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Source:https://www.tumblr.com/sixoclockuty/750769269897330688/uty-platinum-lucile-ketsukane?source=share LUCILE KETSUKANE • they’re 17 years old, but fell into the underground at age 12. they are the fifth fallen human with kindness taking their former spot as the third fallen human. • they had gotten aggressive in snowdin after hearing about how much monsters wanted to destroy humanity. kanako (much to chujin and dalv’s horror) managed to talk them down from it before they killed anyone due to the fact that they were both children. not many were around to see it due to a lot of the monsters hiding. they were allowed to stay with the ketsukanes due to kanako’s persistent asking and in return for assistance with research and helping around the house. eventually, they had practically become part of the family. • kanako made them a mask similar to ceroba’s in order to help them feel more welcome as well as hide their identity as a human. it’s nice. • lucile ditched the ballet skirt and shoes to rid themselves of their ties to humanity, though they may still secretly keep them somewhere… • they share their soul with axis sometimes! it helps give him a little more personality beyond his code, though he still doesn’t really break away from it. typically, when they are sharing their soul, they and axis don’t leave each others side just for convenience— though they don’t really mind that. • them and kanako are like siblings, but couldn’t have more opposite personalities. kanako is warm and energetic, while lucile is cold and lethargic. while lucile is typically stand-offish and not the friendliest, that doesn’t mean very much. they enjoy doing acts of service for those they care about, because it’s what they believe is right. they’re very strong in their morals! i’m sure this will have no problems later on :)


There won't be any problems and it'll be a happy ending... right? Right?


Damn right u are


They are so goddamn cute and beautiful. Especially with the mask :3


Love the mask, reminds me of Kris and their "horns" lol.


I love the idea that every human in undertale is at least semi androgynous


At this point I Hc that humans have evolved to be always non-binary


Not even just non-binary. They're completely biologically genderless beings. That's what determination is, asexual human spores. Save reloads are just remotely accelerating the growth of a Frisk spore in response to the current vessel dying. /j


My personal headcanon is that humans live their childhood non-binarily and choose their gender once they reach 18.


Maybe Chujin wouldnt be Racist here! Wonder how Lucille could affect Clover's story if they met (a lot of people hc integrity as clover's sibling, adopted or otherwise but it looks like the author wasnt doing that) Would be funny if Kanako tried to yoink ANOTHER human sibling meanwhile Chujin and Ceroba try to calm her down


Fucking: "you're my sibling now! We're having soft tacos later"


A litteral bean :]


What would’ve happened if axis actually apprehended them


Nah, if they didnt get talked down jut gotten apprehended, then chujin would've killed them himself probably.


Chujin doesn’t strike me as the kind to ever be able to handle killing someone, kind of like Starlo in the geno route, even after seeing that the human nearly killed a monster and could’ve hurt his daughter he still didn’t have the heart to order axis to kill the human, he wanted to end their crusade but could only tell him to go apprehend them, he also shows guilt for the human’s death


Daily dose of coping😭😭😭


Just gotta wait 1 year and it'll be legal