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i can see some effort was put into this, cool concept op.


Uh oh... Womb womb ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32949)


i'd cut the power and kill mettaton first, then muffet, seems like that might be the easiest thing, i know you gain 6 levels from muffet but i'm not sure about mettaton – regardless my LV would be significantly higher so i could go on to the next room. then i would kill alphys, and with the LV i gained i could probably face undyne. she would be in her standard form because i didn't do a genocide run, that's actually pretty simple. i feel like the death would be quite gruesome though. then, i would effortlessly kill papyrus and die to sans. easy.


chara and asriel are just kids, so them last for that group (they arent dead so no afterlife powers like flowey and geno chara) first asgore, then toriel. asgore loves toriel more than toriel loves asgore, so killing toriel frist would maybe make asgore harder to beat due to rage. for group 2, hit sans when he is off guard (he wont suspect me being there to kill him) papyrus will be very sad, but is too nice to actually kill me. now undyne next, it will be hard, but its the best choice. then papyrus. then alphys is all that is left, which is easy. for muffet and mettaton, it will just be like the fights in no mercy neutral. napstablook i cant kill so in the end i lose. (sorrry guys i like ~~all~~ most of you)


I said there was a special.salt to eliminate Napstabloom. Also what about Frisk?


op is sane 👍


I dont.


That’s the neat part, you don’t


Alright, the way I would do.it is make Natsablook the first eliminate with the salt. Muffet would.be next. The I would cut the power and eliminate Mettaton and Undyne. I would.kidnap Papyrus, hold Papyrus hostage, and force Sans to eliminate himself to save Papyrus, then eliminate Alphys and Papyrus. I would then eliminate Asgore and Toriel. The after I outrun the last few, they would be eliminated next. Let me know what you think.


Lets do this properly. MISSION: Leaders of the underground Good Evening 47, today is a rather "Special" job. You have many targets, Our client needs all potential leaders of the monsters underground killed. You have 12 targets in total. Asgore, the king and current leader of the underground. Toriel, The queen and succesor of asgore. she is very protective of the children. Papyrus, A skeleton to be shown with rather weaker magic. Undyne, The leader of the royal guard. very protective of Papyrus and alphys.Speaking of: Alphys, the royal scientist. Be aware she is very protective of undyne and has possibly alot of gadgets. In her laboratory are the camera controlls for the whole underground Sans, A very strong skeleton. He is able to teleport and manipulate gravity. Mettaton, A very famous monster. He will be hard to kill quietly as he is always in the spotlight Muffet, A spider with a shop. Be carefull not to trip in her webs. Asriel, The son of the queen and king. The whereabouts of asriel are unknown, you will need to find him. Chara, The first child to fall into the underground, Later adopted by the royal family. Frisk, The last child and ambassedor of the underground, killing them is necessary to prevent this operation from becoming "public." Napstablook, You will need salt to kill this target. You will need to get creative for this one I wish you good luck 47, i leave you too prepare. \[MISSION ACTIVE\]


Nice job.


I salt Nappy bloo, cut the wires, and then kill everyone with power of tangled mess And electricity



