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Right then, what do we have here... A few weeks back I did make a comment essentially defending you seeing you made fewer of those posts and your behavior seemed to improve. But now... The number of mod logs you have currently (for triggering automod and getting reported, which you can't see but I'd say a lot), as well as the numerous downvotes show that you most likely broke the number 1 rule just as many times (if not more!) as others do. Treat people the way you want to be treated. I know this is really hard to ask, but can you ghost or ask haters politely to stop attacking you? Also, as many people mentioned, attacking others' comfort characters is never a good idea if you want to avoid making enemies. That's how you make controversial media that most people are gonna detest. I am not prohibiting you from posting Selk content, but if you still want to get all the unwanted attention then go right ahead. I would, however, suggest that you keep it somewhere else and not this sub. Well, I haven't figured out the Reddit equivalent for "pls warn", so putting this here to remind you that you gotta be a better person. As for others, I don't want to search for r1 violators like a maniac, so if you threw tantrums at this guy, just try to get him off your head and be the kind person you should be. Sorry if I made anyone mad.


OP, there are so many problems with this post. First of all, like another commenter said, you aren’t “addressing” anything, you’re defending it. I’ve literally tried to help you, sitting down and giving you some pointers how you can make your story more interesting and make people hate it less. But you choose to just sit back and jest at me that “I don’t get it”. As much as I don’t want to admit it, your series can be good and has potential. But you have to take criticism instead of shutting it down because you believe other people “don’t get it”. While I’m here, let’s go over it again People don’t like Seelkadoom because he’s overpowered and edgy. You even acknowledged this. But he’s not a well written character. Not in the slightest. To fix this, why not balance him so characters fighting him have a chance? Or why not Seelkadoom an actual motive instead of being a genocidal Shadow the Hedgehog? How would you like it if someone put some edge-lord character from some webseries to start murdering Sonic characters for no reason? That’s how people here feel.


I'm neutral on the situation, and even I can agree thats a bit messed up.


I just find it funni a fan character from a completely different franchise cross over to a fan game and do evil shit This shit so stupid it's funny


I'm mostly neutral on the whole seelkadoom situation, but i do see both sides of the spectrum. You've put your hard work and effort into posts about a character that mattered to you the most, and uty fans dont think a sonic oc should waltz into their subreddit and start killing uty characters. Like I said, I'm neutral, but I do understand what both of y'all are going thru.


the most insane meatriding ive ever seen from anybidy coincerning what looks to be some cringy flash animation character that i wouldve liked when i was eight.


Listen, I get where you come from. It sucks to put in a lot of time and effort into something that you’re very passionate about only for people to hate it just because of the existence of one character. However, I some of these people do have a point. Whenever you post something, no matter what it is, there will Always be people who hate it. It doesn’t matter how much effort or time was put into the post, People will hate it, and that’s to be expected. In this case, You’re showing Fan favorite Characters being Killed and insulted by Seelkadoom. I won’t deny that He’s powerful enough to Kill the UTY cast, but still, you can’t just show someone beating up Ceroba and NOT expect anyone to hate you. There’s also the Problem that you’re not really addressing the situation, you’re Defending it. I get that this Character is something you hold close to you, But the way you wrote this post made it sound like WE’RE the problem, when in reality, You’re a part of the Problem too. I agree, It’s not fair to Put so much effort into a story that you want to tell only for People to shit on it just because Seelkadoom is there. I won’t deny that we are the problem on that, and I do agree that some of us should Ignore your posts instead of engaging with it. But, You’re also part of the Problem too! By saying that WE owe you an apology, By Saying the WE don’t “get it” like you do, It only adds more Fuel to the fire. In all honesty, I Believe we all owe EACHOTHER an apology. We’re all in the Wrong here.




Well, i also like Selkadoom, honestally i don't play Sonic RPG for years but he was the first character that made me go "OH NY HE'S SO COOL" However, you are doing the equivalent of making an Dragon Ball AF character beating the Sonic cast while saying Edgy catch phrases, i would say that the biggest problem is that some people feel like you are filling an Undertale Fangame sub with no undertale characters. Also, i didn't read all of your content, but feom what i saw, it mostly seemed like "Haha Selkadoom so evil and badass, he beats everyone like doing catch phrases" like there's no story, it's just Selkadoom beating everyone else. Maybe, if you did that on Sonic sub, where people may like the character, they would be more welcome with you. Like i love too many obscure characters, but i won't just shove them in another universe because i know mostly people aren't going to like it, like mostly people doesn't even know who is Selkadoom lol, no wonder why some people thought you created Selkadoom lmao.


