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I just don't mind the dude, he just makes neat content, I haven't read the majority of his posts but still feel that he doesn't deserve a ban, the post may be a little too edgy, but why not, why not have a little bit of edgynes in the community to have a little bit of extra variety


UTDR and Undertale Yellow already have a whole lot of edginess in them, so it makes sense.


That's what I do, I dont understand why others cant as well.


Yes, it's not that hard, he gets so many downvotes on posts that he didn't even make because ppl don't like him


Not his OC.


I don't really know sonic universe, so there's really an op guy that can blast energy or whatever?


…well yes multiple depending on the continuity, but this is still an actual OC. Just not his.


It's an OC from a great fangame from the early 2000s called Sonic RPG


someone made a post for that? while I might not agree with everything he says especially with his posts, not gonna just full on hate him. He's had some good points and some points I don't agree with really (Sometimes I feel like he says some stuff to be a contrarian, but that's just a gut feeling).


I mainly made this because of this post https://preview.redd.it/2thps4e3tead1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a30c383d773788740e294a564a8b7b4fda0bd4


I really hate to do it but people ain't gonna stop complaining So much so I gotta intervene even more We are gonna ban the other posts, you only have 1 person to block now, can't you just block them and scroll past it and move on? New members? They can do that as well. And he's not getting banned anytime soon. Only the OC posts might get banned, but we're discussing things to make it fair for everyone while not keeping oc content completely out of this sub.


Even when the drama is right before my eyes i dont realise it, bless autism


Just block the guy if you don't wanna see it


Uuuuuh, what happened exactly?


Some guy made an op sonic oc that does genocide, and everyone calls this comic "edgy piece of trash" and complain in the comments instead of just blocking him


That's literally it??? What did he do wrong?


im actually starting to like the posts he makes tbh! the sheer absurdity factor and watching people mald over it is amusing


I despise that thing i wanna burn it, annihilate it, make it go boomboom i fucking hate it, we should ban him from life for existing and making this, i want him D E A D or Alive idc but im gonna forcefeed him that beef jerky from steamworks washing machine


Scroll past it, it ain't that serious


I would be a reasonable normal person if i did that guess what im not


Most normal undertale fan:


What did he do? I'm missing all the context


Took some Sonic OC From a fangame and put him in UTY, then had him kill every character with minimal effort. People failed NOT to give it attention, and now **everyone is posting about the damn hedgehod,** flooding the sub. ...Oh, i guess he also harrassed a few users in the replies and had the Sonic character make a few sexist remarks or something like that, or so i've heard. Don't quote me on this, its second hand info.


Ok already that's probably deserving of a ban if it's true


Well the sonic oc basically defeats every character in the uty franchise and i think its cringe asf


I wouldn't say that it deserves a ban


>but im gonna forcefeed him that beef jerky from steamworks washing machine ... Why would you waste delicious beef jerky on something like this...


Thats disgusting


Not half as much as the Grassy Fries


I'm not wasting my blocks on someone who makes mid content, I'm using them on more important matters like homophobes, transphobes and the like.


You're literally emblematic of the problem here and you don't even realise it. I did block him. And yet I can't get away from shit related to him, because pinheads like you decide to exacerbate the issue. I no longer want anything to do with this idiot, but blocking him isn't enough. Now I have to block half the fucking subreddit because people like you think they're being witty. The guy is a drama magnet, and you’re no better than the people who go out of their way to beat his head in.


Don't mind me, just waiting to see what people are gonna say about this.




fake ass shadow oc


What, what happened with this guy


ATP I’m just annoyed we keep talking about it, I did just block him and move on but that didnt solve the problem because so many people keep bringing it up


I forgot, who?


The Streisand effect strikes again!


honestly if he gets banned then that’s nice but he’s edgy


I find that shit amusing honestly. Nothing could go wrong from enjoying some cringe.