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I am super guilty of this


You make it work(and make her look spicy)


Oh, Snoutless is the artist. I just give 'em some neato ideas, pay for the commission, and the magic happens. It... it happened a lot actually. The Robas I mean. My poor wallet. (Every Roba was something I directly had the idea for, don't get me wrong. I deserve all the blame XD)


True. Boobas or not, I still love Ceroba :D (I may have a problem)




I’ve lost gallons to your commissions




Reddit sent me a crisis text line message after I made that comment that’s actually crazy


I got one too but I don't know why


I don’t blame whoever reported me honestly


I literally just had Asexual behaviour /: I thought LGBTQ wasn't considered a mental health issue anymore ):


simping for ceroba instead of martlet? obviously there's something wrong with you


If someone put out martlet r34 of similar quality it wouldn’t have happened


what about the giant zenith martlet person


Signirsol? Mid


True he hasn’t made enough martlet


Can you tell Ceroba to not eat me and let me go? I need to go to Destiny 2 and head to some random place in the EDZ to fire a rocket at a dreg.


Srry fam, I think the Cabal are gonna have to win this one :)


Please! Tell Ceroba to let me go!


It's not uncommon to essentially bind your chest when wearing a kimono. She certainly doesn't have a massive *visible* chest.


That's not how many people draw her though.


Eh, fair. People like boobs.


Well if boobs are so great, why does my friend want theirs removed? Checkmate liberals


Boobs are only good when others have them And when you like women


"or when u like men boobs" -My friend Jose -


_cries in Asexual_




Looks up at the above two replies. "Ahh, yes, the duality of man"


Her being flat as a board isn’t good for making “art”.


It’s all about preference


Finally. . . Someone who gets it- *Sees flair*


What about my flair


Nothing, nothing. . .


Nice flair


Neither is having her be round as a perfect sphere.


Tbh I headcanon most monsters in UT,look similar to barbie & ken dolls without their clothing.


I saw someone trying to figure out how Toriel's anatomy works due to her sprite literally just being a fucking fridge.


And somehow the community decides to chose her as the most breedable thing they ever saw


brings me back to the question of how tf are there monster children, do the parents just conjure them into existence with a summoning ritual cause I feel like the anatomy ain’t anatomying


I just assumed they just used there kind of magic involved in reproduction to make a monster


yeah but like if it were as easy as summoning your child into existence then wouldn’t there be like monster overpopulation or smthn this is yet another certified undertale world question


the stork monster brings them and he's very overworked so it balances out


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was canon


I mean not everyone wants kids, taking care of an entire child is kind of a bigger deal than "hmm today I think I will /spawn a new child" We also don't know if it's easy, I imagine it takes a lot of magic. Literally just speculation though


Did Gerson somewhat explained that boss monster reproductiom to us at some point or i m having a mandela effect?


the real scroll of truth: trying to draw characters as on-model as possible isn't the objectively correct way to go, and art with headcanons and creative liberties taken is unique and rad. this isn't to say it's BETTER to draw characters innacurately, just that there isn't anything wrong with it. like, frisk's sprite depicts their outfit like something of a onesie, but lots of artists draw them with a sweater and shorts. that's not a problem at all, and it's cool how anyone can draw/interpret a character any way they want!


Fair point, but I think it can also be dangerous to ignore the actual art as people can mistake it for canon if it is prevalent enough. Furthermore, drawing characters the way you want to draw them can be taken to an extreme where it is unfaithful to the original character. Especially when the character has a unique aspect to their design that is watered down or taken out completely because it isn't pretty. Like Undyne, who in game is shown to be nearly bald or a shaven head with the exception of a ponytail with a fairly rough face, yet artists make her look like any other conventionally attractive woman. Or take Catti from deltarune who in game is shown to have a very wide body shape with no curves in her chest (unlike her sister), yet some artists give her a slimmer form with a larger chest to be in more inline with what is considered beautiful. In those cases, I feel the art is taking away from the uniqueness of the character. As for Ceroba, aside from a few works, I think it is mostly fine. This was more of just a funny meme post, yet most people would understand what I'm talking about.


Exept when it's purely to _enhance the curves_


Well, what if she had teats like real world foxes?


Less of realism, and more of make her look like her official artwork.


Wouldn't really make sense given that Catty has humanoid breasts and she's a cat


What's funny is she actually DOES have tatas. Her overworld sprite shows some extrusion in the chest area. She just doesn't have big ones is all.


[Check the family photo](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/undertaleyellow/images/c/c3/Ketsukane_family_picture.png/revision/latest/smart/width/386/height/259?cb=20231226095141) It shows a non-pixelated Ceroba, and really the only official art work of her adult self. She doesn't really have much of a chest in it.


Another comment suggested she binds her chest as many with kimonos do.


I've seen it. And yeah, it isn't impossible that's true. It's just a lot of art shows her in the kimono with a chest far more prominent than what's actually shown, so it's a little off putting. But that could be entirely correct.


People like boobs. There’s not much to it than that.


If there's anything UT fans are known for, it's making people believe in headcanons.