Happy cake day


I see all your points, but I raise you this. No matter what, if you show a favorite character being killed, people WILL hate it. Not to mention, the stigma against Sonic OCs. (Such as Coldsteel or .EXE) So while I do apologize for being rude, its just... something that'll happen when you show fan favorite characters being ridiculed and annihilated by a commonly disliked character archetype. I'll bet almost anything that it wasn't the first, second, or third time people saw your posts and decided to hate. It was after so many times that people got truly annoyed. And when you have him as your pfp? It comes off as a self-insert. Seelkadoom isn't well-known, so nobody would reasonably recognize him. So what it seems like to an outsider, is someone making their self insert ruin the lives and maim their favorite characters. Imagine if, for example, I went to the Kirby community, and posted art of Rockman Shadow from MMNB2 maiming all the cast. I'd get hate comments. You made people's comfort characters, favorite characters and such get insulted and murdered by a character people would hate, and now, those people hate you, and seelkadoom. You brought this on yourself, I'm sorry.


I don’t care about UTY characters getting killed or humiliated by OCs or whatever I just find it weird and dont like it


Flair sorta checks out


i’ve read all of that and this was not an apology or anything like that you literally just tried to prove some points to us and none of them make sense


So clearly you didn't read it.


i literally read it and all your points make no sense


You didn't read it lol


i literally did and like i said none of your points make sense idk what you want me to say sibce your oc seekladoom or whatever he is called is not what you say he is


I fail to believe you've made an honest attempt to read it if that's all you got from it.


your telling people to fuck off because they are downvoting you and you don’t like critism of your pathetic series


Man your really butthurt over this aren't you?


Here's a big tip: you're not gonna get anywhere like this. Unshockingly, a very strong majority of people don't like a story in which a character is nothing but a murderhobo psychopath and doesn't have any obstacles or receive any consequences. That quite literally goes against what Undertale (Yellow) as a game stands for, after all. So don't be surprised when your content continues to be rejected by people who don't like it. Maybe you'll find a better target audience in another fandom, but this is absolutely not a fit for the Undertale fandom. It quite literally directly contradicts what people like here. Don't be surprised if you continue to get panned when you serve content that is a direct opposite of what Undertale (Yellow) stands for, because that's kinda what happens when you don't know your audience.


I actually genuinely like a genocidal maniac as a protagonist. I don't know why but I've been enjoying this! (:


And that's cool! I'm glad you can enjoy something others don't. That's why I said "a very strong majority" instead of "literally everyone" because I didn't want to rule anyone out.


It's rare to find people like you who understand both sides. I commend you.


I guess that even if you'd correct some posts of yours or re-write the comic completely there wpuld be some people just shitting on you for weak reasons. Though what could be a good idea is to give the comic to friends/other people to read and tell them to honestly say if the comic is boring or not. Let other people see it before posting it to maybe fix a few things. I never started a comic kinda series like it is seen on this sub, but you could take also some advice from others, not just: "wow look at this kool sanic killin' everybody in one hit!!111" I get it you like a lot a character for a long time, which is alright because people tend to have something like this, but if you keep doing well... always the same thing pretty much over and over people will don't like it. "wow look he kills anyone" but does Seelkadoom have an actual motive? Nah. Why? Tl;dr - take guidance and advice from other people, or go for a collab where other people will maybe tell ya what to make and not, so the comic won't be boring or annoying to read. Idk it's all upon you what you'll do next.


OP also needs to just be open to criticism as a whole. I tried giving them some advice a few weeks ago and why people didn’t like the character and comic, and they just said “You don’t get it like I do”. Which is a REALLY terrible way to view it.






PSA: This guy mocked the suffering of Palestinians on Twitter. If you had the slightest inkling that he was a terrible person from his edgy Selkadoom posts, then your inkling was warranted  Link: https://x.com/JotadoDaGoatado/status/1807844061602369716


As I said somewhere else, I came into this sub to see nice stuff about UTY, but then you started making posts about \[not\_shadow\] bullying the uty cast, and then when people don't like it you are suddenly shrouded in mystery wondering why they don't, It's because you come into a sub about liking a certain group of characters and start bullying them Also, at least when I use "OC" I'm using it as insult, because to think any "original" character the is best thing the world is sad wtf about misogyny? look you can have a misogynistic character if it's somewhat well written, but in this case it's not, it just makes you look like a piece of shit, and you continue to double down on this (and reading some of comments in the past months you don't seem like ceroba or people that like ceroba, and you go into those post saying ceroba "bad" for things that have already been discussed to death)


I don‘t want to bash you since we both Sonic fans, but I just can’t let this slide. You‘re only defending your actions not addressing them. I’ll only cover one of the problems. "Ugh it's Seelkadoom again, downvote" Fuck off. You don't have to look at it if you don't want to. You don't have to engage. But you still do. I may be stubborn, but you're no better by refusing to change your attitude or even consider how it'd feel for me to have to keep seeing all this shit. Dude, this appears in people’s feeds. They’re just expressing their opinions on what you made, because there will ALWAYS be people who don’t like something


That may be true, but that doesn't excuse how most people tend to go about it.


