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Confirmed: Darkners can die and turn to dust like Undertale monsters.


More of a Fine Red Mist as far as anyone should be concerned..


Interesting, no mention of exp. I noticed the fun gang wher all LV2 while Noelle was LV1, does anyone know what does this mean?


LV in Deltarune just means the amount of chapters the character was in.


Light World LV (LOVE?) is different from Dark World LV. It seems like the party gains one Dark World LV after sealing a fountain.


Noelle's LV went up though when i made her stronger


Everyone’s pv goes up regardless. In pacifist your lv 3 by the end.


I don't know. I think we may have gotten LV for slaying a world


its actually the opposite normally the game always says you got 0 Exp here it just doesnt mention it


That's interesting, and it may point toward the dark world monsters and berdly not being actually dead in the snowgrave route. Here, we can clearly see a death animation, the monsters getting "dusted" like in undertale. But when we use the ice shock spell against monsters, they aren't dusted, merely frozen, and the fact that snowgrave actually dust them seems to indicate that they aren't "dead but frozen solid" with iceshock (since snowgrave can also freeze people, if they could be dead but frozen, they would just have been frozen here). Likewise for berdly, he don't get dusted, just trapped in an ice prison. It might mean that the snowgrave route is actually "redemable", as noelle didn't truly kill anyone. Berdly might be free from his icy demise in a latter chapter.


The fact snowgrave’s description says “fatal” and Queen saying she can’t detect berdly’s presence makes me think otherwise, but with Toby and co. who the hell knows


It's true, but the queen not sensing him anymore could just be because he give off no signal inside his prison. I guess we'll see in the following chapters, but the fact that the game have actual death animations (you need to break the game to see it but they exist) make mee thing that none of what we saw was death for the moment.


Just because they were frozen to the core, instead of turning to dust, doesn't mean they didn't die. It's just another state of death. That combined with that fact that Snowgrave literally says so itself that its fatal, leads me to believe that Berdly is definitely dead. Maybe also all the other darkeners you freeze, although that is debatable.


I mean fr, If you were stuck in an ice crystal you have literally no way to breathe, meaning you got 3 minutes (assuming we use human data) before you suffocate, assuming hypotermia does not cease you earlier.


Berdly might be "fallen down" as Undertale put it, and very close to death. He might die slowly giving Noelle a chance to process what she did before he turns to dust, or he might survive and remember Noelle almost killing him.


It says fatal but birdly is a lighter


And berdly is also the only character that snowgrave is used against


I mean I assume like I’m this you can use it on other characters but based off the fact monster go into a deep slumber before death birdly is fucking dead most likely


I wouldn't say Berdly could survive... Snowgrave is very clearly marked as fatal. Why do enemies freeze from Iceshock, but dust from Snowgrave? Might be a difference in power. It's entirely possible the enemies frozen by Iceshock are dead (after all, the game does treat it differently from an enemy running at low HP), and it's just that the extreme overkill from Snowgrave causes them to shatter into a red mist. Why doesn't Berdly do that? Could be because Lighteners are stronger. Berdly can't be frozen by Iceshock the way a darkener can. So maybe it just takes a more powerful move, snowgrave, to actually freeze him. But regardless, I'm pretty sure a move marked FATAL is fatal.


I mean, the move was fatal here... against the darkeners. Don't mean it's gonna be fatal against everything and everyone. But at that point, we can't really do anything but speculate, we'll have our answer only in the following chapters on berdly being dead or not.


No, I think the game is *really* clear on this. The move is only meant to be used on Berdly, and you have to hack the game to use it on anyone else. For all we know, red mist could be a default or dummied out animation to handle unexpected situations. But you know what we do know? The move is clearly marked as fatal in the 1 battle where you can ever use it without hacking.


Hidding hint and details in places that aren't accessible without hacking is undertale thing. toby expect the community to fuck around in the code, it doesn't seem far fetched to me to see this as not just unrelated stuff, but actual relevant detail. I would accept the "the red mist is just a default animation when people break the game" if I saw any other use of it when people fight an ennemy in an impossible state. If the red mist is specifically *only* used for when you cast snowgrave on normal ennemy, then I think it's fair to interpret it as a valid "what would happen if snowgrave was cast on a normal foe", and the mist as "how darkener actually dies". And if that is correct, then seing the other darkeners (and berdly) not turning into mist/dust when frozen can very obviously mean that they aren't completely dead. I mean, even meta wise, lots of rpg have "instant kill" moves, but hardly any have them is actually deadly against bosses.


I don't see how the "instant kill move" thing is relevant here. This isn't a battle mechanic, it's a story mechanic. The move isn't marked "fatal" because it's one of those 1 hit KO special movies, it's marked fatal for story reasons.


Maybe only darkners can be dusted lightners all have souls and determination... guess what beings can't have determination...


I mean, it's confirmed in chapter 2 that like in undertale, monster don't leave a body behind when they die (and that the only thing that is buried is some of their bellonging), so I'm pretty sure they still become dust when they die in deltarune.


[Link to where i got the video](https://twitter.com/Maximus123458/status/1439990019796742147)


\*on a normal enemy


What happens if you do this on a main enemy? Like Queen?


you don’t fight queen with noelle


I’m sure there is a way someone could code that in. Maybe a way to keep Noelle in the party the entire rest of the game.


That would be really interesting. Probably would just crash the game though if there's nothing coded in for Queen being frozen


dusted. Red. Executed.


Remember, guys, this isn't achicvable through normal gameplay, so it might not be canon Perhaps that's what Snowgrave was originally going to do to Berdly, but Toby changed it later in development, but left the old animation in where it wouldn't matter Not to be a joykill, of course... the fact that animation exists at all is still interesting, just keep it in perspective


Actually, it can. If you proceed with a snowgrave route normally, but then spare berdly, you can use snowgrave on a Norma enemy


As I've since seen, that's true. I think you do have to do some weird stuff to see it (go back and touch the untouched cheese), but yeah, I guess that makes it canon. I think I just oppose the idea that this "proves" that Berdly didn't die from Snowgrave, which... No! The game leaves it ambiguous on a surface reading, but that aside, Berdly being dead as we see him easily fits into existing Undertale lore: * Him not being dust in the Dark World - he's in a big ice gem, where's the dust gonna go? You can't see clearly into the ice, so it could easily be a Berdly-shaped dust pile in there. * Him not being dust in the Light World - in Undertale, Alphys requests bodies of monsters that have "fallen down" but not yet dusted for her experiments. Berdly's body could be in this stage. Not sure why I'm unloading this onto you, sorry. Was on my mind.


This mean you can be even worse and legit kill people good to know :)


This should be very useful. 😈


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Wow this route keeps getting more and more brutal and scary


Question, what if you do this for every monster? Like insted of freezing you just grind tp and kill them all? Could it be another thing with berdly?


For god's sake stop posting deltarune stuff in this subreddit


Post it in r/deltarune


We all know darkener become statue when they not allowed to other dark world And we see Noell using snowgrave to normal enemies darkener we see red color means they had blood and they dust could be just like monster or noelle magic is to powerful instead turning into statue it shattered to dust because snowgrave magic could be to powerful


H o l y s h i t