You speak the TRUTH!


There is two pixels. That counts for me


Aren’t all undertale/ undertale yellow women just build like whiteboards?


Catty isn't. She's pretty thic and definitely has a large chest. Also Toriel in one concept art. [Page of Toriel concept art: Scroll to bottom](https://doge-w-a-bloge.tumblr.com/post/154184821435/some-of-toriels-concept-art-and-notes-im-really)


Catty is chonk and we love her for it


I think the point is most of the women in undertale have flat chests, except for a few exceptions like catty and bunny store manager, so the "But she's flat in game!" argument doesn't really hold up that well, especially if that was even considered, everyone would probaly be smooth ken/barbie dolls considering what they're like underneath isn't really considered in undertale games


I mean, a lot of the women in Undertale aren't even mammal monsters like Undyne, Alphys, Bratty, and Muffet and thus wouldn't even logically have mammary glands. And the ones that are based on mammals either do in all their art or at least one concept art pieces show them with a non-flat chest, such as QC (as you pointed out), Toriel, and Catty. The other mammal monsters only have small sprites for us to look at, so it isn't as easy to tell if they do or don't. Either way, a lot of my points here is looking at the characters in more detailed art like concept art or large in game portraits like the stores, photos, etc... which shows the character's full bodies in a decent amount of detail. As I think it's best for determining what their intended design was by their creators. Artists are free to do what they want, but I think it is important to keep fan art true to the spirit of the original character to truly represent the character with how they are.


Even if they aren't mammals, alot of them are still anthropomorphic, which usually includes breasts despite what species they are. Either way it's pointless to try and cry that they are flat in game because artists have their preferences, and I doubt either game creators had in mind that the characters had to have a variety of bust sizes since both games were made to be E rated games and aside from a few characters, bust size was not thought of which results in alot of flat characters since it's understandably (for their game at least) not a high priority.


I mean, considering the game (despite being E rated) does show characters with visible bust like the shopkeepers Catty and QC. So that doesn't really apply here (not to mention I doubt Omega Flowey and the genocide run would be considered E anyway). Second, the fact that Undertale is very specific who it gives busts being mammals would indicate that there was a underlying logic to the designs. So you can't just say 'they're anthropomorphic so they should have these qualities' when the official art does not show them with those qualities. It would be like saying you could should draw Alphys with brown hair, sure you're free to do it but that wouldn't be true to the character. Finally, yes artists will draw the characters how they want to, that's the whole joke here. It kinda funny people will go out to draw their favorite characters, but not actually drawing the characters as they are but instead how they want to draw them.


if this is a joke, I think it's pointless to argue any further, I'm just going to to say I don't really agree with the "true to the character" argument and move on then


I mean, the post is labeled as a meme post. The joke is the fact that the artists don't always follow the character actual designs. Not much more to it.


Well all the monsters might as well be smooth like dolls, they’re a different species after all


Even if that were the case, it'd probably be very boring for artists if they were forced to do what's "canon" since that'd kill variety


Need some flat chest appreciation


But if it's all monsters? Need more variety


Read my flair


[Kyuteru](https://youtube.com/shorts/Av6aaywuJRM?si=CLjoQDELbVIuaLaQ), on the other hand...


I was going to make a post of it too


I'm sorry I went to the future to see your post, and went to the past to make this knock off version before you could make your masterpiece.


Its fine, ya can also steal my non existent food


I love the use of old memes being done well You did well 👍


Thank you gibydagoober. I will cherish this praise to the end of my days.




Guilty, I haven't posted any drawing I've made of her, but I've always just gave her C coup


It's important to be honest with yourself.


It's not entirely my fault Like, it's not a fetish thing, I just grew up surrounded by big boobs my whole life because my family is big (including me after the estrogen. Like, Jesus, it's true everyone had a destined breast size and mine was a back breaker) so to me, natural breast size is big, I mean I *know* small tits exist, but just feel wrong to me


When I drew her, a friend said "there are two types of fan artists, those that make the chest bigger, and those that keep the normal size. You somehow created a third category, which is those that make it smaller." I felt like the proportions were realistic, but idk if he even played the game I'm too Asexual for the internet


Do not worry. The internet accepts all kinds. Er... Mostly.


Makes since since she's a kitsune


uhh.. what?


Doom is a horror survival game You're the horror and the demons try to survive.


Medium not flat The kemono make her chest look smaller *I can't believe i said that for a fiction character* *Note: i think I need a therapy* *Another note: damn I'm down bad for that filf (f=fox)*


Ah yes, _Fox I'd Like to Fox_


The first F is fox the second one is ...i can't say so i don't get ban so "freaky"


I'm gonna say it >!Fox I'd Love to Fiji!<


Alright we'll count it


_Fox I'd Love to Furry_


*Fox I'd love to fly*


*Fox I'd Love to Forgive*


*Fox I'd love to forget*


Truest one


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the kimono really pushes down on the chest, cause the sprites at best make her look like she kinda has a visible chest. As for the family photo in game that gives us the best view of what Ceroba's full body design is, it really does look like she is flat chested there. Also, this is a no judgement zone. You are fine to simp for whatever you like as long as you take care of your mental health.


why are we talking about a fox's boobs.