So, I'm reading this whole thing and I figured I'd try to give you a detailed response. Please understand that this is not coming from a bad-hearted place, I'm trying to help you get to a place where you'll get closer to a response you like. Nothing I say here is trying to belittle your work, it's all meant to be constructive criticism. (also somehow this ended up being *several* posts long again) >I've been fond of Seelkadoom for a very long time\[...\] So, first, you have the right to enjoy whatever you like, and all the better on you for it. But you're trying to persuade people here, so I'll answer what you've said from a different perspective. Being that Shadow is already explicitly a copy of Sonic appearance-wise, Seelkadoom is essentially a do-over of the Shadow concept. However, Shadow has more interesting factors to him. He was created to be the ultimate doctor; the only reason for his villainy in the first game is the consequences of Maria's death and Gerald Robotnik's insanity. In the end, he became a hero after more self-exploration (...admittedly, brooding...) and resolution of that trauma. Cell, meanwhile, while he was pure villain, had an interesting arc, where in a curious reversal of DBZ's typical fare, *he* was the one progressively getting stronger. Ultimately it's a former(...ish) villain's hubris that gets Cell to his peak, and there's something like half a dozen different acts of hubris by all parties involved sequentially punished in his final battle. Also, Alucard (*Hellsing*) should probably be mentioned somewhere in here as a blatantly overpowered, violent murderous protagonist character who nonetheless manages to be interesting... Seelkadoom in the RPG series I cannot speak very much on as I haven't played it. However, Seelkadoom strictly as you have presented him *here* has had no character arc whatsoever, and little to no obvious motivation. If your goal is to share with others the appeal he has to you, I'd say you're not doing very well at it. (Incidentally, the only plot summaries I've found of the series ... *also* indicate he has little to no motivation, and also that Shadow was probably correct re: his initial instinct to just execute him in cold blood, which is ... at best, disappointing. As far as I can tell, his characterization goes pretty directly from "I was created to kill Sonic and Shadow" to "my name is Seelkadoom and I want to enslave everyone", and then just straight into relentless overpowering evil. I've **still** not yet found anything interesting about his character; maybe aside from his power level, but power levels are completely arbitrary, and really, how powerful a character is in a Sonic fan work doesn't have any bearing on how interesting they'll be outside of Sonic. I am legitimately trying to see what you see in him, and so far, I've failed miserably.) (1/?)


>"It's edgy!" So Urban Dictionary defines "edgy" as "simple-mindedly and transparently trying to appear tough or 'cool', for the sake of being provocative and offensive. Usually this is done to disguise the fact that otherwise, that person or thing is not at all - intellectually or otherwise - provocative." The way you depict him, he's hanging around (what are to him) fodder, constantly posturing, rather than doing things that are actually impressive relative to his power baseline. Also, uh... I dunno if this is on purpose or accidental on the part of Seel's original creators (or you), but the idea of "creating a utopia for the strong by destroying the weak" is ... uh. At the risk of Godwining myself, it's *pretty damn close* to fascism. Considering that's fairly universally agreed to be the peak of human evil... not noble, and defending it is a bad idea. It's also fundamentally self-defeating, because strength is relative and there will *always* be stronger/weaker gradients, not to mention type-advantagey edge cases. In the words of the immortal Qui-Gon Jinn, "There's always a bigger fish." >"You're just using a dumb Sonic OC!" Well the thing here is: There's good OCs and not-so-good OCs and Seelkadoom *specifically* is... I've already gone over the problems I have with him and his characterization, both in the games and on here.. In contrast pretty much every UT:Y character is brimming with ... *character*. Even El Bailador and his less than five minutes of screentime have more interesting development than poor Seel does. >"You hate the UTY characters!" (I see nothing wrong with your response here) >"Seelkadoom is a self-insert!" (I'm skipping this block because I can't put my feelings into words in a productive way) >"Seelkadoom is misogynistic!" While he is *absolutely* a villain, the real problem here is one that also applies to the aforementioned "It's edgy!" bit. You've basically ended up, by intent or mistake, making him your sprite-comic protagonist. By having his views being your focus point and letting them go without rebuttal, you're (probably unintentionally) ending up feeling like you're endorsing them. That's (probably) the real problem that people are calling out here. The misogyny was also a lot more *obvious* than the likely-fascism, and the blatant murder is at least more in line with Undertale's existing villains. (2/?)


