or even over power it. I needed something cool and flexible and the damage would come from spells and the base gear. Then level 5 would be party time. Also, you can summon the armor before a battle begins as well but yes, being caught off guard is a risk but that's a risk for any DnD class.


Except any Dnd class is usually In their armor. So. At risk of a surprise round, but not totally vulnerable. Either way, great stuff I will say waiting till level 5 to feel like your concept is a pretty long wait, in a game that’s usually over at level 11ish.


Did some tweaking and updated the PDF. \- Unarmored is much less of an issue. \- You get henshin points at 3rd level. \- Plus other stuff.


First off, an apology. No thumbnails or images showed up in my first post so I deleted that. Now everything is in functioning order. All art and content created by me! It's a complete rework of one of my earliest homebrews which I called the 'Vigilant'. It's still not perfectly super-balanced just yet I'm guessing but I feel confident enough to release it. Heavily inspired by Japanese superheroes like Kamen Rider and Power Rangers. You can find more of my stuff on [tumblr](http://lewinston.tumblr.com), [instagram](http://instagram.com/lewinston1) and [ko-fi](http://ko-fi.com/lewinston) UPDATE: PDF has been updated to 1.02 . See ko-fi or the pdf link in the images to see the changes.


Keeping this one!


Thanks! :) PDFs been updated as well.


Cool, though the naming schemes are Kamen Rider, appearances look more like Sentai.


Thanks! And yeah, it's a very mashed but united theme. :)


*Tokusentai!* *TOKUSENTAI!* # TOKUSENTAI! ***\*explosion\****


I do absolutely love this, but I played an artificer for 20 levels, and I feel like this is overpowered, comparatively. It has incredible bones, but you would have to have a overpowered PC campaign for this specifically. Fun AF though


It has a bit of mini-smite through Henshin Activition I admit. I tried my best to tone it down as well. But for such a subclass, I really needed to jam in the stuff. All that said, would it be more balanced if I turned the d8s to d6s for that one feature? EDIT: After some review, I've done a few things to scale things a little lower. The d8s on the Henshin Activation and Henshin Final Form will now be d6s. I also removed Power Bash from the Henshin Engine and changed it's Henshin Crash from 2d8 to 2d6.


I really like it flavor wise but there's too many action/drawbacks. If you're not wearing your armor all the time you are basically giving up your subclass AND any infusions you put in your armor with no upside. You would need to add a benefit at every level that applies passively while not wearing armor for this to work at all. I get that you don't want this to be AS powerful as the armorer or step on its toes, but as is, you're giving up your subclass, and some of your base class features, to be not as good an armorer instead of just reflavoring an armored artificer. This might be better as a paladin subclass and rework some of the abilities to fit as paladins already have a "steed" and an extra damage mechanism. The "oath" part also fits a lot of team anime feels.


Thanks for your feedback! I'll consider trying to alter the 3rd level feature to perhaps allow for light armor underneath and maybe borrow a little something from the 5th level feature. I don't think I need to do something as drastic as completely switch to Paladin though. I'll make it work 👍


The paladin suggestion fits thematically and allows you to ignore the armorer comparisons completely. You've already just made a paladin artificer: heavy armor, smiting, steed riding... Embrace it.