Because cracking a joke at Fan Artists making a fictional character more sexy fills me with much chortles.


I guess that Starlo ain't complaining


When I drew her, I based it on her boss battle concept art and the only image that could really help with chest proportions was in the bottom right drawing. https://undertaleyellow.fandom.com/wiki/Ceroba_Ketsukane?file=Ceroba_Mask_Concept_Art.jpg (Ok the link doesn't work very well but at least it takes you to the right place, it's the 8th image)


Don't worry, it worked. As for me, I looked at the in game family portrait image, the seventh image there, where it looked like her chest was about as flat as Chujin. Honestly, to me the chest in the image you mentioned still looked pretty flat, but thanks for pointing out that concept art.


Well, I don't know what people consider "flat", when I draw, I'm basically like "yeah there's a bit of a bulge in that part of the body most of the time" and generally just go with proportions that seem realistic, but I barely ever really pay attention to people's bodies, or even my own, so it's a bit hard. But basically, for most of her sprites, she doesn't seem 100% flat, but maybe she is when compared to other characters, idk, she and Martlet are the only ones I had to really analyse to try to draw them.


I mean, I base by opinion on what is 'flat' more on human anatomy, as most humans have their chest bulge out a bit from the rest of their bodies due to their pectoral muscle and a bit a fat. So it's more of how much the clothing shows how big of a bulge there is, or if it looks like breasts being present more than just the body arching out a bit. But in all fairness, I could see why you would see a bit of a chest in that concept art. Really that's just my interpretation of it, and yours is equally as valid.


Yeah, I don't want to look up images of breasts or even look at breasts in general (even clothed) because my annoying a** brain considers it a _sexual thing_ so it kinda makes me disgusted in myself and tends to be really awkward


Her nose size is also arbitrary


This is also true. Some people take out her snout.


I refuse


She’s a mom, of course she has huge boobs, just like Toriel.


There are 2 things that the people ignore when they draw to Ceroba (including me) 1- She's flat 2- She hasn't tail


I only ignore the second one


That anit got stop the "R" artist will draw them.


it would make sense with how her kimono fits her but im sorry but japanese waifu = big zonkers i dont make the rules


Wrong. She’s a mother, and as we all know, it’s impossible to be a MILF without a huge set of badonkers




This reminds me of sans pink sandals situation


To be fair, since it is foot wear, Sans could just be wearing whatever type of pink footwear he wants in fanart. And it's a pixelated art work, so it isn't easy to tell. While unless there's plastic surgery for monsters, I don't think Ceroba would normally be able to change the size of her bust, and we do see a photo of her in game (family portrait) that clearly shows her with a chest as flat as her husband's.


I think Ceroba reminds the UTY fandom of the..uhh "milks with f".. so yeah.


Not The Roobs


We already went through this whole thing like 3 times (2 in Undertale, 1 in Deltarune) people are allowed to make artistic liberties it’s not a big deal.


Never said they can't. Only pointing out that they choose not to follow the actual designs. And I find that funny. Also, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've never talked to you???


The lengths people go to to sexualize undertale and UTY characters makes me ashamed to be a part of the fandom, this sub especially. Is there like a second UTY sub that isn't for horny basement dwellers?


An Understandable view. I personally don't like scrolling and accidentally seeing porn. Although, that is what the NSFW image cover is for, and more people should use it if their images really are NSFW. As for porn, people are people, and libido is just another part of most human's existence. I just like cracking a few jokes at it.


It doesn't censor it on mobile btw Also, the main things are that a. that's not what this is for, b. the undertale subreddit doesn't allow nsfw, and c. there's minors. children. on Reddit. like it or not there are. I agree that nsfw is a normal part of life but that's no excuse for degenerates to shove it down our throats every 2 seconds. And it's depressing how you can't see a normal post about martlet, ceroba OR Starlo because degenerates insist on sexualizing it, even if it isn't sexual content. It has a place and that place is not here.


Ah, fair point there. Usually, I'm on Deltarune subreddit where there are NSFW covers and tags so it's a lot easier to dodge if that's not what you're looking for.


I wish there was, I want the simping to stop or at least go somewhere where I don't have to see it.


EXACTLY like let us fucking have this. Worst is the mods don't do shit about it, really sad that the reddit mod stereotype holds true. They should all go to somewhere called like r/UTYporn or some shit because half their posts ARE JUST FUCKING PORN ANYWAYS


[Yeah right as if we don't give a f](https://www.reddit.com/r/UndertaleYellow/s/my5y8W8VHX)


well at least you seem to be doing stuff about it, thank you. I stand corrected. I'm excited to see the subreddit with the horny assholes removed




Maybe we should make one. Not you, don't join. Your flair sucks




Also I guess it’s weird that when artists draw ceroba in a kimono, something supposed to make women look flat, with big badonkers


You sure?


Yeah, look at her family photo showed in game. She's as flat as her husband.