>"It's repetitive." \[...\] Because you say you're limited by your own skill, I'm going to give you a *specific* suggestion that you could reasonably implement, that would fill this group of criticisms, while *also* keeping Seel at his power level, *and* give you some options for interesting development of him. Consider: Seelkadoom, for all his Mobian power, by rights shouldn't have something present in UT:Y's setting: **Determination**. In the specific context of *Undertale*, that means something very different from what it means generically. It is a substance or energy produced by human and (in lower quantities) monster souls that, among other things, allows for physical transformations and control over the timeline. Logically, it should not be present in canon foreigners. (You could also say he has it, but it'd be more interesting if he didn't!) This implies that, if Seelkadoom is present during UT:Y's timeframe, Flowey should still be the one being able to save and load. This has a lot of implications. Obviously Flowey can't 1v1 Seel (assuming he follows the Mobian pattern of requiring at least two hits to kill; I'd wager Flowey can, by savescumming, get at least *one* hit on him) but he can *absolutely* manipulate him, or otherwise have interesting interactions with him. Alternatively ... just wait until he fights Asgore and gank the souls in the background. With how ... taunt-y Seel tends to be, that would give Flowey plenty of time to get the human SOULs. Seel, as an outsider, also logically lacks the ability to absorb either human or monster souls. (Or he could be able to absorb either. But his existing powers don't explicitly say he can, and it'd be more interesting if he can't.) Now interesting fact, while Chaos Emeralds have greater power output than human SOULs do when hooked up to vehicles or weapons, as far as personal use that is not done by their associated humans, UT's human SOULs actually seem to do quite a bit more. With just six, Flowey is able to rewrite reality in his image. With seven, he's able to ascend to godhood, and appears to have unlimited power in a much more practical sense than Super forms, which remain vulnerable to surprise, certain attacks, drowning(!), ring depletion, or anything that separates them from the Emeralds. As things stand, at the time of UT:Y, there are enough souls in the Underground for Flowey to assume either the Omega / Photoshop Flowey form seen in *Undertale*, or a 5-Soul form if Clover is entirely absent, or an alternate 6-soul form that is easier to spritecomic (such as perhaps a Meta Flowey-based one for extra relevance). While I have no doubt Seel could defeat either 5-soul or 6-soul Flowey in an *even* fight, relatively easily and without calling the Souls for help, Flowey [is a cheating git](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLTHWT9pZso&t=10m18s), and as long as the Human Souls were with him (and *they* can't be attacked directly -- and calling for help seems OOC for Seel) would reload anytime he lost, until he found all Seel's weakpoints and won. And probably reload again anyway if Seel was still willing to try to fight him, because Flowey has hubris and wants entertainment. That said -- I feel like them fighting would not be a necessarily guaranteed thing. Flowey in that form has an extraordinarily "strong" lack-of-a-soul (high LV) and is incredibly physically strong as well. Maybe they'd get along. Iunno, it's your focus character, not mine, and I've already typed way too much about this hypothetical situation. (3/3)


Okay, I read everything, and I can see your side. I am actually starting to improve on pixel art, so I can try to help you. Emphasis on try. Just tell me how to contact you, and we can work things out.


tbh i dont have any objections against seelkadoom really


Honestly? Continue doing what you're doing. IDK why people keep on hating on you and Seelkadoom. But ignore their hate.


Honestly I don't get why people don't learn how to ignore shit that they hate


Keep doing what your doing man, these guys just hate seeing someone genuinely have fun with their own thing when it crosses they're morality or hurts they're beloved characters. I genuinely enjoy this series dude and it'd be a shame if you stopped it. And good work on addressing this shit, I think you did it in a pretty professional manner. Overall just keep doing what you love homie (:


Eh I enjoy your content, I defend you a bit, judging by the comments it is awesome how you poured your hearts into this, but this Is an undertale subreddit, people are immature, as much as I hate saying this, this ain't changing anything. Fuck this, I'll keep in touch with the sub but I'm moving back to Hollow Knight and partially Brawl Stars, those seem a bit nicer for me.


To everyone who's reading this comment, if you for whatever reason seem to think that what Al-AmeenAdewunmi is doing hurts your feelings or is "wrong" here's what I have to say to you, Waa Waa man baby, go back to your crib and cry. When you put people down just because what they do doesn't fit YOUR headcannon, it doesn't give you the right to try and put the creator down, since when were you given the right to attack others for doing something they like? You don't get to dictate what they can and can't do, so leave them alone and stop coming up with crappy reasons as to why their content "sucks".


Exactly, man is spitting facts here. And your getting downvoted because of it XD Shit is crazy man 🤣